Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2907: Select

﹄New Bayi Chinese Network—

﹃A network novel reading network worth collecting

“It seems that I really am not suitable for progress.” In the end, those puzzled world developers came to this conclusion.

The developers of these worlds are the ones that are easy to satisfy, and there is not much aggressiveness. If this is not the case, how can they remain so calm in the case that many world developers are already eager to explore that side of the world, and such a matter has nothing to do with themselves.

Obviously, at this time, the performance of other world developers clearly proved the danger of progress again, but they made them further firm their ideas, safety first…

The rest of the world nowadays is not too much, and at most it is only tens of thousands.

These worlds are distributed in such a devastated traffic network layer, but they seem a bit lonely.

Although the developers of these worlds believe in the concept of safety first, it is not that there is any distortion of the senses. Under such circumstances, what do they think of when facing the devastating traffic network layer in front of them?

“Perhaps, we should eliminate them all…” At this time, such ideas emerged in the minds of the remaining developers.

The developers of these worlds naturally communicate with each other.

Even if they didn’t have many friendships before this time, at this time, in the case where the entire transportation network layer is left alone, they will inevitably establish extremely deep friendships.

As a result, they quickly unified their ideas.

Remove the original world developers from the transportation network layer, so that the transportation network layer is reduced in size, but it becomes complete and makes them feel comfortable. This is for all those that still exist in the transportation network layer. It is obviously a good thing for the world developers.

However, it is obviously not difficult to eliminate the positions of the pioneers.

And this is because this transport network layer has already survived the layer robbery, and Luo Fan, as the creator of this transport network layer, as well as Zhitiandi have disappeared in this transport network layer.

Without these two premises, it is not a difficult thing to want to eliminate the positions of those who open up the world, but an impossible thing!

At this time, the space developers who still exist here negotiated with each other and worked hard to study the characteristics of the transportation network layer that still remain, and tried to remove the vacancies they left behind. The progress is slow. It can be said that just then may even succeed in billions of years.

If this kind of thing is placed on other world developers, they may give up.

After all, it’s just a change in the scene of this transportation network layer, which actually has no real benefits for them. For this kind of thing, it took me some billions of trillions of years to spend, which is obviously a bit of a loss.

But, obviously, this is just the opinion of other world developers. For these safety-first world developers, this kind of safe and predictable goal is really perfect. Too.

Don’t say it’s a billion trillion years, even if it is more than a million times, they are afraid that they will be happy…

With their efforts, the entire transportation network layer seems to be trembling slightly. Between these tremors, the roads in the transportation network layer are slightly twisted.

And the most intense twist and tremor is where the fractures of those nodes are.

That’s where the worlds that were off the traffic network layer were originally located!

Of course, this kind of tremor and distortion is not too intense. According to this trend, when these tremor and distortion completely fill those gaps, then I am afraid that the time will really be calculated in billions of years…


While the remaining world developers in the transportation network layer are working hard to eliminate other world developers, among the great worlds transformed by the Fated Tribulation layer on that side, the many world developers At this time, he was staring blankly at the surroundings, the other side was familiar to them, the other side, or the island…

The reason why the world is so familiar is very simple, but it is because, among them, there are many people who once sent their Clone into the world of the world!

Although, in the end, they all gave up the Clone they sent into it, but obviously, before giving up this Clone, they were connected with Clone, everything that Clone experienced, everything they saw, For them, it is like what they have experienced and seen.

And the world in front of them feels like they have been experienced by Clone, the feeling in the world is almost the same…

Perhaps it is more complete than the world that Clone experienced at the time?

Because of this situation, this side of the world seems to them that just then will be so familiar and strange…

“Are all the things we have experienced before just illusions?” The pioneers of heaven and earth murmured in a daze.

At this time, he doubted whether everything he experienced was illusory. Is he not exploring the great world of that side, but just distorted his senses by that world, and finally actively sent his real body into the world of Ze, and turned himself into fish on the cutting board?

“No, no one can do this and distort the senses of all of us!” A world developer heard this and immediately refuted it.

This kind of refutation is powerful, but his heart is obviously not as firm as he showed.

This rebuttal is more just to strengthen one’s confidence and prevent oneself from being swallowed up by this terrible possibility.

“Here, it’s not the side of the world. At least, it’s not the side of the world we saw.” Suddenly, another world developer opened his mouth.

His words made most of the world’s developers involuntarily focus their eyes on him.

The eyes of so many world developers are that this world developer can’t help but feel an inexplicable pressure rising from the bottom of his heart.

You know, he doesn’t have his own world now, and the state nowadays is completely coming. The vast majority of other world developers are not worse than him.

Under such circumstances, he only needs to say something wrong, and offends one in ten thousand of the world’s developers, so that those world developers will be worried about erasing him. It will be wonderful.

With such pressure, unless this world developer really ignores life and death, otherwise, it is impossible that there is no difference.

However, since he has already spoken, he naturally cannot swallow half of what he said.

At this time, he just smiled faintly and said, “Did you not feel it, this side of the world, there is no parallel!”

Hearing this, many world developers were stunned for a while, and then their eyes brightened.

Know that the original Clone that many developers of heaven and earth have come into contact with is the parallel of this heaven and earth. This also means that the real world should have a large number of parallels.

However, now that they are here, they do not feel any signs of parallelism at all!

It seems as if this heaven and earth are just what they see in the eyes, which was originally the main body of the heaven and earth…

This kind of situation either shows that the world of heaven and earth has fallen back to the level of their world, or that this is not the world that they know!

Obviously, if they want them to believe that the world will fall and regress, they are more willing to believe that this world is no longer the world.

After all, if the world is to degenerate, they can’t imagine what kind of blows the developers of that day would encounter. And if the developers of that world suffered such a blow, how could they appear here at this time? !

“I also don’t feel any trace of my Clone…” A world developer murmured.

At this time, other developers of the earth and earth are also attentively looking for the traces of their Clone in the world of this principle.

Be aware that the Clone they gave up in the end was completely integrated into this world, and it was completely transformed into a certain rule or rule in the world.

Under such circumstances, as long as this side of the world is the world of the world, then the traces of Clone belonging to them will definitely exist!

Even if it is, compared with their original Clone, this kind of trace will be very different, but the existence is the existence, no matter how changes, there will be traces of familiar residues, but now, The world developers did not feel any trace of Clone belonging to them!

What does this mean, do you need to say it? !

Here are the world developers carefully verifying where they are. There, there is a world developer who suddenly exclaimed.

“You are here!” The voice is full of anger, and there is a joy of revenge.

His words made many world developers explore their perception towards where they are. Soon, a roar of anger and excitement from a world developer came out.

“I finally got you!”

Many developers in the world gradually discovered the goal that made the emotions so complicated.

That goal is nothing other than a figure, a figure they are very familiar with, but now it is like a sculpture.

The figure of the pioneer of the world!

Obviously, the distribution of those world developers is really too wide. In the end, a world developer is just right near this perfect world developer, and when he discovers the surroundings, he finds the perfection. The existence of the world pioneer!

And for these developers who suffered from the perfection of heaven and earth, they finally fell into their eyes unconsciously. It is self-evident.

In a few moments, each figure appeared near the perfectionist, and a group of eyes mixed with anger and hatred focused on the perfectionist in front of him.

Although there are ideas to smash the corpses of the perfect world developers, but these world developers have just been calculated by the perfect world developers, it is naturally impossible to start so rashly.

At this time, they are around the Pioneer of Heaven and Earth, carefully exploring his situation, and want to find out whether the sculpture-like existence in front of him is really the Pioneer of Heaven and Earth, and even more so What is the situation now, and whether dealing with him will bring themselves any danger.

For the first point, whether the figure in front of you is the perfect developer, it is not difficult for many developers. In fact, the performance of the first developer who discovered the sculpture proved his judgment. However, as for the second point, no world developer can be sure.

At this moment, the manifestation of the perfect developer is too obviously has Life Qi, has vitality, and obviously has the same sense of existence as before. However, it is completely incapable of moving. It seems to have been integrated into the world and turned into a natural landscape of the world. No matter what method they use to sense, they can’t find any trace of flaws, and don’t notice any of them. Traces of a little bit of power…

In this situation, none of them dared to rashly start at this time.

“It seems that he was retaliated.” Suddenly, a world developer said this and turned away.

Obviously, this is the greatest punishment for a perfect world developer in this state. He does not need to continue to deal with his world developer at all.

With the development of this world developer, other world developers have also diverged. Some of the world developers either think that they are not sure, or as the world developers think it is enough punishment, or The hatred of him was simply eliminated, and he turned around and left one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the number of world developers around this perfect world developer was reduced by half.

The remaining ones are obviously those who are still reluctant to give up and still want to clarify the situation of the perfect developer and come to impose further punishment on him.

At this time, above that void, at the junction of the island and that town’s pressure, the former Clone looked at it all in the face, but it was inexplicably admired.

What he admired was naturally the many world developers who left the perfect world developer at once.

Although they are a bit too cautious in the eyes of the average person, this kind of caution is more appropriate here!

{Old Rail, please remember the New Bayi Chinese Network}

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