Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1839: Hope and despair


   This kind of prudence is the danger of not using the means in the Immortal Cave you built…


If    is in Immortal Cave, because everything is constructed by oneself, as long as the means they use, as long as they are not directed directly at that world, the impact on the world will be almost zero. In this way, it is natural to be able to display more means without having to worry too much about the influence of this world to eliminate their power.


   However, the location in the open air is different.


  Here, everything around, even if it is a grass and a tree, is part of this world!


   Judging by their limitations in this world, they exert any power, and naturally they will affect some things around them, and naturally they will cause some damage! Even if they are not targeting this world, they cannot change this situation! Therefore, the carelessness in the place where the open air is used will naturally cause interference in this world!


  just then is the dark cloud that condensed in the sky, which is why it was born.


   Fortunately, they are all under the true sacred door, and they have reached a state of fascinating control over their own power. There are almost no leaks, and the impact on the outside world is reduced as much as possible, which makes the hungry interference without real Realize…


   However, these are now secondary to Qiu Daozi.


  At this moment, through the adjustment of the light curtain, with the breath of these cultivators themselves and the essence of themselves, they finally locked in the world of luck that belongs to them!


As soon as they saw the world of luck, their complexion became extremely ugly.


  In their eyes, the world of luck is more than their own world of luck, although the brand of this world has changed a little, but it still exists! Moreover, it is still very clear and stubborn!


  If it is necessary to say that there is any difference, then it is on top of this branding and covered with an extra layer of branding.


   This layer of branding is extremely wonderful, and it seems to be the same as the branding of the day and place, and there are some differences.


  On top of this new layer of branding, the sensitivity of the brand of the day and the world was weakened, and the reaction was, after all, not as fast as those of their world of luck.


   “It turned out that this level of cultivation was used in this way, no wonder it was so unlucky.” Qiu Daozi looked at this scene and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.


   The brand of that place is still not eliminated, which means that they are still locked by this place and still restricted by this place! Under such circumstances, any damage they have done to this world will be recorded in the heart of the world. Once it exceeds a certain level, it will burst out and produce various effects on them!


   And this is obviously a hand raised high that may fall at any time.


  If you are not careful, or if you make any mistakes, it will suddenly fall and wipe them out!


   Therefore, they will be reincarnated again and again, and sink again and again…


   “It seems that the method of reincarnation is impossible.” Azure Dragon Zi sighed and said.


   “Indeed, if we are reincarnated, we will also be reduced to their point of time. Then time and time again death, time and time reincarnation, and ultimately will be completely assimilated by this heaven and earth, all memories will disappear completely, Become a part of this heaven and earth…” said a true saint.


   Hearing this, everyone’s face became extremely ugly.


   is assimilated by this heaven and earth and becomes a part of this heaven and earth completely? How can they accept this kind of thing? !


  Don’t say that they are under the true holy gate, even if it is just ordinary cultivator, you will not be willing to accept this result!


   “What should I do now?” said a true holy gate.


   In their speeches, all of them had already collected the piece of Magical Weapon above their heads. The light curtain collapsed completely and disappeared as the Magical Weapon gathered.


   At this time, those cultivators surrounded by them in Xiongyang’s expressions all looked a little stunned.


   Although they have lost their original memories after reincarnation, the essence has not been completely distorted after all, but they can still sense how bad the just then light curtain is for them. . At this moment, some of them secretly believed in what everyone said…


   “Don’t we just hide like this?” said another frowned under the true holy door.


   “It’s obviously impossible to hide. Maybe we can ask the world for a little authority and create some merits to dilute or even neutralize the brand.” Azure Dragon‘s eyes flashed with thought.


   “Ask for permission from heaven and earth… If this was before, it is naturally a trivial matter. But, do you think it is possible now?” Qiu Daozi sighed.


   This kind of thing is actually obvious. They are now equivalent to prisoners in this world. A prisoner wants to ask the person who imprisoned them some authority for this prison. Say you give me this authority. I will help you build this prison. Is this possible?


   “It is almost impossible for us to get this permission ourselves. However, some people can help us.” Azure Dragon said.


   “You said, it wouldn’t be…” Everyone frowned.


   at the same time appeared a dull look of young people in their hearts.


   “He is the only one. He is the pioneer of this world. As long as he speaks, as long as he agrees, let’s not get a little authority. Even if you want to remove this brand completely, it is very simple. “Azure Dragon child road.


   “…” Everyone was silent at this time.


   What they said is naturally Luo Fan.


  It’s just that the truth is true, but think about how they counted Luo Fan before. Recalling the scene when they were besieging Luo Fan, they never believed that Luo Fan would help them again.


  Don’t say Luo Fan, even if they encounter such a thing, it’s already incredible to deal with them without getting involved in it…


   “Brother Dao, have you dealt with him at first, do you think it is possible?” Azure Dragon asked.


   “…I have dealt with him, haven’t you also dealt with?” asked Daozi lightly.


   For him, Luo Fan is almost his shame!


   Others have only failed once in his hand, but he has failed so many times… At this time when he thinks of Luo Fan, he feels uncomfortable, and there is a strong anger in his heart. If he is not a true sage, and his heart is firm, he even desperately wants to fight with him…


   “We don’t say he can’t move him. However, there is still a trace of someone who might move him.” A true holy gate said like this.


   Hearing this, Qiu Daozi, Azure Dragonzi and others were all bright with their eyes, and thought of something.


   But soon, their eyes were dim.


   The person with a trace of Luo Fan might be a fighting **** with whom he has many friendships. It’s just that although God of Fighting has friendship with him, it is this betrayal of friendship that makes people more angry! They can imagine how Luo Fan feels about the God of Fighting at this time, but it is difficult to have hope in their hearts.


   “Although the possibility is not great. But it is always greater than ours.” Then the truth hall opened again at this time.


  , everyone has to admit it.


   After all, friendship is friendship, it is betrayal, it is friendship! This is a relationship, of course, it is much better than no relationship…


   This is not difficult to understand.


   The friendship was established because the two sides were willing to see each other’s strengths, and saw that the just then would be established where they met each other. Such a friendship is betrayed, which will cause great anger, and will make the betrayed person turn into anger or even hatred. However, that kind of basic friendship will not completely disappear because of this. As long as the anger and hatred are reversed again under certain conditions and under certain circumstances, it will not be too difficult…


Otherwise, there will not be two people who are so upset today that they want to die immediately, and it will be so good that they will be able to adjust the oil in a few days…


   “Fellow Daoist has a way to contact the younger brother of Dou Shenzi?”


   “It’s not too difficult to contact him. If such a mysterious world can’t come in, then it’s naturally impossible. Once there is a way to come in, might he be willing to give up easily?” Then laughed under Zhenshengmen .


   Hearing these words, most people’s eyes brightened.


   Although there are no specific details, the idea of ​​just has made them suddenly understand.


   At first, the fighting **** child divided many projections and contacted everyone. Although in that battle, all his projections seem to have disappeared.


   But, is that all of his projections? !


   They compare their hearts. If they are the Son of Fighting God, and find that such a heaven and earth seems to have a certain advantage in some aspects compared to the Lord Heaven and Earth, it may really not leave some projections to walk around, realize?


   “It must be so! It seems that there is no way of heaven.” The Azure Dragon child’s expression showed a bit of joy.


  Since it has been confirmed that the fighting **** child has a great possibility to be in this world, they want to contact the fighting **** child again, then naturally it is a simple matter.


  At the moment, they dispersed the restrictions on the people of Zhongxianyang, and with a flick, they were already sending them directly out of hundreds of millions of light years.


   Although such a process is not aimed at this world, it is not intended to destroy anything in this world, but because of the explosion of power, it will eventually have some impact on the surrounding Space and Time, but it is that there are dark clouds brewing above the sky. There is an inexplicable pressure on their hearts.


   “After all, you still have to build Immortal Cave, otherwise you can’t even contact the younger brother of Dou Shen.” Qiu Dao looked ugly at the dark clouds above his head and said.


   Everyone is silent.


   For a long time, they sighed and took out the various materials and strengths they had created in their bodies, and began to continuously combine and build, and in a few moments, they had already constructed a huge formation. , Forming a piece of Space and Time that can act as their Immortal Cave.


In the process, they were equally frightened.


  Although this kind of action will not cause damage to this world, it will not cause the limitation of this world. However, this is only theoretical. In fact, if they are careless and make a little mistake, this world will not be polite to them.


   When the time comes, that kind of blow will make their efforts empty…


  After constructing this Immortal Cave, they quickly stepped into the Immortal Cave, which relieved them.


   “I can finally use some power…” They came up with such thoughts in their hearts.


  After this idea, their faces became extremely ugly.


  As the ninth-order Illusionary Sage‘s true sage, they have always been superior. Even those false saints, those Paramount Emperor must be respectful when facing them. It is self-evident for them to feel happy and excited to be able to spend a little time and strength.


  A few people did not have the thought of decorating this Immortal Cave at this time.


   They were in this Immortal Cave, randomly picked a place, and began to use various methods to contact the projection of the God of Fighting God who might exist in this world.


   As for their means, that is naturally having nothing in common with each other.


  Everyone has their own characteristics.


  However, obviously, Dou Shenzi was not much more pleasant with them at this time. At this time, they directly received their contact request, and it is unlikely to respond to them immediately, let alone they don’t know Dou Shenzi. Where is it anyway?


   Therefore, they spent a lot of time and effort for more than ten years, and just then finally got a response at a certain moment.


   “You guys have endless?! More than ten years, are you still quiet?!” A roar came across the sky, echoing continuously in this Immortal Cave, and even shocked the whole Space and Time almost collapsed and destroyed .


   This shows how angry the speaker is.


   Hearing this roar, there was no shame on everyone’s face, but a surprise appeared one by one.


   This speaker is, of course, the God of Fighting God!


   And his response also represents one thing, that is, they guessed right. The God of Fighting really did not give up this side of the world. Although it seemed that it had suffered a huge loss at the beginning, it still has a projection in this world!


   “Brother Dou Shen, I have no way to wait for just then to make this decision, and I hope that Brother Shi will forgive sins.” Qiu Dao Zi sighed at this time.


  At this time, the void is distorted, and a figure condenses out in the void.


   looks like a fighting god.


   It’s just that, compared to the original, the present God of Fighting is very ordinary and very ordinary, just like an ordinary person who may exist in any place in this world. But he couldn’t see any of his appearance at all.


   “So what?! This is your own mistake, what does it have to do with me? Why do you want to pass on your depression to me?!” The God of Fighting did not give face at all.


   “Brother Dou Shen, you can’t say that.” Azure Dragon Zi frowned.


   “Huh?” Dou Shenzi frowned, but at this time, they were asking him for help. What is this attitude about? !


   Qiu Daozi and others are secretly anxious at this time, secretly worried that Azure Dragon will say some irreparable words.


   “When I step into this world together, it is the same thing. Our today, we know that it will not be your tomorrow? Do you really think that your betrayal had passed?” Azure Dragon Zidao.


  But her words are not unreasonable.


   After all, it was a fact that the fighting **** betrayed Luo Fan. Now the fighting **** child has not suffered any blows, and he can still survive and live in this world, because of his clever evasion. But more fear is because Luo Fan has its own busy things, and has no intention to care about him!


  In such a situation, who knows if Luo Fan will take the time at the next moment and give it to him? At that time, their present is naturally the tomorrow of the fighting god…


   “Since you all know that I also betrayed him, and it will be the result of you in the future, then why should you ask me for help?!” Dou Shenzi said lightly.


   “We really need your help to get through this robbery. But is this also an opportunity for you?” Azure Dragon Zi said calmly, “He hasn’t shot you yet, he is still taking care of his previous friendship, It is also a time to make up. If he waits for him to deal with you in the future, all the friendships will be irreparable. If you help us, it may seem a little difficult, but it is an excellent, repairing crack. Opportunity.”


   Hearing Dou Shenzi just smiled faintly and said, “You think, I know him better than you?”


  ’s words made everyone look dumbfounded.


   “He is a person, he doesn’t have too many twists and turns. Even if there are any calculations, they are straightforward. They don’t have a set face to face, a set behind them. At that time, he didn’t shoot me, that means, Since then he will not shoot me!” Dou Shenzi said lightly.


   Hearing these words, everyone was so distracted.


   “Maybe, he just didn’t find you at first.” Azure Dragon said.


   “Don’t find me?” Dou Shenzi just smiled coldly, and said, “Do you think you are stronger than him? You can find something, can’t he find it?”


   If it were before, anyone said that someone would be better than them. Unless that person is a true saint, they must jump up and refute the Azure Dragon son, it is impossible to admit! However, after entering this world, after so many setbacks and so many dangerous deaths, this mentality finally disappeared completely, and I have to admit in my heart that Luo Fan is stronger than them! Which aspect of no matter if it is


   “So, please, brothers and sisters, don’t bother me anymore. I am sympathetic to your encounters, but I really can’t do anything.” Dou Shenzi said lightly.


   During the speech, the figure became more and more blurred, and gradually disappeared in this Immortal Cave. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come () to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.) 〖To be continued〗 【】

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