Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2310: Full power

The strength of the Prison King is actually stronger than the current Luo Fan. Like “Fiction” “⒉②

This is the light of heaven and earth with Luo Fan‘s true will of heaven and earth, and it is not impossible to destroy the prison king.

The reason why it looks so embarrassed in just then seems that it is not an opponent of the light of heaven and earth at all. Under the offensive of the light of heaven and earth, there is nothing to do. The fundamental reason is that he has scruples!

Or rather, the restriction imposed on him by this entire Path of a Daoist Venerable!

However, with a strong enough strength as a hole card, no matter how poor the situation is, he still retains a sufficient hole card, which makes him clearly able to play in this layer. Not Luo Fan, but still have enough grasp to entangle Luo Fan, so that he can not divide the effort to resist the actions of many four-eyed creatures at this moment!

Obviously, the Prison King did exactly that.

While waiting for Luo Fan to take action, he has already proactively released some unknown brilliance and rushed towards Luo Fan.

At first glance, these gleaming glory seem to be no different from the gleaming glory released by other creatures, but as long as Luo Fan carefully senses it, it will appear that these gleaming glory contains all kinds of extremely subtle, more incomparable mysterious and strange exist.

These existences make these Mengmengguanghua contain many times more powerful than other Mengmengguanghua!

Even if the light of heaven and earth in Luo Fan can’t easily deal with it when facing Guanghua, it needs to invest huge amounts of resources to analyze and deduce these Guanghua all the time. just then can find Propose corresponding measures to destroy these glorious glory.

However, after the light of this heaven and earth has just analyzed the secrets of this wave of brilliance, the next wave of brilliance has undergone all kinds of unspeakable changes, making the previous analysis deduction completely into a bubble, making this world The light must repeat the previous process again just then can solve the new light again…

This way, let the light of this world fall into an endless vicious circle, but there is no more spare power that can be extracted and used by Luo Fan.

“Sure enough, I was caught.” At this moment, Luo Fan sighed.

From this coping method, we can know that the King of Prisons must have had a lot of experience in coping with the light of heaven and earth. If he has no experience, he will never be as fast as this. The method of light detention here.

However, it is clear that although the King of Prisons has been detained here in the light of the world of Luo Fan, it is not without any pressure for him.

At this moment, he didn’t show a bit of complacency at all. Instead, his expression seemed tense and inexplicable. What was revealed in his four eyes was an infinite amount of computing aura.

This kind of light is the light that just then may show when there are countless billions of complex calculations in my heart at all times!

It is precisely because of this huge pressure that the Prisoner of Kings was unable to distract him at this time, and carried out the fundamental task of the opposing camp on this side.

From a certain point of view, the two of them can already be regarded as the same…

However, this kind of homicide is obviously more beneficial to the side of the Prison King.

On the Luo Fan side, he is the only one who really has combat power. On the other hand, there are countless fighting forces on the side of the Prison King!

“Can’t wait…” At this time, the thought flashed in Luo Fan‘s heart.

With this idea, he began to urge his corresponding existence on other levels, and began to rush towards the many creatures in the camp of the Prison King in each level!

He was not willing to disclose this ability to manipulate his corresponding existence in all levels at will.

After all, even under the sixth floor of Daoist Venerable, there is no such ability… If you go out publicly, it will inevitably attract too much attention, and it will be a big trouble for him at that time.

But, obviously, at this time, even if he was unwilling, he had to use this method.

After all, it doesn’t look like that kind of benevolent existence on the part of the King of Prisoners. If they really take the entire fourth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable as their own and completely change its nature, then the opponent Luo Fan, who is in front of them, may be resolved by them in the first time!

In a state where there is no way to leave this fourth floor, what Luo Fan can do now is obviously to use all its means to block the other party…

Luo Fan has communicated and controlled the number of its corresponding existence at all levels has already reached an incredible level.

At this time, he was vigorously urging the existence of all levels. The total number may be hundreds of times more than the number of invaders at this moment!

If you have a perspective that can see through all levels, then you will see what a grand offensive the Luo Fan is!

The offensive is like a wave of heaven and earth. It is endless and endless. Its power and horror gesture are enough to completely destroy everything that stands in front of it!

However, during this impact, such a wave is getting stronger and stronger resistance.

Finally, before actually contacting the existence of the invader at all levels, it was already unable to move forward, and could only stay alone in the area of ​​a longer or shorter distance, Can’t move anymore…

“This is the power of the Daoist Venerable **** opposite!” At this time, Luo Fan felt a shock and instantly judged what was the kind of obstruction in front of its existence at all levels.

The prison of Daoist Venerable is the existence of tentacles touching all levels of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

The level of power obviously needs to suppress cultivator in any number of layers.

In other words, whether it is the first floor, the second floor, even the eighth floor or the cultivator among the ninth floor, once the mistake is made, the strength of this Daoist Venerable prison must be sufficient to completely suppress it!

Under such circumstances, the power of this Daoist Venerable prison will naturally have the ability to suppress the means, power, and power that cultivator in all levels may have!

What Luo Fan has mastered is the ability to communicate and control the existence of each level. Even if he is confident, he does not think that this ability will be out of the scope of all levels of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

In this way, his ability is within the limits of the power of the Daoist Venerable prison, but it is really normal. In fact, if this ability can break through the power of Daoist Venerable hell, Luo Fan just then should be surprised and feel that there is any conspiracy being arranged on himself…

Analyzing from the power of the Daoist Venerable prison, at this moment, the offensive urged by the existence of Luo Fan communication at all levels is strongly blocked, so there is nothing surprising.

However, after all, blocking is blocking, even if there is such a guess already faintly, but when this power is really blocked, Luo Fan still feels a little helpless.

His heart moved slightly, and his existence at all levels retreated slightly, waiting at the boundary where the power of Daoist Venerable’s prison could and could not be affected.

The influence of the power of Daoist Venerable’s prison must be limited.

Now, the reason why he can’t take those creatures is because they are still under the influence of the power of the prison of Daoist Venerable.

Obviously, those creatures can never be in the power of Daoist Venerable forever!

After all, what they do is invasion! Instead, defend!

And as long as they are out of the power range, that is the opportunity for Luo Fan

Thinking like this, although the situation is getting worse and worse, Luo Fan still does not feel discouraged, but still calmly and calmly waiting for the time to come.

In his waiting, the many four-eyed creatures have eroded and assimilated the incomparably huge range around the hole into something that looks the same as the original, but the inner essence has already produced something that Luo Fan cannot do Understand, the state of change is even more indescribable!

In this state, those creatures seem to have been further liberated, their own power and their own power have been released more and more, the breath of their bodies has become more and more smooth, and their looks have changed. Getting more and more comfortable.

Even, some creatures have even passed the location of Luo Fan and headed towards the wider area behind Luo Fan.

Fortunately, there is still a long distance from the world group of Luo Fan itself. These assimilated areas want to spread to the world group of Luo Fan. After all, there are too long roads to cross, otherwise, now the Luo Fan world group I am afraid that I have been affected by this change and I have produced some unspeakable changes.

As for the power of this Path of a Daoist Venerable Daoist Venerable prison, it has now been pushed beyond this assimilated area.

Although the innumerable shadowy figures possessed by the power of the prison of Daoist Venerable, the more angry and the more violent one by one, but after all, they can’t get rid of the restrictions, they can’t be realized by virtual reality, and they really come to this layer. Watching the power of the Daoist Venerable prison he entrusted to him was being pushed back and forth, and constantly gave way to the invaders to assimilate!

A little time passed, and soon, more than half a year passed.

During the past six months, many of the fourth-tier cultivators have also been awakened, and organized hundreds of offensives to fight against these invaders, which showed many heroic deeds that can be weeping and tearing them down. The potential has reached the limit, the scene is so magnificent, even Luo Fan can’t help but admire it.

However, unfortunately, the gap is the gap, even if there is fighting spirit and courage, in the case of insufficient strength, they can only watch their failure again and again.

In the end, in just half a year, many cultivators left millions of corpses directly in this area assimilated by the invaders, and hundreds of thousands of ruins of the world group– Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of the ruins of these world groups that just then inspired the courage of those cultivator… after all, the appearance of those ruins shows that if they do not resist, then until the assimilation of the invaders reaches their world group, The only thing waiting for them is death…

Just one day after half a year, it can be said that Luo Fan in the center of the assimilated area suddenly blinked his eyes, and the thought flashed in his mind: “There is a chance!”

With this idea, his corresponding existence on all levels took action at the same time, and the earth-shattering waves went crazy from all directions toward the front, rushing to the many invaders!

At this time, looking at it from a practical perspective, it is the area where a large number of intruders are located. It has crossed a certain limit. Although it is still in the area that has been assimilated, the power of the other party’s Daoist Venerable prison is in Their area has become thin to a certain degree, and they can no longer provide them with much support!

This is true at the reality level, as is the case at many other levels.

The existences corresponding to Luo Fan felt more or less resistance when they rushed to their corresponding existences, but these resistances, after all, only delayed the progress of his corresponding existence. In the end, he corresponded ‘S existence still broke through many resistances, and slammed into the existence of those invaders at all levels…

For a time, the entire fourth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable was quiet~ It seemed that there was an invisible big hand that suddenly pressed the switch of the passage of time.

Then, the one who rushed to the front, I don’t know how many creatures in four eyes, collapsed silently, and even the screams didn’t even make a noise, and then completely turned into nothingness. As if it never appeared.

This change makes both the enemy and the enemy, except Luo Fan, stunned. I can’t believe what I saw.

“What’s this?! Which strong shot?” For the cultivator on the Luo Fan side, such a surprise appeared in their hearts.

However, for the intruders on the other side, they feel completely different. At this moment, they felt that a chill coming from the bottom of their hearts would fill their bodies and minds.

“Who is this? What kind of attack is this? Why have so many silently erased it?!” This is the panic in their hearts.

For a time, those invaders couldn’t help but retreat, and the original assimilation path that was constantly advancing stopped with it…

This completely incomprehensible attack suddenly came. How can they not worry that such an attack will fall on them and wipe them off as silently as those of the same path before?

As for why going backwards, this is not to mention, although I don’t know what that kind of silent attack is, but since the attack is acting in front, they naturally know that the more forward, the more dangerous, the more The later, the more secure.

The Prison King at this time looks extremely ugly to Luo Fan: “Is it you?”

His judgment is not supported by any evidence, but with his intuition, he is extremely convinced of his judgment! Therefore, his statement is questioning, but in fact it is more like a statement… (to be continued.)

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