Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 3000: Return

In the face of such a situation, Luo Fan is only urging the avatar to destroy the true body of the will of the day, but for the world of the world, it is just natural.

In the real feeling of Luo Fan, time has passed unknowingly for thousands of years.

For this period of time, for his avatars, he was completely unsure how many years have passed. It seems that time has only passed for a moment, and it seems that countless billions of years have passed.

The heavens and the earth were already destroyed by this time.

Although not all possibilities, all parallels have been completely wiped out, but they have already been completely destroyed by that endless power and strength.

If you are talking about loss, in this process, the dead creatures in the heavens and earth can even be said to exceed the limit that numbers can describe!

Even if the real body of Luo Fan is in full control of everything in the world, it can protect the last essence of life of those creatures. At this time, it feels a little overwhelmed, and even the memory of the predecessor of the day and earth can not help but slow down. Too.

Before he fully accepted the memory of the predecessor of that day, he could alleviate the pressure by the power related to the true saint, and then he could easily relax all the memories without feeling much. Nowadays, just protecting the life essence of the endless creatures is already overwhelmed, which is enough to see how many dead creatures there are.

As for why to protect the life essence of these creatures, it is only related to his inner will, but in fact, there are not many interests.

In this respect, willingness to put in so much effort and bear such strong pressure for this is enough to show that his emotions have not been frozen by the infinite years…

And on this day, Luo Fan‘s real body coagulated, and suddenly felt that his connection with the real body was suddenly weakened.

At the same time, the kind of impact and destruction suffered by your own world of heaven and earth has also been reduced by many times.

Although it still exists, it is no longer as targeted as before, but more like a kind of oppression that he has never been familiar with before, but has not felt for a long time.

That is the oppression of a simulated chaotic state!

This situation made him instantly understand that the will of the day has completely collapsed, and as the will of the day completely collapsed, there is also a great world transformed by the Fated Tribulation layer of that side!

Because the great world created by the Fated Tribulation layer has been completely annihilated, then the world at this time has already returned to the state of simulated chaos.

At that time, the kind of pressure transmitted from the barrier of Zezhitiandi is a kind of stress that the chaotic state will inevitably produce for the heaven and earth in it!

Because of this, he just then will feel so familiar with this pressure. After all, before entering this great world, Luo Fan has endured this kind of pressure in the simulated chaotic state for some time…

At this time, the reason why the connection between his real body and the avatar was weakened to this extent, it felt that he could only barely maintain a state of integration, and he could not fully sense the status of the avatar as before, and he could not really know the avatar. The idea at that time was precisely because the avatar had already fallen into a state of simulated chaos at this time.

Because it has fallen into the simulated chaotic state, the spiritual connection between Doppelganger and True Body has been disturbed by the simulated chaotic state.

In fact, this is because this is only a simulation of the chaotic state, not the real chaotic state.

If it is a true state of chaos, at this time, the connection between True Body and the avatar may be completely cut off. Even if the connection can be established occasionally, it will be completely confused by time. The information passed in the future may be Appears in the past, the information passed in the past may appear in the future…

After clearly knowing the surrounding conditions, Luo Fan moves slightly in his heart, and then a subtle change occurs around the world.

Suddenly, countless roads appeared around.

The innumerable roads open up a vast expanse of voids. At the nodes of the roads, there is a world after another.

Here, the traffic network layer is impressive!

Obviously, the world at this time is already reconnected to the transportation network layer…

As Zetiandi is connected to the transportation network layer, Luo Fan feels that the connection between himself and the avatar has become closer again, and all the sensations of the avatar have reappeared in his mind.

Although most of the world has been lost, the transportation network layer still exists when Luo Fan is in that great world.

The reason for this is actually very simple, because in the world of the world, not all developers of the world take their own world into the gateway of that great world. That is to say, not all worlds are swallowed up by that great world!

When most of the world’s developers were swallowed into the great world of the Fated Tribulation layer in this simulated chaotic state, there is still a part of the world left in the transportation network layer, which is maintained , The existence of this transportation network layer!

Because of this, at this time Luo Fan just then can take its own world and reappear in this transportation network layer, and feel that there is less in this transportation network layer than it was originally. I don’t know how many thousands of times…

At this time, the connection between his avatar and True Body has become closer again, precisely because the avatar is also stepping into the transportation network layer.

Because they are at the same time in the traffic network layer, the interference of the simulated chaotic state on the connection between each other will naturally disappear.

The connection naturally reappears.

At this time, among the world of Luo Fan, somehow the world developers suddenly felt some kind of unspeakable change in their surroundings.

Sometimes, there seems to be a kind of free feeling from the bottom of my heart.

Next, those world developers were moving in their hearts one by one, and they all appeared outside of the world, and saw that the traffic network layer was full of devastation!

Seeing this scene, the many developers of the world feel like one another.

“What’s going on…why, suddenly came back?” They thought of this in their hearts, and only felt that they had forgotten a very important memory.

These world developers are all those who originally joined the transportation network layer.

Because they have a very subtle relationship with Zetiantian, at that time, the will of the day forced them into Zetiantian through various situations, and wanted to use them to calculate Luo Fan. After that, because Luo Fan‘s methods were more brilliant, they were suppressed one by one in the world.

At this time, because the world of Luo Fan has returned to this transportation network layer, letting go of their suppression, they just then will be able to regain their freedom and see this transportation network layer again.

At this time, no matter what action these world developers took, they suddenly felt an indescribable horror over them.

This horror is so strong that it aroused the strongest survival instincts in them, and caused them to have an extremely strong fear reaction in an instant.

At this moment, they looked involuntarily towards the place where the terror came.

It was a huge tripod tripod, a supreme tripod tripod that seemed to be greater than the entire transportation network layer!

At this time, the three-legged round tripod was suspended above the transportation network layer. Although it did not release its power, the existence of just has brought endless amount of repression and oppressed everything within this transportation network layer. Things, including that large number of heavens and earth, and the number of hundreds of millions of world developers!

At this time, the many world developers regained consciousness, and the unrealistic expectations originally generated were instantly dispelled.

Once again, they clearly realized that here, they are still just mole crickets or ants. Since it is mole crickets or ants, you can only act honestly in accordance with the rules set by the master, and you can’t give birth to a little bit of inconsistency!

At this time, the three-legged round tripod slowly turned.

As it turns, a figure they are very familiar with appears under the three-legged round tripod.

This figure, even if they become gray, they will know. It is the figure of Luo Fan!

“What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to reopen opening heaven?” After the emergence of Luo Fan, the developers said directly to these worlds.

The developers of these worlds woke up like dreams at this time, and finally understood why Luo Fan would let go of their repression and let them come out again. They responded quickly and began to go all over the entire transportation network layer. Find your place, start opening heaven to open up the earth, and open up your own world again.

Very soon, the winds of Water-Fire surging, and Fangfangtiandi reappeared at the empty nodes of this transportation network layer.

“Here is…” At this time, the world developers who originally existed in this transportation network layer secretly sighed one by one.

The developers of these worlds are timid and afraid of themselves. Even the seemingly perfect chance before was abandoned due to prudence. At this time, in the face of the menacing Luo Fan and other existence, their choice can be I figured it out.

Naturally close the door, as if nothing was found, nothing has changed, continue to be honest in your own world.

And soon, an unbelievable exclamation came from the many open worlds.

That was an exclaimed voice from a famous developer.

“How is it possible! Can it be improved indefinitely! What about Fated Tribulation? Why is there no Fated Tribulation?”

“I actually can directly exceed the limit, how can this happen?!, I have exceeded Fated Tribulation?!”

“Great! I am finally able to push the limit!”


Sounds of such exclamation are constantly coming out from those heavens and earth.

Just listen to these voices to know what they are feeling.

As they exclaimed, those worlds began to sublimate and evolve at an unimaginable rate.

Soon, it has already exceeded the limit, reached the level of the heaven and earth that spent two times Great Tribulation, and even exceeded the limit even further, reaching the level of the heaven and earth that spent three times Great Tribulation!

And this improvement, in the original, is bound to be accompanied by the world Great Tribulation again and again…

“Sure enough, the Fated Tribulation layer is lost. This simulated chaotic state is no longer Great Tribulation, everything is improved, and it is not restricted by Fated Tribulation.” The avatar of Luo Fan looked at all this, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

The great heaven and earth of that side was transformed by the Fated Tribulation layer, and now, the great heaven and earth of that side has completely disappeared with the demise of that day and earth. This also means that the Fated Tribulation layer has also completely disappeared.

The result of the demise of the Fated Tribulation layer is that in this entire simulated chaotic state, there is no more world Great Tribulation.

Even layers of robbery will cease to exist.

This is naturally a good thing for most developers. After all, for the vast majority of developers in the world, spending time in the world Great Tribulation is a very difficult thing in itself. Even if it is the first simple world Great Tribulation, there is no way how many worlds can not spend.

But this is not all good.

Without the heaven and earth Great Tribulation, for a small number of visionary heaven and earth developers, it is a terrible bad thing.

Because, without the world Great Tribulation, with the world Great Tribulation, the gift of the Fated Tribulation layer will naturally no longer exist. Without the gift of Great Tribulation every time, if any party wants to ascend, they can only explore a little bit in the dark and accumulate a little bit.

Such a obviously blocked many worlds of further hope.

Of course, at this time, it is obviously impossible for the many world developers in this transportation network layer to think of this.

At this time, they are all excited about the lack of the world’s Great Tribulation, and they are only trying to raise their own world to the level of the day they have traveled before.

For these worlds, further prospects, for them, are only future things.

At this time, the simulated chaotic state began to burst, and an unspeakable burst of breath began to gradually diffuse.

This broken atmosphere is so rich and so fundamental, it feels like this whole piece of simulated chaotic state is going to collapse gradually, and generally disappear.

With this change, the traffic network layer also started to tremble slightly, and it seemed to start to expand endlessly, and it seemed to start to shrink again.

And many world developers in this transportation network layer, at this time, felt some inexplicable anxiety emerging from the bottom of their hearts.

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