Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2993: Core

Now, he began to observe the surroundings carefully and realize everything around him, but he finally discovered the subtle discords that existed in the gray existence around him.

These dissonances are hidden in the endless chaos. If you don’t pay attention to it with all your heart, it is impossible to discover its existence. However, nowadays, for Luo Fan, those dissonances are so obvious.

Following this dissonance, he quickly discovered that he soon discovered more kinds that were incompatible with the chaotic state.

The entire chaotic state that appeared to be flawless at first, finally showed its true appearance in his eyes. All the roughness and negligence that existed in it are exhaustive.

“It turned out to be just that.” Looking at this scene, the pressure in Luo Fan‘s mind was greatly reduced.

It’s just that there is a slight movement in his heart, and his world will change slightly.

Originally, this side of heaven and earth only passively endured the endless offensive that was released from the gray existence around it. Now under a sudden change, the whole world seems to have disappeared in a blink of an eye. It seems to have never appeared in general.

At this time, the artificial will will sneer: “rough means.”

Then, the will of the artificial heaven and earth swelled up, and the gray existence that existed within the will of the artificial heaven and earth also began to produce more intense tumult.

With this kind of tumult, the various dimensions that originally appeared out of thin air inside this gray existence, but in a blink of an eye, they have been shattered and I do not know how many layers!

This gray presence can even penetrate the barrier of the level, and completely cut off the connection between the reality level and other levels. How can the various dimensions appearing in the reality level have no way? !

Before, the method chosen by Luo Fan was actually not too incredible. But it is just to divide some dimensions out of the air and hide itself into other dimensions.

Of course, the current method of dimensional division is more concentrated in the heaven and earth transformed by his three-legged round tripod, but it does not really touch the gray existence around him.

After all, the gray presence has penetrated the barrier of the level. For this method of dimensional division, it has already had a full range of precautions. It is not impossible to divide it, but it is never It may be done so easily.

At this time, the gray existence, the simulation of the chaotic state, was at this time to activate the various precautionary measures against the dimensionality that it had originally made, directly penetrating many dimensionalities. The dimension is destroyed, and the originally divided dimension is completely confused.

With this change, the heaven and earth transformed by the three-legged tripod reappeared in the reality level, or in the perspective of normal creatures.

It looks like the kind of evasion that hasn’t happened before…

However, it is clear that the methods used by Luo Fan at this time are obviously not without reason.

At this time, the heavens and earth transformed by the three-legged round tripod began to condense rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already transformed into a three-legged round tripod, suspended in boundless gray surroundings. between!

Dangdang Dangdang…

The numerous offensives released by the countless gray existence hit the three-legged round tripod, but it only made the three-legged round tripod make such a sound, and the three-legged round tripod itself even even There is no shock at all!

Of course, this three-legged round tripod at this time seems to be the same as the original three-legged round tripod, but the essence is actually completely different.

The previous three-legged round tripod was a Magical Weapon.

Although the level is extremely high and the way of achievement is extremely peculiar, it is indeed an Magical Weapon.

And now the three-legged round tripod is already a world.

The form of its three-legged round tripod is actually just the form of a barrier in this world! That is to say, in fact, it is just a three-legged round tripod, which is actually not much different from the previous one.

The reason why the previous barrier has no effect on the offensive of terror released by the gray existence, letting those offensives penetrate and release the offensive constantly. Nowadays, this barrier that turns into a three-legged round tripod can easily block countless offensives outside, and even shakes itself without shaking. The reason is actually not complicated.

Because, when this barrier is transformed into a three-legged round tripod, it is natural that various indescribable concepts attached to the image of this three-legged round tripod are simultaneously attached to this barrier.

These concepts, if they exist alone, have no effect, at least, for the existence of the level of artificial will. However, when this concept is supported by Luo Fan and supported by the other side, the situation is obviously completely different.

Like a knife, if it exists alone, it will naturally not pose any threat to people.

However, if this sword is in the hands of a peerless swordsman, it is a bit exaggerated to say that the world is destroyed, but the city is destroyed, but it is definitely easy…

At this time, the other side of the world, the Luo Fan Clone, is the peerless swordsman. And that concept is that knife!

The combination of the two, the effect is the same at this moment, so that the strength of the three-legged round tripod directly ignores the countless offensives released by the gray presence around!

Of course, among them, Clone, which also has Luo Fan, has found the countless rough and imperfections in the gray existence around it.

Because he found the countless rough and imperfections, these concepts just then have an opportunity to take advantage of, can avoid the heavy and the light, seek the benefits and avoid the evil, and greet the weakest of the offensive with the strongest, this can be expressed So easy.

Like a swordsman, only by grasping the weaknesses of what he wants to cut, just then can truly be called peerless, can he easily dissect everything he faces.

It’s like facing a piece of steel. Generally, the swordsman has no way of dealing with it. He can only rely on the strength of the weapon itself to fight against the steel, and rely on the material of the weapon to cut it apart.

However, if the swordsman is strong enough and clever enough, then the situation is obviously completely different.

Because they are clever enough, they can clearly know the fragility of the steel itself, and can know where to go to break the unity of the steel itself, and then be able to split the steel. Such a swordsman, if he is clever enough, maybe using a wooden knife can cut the steel smoothly on both sides…

At this time, Luo Fan was the swordsman. Because he knew the weaknesses and rough omissions of the gray surroundings, he became a peerless swordsman just then, and just then could rely on the three-legged round tripod belt. With the concept, it is easy to resist the offensives released by the gray existence around.

Of course, resistance is obviously not the purpose of Luo Fan.

What he wants is to dissect the gray existence around him and destroy the artificial world’s attack on him!

Facing the continuous offensives around, Luo Fan adapted to it and began to reverse it, directly manipulating the three-legged round tripod, and slammed into the surrounding offensive straight into the gray depth of existence. past!

Under this collision, the gray existence around it is like ordinary running water, there is no resistance at all, it is already squeezed by the three-legged round tripod, making the three-legged round tripod light Easily squeezed into the depths of the gray existence, leaving a very obvious, long-lasting trace behind it!

The gray presence violently rose at this time.

Anything in it, including time and space, produces a violent riot at this time. Every thing, every point of existence, is constantly shifting, either avoiding, welcoming, or confronting. , Or involve…

Various kinds, but it seems extremely chaotic.

The many kinds of offensives that were constantly attacking the three-legged round tripod couldn’t continue to exist at this time.

The change in this situation is obviously a sign that Luo Fan is extremely effective at this time.

At this time, in addition to the gray existence, the will of the immensely huge artificial world began to condense, and the colorful colors on it flashed insanely.

In the process of this colorful color flickering, there is an incredible power of terror that continuously emerges from the depth of the vortex, and there is a crazy condensation toward the gray position of the central position, which is overwhelming like a wave after another. The waves are average.

At the same time, in the whole world, in the endless world that belongs to the will of the earth and earth, there is an unknown number of indescribable existences in a mad gathering, constantly toward the upper The vortex comes together and supports the will of the man-made heaven and earth all the time, so that the man-made heaven and earth will be enough to condense enough power to accomplish any purpose!

Compared to the beginning, this vortex has unconsciously condensed to a quarter of its original size.

This condensed amplitude makes the power and power of the central will of the artificial heaven and earth unconsciously has been increased hundreds of times.

The grayness in it becomes more and more intense in this process.

Even, there are many roughnesses and omissions that exist in it, and they all bridge a lot in this process.

Like a large body, you can do whatever you want. If you are cohesive enough, you can do whatever you want.

If everything is cohesive enough, its nature will change in a variety of ways. Things that were originally loopholes will no longer be loopholes as their own cohesion is strengthened. It was originally an omission, and as its cohesion strengthens, it will no longer be an omission.

At this time, the gray existence is like this.

The three-legged round tripod continued to deepen in the gray existence. Although a lot of loopholes, many omissions, and many roughness were stirred along the way, these stirred loopholes, omissions, and roughness, All of them are further grayed out in the surroundings, completely annihilated, completely restored to the initial smooth and stable state, and the consequences of all kinds of agitation have been completely eliminated.

The three-legged round tripod at this time was constantly moving in the depths of the gray presence, and the amount of repression was gradually released from it, beginning to be like a tentacle, and constantly moving towards the surrounding area, rough , Omissions, loopholes are explored, these areas are constantly attacked, and the gray existence is disintegrated as much as possible.

With his movements, Space and Time, piece by piece, world, side by side, appeared out of thin air within the range of those touched by the tentacles of suppression.

Different chaos, order will naturally be born.

And the order will converge, it will naturally become Space and Time, the world, the world…

It’s just that because the purpose of Luo Fan is not these worlds, so many Space and Times, worlds, and worlds that were born by his random disturbing gray existence seem rude, and even the order is just barely formed. There is no order that can really exist for a long time.

Because there is no stable order that can exist for a long time, so many creatures are not even born in those heavens and earth. Even if there are occasional worlds, some worlds, some Space and Time, some creatures are born by coincidence, and those creatures are extremely fragile! Not to mention the threat to the outside world, but in those worlds, those worlds, those Space and Times, they can only exist for a very short period of time. A small disturbance will completely destroy those creatures.

In the condensed changes of the gray existence, these Space and Time, the world, the world and the earth, which were disturbed by the tentacles of the repressive force, were quickly annihilated and turned into a gray existence completely confused with the surroundings. .

It looks like left a trail of Space and Time, world, heaven and earth behind the three-legged round tripod as he continued to follow and continue to follow.

Soon, the three-legged round tripod came to his destination.

On this special node that is gray and gray.

The gray existence itself is a simulation of chaotic filling. As such a simulation, it is naturally impossible for itself to be like an orderly existence, and to construct a specific core to achieve what purpose.

However, it does not actively construct the core, it does not mean that it does not have a core.

In fact, with the exception of a few things, almost most things have a core.

The existence of this kind of core does not have any special meaning. Some cores are only simple, because they become core because of their position.

It was like this gray existence at this time was born for this reason. This is the core where Luo Fan is now…

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