Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3373: Each

   But, obviously, this time is not the original. At this time, their situation is already fundamentally different from the original.

   Faced with a situation that seemed desperate enough in the past, they could barely see hope for a solution.

  Although, it is still extremely difficult, and they need to pay a large enough price to be able to do it… But the difference between possible and impossible is the difference between hope and despair.

   Faced with such a situation, the six robbery strongmen in the alliance began to study the connection between themselves and the source that they had hated.

  Since it is necessary to block the influence of the source on them, it is natural to need to understand the way of the influence and the result of the influence.

  If you don’t even understand these things, what you are saying about blocking effects is just empty mouths, meaning nothing at all.

   Therefore, at this time, they obviously have to study the interaction between them and the source. Only when this mode of action is truly confirmed, just then can find a way to prevent this mode of action from producing effects.

The source is the source of all their adventures.

   This is already clear in the practice of the long time before.

  All the insights they have gained and all the gains from practice are actually obtained from the source that consumes infinite effort and risks.

   From a certain point of view, they are just sitting and enjoying their success.

If you look at it more strictly, they can be said to have stolen the source’s spiritual achievements and directly used the source’s spiritual achievements to achieve themselves!

  Under such circumstances, they refuse to contact Yuanyuan and refuse to dedicate themselves to Yuanyuan, which can be regarded as an unethical behavior.

   But, apparently, at this time, no strong six-robbers are willing to really dedicate themselves, and really give everything they have to their source.

   After all, no matter how, this is all my life!

  Even if this life comes from that source, but like a child born in a parent, he would never be willing to sit back and watch his parents kill him directly… These six robbers will never Will be willing to give his life back to the source because his source is that source!

   At this time, all the six-robber strongmen directly ignored the gains they had obtained after sensing the source.

   This kind of harvest about all the sources about myself.

   but in the other direction, towards the subtle connection between the source and them, constantly exerting force.

  Compared to the past, there is now a vast alliance as the bottom line. They faced that source, but they have lost the sense of insignificance they had before, but have a rare bottom line.

   This kind of confidence made them feel that even if the source suddenly burst out, they could find a way to stop it.

  Rely on this alliance!

   Or, rely on that dream platform!

   As for the biggest source of this confidence, it is naturally because the dream platform has become vast and vast, and even feels that it is thousands of times larger than the hidden world.

  Dream, although in general it is an illusory existence.

  However, in some special circumstances, dreams are extremely real.

   For example, for information, for example, for some special spiritual practices…

  Now that the dream world can become a real existence under special circumstances, then nature represents that under some special transformation, the dream world is enough to become a real barrier to block these six In addition to the robbers, keep everything they care about and worry about outside!

   Of course, the changes required are naturally very complicated, and the mystery that needs to be borrowed is extremely profound, but it is by no means a normal level of existence.

   Therefore, at this time, those strong six-robbers were not too arrogant, but still very cautious and cautious.


  When those changes occurred in the hidden world at the junction, on the sixth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable, those who had Clone, avatars, and projections were put into the hidden world, but then disappeared because of the hidden world The six robbers who were excluded from the sixth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable all felt faintly that there was some indescribable change that they could not perceive.

   These six robbers are not ordinary. Some of them even come back from the battlefield of the True Saint Road outside Daoist Venerable. Compared with the general six robbers, they are even more unusual.

   like them, they have a keen sense of perception and strong thinking ability, needless to say.

   This kind of change, which happened in a place they didn’t know, after they sensed it, they didn’t need much time, they already knew clearly where this change came from.

   “It must be the hidden world! There must have been a very favorable change for us! Otherwise, it will not make us feel like this!” In the secret exchange alliance, those strong six-robbers One by one, this information is constantly being exchanged between them.

  Although I haven’t really re-connected to the hidden world, I haven’t really confirmed what kind of change is beneficial to them, but the induction of just is enough to make them very excited.

   After all, before that, they couldn’t even see it at all.

  Although the situation has not improved much at this time, at least they have seen hope.

  This is the difference between zero and one.

  Although the difference between them is only a trivial one, in essence, this is already the essential difference between nothing and nothing.

   “I can feel that, somewhere, there is a subtle call.” At one moment, a strongman from Six Tribes said this.

   “Can you still feel it? I could feel it before, but not long ago, I can’t feel it anymore.” Another six-robber strongman froze, said.

   “Me too!” Another six-robber strongman echoed in this way.

   “Me too!” After that, the other six robbers were one after another.

   Their words changed each other’s eyes slightly. They did not feel anything wrong with the existence of the subtle summons they concealed. This is, after all, a secret of their own extreme privacy.

   Such a secret, who will hand it over casually? !

   Even if it is in such an alliance that exchanges all kinds of information it holds, it is the same.

  After all, these secrets have nothing to do with the information exchanged in this alliance. Since there is no relationship, it is naturally impossible for many people like this to surrender everything.

   At this time, the reason for the change of their eyes is obviously impossible because they found that other people are hiding their own summoned perception like themselves, but because of the existence of this changing trend!

   The existence of this trend of change represents the fact that it is still possible to feel that the six-robber strong who summons existence now, and then I am afraid that I will lose this feeling when I don’t know when!

   That is to say, if they want to study this kind of summoning, want to find the source of this kind of summoning, and want to find the existence that is in contact with themselves again, they need to hurry up!

   Moreover, you must hurry up extremely, otherwise, in the next moment, maybe everything will be lost.

   Faced with this situation, how could they not be anxious? !

  What they can think of, those who can still sense the kind of summoning the existence of the Six Robbers, naturally can also think of it.

   At this time, there were many six-robber strongmen who had no openings at all, and each opening said that they could also feel the kind of call.

  At the same time, there are more, six robbery strong who surpassed these strong people thousands of times, all said that they can feel the summon before, but they can’t feel it now!

   This change makes those who are strong in the Six Tribulations even more eager.

   “The situation is worse than imagined! If we don’t unite and don’t gather everyone’s strength to explore this feeling, maybe we will really miss this opportunity.” The six robbers said one by one At that time, he looked very dignified at those powerful six-robber who could still feel the kind of summoning existence.

   “Come on, I will show this feeling first, let’s study and study it.” At this time, a strong six-robber gritted his teeth and said.

  If under other circumstances, he would never be able to bring out the feeling of summoning the most private feelings for everyone to study, but obviously, this is not the other situation at this time, if he does not show this This kind of feeling, maybe he must become the strongman of the Six Robbery around him who can only wait for others to show his feelings before he can realize this feeling of summoning again.

  Compared to that end, they would rather have their feelings manifested.

  It is not a difficult thing for these six-robber powerhouses to realize this feeling.

   Especially when the information flow exists at this time.

   That information flow is itself composed of infinite information. And feeling, in fact, can also be regarded as a product of information, but only the product of the interaction between information and the spirit itself.

  Under such circumstances, it can naturally be transformed into information through some kind of deformation and appear in the information flow.

   And this method of transforming it is naturally an extremely simple matter for the Six Robbers.

   Soon, as he made up his mind, in the flow of information, that is where the hidden world is, naturally, there are some new, subtle streamers that did not exist before.

   These streamers, like the same ray of light, communicate with each other in that information-hiding world, and in the process, they implicitly change that side of the world, making many scenes in that side of the world subtle. Changes, countless details that were not there before, appear in many worlds in the world, making those worlds more and more complicated.

   At the same time, it also made the world more complicated and more real.

   This streamer is nothing but the transformation of the call of the Six Robbers.

  At this time, I don’t know how many powerful six-robbers concentrated their perception on the streamer, and began to carefully realize the feeling of being called.

   “I can feel that there is some kind of coincidence between that place and our place in the endless world!” This is what a six-robber strongman said after feeling the feeling of calling Discourse.

  Obviously, this six-robber powerhouse has its own Clone, avatar, projection and the like in the endless world.

   At this time, this feeling of summoning, in his induction, has a faint smell of faintness, it seems that the goal that summoned him, and in the endless world, his Clone passed to himself The feeling of calling is somewhat similar.

   This similarity made him believe that the place where the call came from was most likely to be the same place as the endless world!

  Although it may be that the big place is the same place, specifically two different places…

   But for him, it was already a great surprise.

   not only represents that he has captured the trace of the source of the call, but also indicates that their previous guess, that such call may be from the real hidden world, is correct!

  Because many previous signs have shown that the hidden world and the endless world are behind the same incredible existence, and the disappearance of both of them is also in the same place.

   If it comes like At this time, it was determined that the hidden world may be in the same big place as the endless world, would it not be convenient to prove their guess that the two are in the same place? !

   confirmed that this guess was not a surprise to them? !

   “Does Fellow Daoist have such a feeling of summoning? If you don’t vote in now, what time will you wait?!” This powerful six-robber drank.

   Hearing his drink, there were a lot of six-robber strong sighs, and now there was a streamer on his body, rushing straight into the information flow, and then through the block of heavy information, he slammed into it. In the information hiding world, it turns into a stream of light, communicates in the information hiding world, and draws a long line, making the information hiding world become more and more wonderful. The details also follow. The work has become more and more, the whole world is hidden, and it has become more and more complicated.

   However, during this process, there were also some streamers, paddling, and disappeared without a trace.

  It seems that this process of streamer flashing is also a huge consumption for these streamers…

   But obviously, this is not the case. This is actually because, in the process, the feeling of summoning felt by those powerful six-robbers disappeared unconsciously…



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