Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2899: Channel

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If the source of the Clone’s strength is the world, or the time to gain strength is before then, then he has long been out of that world and came out to solve him!

Where might you wait until this time, when just then comes out when that kind of dramatic change occurs at the source of Fated Tribulation? !

So, obviously, the former Clone now has the ability to threaten his own strength, which should be obtained recently by just then! Moreover, it is very likely that just then got it at this moment when the source of Fated Tribulation changed drastically!

After all, the existence of time is actually just an attribute that can be arbitrarily adjusted for the existence of their level. Since it is an attribute that can be adjusted arbitrarily, as long as it does not appear at the same time, then how big is the time difference, it depends entirely on how the cultivator thinks.

Obviously, with the attitude of the former Clone towards this developer, it will inevitably break away from its imprisonment as soon as it gains its ability and exert resistance on the developer.

That is to say, the time between when he comes out and the time when he gains strength must be extremely short…

As a result, when did its strength increase, do we still need to say?

If you boldly speculate, the strength increase is when the upheaval of just then happened. So, where is the root of its strength increase? Could it also be caused by the drastic changes at the source of Fated Tribulation? !

This possibility is obviously enormous.

“Then, is there an existence related to the rule of heaven and earth?” asked the divine explorer with a dignified expression.

After hearing this, the former Clone smiled slightly and said: “Bone and soul press, it is worthy of being my True Body. I guessed the truth so quickly.”

“That’s what it is.” The developers of the world are shocked.

At this moment, he vaguely feels that maybe the status of the pioneer of that world in this simulated chaotic state may be very special…even, compared to being a pioneer of the perfect world You have to be more special!

After all, as a developer of perfection, many of the changes in the circumstances that happened in the end are actually closely related to him…

“At this time, do you have more important things to do than fight with me?” Take a deep breath, this world-wide developer strongly suppressed his own killing intentions for the previous Clone, sneered. .

Now he has seen the mentality of the former Clone.

At least, it’s general to see something coming out.

For him, he is not really important, either as an enemy or as a fetter. Under such circumstances, it is clear that before this Clone, it is unlikely that any changes were actively made on their own.

Whether it’s leaving your own world or something else, it’s the same.

Since this is the case, now that Clone has now left that world and appeared in front of him, it is very likely that there is a reason other than the reasons he previously declared!

At this time, the former Clone smiled slightly, smiled slightly, and said: “It seems that you have become smarter.”

It’s praised by my former Clone in this tone, this feeling is definitely not a pleasure for this perfect developer…

At the moment, he sneered: “You seem to be very confident now, do you feel that you have occupied an absolute strength advantage in front of me?”

“Isn’t it?” The former Clone asked indifferently at this time.

With this sentence, the Pioneer of the Earth feels that there seems to be some inexplicable danger suddenly covering him. It seems that the next moment, his body, and everything else will collapse instantly. Disappear…

This kind of danger comes from the surroundings, the traffic network layer of the visitors, and even more so, the Clone in front of us!

At this moment, he clearly knew how big the gap between him and the former Clone

Even if it is purely in the realm, in terms of his own strength, he is still better than his former Clone. If he completely eliminates all foreign objects and all external forces, he can definitely crush the former Clone. However, the difference in the amount of resources between him and the former Clone is too big!

With such a huge resource gap, their control of external forces and foreign objects is completely two completely different levels.

With so many external forces and the help of many foreign objects, especially under the circumstances they are in at this time, the strength they can exert is completely reversed! The perfect developer is already far behind his former Clone in terms of strength!

This gap is even many times greater than the gap between your true strength and your opponent’s true strength!

At this time, the perfect developer is very clear that his best way is to honestly admit.

“Unexpectedly, in just a short time, you actually have such strength.” At the moment, he sighed and turned away.

He doesn’t want to be honest and small, and he doesn’t want to fight against the former Clone directly. As a result, what he can choose is, of course, to turn around and take such a choice.

Seeing the perfect developer turn around and walk around, Clone didn’t have much other movements before, just quietly watching him gradually return to the side he opened up.

Teach others to let others suffer, not just to attack the other person’s body, but to let the other person suffer.

In fact, compared to the encounters above Fleshly Body, all kinds of sufferings are obviously the oppression of the soul, and the blow to the soul is even more deadly!

And this is what Clone did before.

Although, he did not directly do too much to the perfect developer on Fleshly Body, and did not teach him much in this respect.

But, spiritually, he has already given the devastator enough blows!

It can be said that nowadays, the developer’s choice of counseling means that he has already suffered, enough blows, enough lessons learned.

Since this is true, he will naturally not add to the snake, and attack the perfectionist again in unnecessary ways.

Return to your own heaven and earth, and the face of the pioneer of the heaven and earth shows the color of pain.

For a long time, he sighed with just then: “It seems that I can only watch the next drastic change.”

In his speech, he looked up and looked at the place where the boundless great world is, that is, the source of the Fated Tribulation.

At this time, the ocean in one side of the world is surging, and there seems to be a behemoth lurking in the depths of the ocean, causing a huge wave of waves, making the original no longer count The calm ocean became more and more turbulent.

Suddenly, suddenly there was a mist like a meteor, traversing over that piece of ocean, and finally fell like a meteorite, and fell into that ocean.

From the meteor, this perfect world developer can clearly feel a very familiar breath, a kind of familiar breath owned by just then where he is now, a breath of transportation network layer!

“How is it possible?!” Even if I was already well prepared for the psychological changes that might happen, but after seeing this happen, the developer of this world still felt unacceptable and could not help but exclaim. .

The meteor appears in that area at this time. What does this mean? That means that the power of this transportation network layer has already invaded the extremely great world of that side!

What world is that? ! That is, even if it is a simulated chaotic layer in it, it is only a great world equivalent to the general existence of islands!

In such a world, his just wants to sense whether there is a perfect atmosphere that he has opened up, which has almost exhausted his wisdom and energy. However, at this time, there was actually a simulated chaotic layer, which invaded the heavens and earth with its own power and directly turned into a meteor and smashed into the heavens and earth!

This is a faceless face!

“It’s him.” At this time, his former Clone figure emerged in the hearts of the pioneers.

He intuitively felt that in this change, his former Clone must have contributed a part! Even, maybe all these are the changes under its leadership!

Thinking like this, he turned his gaze and turned to the core of the transportation network layer, where the world is.

At this point, he couldn’t help but shake his body, and in a flash of his figure, he came out of his own world and stood on the road of the traffic network layer.

At the same time, there were tens of thousands of pioneers who acted the same way as him.

A famous world developer appeared outside his own world, standing on the road outside his own world, with all kinds of expressions and different attitudes, looking at the attention of the perfect world developer at this moment The goal, then, where the world was originally!

The reason for this is because, at this moment, where the heaven and earth are, the existence of the heaven and earth has completely disappeared.

It was replaced by a black hole.

An extremely deep, extremely mysterious, black hole that leads to an unimaginable place!

From the black hole, all the pioneers of the world can feel that some kind of incredible vast power is surging in it. It seems that the power in it only needs a little bit, and it is enough to relate yourself to yourself. Everything is completely erased!

“This is the passage to that side of heaven and earth!” At this moment, such enlightenment has already emerged in the mind of the pioneer of the world of heaven and earth.

Similar to him, other world developers have also made such judgments one after another.

For a time, many strugglers have flashed in the minds of many world developers.

For those world developers, the party that replaces the Fated Tribulation layer, or the source of Fated Tribulation or other names, the great world is incredibly attractive.

After all, that world is too great, too mysterious, too mysterious, and incredible.

For them as the pioneers of the world, their existence is almost equivalent to putting an incomparable work that is extremely perfect, even if they have stimulated their own potential to the limit, it is impossible to create. general. For any creator, how attractive such a existence is can be imagined.

Therefore, there is an opportunity to truly touch that side of the world. For all the developers of the world, the attraction is self-evident.

At this moment, these world developers have a very strong urge to break into the world!

However, obviously, impulse is only impulsive at this time.

After all, how unpredictable that side of the world is, all the developers of the world can see clearly!

What happened to the existence of the suspected heaven and earth before they entered the heaven and earth of the other side, they can also see the meteor across the sky at the corner of the iceberg, but they have suffered the ubiquitous blow of the heaven and earth of the other side, even After it finally penetrates into the ocean, it must endure the endless repulsion of the ocean…

They substituted themselves into the location of the but discovered one by one that if they entered alone, waiting for themselves, they might not even have the chance to become meteors.

As a result, they now seem to have only one way.

That is, unite with other world developers…

At the moment, the eyes of those who opened up the world began to touch each other. In the process of this contact, they all saw what they wanted in the eyes of each other.

The developers of these worlds can grow up to this point, and can develop their own world to the present stage. Their judgments on the situation and their determination when facing difficult problems are obviously impossible.

Soon, many world developers have already roughly agreed on their own ideas.

In that, the Pioneer of Heaven and Earth was not included in it.

It’s not that the heaven and earth developers rejected the perfect world developer, even if the perfect world developer had contacted that world before, and even had fought against the strong man who came out of that world. is also like this.

Instead, the Blazers did not really make up their minds!

No final decision!

Compared with other world developers, the perfect world developers know more, and can sense more from the world.

Therefore, of course, he is more clearly aware of the dangers in the other world than the other world developers!

Under such circumstances, he naturally understands that even if it is combined with other world developers, the danger is still extremely huge!

Because of this recognition, he has been unable to make a decision…

{Old Rail, please remember the New Bayi Chinese Network}

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