Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3085: Idea

  At this moment, the middle-aged woman looks like a seven-robber strongman who has been slightly blinded by the desire in her heart.

   This blindness, if it is placed on ordinary people, it will only become a little stubborn, and it will not have much impact. However, when placed on this middle-aged woman, at this time, this slightly blinding effect is obviously not so simple.

   Although only slightly blinded, under this blinding, the middle-aged woman has unknowingly ignored that the position of the will is completely different from her, and thus ignored the plan behind the will…

   And the result is that her failure is almost completely doomed.

When    made a judgment on Luo Fan, that will finally complete the plan.

   And this is the time when the middle-aged woman decided to go further and push the chaos of this world into other worlds.

  At this moment, the middle-aged woman suddenly lost her mind.

   The infinite power that was originally intended, suddenly lost most of it. Only the part she released was still under her control!

   “What’s going on?!” The thought flowed instantaneously in her heart.

   However, soon, she suddenly reacted to what kind of mistakes she had made-the deception she received was only very subtle after all, just like an ordinary person became a little stubborn, a little stubborn However, it is not difficult to wake up.

   And at that moment, at the moment when the heartfelt intentions suddenly disappeared, she suddenly felt clear, and the influence of the blinding on her was instantly suppressed by her.

  After suppressing that kind of blinding, she naturally couldn’t know what she had ignored.

   But, obviously, it was too late for her to wake up at this time.

  At this time, the vortex in front of her suddenly began to contract suddenly, and in a blink of an eye, it contracted from a vortex to a woman.

   This woman is somewhat similar to her.

   Anyone can see at first glance that this woman has a very close relationship with her.

   However, this woman is very different from her, that is, this woman is extremely young!

   looks about 16 or 7 years old, just like the youth.

   In this woman’s body, the area where Space and Time borders the world has completely collapsed. At this moment, there was endless chaos surrounding it.

   That chaotic chaos.

   Other than that, there is no other.

  No matter what the cosmic starry sky, or the world, or the Space and Time, you can’t find any more!

   This kind of appearance, I know at a glance, it is the essence, the universe starry sky has been completely transformed into this 16-year-old woman…

   “Thank you for your cooperation, now I am truly free.” After the woman appeared, she smiled at the middle-aged woman like this.

   In her speech, her body suddenly appeared with some unspeakable power out of thin air, completely covering her.

   This power is so mysterious, after covering it, it seems to be gradually pulling it into an inexplicable place, making its shape become more and more imitation, more and more unreal .

   This kind of power is generally alive or unclear, but no matter if it is Luo Fan is still the middle-aged woman, but please be clear. This power is not other, it is the power of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

   Or, it is the fundamental rule of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

   “It seems that this is the second situation.” At this time, Luo Fan made a sigh of emotion.

   The second situation he said was naturally two kinds of guesses he had made after Clone was completely independent and completely cut off the connection with True Body.

  Among them, the first guess he made was that this Clone would stay on the sixth floor of this Path of a Daoist Venerable after independence, and the restrictions of the Daoist Venerable prison that had been subjected to Clone would also disappear completely.

   And the second guess is what happened to that will now, because there has never been any record left in the previous layers of Path of a Daoist Venerable. So once it is truly independent, the fundamental rules of Path of a Daoist Venerable will be directly transferred to the first layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable! Needing its ascent again and again, just then may come back here…

  However, although this will is the second situation, Luo Fan does not think that the first situation is wrong.

  Recall all the things I have seen in the fifth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable before. Perhaps the first situation is actually possible. After all, were the relatives and friends of the six-robber and the seven-robber powerful the first?

   Perhaps, there is some room for choice, maybe…

  Of course, whether there is really room for choice, which kind of situation occurs randomly, or whether there are more complicated factors to decide which kind of situation, this is obviously only conjecture for the time being.

  After all, it is impossible for Luo Fan itself to personally confirm what is going on.

  In such a situation, no matter how he guesses, in the end, obviously it can only stop at guessing…

   “Relax, our days are still long. In the future we will meet each other.” At this time, such words came out of the body that gradually disappeared.

  After such words, her figure disappeared completely.

   The middle-aged woman stayed at this time for a long time. After a while, the just then chief exhaled and turned to look at the Luo Fan that had been around for several months, sighing: “Fellow Daoist has already seen ?”

   “I only see part of it.” Luo Fan just smiled.

   The middle-aged woman smiled bitterly: “My behavior in the past few months is quite ridiculous in the eyes of Fellow Daoist.”

  Luo Fan shook his head and said: “There is nothing ridiculous, but I think it is quite interesting.”

   At this time, losing the constant influence of destruction, the chaos in this layer of the world began to gradually subside, and the originally completely destroyed order began to recover quickly at this time.

   Seeing that the chaotic appearance has been gradually destroyed, the world is gradually re-clarified, and all kinds of energy, all kinds of materials, and all kinds of rules have begun to gradually return to their respective positions.

  It doesn’t take much time. This world where middle-aged women spent months completely disturbing just then will return to its normal appearance, as if it has never been destroyed or disturbed.

   Of course, the nature of the mountain that the essence has become can’t still exist. After all, the essence has been transformed into the existence of a strong seven-robber strongman and was transferred to the first layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable.

   “How does Fellow Daoist plan to treat me next?” The middle-aged woman sighed and said.

   “What do you think of refining your essence again?” Luo Fan smiled.

   The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and said: “Fellow Daoist thought I was a fool? How could I make the same mistake twice? My essence I was already destroyed in the first place now, and I stay now This is nothing more than a puppet. I don’t believe that Fellow Daoist can extract my essence from this puppet.”

  Luo Fan nodded naturally.

   It is true that the figure of the middle-aged woman who appeared in front of him at this time was indeed just a puppet-like figure.

   This kind of body, even if it extracts the essence, is just the essence of a puppet, not the essence of the middle-aged woman-like seven-robber strongman.

   Therefore, the idea of ​​trying to extract the essence from it is obviously completely defeated.

   “Fellow Daoist has a lot of things I like, but unfortunately, Fellow Daoist does not cooperate with what I can get. There is no more. So, I think it is time to say goodbye.” Luo Fan sighed.

   “Originally, it’s a pity. I hope there won’t be another day in the future.” The middle-aged woman just said helplessly.

  For Luo Fan, she can’t be completely without hate or resentment. On the contrary, she is absolutely disgusted with Luo Fan.

  Don’t forget what Luo Fan did. At the beginning, he destroyed his self-cultivation in the sixth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable. This point of just can already be regarded as a big hatred. After that, he refined his own essence, and finally caused his essence to derive an independent will. Finally, he became completely independent and became a person who knew almost all his secrets and all his weaknesses. He even regarded himself as a disdain. The independent existence of the enemy!

After such an act, even if she is more generous, she will never have any complaints about Luo Fan.

   It can be said that if there is a chance, she will definitely do everything possible to kill Luo Fan!

   However, it is a pity that she is the strongest of seven robbers after all.

  As a seven-robber powerhouse, it is obviously not difficult for her to measure the strength of the enemy and self.

  Now, Luo Fan is only on the sixth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable, and it is already disgraceful. Even if you are not careful, even your own True Body body will suffer a big loss.

  Under such circumstances, if when Luo Fan soars to the seventh floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable and truly stands on the same basis as himself, it is conceivable how great his strength can form himself.

   That way, if she and Luo Fan encounter each other, it is obviously impossible for her to report today’s hatred, but Luo Fan has done the work that has not been done this time, and will carry out her calculations to the end!

  After recognizing this clearly, even if she is unwilling and unwilling in her heart, obviously she can only avoid the Luo Fan honestly and would rather never see Luo Fan again.

   As for the enmity between them, it is obvious that they can only swallow just then first, which is the most beneficial to themselves…

   Hearing this, Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed, saying: “Are you not a little bit bloody? I let you suffer such a big loss, should you try to find my way to get revenge?”

   “Why don’t I want to take revenge? Anyway, my strength is not enough. Perhaps, Fellow Daoist stays in this realm for several trillion years, and then come to revenge after my breakthrough?” The middle-aged woman said helplessly.

  Luo Fan is naturally impossible to listen to her arrangement. Not to mention his unwillingness to stay in this realm for trillions of years, it is impossible for his eighth Great Tribulation to wait for trillions of years before it arrives. He is now away from the eighth Great Tribulation, but it is only nearly 100 million years. At that time, Great Tribulation will be there whether he is ready or not. And once Great Tribulation is present, no matter whether he successfully crosses the robbery or fails, he can’t still be in the present state.

If you are successful, needless to say, it is naturally the eight-robber powerhouse.

  If it fails, then it will die, and the soul will fly away. Where else is there a Magical Abilities state? !

  So, even if he wanted to, the arrangement of the middle-aged woman was impossible for him.

  Of course, he obviously did not explain these interests to the middle-aged woman. Now he just said: “Your strength is not successful, but you can extend your friends. After so many years of practice, you should have made some friends? Please bring them all to help you revenge. You alone can not succeed, how many Well, maybe it will be done. Even if there are not enough friends, do you have some teachers? If you don’t have a teacher, pay some price to invite Daoist Venerable, and the effect is absolutely remarkable.”

   The middle-aged woman’s gaze at Luo Fan was speechless at this time.

   friends, she naturally has, and many. However, they are obviously just like her. And with almost the same strength, in the face of Luo Fan, even if the number is large, it is just a home delivery. In this case, ask them to deal with Luo Fan, obviously it is pit those friends.

   As for the teachers and the like, there are some, but there is no help for the current situation. After all, the seven robbers are not the realm of ordinary cats and In addition to Daoist Venerable, who can guarantee that their inheritance can produce two seven robbers?

   Therefore, as a powerhouse of the Seven Tribulation, her commander has either fallen or is wandering in a lower realm. What can such a teacher invite to do?

   As for the extension of Daoist Venerable, it seems to be the most helpful. But what exists under the door of Daoist Venerable? Although at the levels above the sixth level of Path of a Daoist Venerable, the relationship between the Daoist Venerable door and the loose repair has been eased a lot, but there is still a huge gap between them.

  The presence of Daoist Venerable as a true saint as a backer, as a complete inheritance, only need to continue along the line of inheritance to be able to become enlightened, how can it be seen as a loose repair? !

   In this way, if you want to ask Daoist Venerable to come down to help her deal with Luo Fan, the price that needs to be paid is great, maybe it will be enough to make her go bankrupt.

   Even, even a bankruptcy, may not be able to invite Daoist Venerable who is enough to threaten Luo Fan!

  Obviously, although her hatred against Luo Fan is deep now, it is not enough to make her revenge.

  Even if she can be sure that she can successfully retaliate against Luo Fan after she is ruined, she will not necessarily take action, not to mention that she can’t really be sure.

   Therefore, at this time, in the face of these ideas of Luo Fan, she was speechless.


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