Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 2133: Upheaval

The surrounding voids turned into an endless sea of ​​fire at this instant, and the flames rising from the sky continued to spread in all directions, igniting more and more Space and Time, making the flames here look like real waves in all directions. The constant turbulence makes everything that stands in front of this flame look as insignificant and insignificant as if facing a real sea wave…

Among them, the many Daoist Venerable gates that were originally under the conspirators are part of these small existences that block the waves…

At this time, the conspirator finally shot again. *W.suimeng.lā After all, he is able to calculate the strength and means of the third brother’s Daoist Venerable, which is self-evident. At this time, he acted decisively, flicked his hand, and the endless powerful concept was released from him. In a flash, it was already wrapped under the doors of the many Daoist Venerable that fell into the flames, and another shock, It has already torn open the void of the sea of ​​fire, directly moved away, and disappeared within the range of the sea of ​​fire.

The whole process is extremely fast, almost as if there is no need to experience time, and the surrounding sea of ​​fire seems to be completely at two different levels with him, and there is no impact on it at all.

“Sure enough, under the door of Daoist Venerable, there are many means of escape…” Looking at this scene, Luo Fan couldn’t help but sigh.

Although, the fire he caused is not a fatal threat to these Daoist Venerable members. However, this is a sea of ​​fire enough to ignite everything. Normally, those who want to escape from Daoist Venerable still need to pay a certain price. Where could it be as easy and comfortable as now?

Seeing that the conspirator had fled under the door of many Daoist Venerables, Luo Fan moved slightly, and the flames began to extinguish gradually.

The unstoppable concept magic power that occupies the core in this sea of ​​fire has re-converged, and in a blink of an eye, it returns to the inside of his body, and the surroundings have regained the calm state at the beginning.

Only the devastated Space and Time is gradually creeping under the rules of the third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable, and gradually recovering…

“Thank you Fellow Daoist, if it is not Fellow Daoist, this time their conspiracy will be successful.” Then the third brother came up to pay a tribute to Luo Fan at this time.

After hearing this, Luo Fan smiled faintly and said, “This is your business, it has nothing to do with me. I just wanted to tell that person that I was not able to easily calculate it.”

During the talk, he smiled faintly and walked up. His figure seemed to turn into a flash of light and shadow, constantly moving in the void. Every time he moved, his body directly penetrated Space and Time, which is unknown to millions of miles.

The conspirator looked at the figure of Luo Fan who left slowly, and his eyes kept changing. Eventually, after a long breath, he finally pressed his hands. After all, it is not easy for him to get down from the fourth floor of Path of a Daoist Venerable. If he has been entangled for such a loose repair, it is simply a waste of time and life. It is not worth anything.

Especially, this is even more so when the one freelancer has made it clear that he will no longer participate in the dispute between them and the third brother.

“Just let him leave like that? Let me take a few people to teach him!” A Daoist Venerable said to the conspirator at this time.

When he heard this, the conspirator shook his head and said, “It’s not necessary. As long as our plan succeeds, it’s just a matter of turning hands to get him. Now it’s a waste of time to get him.”

Then Daoist Venerable heard it, and there was a sudden look on his face, and the anger in his eyes had been suppressed.

At this time, the third brother said: “What is your purpose?”

Compared to before, the third brother now has stronger self-confidence. The whole body exudes the momentum of controlling everything. Standing there, like the entire third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable is supporting him behind it. Do anything the same.

The conspirator suddenly laughed and said: “It really is different. Is there any third layer behind the support performance is really different. It really makes people look forward to…”

He said something that the third brother did not understand completely, making the face of the third brother more and more difficult to look.

“Did he have any other means?” He thought, but his movements didn’t stop. He gave a soft drink in his mouth, and suddenly raised his hand, and grabbed the conspirator.

Under this grasp, his body shone with light, and a collection of concepts and supernatural powers gathered in the void, turned into a huge palm, and grabbed toward the conspirator.

Under this grasp, Space and Time tremors, void distortions, rules of law all began to be reconstructed, and began to be reconstructed in accordance with the construction method of this palm, and instantly became a strange Space and Time phantom, which was crushed towards the conspirator. past!

At this moment, there was indescribable pressure around the conspirator’s body, and he began to burrow into his body frantically, to collapse everything!

“Where do you think I come from?” the conspirator said lightly at this time.

With this sentence, he took a hit, a ray of light came straight out of his hand, turned into a white line in the void, and directly inserted into all the visions caused by the huge palm , Began to make some indescribable changes, carried out all kinds of incomprehensible movements, and finally, directly mobilized the many forces, directly shattered all the visions caused by the palm, and even directly poured into the concept Among the palms composed of supernatural powers, let the palms composed of that supernatural power collapse outright, regenerate into many supernatural powers, and start to splash around!

“This crude combination of supernatural powers wants to deal with me?!” the conspirator shouted.

With this loud shout, the light he emitted turned around again, plunged into the void, and suddenly received it again, and pulled out a strange world from the depths of the void.

This bizarre world, darker than black, seems to be completely illusory, but it contains endless creatures with a strong sense of existence!

After this strange world was pulled out, it naturally began to release all kinds of unimaginable fluctuations. The surrounding Space and Time began to change gradually with this fluctuation, from the original true and true, gradually turned into an illusory status.

Just in a blink of an eye, it has once again formed a huge circle, directly covering all the Daoist Venerable doors here!

At this time, many Daoist Venerable doors, as well as the third brother, once again felt that their contact with True Body and the outside world was cut off again!

“What’s the point of this?” The third brother looked strange at this moment.

If he hadn’t contacted True Body before and didn’t pass all the information he knew to True Body, this would allow him to continue the previous conspiracy. So, now that he has connected with True Body, all the True Body he knows already know what it means to do so.

The conspiracy is a conspiracy because it is meaningless as long as it is known.

“Are you surprised? I don’t think it makes any sense for me to do this?” The conspirator suddenly laughed at this moment.

“Indeed, with your wisdom, this stupid choice should not have been made.” Brother No. 3 frowned.

Although he feels that the other party’s approach is quite strange and difficult to understand, he still keeps his vigilance to the highest level. After all, the existence of the fourth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable is not a fool who cannot see the situation. His normal choice is obviously to choose to escape from here and hide it, but now it is instead to carry out the previous conspiracy means and imprison them here. This means that the other party has no plans and no new conspiracy, which is too insulting. His IQ is gone.

“Originally things wouldn’t develop to this point, but unfortunately, after that more repairs, finally let things go to this step.” The conspirator sighed at this time.

In between, there was an inexplicable anger in his expression.

However, this anger was quickly concealed, and he continued: “Fortunately, after all, I was prepared enough. Although there were some surprises, it was not irreparable after all. Perhaps, on the contrary, this instead It gave me a chance to achieve my goal more easily…”

Listening to this, there was a strong uneasiness in the third brother’s heart.

This situation seems to be very different from his previous guess…

At this moment, a ray of light emerged from the conspirator and directly poured into the side of the world that he was hooked out of the void, and continued to integrate into it, gradually letting the side of the world begin to gradually Radiated some unknown light.

These rays of light are nothing but magical ideas! However, the structure of these conceptual supernatural powers is fundamentally different from that of the third brother. All the conceptual supernatural powers seem to be incomplete, changing from moment to moment… /

It seems as if they are only part of the concept of supernatural powers, and they are looking for ways to improve it and push it to a completely different level.

Just after these rays poured into the day and earth, the speed of expansion of the strange world on the other side suddenly began to increase rapidly, and the surrounding Space and Time became more and more obvious by its change.

Although I don’t know what the other party is doing, the third brother knows that we must not let the other party move smoothly.

At the moment, he shouted: “Everyone will do it together, it must not make him smooth!”

With this remark, all the other Daoist Venerable doors suddenly appeared, with bright lights in their eyes, each roaring, and a concept of magical power was released from them, overwhelmingly, toward the conspirator, toward the strange world. Throw it!

At this time, under the numerous Daoist Venerable doors around the conspirator, the action also began.

A lot of ideas and magical powers came out from them, and they turned to the ideas and magical powers that rushed over, and in a blink of an eye, they met in one place, arousing the earth-shattering roar, and produced an indescribable shock wave. The world that was replaced by illusion began to distort, change, and even break up…

The momentum is so alarming and the scene is so tragic that people cannot bear to watch it.

At this moment, a gaze gathered from nowhere to this location.

This gaze comes from different powerhouses. Among them, there is a strong, beyond imagination, which directly depresses all other gazes. Even just gazes came out, and it has already vaguely produced Space and Time here. Some kind of distortion.

This is the gaze passed by the third brother’s True Body.

“What other conspiracy?” A murmur sounded from nowhere, spread all over the Space and Time of a few hundred million miles, and let all the cultivator, all creatures here, heard this voice clearly .

At this time, the third brother’s True Body is still infinitely distant from here.

Moreover, the location is very secret. Even except that he is willing to enter by Jieyin, no one can reach and find a place.

This is the first response he has made since he received the information transmitted by his avatar.

This is not the third brother’s timidity, but because, as long as he can hide, all the other conspiracy of the other party will not work! As for how to check the other party’s conspiracy afterwards, and how to deal with the other party who made these conspiracies, it is just a matter afterwards…

Because he is hiding, it is naturally impossible for his True Body to come directly here to see what is happening here.

And the other sight comes from the many strong men who have dealt with him well. After all, it is the third brother, who has the unimaginable power of this third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable. With such power, there will naturally be many strong men attached to his side. Naturally, there will be a very powerful force.

At this time, this third brother can’t come over in person, and naturally there will be other strong men leading the team.

At this time, every Space and Time in the third layer of the Path of a Daoist Venerable has an inexplicable shock. With this shock, there is an indescribable subtle sound.

The sound is so subtle, as if some kind of tiny creature is eating Space and Time

“What is this?” At this time, the face of Luo Fan, which had been quite far away from here, changed slightly. His sensing ability is stronger than that of almost all cultivator of this third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable, but at this moment, he felt it faintly, some subtle changes that occurred in the deep layer of this third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable!

This change is extremely subtle, and even he can only feel the existence of that change, and he can’t specifically lock in what the change is—it’s like a snowflake with no signal on the TV, and change it slightly. At one point, people with keen perception can also find that the picture is already different, but if you want to find out, obviously you need a perception that is hundreds of times stronger than this to be able to do it…

Instinctively, he knew that this change might be related to the conspirators he encountered before.

“Damn it!” At that moment, the third brother suddenly gave a roar.

Between these roars, Space and Time, where the conspirators are located, suddenly became much colder, and there was an indescribable strong killing intention from the sky, which completely enveloped the Space and Time, which has an unknown range of hundreds of millions of miles. Let this area suddenly become the deepest hell!

As the third brother, his power has penetrated into the depth of the concepts under the many powerful Daoist Venerable doors.

And like this, even if he didn’t have any special permissions in the third layer, after the development of infinite years, he will naturally have all kinds of permissions.

What’s more, as this area divided by many Daoist Venerable gates has been given certain permissions to this third brother when it was divided…

“Hahaha…” At this time, a loud laughter sounded from nowhere, echoing continuously throughout the third layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable.

“Whose voice is this? Something like the conspirator, but also different…” At this time, Luo Fan frowned, but suddenly felt the abnormality of this voice.

Even ordinary ordinary people may exist the kind of existence that can be remembered forever as long as he has heard the sound once more, not to mention the existence of Luo Fan which has exceeded the ordinary people’s unknown magnitude. For him, any sound, as long as there is a trace of the sound he has heard, he can definitely recognize it.

However, at this time, when he heard this voice, he had some inexplicable doubt, and he had no idea how this voice came from.

His thinking started, and he felt a sudden shock: “This is the sound of tens of thousands of sounds mixed together! The dominant one is the conspirator!”

Thinking of His thinking flashed, all kinds of ideas, all kinds of flashes came out of his heart at this time.

“Could it be that the conspirator’s purpose is that?!” In the end, all the ideas were converted into such an inexplicable idea.

“Isn’t it possible… all of them have soared to the fourth layer of Path of a Daoist Venerable, and come back to do this kind of thing, what’s the point?” After that thought, he couldn’t help thinking a bit inexplicably. An inexplicable doubt appeared in.

Although he is thinking about the impossible, in fact, he is quite convinced of this guess. After all, it seems that only this situation is the most likely…

At this time, the voice of the third brother spread all over the world: “Who the **** are you?”

“Don’t you already know who I am from your doppelganger?” At this time, the voice that puzzled Luo Fan sounded again, and it was also spread throughout the whole world to let the spirits live together. All heard clearly.

The third brother used this method to transmit sound is a helpless choice. And the strange voice is clearly demonstrating… (to be continued.)

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