Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1971: Goodbye!

  All kinds of indescribable feelings emerged in Luo Fan‘s heart.


In a trance, the side of the world he experienced, unconsciously, has gradually appeared in his heart.


  Great Desolation Tiandi, Tianyuan Datiandi, Earth Universe, which he entered through Earth Universe, that party was not complete at first, but with his help, Perfect World, which has become complete, emerged in his heart at this time.


  All of his above True Body in Great Desolation heaven and earth, and all that happened in the avatar of Tianyuan Heaven and Earth, all emerged unreservedly in his heart at this time.


  In the Great Desolation world, Luo Fan even accepted the old Hongjun zu as a disciple, but in that world, it is absolutely invincible.


  Although it has been divided into True Body and split, both are also Luo Fan, and the will between the two is completely equivalent. Originally it was the endless chaotic state between the two, and they were still able to continuously communicate and constantly balance the realm. At this time, the two finally connected unreservedly after his Magical Abilities realm was promoted, but it was instantaneous. At the same time, all aspects are recombined in one place. This split is in Earth Universe, and all the gains in the millions of trillions of years between other worlds are fed back to the real True Body, which instantly makes the True Body’s The Magical Abilities realm is advancing layer by layer. All magic power and all powers in the body are quickly transformed into magic power. The entire Great Desolation world begins to oscillate slightly at this moment.


  The split of Luo Fan has been in the Earth Universe for so many unknown years. In terms of his own experience, it has been unknown for many billion trillion years.


   However, for Great Desolation world, that True Body, it is just spent millions of years!


   This millions of years, compared to the Great Desolation heaven and earth that was just born, is indeed a short period of time.


   However, if it is used for spiritual practice, this time is obviously not enough.


  At least, all along, Luo Fan‘s True Body has not gained much. All the improvement of the Magical Abilities state and all the realization of the practice are obtained by synchronizing and communicating with the split.


   This may be a bit confusing for True Body.


   However, as a whole, it is as much as possible to reduce the Magical Abilities realm between this split and True Body, the essence of spiritual conflict, making this split’s spiritual achievements can be the most relaxed and smoothest, feedback to On top of True Body, the Magical Abilities realm of True Body has been improved, and it has never been smoother…


   Now, the True Body of Luo Fan, in the world of Great Desolation, in the eyes of the sentient beings, it is the saint who is completely complete.


  Know that Great Desolation has been born for such a long time, and even Innate Primordial Qi has not completely degraded to Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi. There are even Chaos Primordial Qi residues in some places. The level of cultivation of all beings is only Xiantian Great Principle The series only, even Hongjun, is only a little deeper in this state.


Under such a background, Luo Fan is far beyond Xiantian Great Principle, even beyond Quasi-Saint, beyond Illusionary Sage, false holy, desperate, Paramount Emperor and so on, and so many levels of existence, it is like Suddenly an Optimus giant came in an ant den.


  In the eyes of many ants, isn’t the power of this Optimus giant absolutely, invincible and unshakable? !


  On the status alone, the current Luo Fan is even higher than the legendary Hongjun




   Among the world of Great Desolation.


  Luo Fan sits above the void, and billions of trillions of light are emitted from his body, penetrating the vast expanse of heaven and earth, as if there is a sun above the sky of this heaven and earth.


With a move in his heart, he raised his hand and grabbed it falsely, and a palace appeared in his hand.


  This is nothing else, it is what he refined from the beginning, that void Everlasting Palace!


  After his promotion of the Magical Abilities state again and again, after his repeated refining of the void Everlasting Palace, now this palace has not only realized the structure he designed perfectly, but also achieved the ability to absolutely do whatever he wants. Situation!


  In other words, no matter what the void Everlasting Palace was originally, whether it was integrated into the world, or into itself, or existed alone, he has now been able to change it and convert it at will.


   Just like this time, he took it out completely and placed it in his hands!


   looked at this void Everlasting Palace, he suddenly smiled slightly, his hands snapped together.


   An endless power of terror was released from his hands, and he was pressed on the void Everlasting Palace!


  With this immense horror power so violently oppressed, the Void Everlasting Palace collapsed abruptly, and the infinite world in it blasted out from it, constantly splashing in all directions.


   This change directly caused the whole Great Desolation world to start shaking violently.


  Infinite thunder, endless roar, constantly passing from the place where the world passes, looming down towards the whole world, towards the infinite beings!


   For a time, I don’t know how many creatures are trembling and panic.


  Only Luo Fu and others just then, who are closely related to Luo Fan, can feel the familiar breath, and an unspeakable joy rises in my heart…


   At this time, Luo Fan is to do nothing else, it is to completely transform the void Everlasting Palace into the world, making it a very special world group in this world!


  You must know that after the vacant Everlasting Palace has been developed layer by layer, it has already become a layered structure such as Little Wide World, Intermediate Wide World, and Great Wide World. Coupled with the difference in light flow rate at that time, its no matter if it is scale is still wonderful, but it is far beyond the imagination of all living creatures! This kind of existence is integrated into the world of Great Desolation, and feedback to the supreme Great Dao of Great Desolation world. It can definitely add a variety of unfathomable mysteries to the faint Great Dao unconsciously! The whole Great Desolation world has become more and more profound, even enough to change the direction of growth of the whole world!


   Of course, this kind of situation is only possible at the time of this Newborn World. just then may appear-even if this Great Desolation heaven and earth has already spent two times. Great Tribulation, compared to other Perfect World, it is no longer possible at the level of crossing the robbery. It is a novice, but if you look at the time, it can only be calculated in millions of years. This is not Newborn World compared to other Perfect World, which is often 100 billion and trillion years. What is Newborn World?


   thing, but almost completely in accordance with Luo Fan plan.


  The infinite world in the void Everlasting Palace is constantly integrated into the Great Desolation heaven and earth, blending with the rules and regulations of this heaven and earth itself, interacting with the supreme Great Dao of this heaven and earth, not only changing the supreme Great Dao of this heaven and earth, It has changed the world itself!


   Next, the endless Little Wide World, Intermediate Wide World, Great Wide World, and even a world that is brewing above these levels, between Great Wide World and Perfect World, are gradually turning into the world. , Gradually becoming an inseparable part of this world…


   A brand new, combined with the balance of the Great Desolation heaven and earth, began to establish among the many worlds.


  With this balance, as expected by Luo Fan, the supreme Great Dao has spawned inexplicable mysteries.


  The speed at which this whole world of Innate Primordial Qi degenerates is like adding a propeller, accelerating continuously!


   Before, before returning to Earth Universe, Luo Fan believed that turning Innate Primordial Qi into Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi was a degradation, just like Chaos Primordial Qi turning into Innate Primordial Qi.


   However, after experiencing so many, seeing so many worlds, so many worlds, he has gradually come to understand this change, although for primordial qi itself, it is a level Degradation is a decrease in energy level, but for this world, for all living beings in it, this is an improvement! That is to say, this evolution of Innate Primordial Qi into Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, basically speaking, represents that this world is growing!


   The reason is very simple, because Innate Primordial Qi is not the other, it is the root of any party. If the primordial qi in one side of the world has always been Innate Primordial Qi, it means that the root of this side of the world is released every moment and is worn away every moment! In this way, how can we talk about improvement and growth in this world?


  For the souls, primordial qi in the world is Innate Primordial Qi, although it can give them a lot of benefits in a short time, so that they can get long life without even practicing.


   But this is the root of consuming the world! Obtaining longevity in this way, absorbing such primordial qi to improve cultivation practice, that is to be convicted of the sky, may be able to ascend with a very fast speed in a short time, can be very simple to improve cultivation practice. However, in the long run, it will become more and more unlucky, and the opportunities that we usually encounter will also become less and less…


  Finally, when this kind of bad luck develops to the extreme, maybe a sip of water will directly choke to death…


  However, once primordial qi in either world is transformed into Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, the situation is obviously different. Compared to Innate Primordial Qi, Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi belongs to the acquired world, but for the world, it is a renewable resource.


How much such Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, no matter if it is is consumed, for the world, there is no damage to the foundation!


   Even, on the contrary, the increased consumption of Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi can also accelerate the energy cycle of this world, making this side of the world run more smoothly, but it can bring considerable benefits to this side of the world…


  In this way, if cultivator absorbs Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi to practice, it will not necessarily make luck better and better, but it will not become more unlucky. This is obviously a big benefit.


  So, Innate Primordial Qi becomes Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi, and no matter if it is is obviously a good thing for heaven, earth, and creatures… This, of course, is a growth.


   Nowadays, the speed of transforming Innate Primordial Qi into Heaven and Earth Primordial Qi in the Great Desolation world is accelerating, which obviously means that the growth rate of the Great Desolation world is accelerating!


  This is also consistent with the expectations before Luo Fan


The accelerated growth of    has also brought about a result that is not good or bad.


   That is, the time when the third world Great Tribulation of Great Desolation world came, began to advance quickly!


   Before, Luo Fan did not integrate the void Everlasting Palace into this Great Desolation world, the third world Great Tribulation from the Great Desolation world, the time is about billions of years, there is still a lot of time for the crowd to grow, let this side Heaven and earth will continue to brew.


  However, with the Luo Fan fully integrating the void Everlasting Palace into the world, the time when the third world Great Tribulation came is already from the original billions of years to millions of years…


  In this case, although Luo Fan is somewhat unexpected, it seems quite calm.


  This Great Desolation world, after all, is a world that has developed normally.


  The world Great Tribulation is even weaker than the world Great Tribulation that he opened up. Compared to Earth Universe, it is even more than the world incomplete Perfect World world Great Tribulation. Weak countless times!


   This level of heaven and earth Great Tribulation, for the Luo Fan that has already passed the third Great Tribulation by itself, obviously does not cause much pressure. Not to mention that there are still millions of years of preparation time, even if it appears now, he has enough confidence to spend it!


  The number of worlds in the Everlasting Palace is calculated in millions. If you want to make it completely into the world, it is obviously a huge project.


   Even if it is Luo Fan, it takes quite a short time to complete it and make all the world into the world.


  This process lasted for a full year. After waiting for a year, Luo Fan just then fully integrated the last world into the world of Great Desolation, so that the countless worlds inside the void Everlasting Palace re-established a complete system in the outside world. Formed a strange world group in the world of Great Desolation!


   “Finally succeeded…” Seeing that the world group began to build up, the time flow rate of the layers of the world began to re-stack, and Luo Fan‘s thought flashed in his mind.


  With this change, in the depths of his mind, Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, which has been brewing for millions of years, suddenly shrank, turned into a ball, and began to have an inexplicable resonance with the outside world.


  Compared to the split, Luo Fan‘s True Body depends on this Newborn World‘s Great Desolation world, and the chance is obviously more powerful.


  At the beginning, his split was very hard, and even spent some unknown billions of years, just then reluctantly took a Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light as his own, and on the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light a little bit of his own light brand.


   However, his True Body was easily obtained two Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light!


   Now, one of them has been integrated into his own divine soul, waiting for his divine soul to refine it, giving his own divine soul indestructible characteristics of Xiantian.


   And another way, although he is also placed in his own divine soul, he is letting it evolve naturally, waiting for infinite time, let it be turned into a real Universe Origin Lingbao!


   This kind of luxury, compared to the hard work of the split, it is simply heaven and earth.


  If it is not True Body and the split have a will, maybe the split of Luo Fan must be jealous of their True Body.


   And what is changing now is the one Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light that is becoming Universe Origin Lingbao!


  At this moment, it is the evolutionary evolution that has been brewing for millions of years, and is transforming into Lingbao embryo!


   As for why this conversion occurs at this time, there are two reasons. First of all, at this moment, he has excluded all foreign objects except Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light. His body has become incomparably pure, and the integration with Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light has become unprecedentedly deep. Therefore, this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light has become unprecedentedly active.


  Second, at this moment, he helped Great Desolation heaven and earth to grow, and even changed its growth direction faintly, but it made Great Desolation heaven and earth instinctively close to him, so instinctively opened to him some kind of mysterious authority that was not open! And this kind of authority has made the unprecedented active Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light over there absorb endless nutrients, and finally crossed the limit, and finally got this crucial transformation, from Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, transformed into a Lingbao embryo!


   This Lingbao embryo is completely different from the Lingbao embryo obtained by his split.


The base of the split Lingbao embryo is not indestructible material. Although it is already an embryo of Lingbao, it initially possesses the characteristics of immortality, but it is not really immortal after all. Once the blow exceeds a certain limit, the spirit Treasure embryos will eventually be destroyed.


   However, this Lingbao embryo of True Body is completely different.


  Because its foundation is Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, it has its own immortal qualities, so even if it encounters a strong blow, it will only be broken up at most and will be transformed into Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light!


   This difference makes the safety of the two Lingbao embryos ~ ~ already a huge difference.


  When thinking about Luo Fan, the changes of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light continue continuously.


  After the entire Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light contracted into the shape of a sphere, it began to slightly twitch and tremble, faintly resonating with the outside world, like a heartbeat beating trembling, or like some kind of huge creature is taking a look. Take a breath.


   And with this change, the image of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light also gradually changes subtly.


  A piece of bóbó’s veil appears on which ball, and the ball itself, like every arc and undulation, is loaded with endless mysteries, becoming indescribably complex and subtle .


   Indistinctly, a kind of breath belongs to Worldview, gradually revealing from there…


   That’s right, the image evolved from Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light is the image after Worldview is condensed by the essence!


  Obviously, it evolved completely according to the physical and mental state of Luo Fan, according to the state of his Worldview


   This change has been brewing for a hundred years. just then stopped.


  While it stopped, the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light was completely transformed into a Lingbao embryo, detached from his divine soul, and carried out an extremely deep integration with his body, becoming an extremely important part of his body and mind!

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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