Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3149: Split

At the moment when the ruler of the dynasty flashed this idea, his entire body exploded…

Yes, there is no turning point, but this ruler of the dynasty did not have time to use any method to change his embarrassment, but it was already supported by the endless information…

At this time, the dynasty heaven and earth tremble violently, and all beings in the whole world feel their hearts empty at the same time. It seems that some things that are vital to themselves suddenly disappear.

An inexplicable sadness gradually emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Most creatures don’t know what this represents, but obviously, there is also a very powerful cultivator in this royal dynasty. Even Paramount Emperor has many.

Ordinary creatures don’t know what these different kinds of induction represent. They can naturally guess many things.

Therefore, in an instant, I don’t know how many figures appeared across the sky where the altar is, that is, where the ruler of the dynasty has stayed since the formation of this side of heaven and earth.

When they came here, they knew that their ominous hunch had come true.

Because, in front of them, not only the ruler of the dynasty has disappeared, but also the huge altar, which has been refined into twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty worlds and endless wonderful materials, has also disappeared. Disappeared.

On the place where the altar is, there is only one deep pit left.

Fortunately, there are no living creatures around this altar because of the solemnity. Otherwise, with the density of living beings near this altar, this sudden change may cause billions of living creatures to die directly. .

“Your Majesty is gone!” I don’t know which cultivator shouted at this time.

In a blink of an eye, the sound spread across an unknown range of hundreds of millions of miles around, which aroused all the living beings in this range to panic more than before.

The rulers of the dynasty, but they are able to come to the source of Standing Aloof. How grateful they are for the rulers of the dynasty, and how much they admire, it is needless to say.

The reason for just is enough to make them feel strong grief after hearing the ruler of the dynasty disappeared.

Not to mention, in addition to the gratitude and respect for the rulers of the dynasty, as the existence of Standing Aloof that led them to the world, the rulers of the dynasty have already become their spiritual pillars. Even if it is the ruler of the dynasty, I don’t know how many movements there have been for hundreds of millions of years. It seems that there is no such activity at all, but if you think of him in this heaven and earth, as long as you know that he is on the altar, everyone’s heart This creates a strong sense of security.

It’s like, an omnipotent existence is behind you. No matter what mistakes you make, no matter how drastic changes happen in the world, that omnipotent existence can calmly solve all problems. .

This is a sense of security…

Under such circumstances, the ruler of the dynasty, which can bring them a sense of security, suddenly disappears without a trace. How can they not panic? !

Even if the rulers of the dynasty just disappear normally, leave them normally, and are unwilling to protect them normally, it is enough to make them feel empty of mind.

And this situation is only the most optimistic.

It is more likely that the ruler of the dynasty disappeared because of a drastic change that he could not bear!

If this is really the case, will that drastic change spread to them after it disappears, will it spread to the whole world? !

Thinking of this, they are even more scared.

An inexplicable confusion that began to spread gradually from this area in all directions.

It can be expected that if the situation has not been completely changed, then, this originally unified dynasty world, I am afraid that there will be a split that should have occurred a long time ago…

After all, this dynasty is now a world, not the original dynasty.

As a side of heaven and earth, its details are many times deeper than the previous dynasty.

The ruling style of the dynasty at that time was actually a bit inappropriate compared to the dynasty which had many times of profound knowledge. It is only because the ruler of the dynasty is suppressing everything, that this improper neglect is forcibly ignored, and the dynasty has maintained its ruling structure when it was still a dynasty.

Now, with the disappearance of the ruler of the dynasty, the inappropriateness that was forcibly ignored will naturally become more and more obvious.

Even the sentient beings in this heaven and earth will not admire the rulers of the dynasty. This trend of division is absolutely inevitable. Even if the powerful presence of the ruler of the dynasty appears again in this world, at most it can only form a large and small dynasty structure, and it is impossible to restore this world to its previous state of unity.

This is how things are going.

In the next ten thousand years, this whole world seems to be falling into a split.

Wars began to erupt in various places of the dynasty.

Spirit, large and large deaths, large numbers of cultivator masses, and even the whole world, in this process, all the Life Qi and vitality that have never been shown before are shown in this process. Things that did not appear in this celestial world, or even the celestial world before this Standing Aloof, continued to be derived everywhere in this celestial world.

For example, there are many unimaginable life races, as if they existed for a long time, but have not been discovered before, appearing everywhere in this world.

For example, there are many peculiar resources that have never been seen before, appearing in various places that seem to be extremely common.

For example, all kinds of legends exist, but I don’t know how many billions of years haven’t seen anything cultivator, creatures have seen, and the landscape has once again appeared between this side of the world…

Wait and so on, the subtleties of it cannot be described by words at all.

It feels like this side of the world has suddenly inspired its own potential and really started to come alive.

Although it is only ten thousand years, in the feeling of these beings, this world seems to have spent hundreds of millions of years.

All the changes that have occurred in this world between tens of thousands of years, even in the original hundreds of millions of years, may not be able to appear!

Whether it is the heavens and the earth itself, or the relationship between the sentient beings in the heavens and the earth has changed.

For thousands of years, compared to a dynasty that divided a unified world, it was naturally a rather short period of time.

However, after ten thousand years of development, the prototype of this split has gradually taken shape. The original whole dynasty was gradually split into ten great dynasties, hundreds of small dynasties, tens of thousands of ordinary kingdoms…

Of course, nowadays, although the general prototype has appeared, it is obviously still extremely unstable.

These great dynasties, little dynasties, and kingdoms all have many contradictions with each other. They are very dissatisfied with their territory and the resources they occupy.

Because of such contradictions and such dissatisfaction, for a long time to come, it is obviously impossible to calm this world.

And the division of these forces will inevitably have some changes.

According to the size of the dynasty world, when the whole situation is truly stabilized, the number of great dynasties may reach as many as seventeen or eighty. And the number of that little dynasty will also increase by 10% to 20%. In contrast, the tens of thousands of ordinary nations, on the contrary, will be reduced by 30% to 40%…

In the battle and chaos within this dynasty, time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, one billion years have passed.

In the beginning, it was only a thousand years, and the split prototype of the unified dynasty had already appeared.

However, when the entire division was completely completed, many great dynasties, small dynasties, and ordinary nations really stabilized, and when they recognized each other, the time had passed a billion years.

On this day, one billion years after the ruler of the dynasty disappeared, the last war due to the territories ended completely, the last site dispute ended completely, and the whole world finally stabilized completely.

At this time, the number of great dynasties in the whole world was as expected, there were seventeen. The number of little dynasties was also not much different from the original estimate, which was 437. After that, the number of ordinary countries was reduced to more than 30,000.

The overall change trend is not much different from the original scruples.

Among these forces, the supreme ruler of the great dynasty is all Paramount Emperor.

The rulers of the little dynasty are generally Despairer.

The supreme ruler of that ordinary country is at least a false saint…

Of course, this does not mean that all Paramount Emperor can rule the great dynasty, all Despairer can rule the little dynasty, and all false saints can rule the ordinary kingdom.

In fact, the cultivator participating in this power struggle is only a small part after all.

There is a large part of cultivator, but they all chose different paths and did not become rulers.

It’s like Paramount Emperor. There are obviously more than 17 Paramount Emperors in this world. In fact, the number of Paramount Emperor in the whole world is probably more than ten times the number of seventeen.

As for Despairer, the existence of false saints is not ten times more than this, but there is also a gap of several times.

It’s just that these cultivators have different ideas, either to surrender to those rulers, or to live in seclusion directly, away from the power in the world.

Because of this billion-year war, the whole world has changed dramatically.

Nowadays, even if the ruler of the dynasty returns, he may not recognize that this is the world of the dynasty with the world-wide Standing Aloof.

First of all, the range touched by the soul is already much wider than it was.

At the beginning, because the expansion of the dynasty heaven and earth exceeded the speed of the development of the soul, so the dynasty claimed to unify the heaven and earth, but the area it actually occupied was only one tenth of the whole world.

Even at every moment, the dynasty is seeking to expand its territory, but it is still quite far away from truly putting all areas of the whole world under rule.

However, after this billion-year war, although there are still some areas in this whole world that are still inaccessible, they are not occupied by any dynasty, any country, but only tenths are left. The area is gone.

The remaining nine-tenths or more of the area has already become the site of a dynasty or kingdom!

This breadth of development is more than ten times stronger than it used to be? !

Besides, the number of creatures in this dynasty is more than declining, but it is more than tens of times that of the original.

As for the number of races in the world, the types and amounts of various resources, and even Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, the degree of temporal stability and spatial stability have made great progress compared to the beginning.

It seems that the previous billion years did not seem to be the chaos and war in this dynasty, but the whole world stepped into the fast lane of development.

And at this moment, when many forces in the dynasty are really stabilized, they finally begin to gradually slow it is still not really over, it has been slow to almost It can be ignored.

Obviously, the various changes in this world were due to the stimulation of that kind of war.

In this stable state, time passes slowly, and unconsciously hundreds of millions of years have passed.

On this day, at the place where the ruler of the dynasty disappeared, and above the deep pit left by the disappearance of the altar, suddenly there were countless streamers converging, gradually filling the deep pit.

Although after the dynasty ruler disappeared, the dynasty world soon fell into a split, but in fact, the many spirits of the split dynasty still respect this dynasty ruler quite.

This place where the rulers of the imperial dynasty disappeared was not affected even when there was no fighting in the whole world.

So, what this place looks like, what it looks like after these billions of years.

It has not been turned into ruins in a certain war, nor has it been occupied and developed by a certain dynasty or kingdom.

If there is any place in this whole world that still has the same appearance as it was a billion years ago, maybe it is only the altar and the area within a certain range around it.

On this day, countless streamers continue to converge, but it is gradually filling up this deep pit that seems to be stagnation here for years, and a building that has disappeared for billions of years has gradually emerged.

An altar constructed from twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty worlds and as many materials as possible!

At this moment, an unspeakable shock began to spread from this position to all directions, and in an instant it spread to every inch of the void in the whole world.


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