Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1930: Evolution

  In the eyes of Luo Fan, just a few days, the light spots that are almost everywhere in the whole world are like finding support, and suddenly they have separated from the original state of emptiness and are completely stable. Come down and take root directly in that area, as if there is no more power to strip them out.


   Then, those spots began to grow extremely fast.


  In just a few days, it has turned into a city and began to walk its influence in the area where it is located, so that more and more creatures are affected by these light spots. Influenced by the city.


  With the knowledge of Luo Fan, I knew it for the first time. This is clearly that those seeds have found the leader, and it is true that just then will be recognized by the creatures in that area!


  He moved his mind again, and when his thoughts swept, he already understood everything and couldn’t help but sigh a light smile.


   “I didn’t expect to think of such a method. It seems that she really has grown up…” In the blink of an eye, such thoughts flashed in his heart.


  Hang Ke’s previous practice, it was an emperor!


   Around each spot, find a large group of souls who want to be an emperor, give them a limited ability to control that kind of child, and in turn, with their own ability, really let that kind of child be able to The region took root, and then let that kind of seeds germinate and turn into cities, and evolve various rules similar to the cities inside the dynasty, forming a base for those who intend to become emperors, so that these creatures can use this as a foundation, Continue to conquer outward and expand the radiation range of this city…


   For the Emperor of Heaven, there are many emperors under the seat, which is not a natural thing of just, and it will inevitably appear!


  After all, a heavenly emperor is looking at the mountains and rivers and controlling the existence of the whole world.


  Under such circumstances, all kinds of small things in this world naturally need some creatures to arrange and deal with them. But it is impossible for all things in the world, the size of which is completely handled by the emperor himself. If so, how can this emperor appear to be respected? How to show its status?


   Therefore, it is obviously a best choice to separate some emperors who control small areas and control these emperors themselves.


  As before, the reason why the emperors were not divided in this way was only because the site was relatively small. If they were divided, they would weaken the power of the emperor too much…


   is different now. Now the seeds have been sown in all areas of the whole world, and it has reached the point that even if Hengke is the real Heavenly Emperor, he can’t fully control it. The power has no effect anymore, and it is naturally a good time to implement it.


   As for why those creatures would agree to this kind of segregation and help Hun Ke implement conquest, it is even simpler.


  The number of creatures inquired by Hunke is so large that I can always find someone willing to join…


  With this change, this dynasty’s conquest action, as if an accelerator was added, began to proceed at a speed hundreds of thousands of times faster than before.


   Looking from above the bright moon, it is like the speed of the expansion of the divergence of those light spots, accelerated by hundreds or thousands of times!


  Every emperor is obviously reluctant to control only a city, even if this city is incomparably huge and powerful.


   Therefore, under the efforts of many emperor candidates, those cities have continuously derived new seeds and planted them in new locations, forming a sphere of influence together with the original cities. Like copying the original development process of that dynasty, it gradually established a country after another…


   During this process, the obstacles encountered are naturally impossible.


The battle that    produces is naturally less likely to be so small.


   The whole world, so it was trapped in a fierce war quagmire than before. Iron and blood are everywhere, killing and death everywhere, and inexplicable Life Qi is everywhere.


   It was at this time that the bright moon at the foot of Luo Fan began to oscillate slightly.


  Hidden, it seems that there are some indescribable changes appearing in it, and we are going to transform this entire moon to transform it into some other state.


  At this time, Luo Fan knew in his heart that it was time for his own shot.


  At the moment, he slowly closed his eyes, his sense of existence began to gradually increase, and slowly pressed toward the bright moon.


  Putting all the changes of this moon on its own with its own power, this is impossible even for Luo Fan. After all, that bright moon is not just an ordinary planet. Behind it, there is a huge world. Although the day and the world are now almost completely integrated into this world, it cannot be changed. The infinite power of its own cannot change its horror power enough to crush Luo Fan easily!


   Therefore, it is clear that Luo Fan cannot directly use the method of force suppression to suppress the changes of this bright moon, and can only use the present as it is to guide this change with its own sense of existence, making this The speed of this change slowed down a little bit, making the trend of this change tend to the direction he wanted.


  Luo Fan itself is about to encounter the third Great Tribulation‘s existence, its own sense of existence is less than that of Zhensheng, but it is already stronger than the existence of Paramount Emperor series. How many times.


  At this time, his powerful sense of existence resonated with the moon inexplicably, faintly, causing a slight tremor throughout the moon.


   This kind of tremor interacts with the changes made in the original moon, and changes each other, but it slows down the changes in the moon.


   At this moment, in front, the endless light of the whole world that can be seen from the moon, the endless light suddenly shuddered, and it seemed to suddenly lighten, the strength of the expansion became more determined, the expansion The difficulty seems to be getting smaller and smaller…


   is just like, suddenly some kind of shackles have been removed, and he can lighten himself up and easily increase his speed to the limit.


  At the same time, in the depths of the ground, above the core of the nether earth, the maiden of the different timeline also has movements.


  Compared with Luo Fan‘s method of directly changing that Mingyue with her own sense of presence, her method is not so mysterious. At this time, she only had countless Character Script exposed, turning into colorful multicolored sunlight , The one that is constantly seeping into the bottom is constantly shaking, it seems that there is a world, a piece of Space and Time is brewing in the core of the dark earth inside.


   With the infiltration of this colorful multicolored sunlight, the core is gradually fainted with the colorful color, the heaven and earth inside the core of the dark earth, Space and Time, in this process, it is like being held by a hand In general, the speed of eye evolution has suddenly slowed down a lot, and many of the evolutionary processes that might have been stepped over in one step are constantly deepened and transformed into a more and more refined direction…


   It’s just that, compared to the change of the core of the Nether Earth, this time, the maiden of the different timeline is slightly trembling, and the look is full of strenuous colors.


  Obviously, this behavior of using her own power to delay changes and change changes is not an easy task for her-from this aspect, she can already see between her and Luo Fan How big is the gap of the means…


  The sympathy between heaven and earth, the transformation of heaven and man, this is the basic principle and basic rule of any heaven and earth. For this world, it is no exception.


   The changes on the earth cannot naturally be limited to the earth, but will inevitably affect the whole world, the sun, moon and stars above the sky, and the abyss of the earth below the earth. , It will also affect the birth rule of that creature and the characteristics of the born creature…


  no matter if it is The changes above the bright moon, or the changes under the nether soil, are obviously the same as the changes caused by the establishment of many cities on the earth.


   And this kind of change has a reason that echoes these changes, and there is a reason for this world to balance this change!


  If there is no Luo Fan and the timeline, the two empty women suppress the change here, and the change below will be as big as the change here.


  The more huge the changes, the more unfavorable anti-phagocytic forces will act on the source of all these changes, that is, the body of Hun Ke!


   By that time, Hunke wouldn’t say he wanted to become the Emperor of Heaven, and he was more likely to appear that he would encounter a very ridiculous accident when he died of a fatal accident.


   In fact, even if there is a change in their repression, this kind of backlash has not been completely eliminated, and it is still passed on to Hunke.


   It’s just that the speed is much lower than normal, which can help her to resist with various means.


  The changes that occur in the sky and the underground at the same time are not too obvious to ordinary creatures.


  However, it is very clear for the hybrid who originally needed to suffer a huge impact because of this change.


  At this moment, Hun Ke, who was practicing in that palace, felt a kind of unspeakable kindness coming from above the sky and below the earth. This kind, intangible and intangible, is not even a breath, a temperament, nor a wave, but just a simple induction…


  Under this kind of affection, she felt in a trance that she seemed to be in the arms that she missed so much.


   “Father, mother…” murmured in her mouth, a smile like a child appeared on her face, the kind of supreme emperor’s majesty that had accumulated on her all these years did not remain at all at this time. In her body, she is like returning to the time when she was just born, when she first saw Luo Fan and the empty girl in the different timeline.


   comes with this kind, it is an indescribable ease.


Before   , because of her original plan, the whole dynasty’s **** to her had been dispersed because of the sudden expansion of the dynasty, and it was an unspeakable ease. Now, coupled with this inexplicable kindness, she feels an unprecedented ease, her own practice at this time is even more incomparably clear, incomparably clear!


Between the trance, the barrier between the Illusionary Sage series and the false saint has become completely transparent in her eyes. She only broke it a little with a little movement, and the Magical Abilities realm began to rise endlessly. Has broken the limit of the Illusionary Sage realm, the body and mind and the fundamental rules of the entire dynasty are integrated in one place, and set foot in the realm of false holy!


   This kind of improvement instantly changed the world in her eyes.


   Many mysteries that could not be seen in the past and could not be seen through at this time have become as clear as the palms to look at the patterns. It is clear that the problems that were previously unclear are now like common sense.


   And, apart from this, everything in the entire dynasty has become clear and detailed in her heart! I do not know how many times the control of this dynasty!


   Previously, she needed to know certain things in this dynasty, and she needed to make a careful induction based on the rules she created at the time, to distinguish, just then can do it.


   But, at this time, she didn’t need to do this at all. With all the changes, she only needs to move her mind a little, and she can already know clearly!


  The whole process is like sensing your body.


In addition to this, her strength in this dynasty has become omnipotent! Even if the state of Magical Abilities is higher than her, as long as the foundation is not above this dynasty, it will be difficult to hurt her…


   “Finally, it’s one step closer…” At this time, such thoughts flashed in Hun Ke’s heart, and an unspeakable joy appeared in his expression.


   “Daddy, Mom, have you seen it?” She looked, looked up at the bright moon above the sky, and then looked down at the earth below, as if the line of sight penetrated the barrier of the stratum and saw the deepest in the earth General.


  Obviously, they have confirmed the location of Lufoan and the empty girl in the different timeline-this is also a matter of course. The kind of intimacy has been felt by her, if you don’t know it yet Why is there such a kind appearance, then she opened up such a vast empire in vain…


  At this time, the Luo Fan above the bright moon and the maiden on the different timeline above the core of the nether earth smiled at the same time, as if listening to her words in her ears.


   In the next millennium, the changes in this world have changed almost every day.


   Those light spots that are distributed all over the world and occupy almost all areas of the whole world, have already expanded to a certain limit, originally need to spend a lot of time just then can produce many areas of intersection, just after In this short millennium, it was already about to be connected!


   Now, looking from above the bright moon, there are only a few small gaps between the areas, and they are still separated. The whole world looks like a circle. The squeezed area is squeezed in one place.


   And the emperors of those regions have already been decided in these years.


   Of course, the cruelty among them, the murder among them, and the conspiracy among them, it is needless to say.


  The final emperor is not all alone. Even in most of the regions, the emperor decided is hundreds of thousands, only some of them are extremely stunning. Among the areas where the spirits exist, just then will have a certain emperor candidate to suppress all other spirits and become the absolute emperor who controls that area!


  This makes, in fact, the many areas that have been divided into a large number have been re-divided into more areas that are hundreds of times larger than the original, and the area is having nothing in common with each other!


There are more emperors, and there are naturally more empires with ambitions.


Among the emperors whose number is almost a billion trillion, there are challenges to the Hengke. If you want to pull the Hengke down and become the emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, it is naturally countless.


  And among them, there are not enough creatures with this kind of execution power to put this ambition into reality, but under that huge base, there are also tens of thousands…


   can be expected. Although the whole world is almost completely wrapped into the huge dynasty now, the real battle has just begun!


  The blessings that the emperors got in this dynasty, although they were only given by the Hun Ke, but after so many years of development, they have already used various means to transform this blessing into their own, not only by virtue of this The blessing has greatly improved its own Magical Abilities makes this kind of blessing an inexistent existence even if it is a hybrid.


  This is not an incredible thing. After all, these emperors can stand out from the fierce fighting for emperors, and they can build a huge country. Their own no matter if it is strength or wisdom is absolutely extraordinary. How could they be willing to be restricted by the rules of the dynasty forever? !


   As for the method of bypassing restrictions, it is even simpler.


  As long as there are restrictions, there will be traces.


   And for those emperors, as long as there are traces, they will naturally be able to find the roots by various means, and to bypass them, that is taken for granted.


   In fact, almost one-half of the emperor in billions has been able to circumvent some restrictions and some shackles by some means.


   That is completely out of the restrictions of the dynasty rules, there are millions of them!


  Not to mention the realm of Magical Abilities. With such a huge blessing and such a wonderful cultivation environment, even the worst of these emperors have a false holy level. Those powerful ones have even reached the Paramount Emperor level!


  Under such circumstances, they are obviously a huge threat to Hunke… (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team Leader @刘靖] If you like this You are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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