Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3286: Suddenly came

The expansion of that network did not use these universal Standing Aloofs themselves as nodes.

At least, the focus is not on them…

The true node of this network expansion is the world of these Standing Aloofs!

This trait makes the expansion of this network traceable, but at the same time, it also makes this expansion difficult to resist.

After all, those heavens and earth are there, and it is not impossible to move them. However, obviously not all can be done in a short time.

Heaven and earth are there. Through the expansion direction of the previous network, it is natural to be able to roughly determine the distance between the heaven and earth into the network, how much time is left in the whole, and how much is left.

And the world is there, let them know that before they move the world to another location, the network change will include them!

With such traits, in the face of this ever-expanding network, what kind of worries those of the world’s Standing Aloof will have, it is taken for granted.

So, among those Standing Aloof who are awe-inspiring, those who can expect that their own world will be incorporated into the whole will naturally change their positions due to the change of camp.

Similarly, other Standing Aloof people who did not participate in this dispute will naturally be able to predict when they will be included in that camp through various changes, and then change their positions and invest in the parties that are fighting. Among…

In this way, this battle is like a wildly expanding vortex, drawing more and more world-wide Standing Aloof people into it. The scale of the battle began at an unimaginable speed. Swell up.

Originally, in this endless world, only a small part of the world’s Standing Aloof participated in it.

But, in just a few short years, most of the world’s Standing Aloof in this endless world have been involved.

And the scope of their battle has expanded from a small area around the node that originally used tens of thousands of visionary Standing Aloof people to occupy the most endless world!

According to the size difference between the two, if you want to produce such a change in just a few years, the scale of the battle will always be at the moment Doubled now…

Only by doubling at this moment, can it be doubled in size in just a few years!

“Although the purpose is to resist Fated Tribulation, their plan is the beginning of Fated Tribulation…” At a certain moment, Luo Fan sighed.

Compared with the beings in this endless world, he was still kept in the dark, but he discovered the advent of the endless world disaster for the first time.

Even if the way of this endless heaven and earth is different from any previous time, it seems silent. There is no sign of the Fated Tribulation coming before a minute, he can instantly determine that this Fated Tribulation has arrived!

The reason for this is because, at this time, he has lost control of the endless world…

No matter how much future you occupy, the endless world will derive more futures to make your control of the future invalid, which is generally the same as the situation in the last endless world disaster!

Only from Path of a Daoist Venerable, or even Fated Tribulation in a chaotic state, is it possible to get rid of the control of differentiation Dao Fruit.

Now this situation clearly indicates that Fated Tribulation has arrived.

According to the status of the endless world today, this Fated Tribulation, of ​​course, can only be the third endless world robbery…

As he realized this, in an instant, an indescribable subtlety appeared out of nowhere in his induction.

This is not a real aura, but an aura abstracted from various characteristics and atmospheres. It’s like, the soaring mechanism is abstracted to form a kind of entity…

This kind of aura is now covering the whole differentiation Dao Fruit, even where Luo Fan is at this time, it will be affected by this aura.

Not to mention the innumerable beings among the divided Dao Fruit.

Under the influence of this subtle and inexplicable Fated Tribulation, this endless world of chaos continues to spread. In the next few decades, this endless world has completely changed its appearance.

Those visionary world-wide Standing Aloof big schemes are clever and can connect all the world and all things in the network together. It seems incredible, it seems impossible to crack at all, once joined, it can only be for this Dedicate everything as a whole.

But don’t forget that these far-sighted Standing Aloof people are only Standing Aloof people.

They may be stronger in some respects than other Standing Aloofs around the world, and they also have a greater sense of responsibility and mission. However, its level is not much higher than other Standing Aloofs in the world.

Under such circumstances, how could the network they built be perfect? How could it really be impossible to get rid of once it joined? !

Obviously, this kind of thing is simply impossible.

If you can join, you can naturally quit and get rid of. Just, find the right way.

Obviously, even at the beginning, those who are forced to join the universal Standing Aloof cannot find a way out. However, with the passage of time, as the various qualities revealed by this network become more and more obvious, such traces will gradually appear.

And as long as there are traces, then for some of the world’s Standing Aloof people, it is obviously enough.

Therefore, with the passage of time, some Standing Aloof people from around the world have been forced to join, and once again get rid of this whole and regain their freedom.

And they are free, which obviously means that this network has been torn apart. And once the cracks appear, they will obviously not close again.

Next, the crack will only get bigger and bigger, not smaller and smaller.

It’s self-evident how these world-wide Standing Aloof‘s mentality got rid of this whole.

They are naturally worried, angry, and scared.

Worry is that I will be forced to join it again, angry, naturally I was forced to join it before, and I had to do many ideal things to ensure my safety. Fearful, is that the whole body will strike all kinds of blows to itself because it gets rid of it!

Because of these feelings, their next actions are self-evident.

The best way to avoid all kinds of bad endings is, of course, to strengthen your own strength.

The most effective way to strengthen one’s own strength is to increase the number of one’s own side.

Coincidentally, they have mastered the way to increase the number of their own side…they get rid of the overall means, but it is not just able to act on them.

So, in the next step, they began to use a variety of methods to help other Standing Aloof people from the whole world get rid of the whole and the network.

With their efforts, the number of their side naturally began to expand.

The mentality of those who are helped by them to get rid of the whole Standing Aloof is naturally equivalent to them. Worry, anger and fear coexist.

In this way, their choice is naturally similar to their predecessors.

In this case, the strength of their side is starting to grow rapidly.

Without much time, it has become the third camp.

For their escape, those visionary Standing Aloofs of the world are naturally disgusted.

If they want to help this endless world to resist the endless heaven and earth, they need to connect all the world and all creatures together, and use the overall strength to resist the endless heaven and earth.

Under such circumstances, these world-wide Standing Aloof people were able to get rid of the whole body again after joining, which is obviously an act of destroying unity. And they continue to keep more world-renowned Standing Aloof people out of this whole, which is even more unbearable.

So, in the next, they began to use various means to start dealing with these world-renowned Standing Aloof who once again got rid of.

Because of this, their overall efforts to expand have slowed down a lot.

This, however, gives those who have not yet been drawn into this whole to get some breathing opportunities.

And when they get a chance to breathe, they will naturally start to work hard to save themselves.

As a result, they will naturally turn their attention to the third camp, that is, the world-wide Standing Aloof who can get rid of once again after joining.

If you can’t join, then it’s better not to join.

They are naturally expecting that it is best not to join the whole, and then look for how to get rid of the whole. But, obviously, with their reason, they are quite clear. Putting all hopes on not joining that whole is simply putting their hopes on dogs not eating shit…

So, the best course of course is to leave yourself a way to ensure that even if you fall into that end, you can still guarantee that you can get rid of it completely.

With such a mentality, the three camps started to merge gradually, and eventually became two camps.

One is not afraid of being included in that whole, and one is that whole.

The two camps are constantly transforming each other.

Although, in the end, the camp that is not afraid of being incorporated into it as a whole is constantly growing, the process in between is obviously quite repeated.

After all, they are only able to get rid of again after joining, but they are not completely not drawn into it…

If so, the final result can be imagined.

After hundreds of years, the two camps finally formed a balance.

Become. Two camps that can’t crush anyone, and who can’t beat anyone. Between these endless worlds, there is an endless battle.

The reason why not all the Standing Aloofs in the whole is finally rid of that whole, but the state of balance is finally formed. The reason is actually very simple.

Because of the impact of endless world disaster…

Of course, this is only the macroscopic root cause. The immediate reason is naturally not the case. The direct reason is that those who join the whole world Standing Aloof are also constantly trying to find a way to prevent those who are world Standing Aloof from getting rid of the whole…

As I said before, there is not much difference between them.

Since those who have got rid of the whole world Standing Aloof can think of ways to get rid of, then those who have got Standing Aloof in the whole of the world can naturally think of ways to prevent them from getting rid of.

This is like cracking and anti-cracking.

The end result is balance when there is not much difference between the two parties. That is, the balance at this time…

Therefore, it will be formed like this at this moment, a roughly balanced appearance, there are two camps that no one can crush.

And the emergence of these two camps also represents the fact that this endless chaos will continue for a long time!

Moreover, its scale will be bigger and bigger, more and more amazing, and finally, this whole piece will be pulled into the abyss completely.

At this time, in the eyes of Luo Fan, the ecstasy covered by the endless world has unconsciously increased to an unimaginable Covered completely.

“It’s a pity…” Seeing this scene, Luo Fan knew that the loss of this endless world in this endless world disaster would be greater than any previous one!

However, even if this is the case, he has no intention of shooting, and he has not even reminded the thoughts of those who are Standing Aloof all over the world.

After all, this is what the endless world itself should encounter.

This endless world is itself due to the great potential of the endless world. If we can survive this Fated Tribulation, the potential of the endless world will be further stimulated, and all aspects of itself will be greatly enhanced. It may even get some unimaginable transformation.

In contrast, if you mix it up as before, the end result may be the same as the previous two, so that this endless world does not get too many benefits, or even plant all kinds of hidden dangers.

In fact, this time the endless world and the world will be so strange, I am afraid that in the previous two Fated Tribulations, this endless world and the world did not get all the benefits it might get.

This time, this endless world will suffer too much damage. The hidden dangers planted before are also one of the most important reasons.

Since I know this, Luo Fan will naturally choose a more correct approach at this time, even if this approach will make this endless world suffer more damage in the following time, it will seem to become more tragic, but also in this way.

After all, for him, as long as the endless world itself exists, as long as its characteristics have not changed, then everything does not matter. His differentiation Dao Fruit is still differentiation Dao Fruit, even if the power will be a little worse, it is still differentiation Dao Fruit, there will be no change in essence…

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