Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2914: Incompetent?

After this trace of power was formed, Luo Fan locked it for the first time, and a huge and unmatched mind will flow into this trace of power crazy, trying to break into that power alone. brand.


  This process is quite bumpy.


   That power is naturally much worse than the real power related to the true saint. It is not to say that the existence under the true saint can never be truly understood, but its level is also It is much higher than the understanding of cultivator under the general truth.


  Under such circumstances, the level of power is obviously much higher than that of Luo Fan today!


   In this way, what Luo Fan did at this time is obviously equivalent to that an ant is about to imprint his own brand on a planet, so that this planet is in the eyes of anyone, even in In the eyes of the planet itself, all belong to this ant…


   That difficulty is self-evident.


   It can be said that if it is not Luo Fan‘s own mental firmness has reached an unimaginable height, this power is not really the power related to the true saint, this matter is not as difficult as it is simple , But absolutely impossible.


   At this time, Luo Fan‘s spiritual will is constantly poured into that force, and he desperately wants to assimilate that force, so that his brand appears in that force, but almost all The will of the soul is returned without success, and even the ability to truly touch the power is not available, let alone the brand that belongs to him.


   There are only a few very few mental wills, either because of timing, or because that power happens to be in a particular phase of change, just then can enter that power and truly touch that one Power!


  Although, I just got in touch with it, and it’s still far from leaving the brand of my own. However, after all, he was already able to get in touch, which was a good start.


   such mental will, occupying the Luo Fan intends to inject the power of the mental will as a whole, the proportion is quite small.


   It can be said that just then has only one or two of the millions of soul wills.


   But that’s it, it’s enough for Luo Fan.


   After all, for him, as long as he can continue to carry on, then the final result is almost destined. The only difference is the level of efficiency.


  One million parts of psychic will have one or two parts of just then that can reach that force, then he will try it with billions of trillions, billions of trillions of mental will, and so on, even if it is Of the million copies, just then has one or two copies that can achieve his goal, and he can finally achieve his goal!


The efficiency of Luo Fan is self-evident.


   The infusion of soul will almost completely ignore the change of time.


  Unconsciously, in that power, the amount of the will of the heart belonging to Luo Fan has reached a level enough to truly leave his own brand in that power.


   This situation is like, an ant wants to transform the planet, leaving a trace of him on that planet, so that anyone who sees this planet will know that this planet has been transformed by him, yes What belongs to him is obviously a near impossible task. However, if the number of ants becomes large enough, reaching billions of trillions, billions of trillions…then leaving traces of ants on this planet is a matter of course. Even, even if ants want to leave no trace, it becomes impossible…


   This is the case at this time, and the psychic will of Luo Fan is equivalent to an ant.


  The countless hearts and minds accumulated in it at this time are equivalent to infinite ants!


  An ant wants to change that force, and let his brand appear in that force, which is naturally an almost impossible task. By the time the number of ants has increased to a certain extent, even if he does not want to leave a mark, it has become impossible.


  Finally, under the impact of endless spiritual will, that force gradually twisted, and its form gradually transformed into a human form.


   One, and Luo Fan looks almost the same!


   “Finally succeeded…” At this time, the figure showed a relaxed color, and sighed in his mouth.


   This voice is just like the voice of Luo Fan.


  Obviously, this force has been completely refined by Luo Fan and has become the basis of his Clone! It’s just like the trace of power related to the true saint before…


   This kind of Clone is substantially worse than Clone transformed by the power related to the true saint. If it is not Luo Fan’s own control over the power related to the true saint It can divide a trace of power to act as its own Clone, and can’t divide another at all, even if it is a small trace, his natural intention is to want to use real, related to the true saint. Power to act as your own Clone to rely on.


  However, even if it is intrinsically incomparable to the power related to the true saint, the essence of this force is much stronger than the existence under the general true saint.


   In this way, the power of the Clone born in this way is not something that ordinary existence can resist.


  At least, it is enough for the purpose of Luo Fan to condense this Clone now.


   At this time, this Clone swept through the world that had been mostly destroyed, a slight movement in his heart, an inexplicable wave was released from his body, and in a blink of an eye covered the whole world.


   With the coverage of this fluctuation, the whole world began to show indescribable distortions. Time seems to have reversed at this instant, and all the previous damage caused by the impact began to recover quickly.


   In a trance, most of the broken world has become intact, just like the destruction of just then has never appeared…


   is one of the creatures that were destroyed before, and they have all been resurrected. They still live in this heaven and earth as before…


   Even for those who are pioneers of the world!


   That’s right, in the process of the destruction of most of the world before, those world developers were not unaffected. Although not all world developers are destroyed, the number of destroyed world developers also needs to be calculated in billions.


   And now, when this world is fully recovered under the will of Clone of Luo Fan, those world developers are also fully recovered at the same time.


   Moreover, none of them knew that just then had died…


   What this situation represents is really obvious.


   This means that these world developers are already true and integrated into the world! Nowadays, they are not so much the world’s pioneers as the world’s insiders, the world’s pioneers!


   “Is it completely integrated…” Luo Fan looked at this scene, but all kinds of inexplicable guesses came into his mind.


  His original intention was not to allow these world developers to be completely integrated into his world.


  After all, each of these world developers has its own unique Worldview, and each one has different characteristics from the world of the world. Incorporating them into Zetiandi doesn’t see much of the benefits of Zetiandi, but it will make Zetiandi appear to be out of his control, or in conflict with his Zizhi Worldview


This situation is obviously not what he wants to see.


  However, it is a pity that the process of these world developers into this world is not under his control.


   Even if he wanted to stop it, he couldn’t think of a way to stop it.


  By the time he responded, the many world developers were completely integrated into this world. Even if he wanted to abandon them and expel them, he was no longer confident that he could truly achieve his purpose.


  Not to mention, at this time, those who are among the world’s pioneers are integrated into this world, so that the existence of impurities in that amount of repression is obviously not under his control, or even let He couldn’t even find it. Under such circumstances, how could he expel him?


If    is completely irrelevant to the impurities that he can’t control, then what does he mean for the expulsion of those who created the world?


  The hidden dangers left by those world developers are still in this world. On the contrary, the benefits that those world developers can bring to him are instead expelled. This approach is obviously It makes no sense. Although he does not care about the benefits brought by the integration of these world developers, he is not really hypocritical enough to prefer to get rid of these benefits for the sake of spiritual cleanliness…


Those thoughts flashed in his mind, and he diverted his attention from those who created the world.


   turned to look at the power behind him that was related to the true saint.


   The force at this time is no different from the previous one. The whole looks like nothing has changed.


  The whole force is so quiet that people doubt that it can continue to be quiet until the end of time…


  Looking at the calm appearance of this force, Luo Fan couldn’t help but sigh secretly.


   The shock wave that was generated before was enough to completely destroy most of the world. For this force, it may be like a fur on a creature is slightly shaken…


   secretly sighed like this, he turned around and walked away, and his figure had already hit into that amount of pressure in his blink of an eye, and came directly to the edge of that amount of pressure. This amount of repression is absolute to other existences, and even just will be affected when it is seen. However, for Luo Fan, who is the exhibitor of this kind of repression, this is just a force he can control at will.


   In this way, he can naturally move freely within this amount of repression, and he can reach any position within this repression.


  After coming here, this new Clone didn’t stay at all. He directly stepped out of this amount of pressure and stepped into the boundless world of the outside world!




   For a time, the world stirred, the waves rolled over, and the able to support both heaven and earth waves continued to emerge, pressing towards him overwhelmingly.


   But he only appeared outside this amount of pressure, but it had already inspired the fierce reaction of the boundless world of the outside world.


   Faced with this monstrous giant wave, Luo Fan just smiled lightly, and stroked smoothly, an amount of repression was instantly pressed on the ocean wave, so that the monstrous giant wave completely lost kinetic energy at this moment, and directly stagnate in In the void, it looks like a living sculpture.


   Around this sea wave, the sea water flipped over, and the power of terror was constantly generated, rushing towards this area, to push the frozen monstrous giant wave to continue forward.


  However, after entering the certain range, these waves were instantly frozen and transformed into the shape of the sculpture.


   This situation has caused the layers of lines to appear behind the giant wave, which is becoming more and more chaotic and more and more dangerous!


   The terrifying movements continue to spread out of sight, constantly expanding toward the surrounding turbulent seawater. It’s like behind the endless sea water, there is an unimaginable existence that is using all kinds of incredible means to promote the sea water.


   The range of ocean waves continues to expand, and the height of the ocean waves behind this gigantic wave is constantly rising.


   Although it is still not as good as this monstrous wave, the main goal is still to push this monstrous wave to crush Luo Fan. However, this is only temporary. These waves are blocked at this location, and the power is constantly accumulating, and the waves behind will inevitably become higher and higher. When when the height of this wave exceeds the monstrous giant wave that has been condensed in front of you, the ocean wave will be anti-guest, completely overwhelming the giant wave in front, and crushing Luo Fan together with the giant wave!


   Faced with such a situation, Luo Fan‘s most sensible approach should have been to leave quickly, constantly shifting his position, and not staying in any position above the sea for too long.


   But, at this time, his approach was not like this. At this moment, he just stood here quietly, waiting quietly for the continuous evolution of the huge wave ahead…


   “Let me see what you can do.” He thought in his mind, carefully observing the evolution inside and outside the gigantic waves.


   moves around in this world all the time, this behavior is obviously not what he wants. It is not that he cannot do it, but that he wants to do it and is forced to do it, which are two completely different concepts. If you want to do it, that is your interest, but if you are forced to do it, then you are incompetent. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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