Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2756: More info

   Determine what the parallel is, and then use each other’s characteristics to guess the possible intention of Luo Fan. This is obviously the best way to break the situation that can be imagined in the extremely bad situation.

   They have been thinking about this for a while, and in that world, time has passed hundreds of thousands of years.

  Among the many parallel places, what the Clone of these heaven and earth developers did had a great impact on those parallel places, so that those parallel places, at this time, have become and At the beginning they were completely different.

   This difference involves all aspects of the parallel. Some have an influence on the world, some have an influence on the spiritual world, and some even go directly into the layer of rules and regulations, which has a big influence on that layer of regulations…

  Among the many parallels, the existence of those who opened up the world and the world, although at the beginning they were all at the level of ordinary creatures. All traits related to their own world have been erased and truncated.

  However, after all, it is the pioneer of the world, but it has been hardened by the simulated chaotic state for an unknown number of billions of years.

   their wisdom still exists after all.

   This unimaginable wisdom, as long as it exists, will naturally start to affect the surroundings.

   And this influence is constantly expanding, and naturally, it will cause various changes in the parallel.

  And this change, good or bad, good, let the parallel place get great growth, and make the level of the whole parallel place get some improvement. And the bad thing is to make the parallel place chaotic.

  However, no matter whether it is a good influence or a bad influence, it has not encountered any hindrance from that day.

   The day, after sending them to these parallel places, it seemed that they did not exist at all, and ignored them completely. It’s entirely up to them to act arbitrarily in that parallel place…

  As for those Clone developers, after hundreds of thousands of years of development, they are no longer the appearance of ordinary creatures.

   Clone, as the pioneer of the world, no matter how these creatures are, they will have a hunger for power that cannot be ignored.

  This craving makes them extremely disgusted with their state of being a mortal body.

  Under the circumstances that the Worldview‘s various qualities and their mysteries are different from this world, they can only honestly start exploring according to the situation of this world , Follow the rules of this heaven and earth, and follow the traits of the parallel to begin to seek power.

  Under this pursuit, they naturally began to grow up gradually according to the system of parallel practice.

  Hundreds of thousands of years, but almost all have been standing in the parallel Peak place.

The reason why    ends in this realm is only because of the limitation of the parallel, but it is not that they are really just limited to this realm and cannot break through.

   At this time, in the heaven and earth where the roots are, the day above the nothingness was hidden between the invisible, and the subterranean pioneers were observed from various subtle perspectives. Clone. Observing the various activities they are carrying out in them, and feeling the impact of those activities on the entire world.

   In fact, this heaven, or Luo Fan, did not intend to let the Clone of these heaven and earth developers achieve a certain goal in their own heaven and earth.

   That is to say, for him, what the Clone and no matter if it is of these heaven and earth developers do, as long as they are in this heaven and earth, as long as they are in the many parallel places, then anything can be done! Even if it is, it does not matter to get the parallel to the end of the world…

   Because, at this time, his more important goal is to find the influence of higher levels of heaven and earth that may exist in his own heaven and earth! In other words, there are hidden dangers in your own world!

  Under such circumstances, the Clone of these heaven and earth developers in the parallel place, no matter what action, is actually initiating changes in this heaven and earth.

   And this change was originally caused by himself.

   is also caused by the creatures within the parallel existence in this heaven and earth. Only those outside world developers who are completely different from Worldview in the world of heaven and earth, and just then may cause them in a way of thinking that is completely different from the spirits in the world of the earth.

  After all, although the Clone of these heaven and earth developers did not bring the qualities of their respective heavens and earth into this heaven and earth, their own way of thinking is already completely complete with any creature in this heaven and earth. different.

   They came to see their own Zhizhi Worldview. They came to look at everything in the world of Zezhi. Obviously, they all observed from a completely different perspective, measured by a completely different way of thinking!

   In this way, the same thing, the same phenomenon, the reaction they have made, and the cognition they produce will be a completely different result!

   has such different results, and the movements they cause will naturally not be small.

  Finally let the changes produced by this parallel be naturally impossible.

   And the change caused by the parallelism increases, which naturally can reveal the problems that were originally hidden in the heavens and the earth, and reveal the existence of hidden dangers that originally existed outside the perspective!

  And these are the most important for Luo Fan.

  Everything else, what is the developer’s Worldview, what’s the developer’s wisdom, what’s the treasures of the developer, obviously the secondary among the urban minorities.

  Faced with such a situation, he was naturally too lazy to care about the Clone of those world developers.

   For those tandems where the pioneers of heaven and earth are outside, all kinds of means that want to explore the truth of parallelism through means, and explore the intention of heaven and earth, for him, he is more than happy to see it done. .

   It is naturally impossible for this to cause any thoughts of prevention.

   Those world developers continuously integrate each other’s visions outside, and use this integration effort to guess the essence of their parallelism in Clone.

  The wisdom of these world developers is extremely extraordinary, and their deduction ability and guessing ability are naturally self-evident.

   This kind of thing that does not have any reference answer at all, but they quickly pushed a rough idea.

   It’s hidden, it’s actually determined what the parallel position of most Clone is.

   “It seems that my Clone should be somewhere parallel to the Space and Time.”

   “Mine should be in a parallel world.”

   “Mine should be a parallel time…”

   “In this case, I should be in a strange parallel dimension…”


  Many developers of heaven and earth united with each other, and looked at each other face to face.

   This distribution is really too scattered!

  Not only is there no Clone of any world developer in the same parallel, or even the same kind of parallel!

   It feels like it’s just randomly throwing them in…

   But is this possible? !

   They started from themselves and substituted themselves into the position of Luo Fan, and suddenly found that, in such a hurry, they absolutely could not sprinkle Clone of these world developers completely without purpose!

  Since it can’t really be randomly scattered out of thin air, it obviously has a purpose and a corresponding idea.

   And this purpose, this idea, in their view is random, completely confused changes, then clearly represents a fact.

   That is, their eyes are not enough to see the intention of the other party, not enough to see through the other party’s thoughts!

   “I think we are caught in a misunderstanding.” A world developer said at this time.

   This world developer is no other. It was the one who was directly taught by Luo Fan and practiced Luo Fan‘s path of cultivation, and used it to get rid of the world developer of the first world Great Tribulation.

  At this time, the look of the world pioneers was extremely calm, but there was no change because of the embarrassment they were in at this moment. It feels like having afternoon tea with friends.

   Hearing this, other world developers were curious: “What does Fellow Daoist mean, how can I get into a mistake?”

   asked a world developer.

   “Aren’t our purpose to absorb ideas, absorb ideas, and change our own world? Now, what are we doing?” said the developer of the day.

  His words made other world developers froze one by one.

  Since they discovered that their Clone was put into different parallel places, they began to constantly think about the intention of Luo Fan and the intention of heaven. More energy is placed on exploring the secrets. Regarding the original goal, all the secrets of this heaven and earth were clarified, the mystery of the structure and the mystery of the concept were investigated, and then applied to their own heaven and earth, but they were given by them. Aside.

   This time was reminded by the developers of that day, they suddenly realized that just then realized that they really fell into a misunderstanding.

   “After all, the pressure he puts on us is too great…” Another world developer sighed and said.

   shows that his words are not pretexts, but facts.

  The developers of these worlds should not have forgotten their original intentions so easily, and they should not have forgotten their true purpose so easily. But, after all, it is because the pressure that Luo Fan puts on them is too great. It was big enough that after they saw him, they completely regarded it as the key point, and completely regarded their every move as more important than all their ideas!

  Only in this way, just then may be interrupted by the three words and words of the same day. If he moves at will, he completely forgets his original intention.

   Hearing his words, other world developers can only smile bitterly.

  Although this is true, after all, it’s hard to say and unpleasant. They are the developers of the world, Luo Fan is also the developers of the world, they do not think they will really be much worse than Luo Fan.

  Under such circumstances, what Luo Fan can do, they should be able to do. Luo Fan can bring them pressure, they should be able to bring Luo Fan past.

  However, nowadays, they have absolutely no way to bring any pressure to Luo Fan, but the pressure brought to them by Luo Fan has completely controlled their minds, which is a shameful thing.

  In the moment, many of the world’s developers who were present fell into silence.

  The world’s pioneers began to attach their minds to their own Clone. With the help of their Clone, they began to explore the parallel place where their own Clone is located, and appreciate all the mysteries of the parallel place.

The difference between    where the parallel lies and the root of the world is actually more limited to the appearance, or the surface.

  In essence, they are exactly the same as the root of the world!

  All the parallels, the ones that are followed are still the Luo Fan Worldview!

Everything in it is constructed in accordance with the standards of Worldview. Therefore, although they are in different parallel places, the Clone of these world developers will not hinder the essence of Worldview that comprehends Luo Fan.

  Under such circumstances, they have realized and explored the heaven and the earth in many parallel existences, which is actually not much different from exploring in the root of the world.

   But This kind of difference, for Tiandao, or Luo Fan, the difference is quite big.

  Different parallelism, for Luo Fan, it is the various expressions of Worldview, or the various possibilities of Worldview!

  The various changes caused by the Clone of many world developers in many parallel places are equivalent to these kinds of possible deep layers being constantly tossed out, and the secrets that were originally hidden in the deepest place are constantly being uncovered. .

  Different world developers have different angles, and the way they open these secrets is different.

   And this difference is enough to allow Luo Fan to experience its own world from different aspects and different angles, and then discover many things that they could not have discovered.

   And these things that could not be found originally, it is clear that for him to realize what may exist in this heaven and earth, the influence of other heavens and earth is of great benefit. Under such circumstances, Luo Fan began to gradually focus its attention on the Clone of many world developers…

   “It is still too few, maybe more world developers should be gathered…” At one moment, such an idea appeared in the mind of Luo Fan.

  With this idea, he began to deduce it continuously, imagining the benefits and disadvantages that this idea might bring to himself, and the possibility of realization of this idea…


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