Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2853: Ignore

Luo Fan is on this stone monument, and one stop is ten years old.

In the past ten years, it is natural to look at the speed of time in this heaven and earth.

Compared with the outside world, these ten years may be only a moment, or maybe it is already a billion trillion years. Compared with the countless phantom worlds inside the stele, this period of time has been equivalent to tens of thousands of years.

The greatest benefit of those phantom worlds ten times inside is actually the difference in the speed of time.

The ten years of the outside world is equivalent to the inside, about tens of thousands of years! Moreover, this is only average. Some phantom worlds have a relatively fast time flow. This decade may be equivalent to millions or even tens of millions of years. And the speed of time in some worlds is relatively slow. This period of time may only be equivalent to decades of them.

And this difference in time flow rate, for cultivator, the impact is naturally having nothing in common with each other.

Some creatures have benefited from this time flow rate, because of this time flow rate, they have been tempered, they have obtained a longer practice time, and finally let their strength be in this short period of time It has improved thousands of times better than the best situation I had expected. For other cultivators, this difference in time flow rate is completely different. For them, this increase in the flow of time is just torture, just a curse!

The benefit of cultivator is because the phantom world in which they are in fits well with their spiritual practice. In that phantom world, the longer they stay, the greater the benefits they can get.

For other creatures, their phantom world is extremely incompatible with their own practice. In that world, every minute and every second they spend will have to pay a huge price and need to suffer endless pain! In such a world, staying countless times stronger than the outside world imagines, it is naturally equivalent to suffering innumerable times in that world!

In the face of such a situation, the encounters of those creatures, the benefits and disasters of those creatures in that phantom world, have not changed because of the different speeds of time.

Then, it still conforms to the overall balance between this world and the world cultivator and the world, and it still conforms to the perfect characteristics of such a world!

In the face of such a situation, Luo Fan has felt this way in the past ten years. The faint room has been extracted from it. What he wants to find is similar to the existence of the balance mechanism. .

The existence of this kind of balance mechanism is not power, nor information, nor is it any idea, and the rules and the like are not at all.

It can be found, but it is completely indescribable, and it can only be called by that kind of existence. It is simply impossible to describe it specifically!

Even, if it were not for the projection of Luo Fan at this time, it was carried by the power related to the true saint, he could not even believe whether the existence he had found was real, or it was just an illusion of himself. …

“Is the balance mechanism…” Some inexplicable Luo Fan in my heart looked at the lingering above the stele, and it was faintly connected with the whole world, with everything in this world. The inexplicable existence produces emotions that are difficult to describe in words.

The mysterious anomaly of the balance mechanism has a close connection with everything in the universe, and it seems to affect everything, but it seems to be affected by everything. It seems to be above everything, but it seems that it only exists below everything…

In various situations, everything seems to make sense, and nothing seems to be clear…

This wonderful scene, in the past, Luo Fan was only seen in an existence. That is, the existence related to the will of heaven and earth has been seen in the body!

The existence of the will of heaven and earth seems to be the source of heaven and earth, and it seems to be a kind of appearance derived from heaven and earth.

It exists in heaven and earth, and it seems to be above heaven and earth. It seems that everything in heaven and earth universe can only operate in accordance with its operation mode. It seems that everything in the world can affect the will of the world.

“What about the will of heaven and earth?” At this moment, Luo Fan suddenly remembered some kind of existence that he had ignored for a long time.

This perfect world naturally has the will of the world.

Even the world created by Luo Fan has its own will. The same is true of the heavens and earth developed by other pioneers.

And this perfect world is obviously developed by a certain world developer.

Even if this world developer was removed by the Fated Tribulation layer at this time, all connections with this party were completely cut off. However, this does not change the nature of this world.

Since this world of heaven and earth is also created by the pioneers of the world of heaven and earth, then this world of heaven and earth should naturally have the will of the world to be normal. ,

But, at this time, what is the will of this world? !

This side of the world is swallowed into this Fated Tribulation layer, after being completely assimilated by the power of Fated Tribulation, the will of that day should exist.

At least, it is impossible to disappear without sound.

So now, where is the will of this world? ! It is impossible, together with the developers of this world, to be eliminated from this world…

This kind of thing, as long as you think about it, it is impossible.

After all, although the pioneers of the world are the masters of this world, they are the key to the formation of this world. However, in any case, the world developer is the world developer after all, and between it and the world, it is still two individuals. Each other can still be treated separately.

However, contrary to this, the will of the day and the day will be completely different.

The will of this heaven and earth can be said to be the will produced by this heaven and earth itself. The relationship with this world is like the relationship between the human mind and its own body.

This kind of existence is obviously inseparable from this heaven and earth itself.

If you want to get rid of the will of heaven and earth, it is equivalent to directly erasing the soul of a creature. The souls obtained in this way are not just the shells? ! Where is the soul of the body, where can it be regarded as a complete soul? Where is its greatest value? !

Obviously, for the Fated Tribulation layer, what it needs is this world, which is valuable, can function normally, and has that kind of perfect quality, world!

Such a world cannot be just a body.

So, since it is not a body, then the will of heaven and earth in this world should naturally still exist in this world, and nature still needs to control this world from behind and guide all changes in this world!

But now, where is the will on that day? !

Or, what kind of attitude does the heaven and earth will exist in this world nowadays? ! Is it the same attitude as the heaven and earth will of the normal heaven and earth, or does it exist in a gesture that is completely unknown to Luo Fan and completely incomprehensible? !

What is the relationship with the infinite Fated Tribulation power in this Fated Tribulation layer? !

Is it completely assimilated by Fated Tribulation power, like everything in this world, or is it incompatible with Fated Tribulation power in the Fated Tribulation layer, or even against each other at all times? !

All these situations are confusing for the current Luo Fan.

Normally speaking, he should have been aware of this key factor affecting the whole world in the first time. However, until now, he has been until he feels this kind of balance mechanism similar to the will character of heaven and earth, just then remembered the existence of that kind of will of heaven and earth, which has to be said to be a weird thing.

“Why on earth did I think of the will of heaven and earth at this time?!” Luo Fan flashed such doubts in his mind.

In fact, if he thinks about it now, since he entered the Fated Tribulation layer, he seems to have been ignoring the existence of the will of heaven and earth.

This is true in that Fated Tribulation heaven and earth, and it is also true in that day cluster on the surface of that power.

At this time, it is the same in this perfect world.

In the time before, in his mind, the existence of the will of heaven and earth seemed to be totally nonexistent. It seems to be his own memory, his own thinking has been distorted by some special mechanism, and it is like some kind of unimaginable power that makes him unable to think of the existence of heaven and earth will!

“Is it this power?” At this time, Luo Fan couldn’t help but put his skeptical goal on the power related to the true saint he was pinning at this moment.

Be aware of the appearance of the power related to the true saint. This is an unpredictable thing for him. What level will it reach, what kind of power might it have, what level can it finally achieve, all this, Luo Fan at this time, can only come up with one or two by imagination.

The reason why this kind of imagination is called madness obviously means that this kind of imagination is extremely unrealistic in itself, which itself means that there is a great, wrong possibility for this kind of imagination.

In this way, nowadays, Luo Fan is completely undeniable, this power has the ability to shield his thinking and shield his memory.

Under such circumstances, this kind of abnormality appeared in him at this time, and this kind of situation of ignoring the will of the world and earth was the biggest possibility, of course, this force is working.

However, this can only be conjecture.

Specifically, is this force at work, and why is this force doing this? For him, all of this is obviously just a mist.

After all, his current level is far too far away from the force related to the true saint.

If you want to guess the intention of that force, and want to know the way of that force, it is obviously like an ant who wants to guess the ongoing thinking of some kind of **** outside the universe is generally ridiculous.

“However, since you want to block me, it means that the will of the world is the key.” Thinking in this way, Luo Fan has already changed the way of thinking at this time.

At this time, although he didn’t know how to shield himself from thinking, how to shield himself from the existence of his memory, and why to shield himself, but since he wanted to shield himself, it also means that he was shielded, At least it has some influence on that existence!

Since you have confirmed that it has an impact on it, then, obviously, it is naturally what Luo Fan needs to do at this time.

The existence wants to shield his cognition of the will of heaven and earth, and wants to shield his memory of the will of heaven and earth, so his best practice is obviously to work hard in this respect.

For the will of heaven and earth, Luo Fan has already had quite in-depth research. At least, at his level, it has been considered quite in-depth research. Perhaps, objectively speaking, his research on the will of heaven and earth can only be regarded as the fur in the fur, and he can’t even come up with it. However, at least at his level of cultivator ~ ~ his research is absolutely extremely profound, and it is enough to override most of the world’s developers, even the seven-robber strong .

At this time, although he had just thought of the existence of the will of heaven and earth, he already knew vaguely which direction he was looking for, and in what way he should reach the will of the earth and the earth.

Even if it is, this side of heaven and earth is a side that he can be completely alien to, even if the essence of this side of heaven and earth has undergone incredible changes, so is it.

At this time, he turned his gaze, already looking at a blank space in the void.

In his eyes, the blank space is not completely blank, where there is an endless hidden Space and Time.

In fact, everywhere in this world, there are endless hidden Space and Time.

It’s just that the vast majority of hidden Space and Time are constantly changing, and some Space and Time are even broken, even Space and Time, which is of little value even if it stays for a long time.

It is precisely because of this, such a Space and Time, he just then did not have any idea to play in these days.

At this time, the void he observed was slightly different from the Space and Time hidden behind it. Although most of them are still broken Space and Time and Space and Time, but behind the innumerable changes and broken Space and Time, there are still some Space and Time still intact, even containing all kinds of indescribable subtleties The breath of Space and Time exists there.

In one of those Space and Time, he can feel a very powerful and vast atmosphere.

The kind of breath, if there is nothing, looming, is similar to what he got from the stone tablet below. The breath of the balance mechanism is somewhat similar…

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