Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2619: Change

In this world, the absolute suppression of him by this world, but also blinded the state of chaos!

In this process of repression, for the chaotic state, all his progress was covered by the state before he entered this side of heaven and earth.

That is to say, as far as the chaotic state is concerned, he is actually already suppressed by this side of the world. To put it another way, in his current state of chaos, he is just a Xiantian Great Principle.

Of course, this state is far inferior to the state of the six-robber strong Peak before he entered this world.

In this way, any progress he made in this side of the world, for the chaotic state, obviously only re-consolidated his foundation at a low level, and did not affect his upper limit at all. It is naturally impossible to advance the seventh Great Tribulation he encountered.

In this case, obviously, he has more time to strengthen himself and improve himself…


Besides the source of this cold rule, Luo Fan stays for a thousand years.

In the past, in order to feel the kind of cold rule source for him to absorb, the stimulation of the heat rule source, he only spent a hundred years. This time, he spent ten times more time than before in order to re-experience the previous ones!

For Luo Fan, who will encounter the seventh Great Tribulation after 300 million years, it is quite precious even if it is a thousand years.

It took thousands of years to delay here. This seems to have been a waste of time. It has not turned this time into a growth driver for his Magical Abilities realm. However, for Luo Fan, he did not feel that this time was wasted.

He believed in his heart that it was worth the money he spent thousands of years here.

Even, it can be said to be necessary!

“Finally, some impetuousness was finally removed…” On this day, Luo Fan thought this way and slowly stepped toward the source of the cold rules ahead.

For thousands of years, the heat he has accumulated has reached a point where he thinks it is enough to enter the source of the cold rules…

At this moment, within his body, in that heat circulation system, endless heat flows like a solid around his body, and there are all kinds of existence from time to time. The deep body of the body is created out of thin air, and continues to blend into the heat one after another.

Even his Worldview, at this time, is also constantly integrated into his heat, so that his heat is improved every moment, and every moment of sublimation, will change his The body advances to a higher level.

When he really came into contact with the source of the cold rules, an unimaginable chill came from his hands, swept around his body instantly, and his body was completely frozen in the blink of an eye. Was frozen in the ice!

If it is a general cultivator, in the face of this change, undying should also delaminate.

However, for the Luo Fan who had already been prepared, such a chill is not enough to make him move.

At this time, his complexion did not even change, but the heat in his body was naturally agitated, which completely vaporized the surrounding ice, allowing his body to quickly return to its original normal appearance. .

The chills are constantly flowing, and the heat in the body of Luo Fan is constantly flowing, constantly fighting against these chills.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the source of the heat rule in his body had received unprecedented strong stimulation. The micro-individual who had been divided into the end of the induction at this time will exist in an unprecedented posture. The sense is revealed, so that Luo Fan can clearly discover its existence even without concentration!

“Sure enough, the stimulus is many times stronger than before…” At this time, such thoughts flashed in Luo Fan‘s heart.

With this thought, he no longer hesitated, and went further, completely into the source of the cold rules.

As he stepped into it, the source of the cold rules began to tremble slightly, with a circle of ripples on the surface continuously releasing.

The source of the cold rule is the source of the entire ice field, even if the rule source itself has little to do with the cold, but because it is combined with the cold here, it naturally blesses the cold, but it also makes it this. The source of the entire ice sheet is now.

Under such circumstances, there is a change in this source, and the impact is great, but it does not only affect the source itself. Rather, it spread to directly affect the entire ice sheet, and let the whole ice sheet change dramatically at this moment!

The sound of quack quacks continued to spread throughout the ice field at this time.

It seems that there are countless cracks in the ice field suddenly appearing out of thin air, and quickly healed under the cold in the ice field.

This change makes the entire calm ice field seem to be noisy and lively at once.

It feels like this whole ice sheet is a living thing, and is now turning over in a deep sleep.

However, for the ice sheet as a whole, the change is just that.

After all, apart from the ice, there is no other existence in this ice sheet. Under such circumstances, as long as the changes in the ice sheet do not reach the point of collapse, allowing the ice sheet to shrink or expand, then the changes in the ice sheet will not cause much impact.

Therefore, although the ice sheet trembles a few times, the sound of rattling sounds throughout the ice sheet, but in the end it is just that. The outside world has not seen any obvious changes.

Even, a little further away, I can’t even feel the change.

But this is just the outside world.

For the inside of this icefield, the impact of this change is amazing…

You know, this icefield seemed empty at first glance, only the ice exists. But in fact, in this ice field, because of the influence of the branch of the source of the cold rules, there are many strange creatures!

These creatures view the entire icefield from a completely different perspective. For them, this icefield is their universe, their worlds, their worlds, their Space and Time!

At this time, this continuous cracking and bridging appeared everywhere in this ice field, but for them, it was the heavens and the world that began to produce amazing changes at this time. The world is cracking, the heaven and earth are dying and born again, the universe is shifting, the stars are deforming…

Everything and everything makes them feel that it seems that the whole world is completely different from before every moment!

In this kind of change, on the first day, there are already some unknown creatures that have perished and died, and there is no known how many ordinary creatures are familiar with the world disappeared.

But, at the same time, some strange creatures were born out of thin air.

The “world” with unknown fantastic oddities of every description was born out of thin air…

These changes have made those who are knowledgeable even think that the development of the original trillion trillion years has been compressed in just a few days…

Yes, among the various “worlds” inside this ice sheet, some intelligent creatures have appeared.

Since those creatures who chased behind Luo Fan toward the source of the cold rules have returned to those worlds, such creatures have been born.

In the beginning, those creatures chased behind Luo Fan, continually digging deeper into the ice sheet, and continually approaching the source of the cold rules. Finally, because of various factors, either inevitable or accidental, they unraveled a certain kind of blinding on their minds. The barrier has enabled them to gain real wisdom, and has since become real intelligent beings. But at the same time, they also lost track of Luo Fan, and no longer know where to continue to chase Luo Fan deep into the ice sheet. Therefore, after that, they each returned to their own “world” of ice.

After returning to those worlds, the wisdom they gained began to gradually affect more and more other creatures because of some extremely mysterious mechanism.

Let those creatures that are already about to evolve true wisdom, really lift the last barrier, and gain, true wisdom!

With the gain of this wisdom, the struggle between many worlds, or between many ethnic groups, naturally weakened a lot.

After all, the reason why the original fighting was so fierce is actually because the instinct controlled the instincts of those involved in the fighting. After gaining true wisdom, although their instincts have not disappeared, they have been able to be suppressed by wisdom and reason.

With this kind of repression, they will naturally measure the pros and cons of the battle. They will naturally measure whether this battle is necessary and to what extent it is acceptable.

After so much consideration, the scale of the battle naturally began to become smaller.

After the scale of the battle becomes smaller, those “worlds” naturally have more time to develop and more opportunities to develop.

Finally, in the Luo Fan‘s view for more than a thousand years, and in their view for hundreds of thousands of years, they have completely changed the status of the world, and let those so-called worlds really have The taste of the world has also brought out more and more veritable civilizations among those worlds!

Because of this, in the face of the present natural disaster, the performance of those worlds is much better than expected.

At least, it’s a lot better than when the natural disaster happened before.

Although this kind of natural disaster does not happen often, but this ice sheet has endless years, changes will always occur. And once the ice sheet changes, for these creatures living in the ice sheet, it is the change of the heavens and the world. The impact will not be much less than this time.

In the past, almost every small change in the ice field was enough to cause a great collapse of the spirit. Every time, the original prototype of civilization was destroyed once, and it became completely uncontrollable!

After all, in the past, those creatures were more instinctively controlled.

They will not measure how much this change will affect their future. They will only know that they are fine and their enemies are almost dying. So, directly choose to attack the enemy, make the enemy worse, and die due to fate…

After that, it was their turn to die, and other creatures targeted them and attacked them directly.

Constantly changing and cycling, and finally, most creatures will die in it.

Even the living creatures are almost dead. Where is the prototype of civilization? !

Now, the situation is completely different. With wise creatures and civilized creatures, it will naturally measure the current scale of change, and naturally it will consider how to maintain its own civilization as much as possible. Therefore, helping each other, something that was not possible before, will naturally appear between these civilizations…

And once mutual help emerges, the likelihood that civilization will continue will of course increase dramatically.

“This change has many differences from the previous… It feels more like a new race is born…” One day, a chase behind Luo Fan headed towards the source of the cold rules ‘S creatures made a judgment.

This creature is among the creatures in this ice field. The first batch of creatures that gained wisdom can be said to be the ancestor of wisdom in the so-called heavens and the world!

Such as him, naturally has a very detached position.

Because they are the same group of people who have gained wisdom, they are no longer so hatred for the enemies who did not share the sky, but the relationship between them is in a rather complicated, yet The state of exclusion and affinity.

At this time, his words were addressed to the same ancestors of wisdom in other “worlds” through the ice field.

“It’s very similar. And, I feel a somewhat familiar breath on it…” Another ancestor of wisdom responded at this time.

“You feel it too? I thought it was my Another ancestor of wisdom said that. There was shock in the voice, there was incredible, like what he said He also felt incredible.

“Even if you two have this feeling, then you can almost be sure. These changes in the sky must have been caused by foreign objects outside that day!” Another ancestor of wisdom spoke at this time. His judgment.

“It should be so.” A wise ancestor echoed.

For these ancestors of wisdom, among the heavens and the world, only just then can communicate with each other, and all other creatures are just juniors to them, seriously, they are too Stupid too stupid.

Therefore, for these big events in the world, they all communicate with each other in this way and decide together.

In this, there are naturally all kinds of calculations, all kinds of struggles, but it is needless to say. To some extent, this communication,

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