Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2354: Everything

As the great emperor started to talk about True Dao, the atmosphere of many cultivators in that temple surged, and all kinds of enlightened expressions were revealed in his eyes, and his own practice foundation was also changed unconsciously, gradually toward When the direction of the world and the world are merged into one, Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi is like a river flowing into the sea, and is continuously injected into their bodies.

At this moment, the hall where the emperor is located, as if it had turned into a vast and vast black hole, began to swallow all the Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi between heaven and earth frantically. Looking up from the ground, it seems that the sky suddenly broke a big hole, and all the material between the sky and the earth began to flow crazyly from that big hole!

This sudden change made the stunned creatures who were not qualified to enter the hall between the heavens and the earth, both envious of the encounter of the powerful who could enter the hall and listen to it, but also I regret that I am not qualified for sorrow, even faintly, and negative emotions such as jealousy are born.

As the whole world began to fall into a strange atmosphere.

It seems like a storm is coming, and it is like the darkest moment before dawn…

I don’t know when a famous spirit rose up into the sky and converged toward the highest palace from all directions.

It’s just that the temple darker than black, even if it is not as good as the Luo Fan palace, can be hidden between the reality and the reality, can not be noticed by any creature, but it is not accessible to ordinary creatures.

No matter how hard those creatures work, no matter how accurate they aim, no matter how many billions of light-years they fly away, they can only approach the temple to a level that they can barely see. No matter how hard they try, Really close to that temple, let alone step into that temple…

So, with the passage of time, there are more and more cultivator piled up in a certain distance from the temple, but the temple is still like the previous one, still madly swallowing this world of Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, Still like a huge vortex…

Even if you choose cultivator that is close to that temple, you are not that many.

However, the amount of cultivator in this world is too huge. Even if only one-tenth of ten million cultivator made such a choice, the number of cultivator piled up at a certain distance around the temple eventually reached an unimaginable scale unconsciously.

Such large-scale cultivator gathering has covered the sky in this palace.

After a few years, looking up everywhere in this heaven and earth, I can no longer see the sky above the sky as if it were a black hole, and it is a hall that swallows all matter like crazy.

At this time, looking up, I can only see a dark cloud hanging very strangely above the void, constantly changing and changing…

For this kind of palace that cannot be even connected, even if some evil spirits start from the heart, it will be beaten twice, and the idea of ​​destroying the temple is impossible to achieve.

Thus, although this temple has been targeted by countless creatures for so many years, it is still there and it seems to hang there quietly, as if nothing has happened, it is still not slow Absorbs the endless Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi and gathers the endless mystery behind this world!

However, although it is impossible to force open the temple and break in, the countless cultivator gathered in the distance of this temple are not without gains.

If there is really no gain, how could they stay here for years? It should be known that without those Quasi-Saint and other high-level laminates, this world can be said to have been allowed to run. Among them, countless resources that they were not originally entitled to seize are even better. Under such a good environment, if there is no gain, how could they waste their time here? Waste time around this temple? !

In fact, they have been receiving a lot of benefits all the time when they are around this temple all these years!

The source of this benefit is not the other, it is what the temple has gathered, the endless Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, and the endless mystery hidden behind the heavens and the earth!

For all cultivator that has reached the repair of Xiantian Great Principle, Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi does not mean much to them at all. Because, by the Xiantian Great Principle series, any cultivator can already be self-sufficient. With the existence of primordial qi, as long as they want, they can have as many as they want…

However, for those cultivators who have not yet reached Xiantian Great Principle, this exotic endless Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi is obviously a very precious existence.

A little more Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi can reduce their time of practice.

At this time, this madness from all directions, the endless Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, for them, is equivalent to loading them with a practice accelerator.

Obviously, in addition to the repair of Xiantian Great Principle, there is a large part of the cultivator that has not reached the Xiantian Great Principle level!

After all, there is really potential, and the optimistic Xiantian Great Principle cultivation has already entered the palace, and together with the dozens of Quasi-Saint to listen to True Dao. Although there are some Xiantian Great Principle repairs left here, they are not all after all…

And this is just the benefit that Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi brings to them.

In addition to Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, those endless mysteries hidden from this world that are constantly gathered from all directions are more precious than Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi!

The mysterious mystery from this gathering is not even different in value because of the difference between Xiantian Great Principle and non-Xiantian Great Principle!

That is to say, these gathered mysteries, no matter if it is, for Xiantian Great Principle or non-Xiantian Great Principle, are all the same precious and equally useful!

And this is the root cause of the innumerable cultivators that are reluctant to gather around here.

However, although many cultivator gather here, according to the distance from that temple and the angle of that temple, the Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi and the mystery that can be touched everywhere are obviously different.

This kind of different existence will naturally make these cultivators that gather here compete for each other.

Therefore, the struggle naturally appeared in the gathering place of these cultivator all the time, even if it is clear that this opportunity for understanding is rare, but they also waste most of their time on this kind of struggle. . Almost every beautiful location in the environment has been fighting every moment, but in the end, the utilization rate there has become much lower than other locations…

However, this change is just human nature. It is the sequelae left over from the years of fighting. Even if those Quasi-Saints are suppressed here, they may not be completely suppressed, not to mention that those Quasi-Saints are now all Having entered the hall and listening to True Dao, no one exists in the outside world to suppress these contradictions.

So, at the place where so many cultivators converge, the number of deaths of cultivator is more than when the war was going on!

A subtle confusion, constantly brewing, makes it difficult for this world to restore the fact that the various camps did not form before.


Regarding the outside world, no one in that temple cares.

Those who listen to True Dao are trying to absorb all the content of the emperor, and strive to integrate all the truths and mysteries contained in their words into their body and mind as much as possible, as much as possible. Everything turns into one’s own harvest and one’s own new spiritual foundation!

In this way, they even wish they could focus on the emperor with hundreds of times more attention out of thin air. Where else might they devote their energy to pay attention to the situation outside the hall?

Not to mention, they have such a consciousness of self-denial, and the hall itself is their biggest obstacle, enough to completely isolate them from all connections with the outside world, making it difficult for them to discover any changes in the outside world.

This is the case with cultivator who listen to the sermons, and the emperor who preached above is not much better.

For this great emperor, what he is preaching now is not just telling the many cultivators underneath, but also telling himself!

After all, his countless comprehensions were obtained from heaven and earth and the mist at the end of the day.

Although they all belong to him now, the method of obtaining is still too easy, too simple. In this way of obtaining, his own comprehension of these mysteries is still unable to reach the level of fascination. There is still a gap between what he realized by himself bit by bit from the sky…

Under such circumstances, he is preaching for many cultivator at this time, which is equivalent to re-starting these mysteries from the beginning, and comprehend it bit by bit!

This is obviously helpful for him to master these mysteries.

It can be said that every time he talks about True Dao, his foundation is being consolidated. Every time a cultivator understands the essence of True Dao he is talking about, he is equivalent to regaining a bit of true essence!

In this way, how could he waste time focusing on the outside world? !

How could it pay more attention to the methods used by cultivator outside to compete for the location near the temple, and how much did it cost and how much sacrifice did it have in the process? !

In this process, time passes by little by little.

Unconsciously, three hundred years have passed…

For the outside world, these three hundred years have been so long. At least, this is true for the infinite Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi and the mysterious creatures who are on the earth and have not traveled to the place where they are close to the temple to absorb the infinity of the temple.

After all, for them, during these three hundred years, I don’t know how many bombs were suspended in the void, twisted and brewed from moment to moment, it seems that it may burst out at any time, and this world Pulling into the abyss of despair For them, the war that occurred at a higher level is the abyss of despair!

For cultivator in that temple, these three hundred years have passed by.

When the emperor stopped preaching at the top, saying that this time when the preaching ended, their hearts were filled with unbending grief.

When I chanted in the mouth: “Thank you the emperor for passing me True Dao!”, it was still confused, and it was difficult to get back from the content that the emperor announced in the past three hundred years.

Compared to the beginning, the present emperor is even more inscrutable. The omniscient, omniscient, and omnipotent charm that haunts the whole body is more and more intense.

At a glance, all cultivator feels that all secrets in their hearts have been seen through by the other party, and all their perceptions and all their thoughts seem to have no meaning in the eyes of the other party!

Even if they have made unprecedented progress compared to three hundred years ago, the same is true.

This change made them understand that the distance between them and the Great Emperor did not shrink much by listening to the other party’s preaching for three hundred years. On the contrary, it became bigger!

This makes them even more shocked.

Be aware that compared to three hundred years ago, their progress has been so great that even they themselves can’t believe it.

First of all, the number of Quasi-Saint has increased several times compared to three hundred years ago! From the original dozens, it has increased to nearly two hundred!

Second, that was originally the strongest of Small Success Quasi-Saint. Unconsciously, it has already crossed the two small realms of Intermediate Success and Great Success, reaching the level of Peak Quasi-Saint!

In other cultivators have at least raised a small realm, and many of them have crossed five or six realms, from the original Xiantian Great Principle, directly into Quasi-Saint!

If such and such progress is made in the original, they even suspect that it will take millions or even tens of millions of years to obtain it. But now, they have achieved this kind of progress in the past three hundred years without just. Moreover, they feel that the strength they can exert is even a qualitative leap from the beginning!

Not just in power, but in efficiency.

If it is pure power, with the progress of their Magical Abilities state, it is not surprising that they have exerted more powerful power than they were at first…

The reason why they now regard this effect as an extraordinary progress is that the fundamental reason is that their efficiency in the use of power is now increased by many times compared to the original!

It can be said that nowadays, they only need one strength, and they can exert the effect that just then may exert when they need hundreds or even thousands of strengths…

Even so, they still feel that the gap between them and the emperor has increased. How can they not be shocked by this situation? How can you not be shocked by the power of the emperor?

The emperor didn’t care about the cultivator’s reluctance at this time, but just said lightly: “This time the preaching is over, you just have to wait for it.”

In the speaking room, the door of the hall was opened directly, revealing the outside world that had been ignored by them for hundreds of years.

At this time, many cultivator bowed down awe-inspiringly, thanked the emperor again, and then turned around and retreated respectfully.

The only thing left is a cultivator that has reached Quasi-Saint Peak and still stays in this palace. It seems that there is something to say to the emperor…

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