Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1806: Welcome

After the eighth world Great Tribulation, the breath of this world has changed dramatically.

That kind of flexibility, that kind of freedom, that kind of feeling without shackles, is full of that whole breath.

Because of this kind of breath, the whole world seems to have become a lot of chaos at first glance, but its development potential has been improved many times!

In the past, the spiritual civilization in this world, although it still seemed to be in full bloom, there were all kinds. But in fact, on top of all the roots of spiritual civilization, it still follows a path and a direction, that is, it is in line with the practice of Luo Fan!

However, at this time, after spending the eighth world Great Tribulation, this situation has changed dramatically. At this time, the cultivation civilization in this world is already in full bloom, and there is no limit to it. It can develop in any direction and on any road!

Even, Luo Fan feels more faintly at this time, it seems that the True Saint Series is no longer the end of all spiritual practice…

Sometimes, there is a state similar to the true saint in this world.

It’s just that the state is still vague, and it’s not even really perfect.

The world where Luo Fan meets in one body is 100,000 years.

During this time, his mind was immersed in the rules and regulations of this heaven and earth, immersed in Great Dao of this heaven and earth, experiencing all the changes of this heaven and earth after spending the eighth heaven and earth Great Tribulation.

The more he realizes, the more he feels the mystery of this heaven and earth, and the more he understands why this heaven and earth should completely destroy his brand.

A mark of any creature must contain the word of this creature.

This kind of Tao, for the heaven and earth, at the beginning was a template, a skeleton, and a support for guiding the growth and transformation of this heaven and earth. But, over time. With the development of this world, this situation will gradually change. The effect of this support will become less and less.

In the end, when this side of the world grew up to spend the eighth time Great Tribulation. When it is about to become a big world, this brand will become the shackles of this world! Will become an obstacle to prevent this world from further transformation!

The Tao contained in it will be the foundation of the way the world works in the beginning, but at this step. The way of the world’s own operation has been truly perfect, and the way in this brand has naturally become a drag.

Therefore, the brand must be completely smashed. This world just then can be transformed, and just then can be further improved…

After understanding this, Luo Fan has both a joy to perceive a certain truth and a loss from its own control.

This kind of mentality is to watch a child grow up with a father until he no longer needs himself, and he even thinks he is an old antique. It’s the same mentality as people who can’t keep up with the times.

After spending 100,000 years in the eighth world Great Tribulation in this world, one day, Luo Fan stood up slowly without moving his body for 100,000 years.

He hasn’t moved for 100,000 years. He has been covered with a thick layer of primordial qi unconsciously.

This kind of primordial qi is piled on him in a solid form, making him look like a huge stone sculpture.

When he stood up, the stone sculpture rattled and squeaked out continuously from the primordial qi with silk on it, and began to continuously blend into the surrounding void, gradually turning into the infinite in this void primordial qi a part of.

This kind of movement. But it was shocking the void, so that the thunder was faintly engulfed in the sky, brewing, almost hacking him.

100,000 years. For the evolution of the whole world, it is obviously only a very short process.

Now, this world is still in the evolution after the world Great Tribulation. Those primordial qis that have accumulated on the many peaks and turned into solids are still stacked there, but they have not yet had time to fully melt and change this world.

And the many cultivator in this world. During these 100,000 years, they are all practicing.

Almost from time to time, you can feel that there is a powerful cultivator somewhere that has made a breakthrough, shaking the world and causing huge movements.

However, the changes between heaven and earth are not very small.

For the ordinary world, this 100,000-year change is almost earth-shaking!

The souls lost in the world Great Tribulation, after years of development and reproduction, are now fully recovered. As for what Luo Fan has always felt, the kind of spiritual system that is different from the true saint as the supreme state has already shown some prototypes.

Now, there are even cultivators with Xiantian Great Principle grades and various new practice systems.

Of course, this is also a level that Luo Fan distinguishes according to the normal spiritual practice system. Naturally, those spiritual practice systems are not so called. Even, the state is not completely compared to this level…

With a move in his heart, Luo Fan raised his hand in vain, and the flight attendant in his Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light appeared in front of him.

“What’s wrong…” After the air hostess appeared, her eyes were blank for a moment, then her eyes were fixed, and she asked.

“This world has now passed its eighth world Great Tribulation. Compared with before, it has already undergone tremendous changes. If you carefully understand the experience, it will definitely be beneficial.” Luo Fan smiled slightly and said.

After hearing his words, the empty goddess looked slightly relaxed.

It’s not something that matters to her. As for the place of spiritual practice, here and in that Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, for her, it really is not a problem.

“Is the eighth heaven and earth Great Tribulation different from the previous Fated Tribulation?” The air girl looked at the surrounding heaven and earth and looked curious.

“Difference?” Luo Fan smiled wryly.

His look, but the sky goddess look changed. On the face of Luo Fan, she almost never saw him show such an expression! All along, Luo Fan‘s expression is that everything is in his grasp, all accidents, all developments, it seems to him that he is generally expected, why did he show such an uncontrollable bitter smile? !

This makes her can’t help but exclaim: “What’s wrong?”

“This world is now truly independent. Even me, no one here has any special permissions.” Luo Fan sighed.

“It, betrayed you?!” the air girl exclaimed.

“It’s not betrayal. It’s like a child. It’s always to be independent.” Luo Fan smiled.

At this time, his expression was restored to the original calmness.

“Growed up…” The maiden murmured, looking at this side of the world with an unprecedented dignity, looking for the speciality of this side of the world.

After such a long time, nowadays, the flight attendant has also been upgraded to the Paramount Emperor level.

Its supernatural power. Although it is far inferior to Luo Fan, but compared to other Paramount Emperor, it is already much stronger. Naturally, the ability to observe and realize the power of understanding is naturally needless to say.

I just realized it a little bit. After a little searching, she has already discovered the strangeness of this world.

With a deeper and deeper understanding of the singularity, her face gradually hung with an inexplicable color: “It would be like this… this is the real world…” “

She murmured, the breath on her body suddenly became unprecedentedly quiet and unprecedentedly natural.

Sometimes, an inexplicable sense of disobedience gradually appeared on her.

When she discovered this sense of disobedience that appeared on her, Luo Fan smiled slightly, her eyes showing relief.

This sense of violation is representative of the empty girl at this moment. It is already starting to integrate his Worldview with his body! The reason why there is such a sense of violation is that her own unique Worldview and the Worldview outside the world are gradually in direct conflict.

Of course, this kind of conflict is only a conflict of Worldview after all. It is a conflict of cognition of the world. As long as it is not that one party wants to destroy the other, it will not have any effect on both parties.

So, even if such a direct conflict appears, the flight attendant will not feel too much pressure because of it.

The realization of the empty girl is just a few days long.

A few days later, her just then was shocked. Waking up and turning around, he was rather embarrassed and said: “I didn’t expect to indulge in…”

“It’s a good thing that you can indulge in.” Luo Fan just smiled.

Next, he said: “Next, you will practice in this world first. Here is compared to the inside of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light. Even compared to Earth Universe, it is more suitable for you to practice.”

Although, the foundation of this heaven and earth was developed by him who had not yet achieved false saints. Compared with that of Earth Universe, it is some billion times different.

Even, even in this world. If it really conflicts with Earth Universe, which has only spent seven times in Great Tribulation, it will inevitably collapse beyond imagination.

However, after all, it has already passed the eighth world Great Tribulation!

After all, this is the fundamental transformation needed to complete this eighth world Great Tribulation! In a certain angle, its quality is already at least one level higher than Earth Universe!

If nothing else, just talking about the creator’s brand, this side of the world has been completely eliminated. In the Earth Universe, that brand is still stubborn!

Under such circumstances, any cultivator practiced here must be better than that practiced in that Earth Universe

Just as Luo Fan said this, a strange shock suddenly emerged from the depths of this heaven and earth.

At the moment “This is…”, Luo Fan‘s complexion changed slightly.

At this moment, all creatures in this world feel this inexplicable shock! One by one, the complexion has changed greatly, and all kinds of strange and complex emotions have emerged in my heart.

“What’s going on?! How come I suddenly have a feeling of joy, worry, repulsion, and expectation…” Such thoughts came into being in the mind of the sensitive soul.

At this moment, the flight attendant also sensed this inexplicable shock, and his expression changed slightly. He grabbed Luo Fan‘s hand and asked with some worry: “What’s wrong, I feel like this world is about to break…” “

Luo Fan looks sad and happy at this time, muttering in his mouth: “This is, someone is opening the cross-world Space and Time channel to this side of the world.”

“What?! Is it an invasion?! Who has such a magical ability to do this step?!” The empty girl looked surprised.

Luo Fan just shook his head and took the stewardess, and his body shook, and he was already at the source of the shock.

Now, after all, he has already passed through the Fated Tribulation that is similar to the Great Tribulation in the world. Its supernatural power is not knowing how many times stronger than the Paramount Emperor in this world. Although it has been deprived of the supreme authority of this side. But the sensing ability is also too powerful to describe. Other Paramount Emperor couldn’t find the source of the shock, but it was extremely simple for him.

This location is at the junction of Earth Universe and this world!

Here. A layer of barrier was in front of him.

After spending the eighth world Great Tribulation secretly on this day, its connection with that Earth Universe has been further weakened. Today, there is only a tiny bit left.

That is to say. At this moment, most of the vast barriers in front of Luo Fan are the barriers between the world and the chaotic state, only a small dot of the size of the thumb in front of him, just then is the world and Earth Universe The junction between.

Of course, this is just a description in a way that normal creatures can understand.

In fact, this kind of barrier does not even exist in the concept of Space and Time. Naturally, it does not have the concept of size in the perception of life. It is a small point of the thumb, but it is actually just a conceptual description. .

At this time. There was an inexplicable shock among that little spot.

This shock is so mysterious and so terrifying, even if it is clearly known that it is a kind of shock caused by the Space and Time is breaking open, Luo Fan has no way to stop this shock from appearing at all. It is impossible to prevent this shock from spreading, but we can only watch these shocks continue, even indistinctly, the amplitude and power of these shocks are constantly improving!

The air lady looked at the shock in front of her. There was a panic in his eyes.

I have gradually understood the meaning of this shock, and I know what exactly exists and is opening this channel!

Feeling the air girl’s mood change, Luo Fan smiled slightly and said to her: “You don’t have to think too much. That kind of existence wants to do something. It’s not what we can stop. Now that we are still here, prove it. There should not be too many problems.”

Hearing his words, the empty female face smiled bitterly: “You might as well be inconsolable. That said, I am even more worried.”

However, though. But after all, her emotions have eased a lot. Obviously, Luo Fan‘s consolation has really worked…

At this time, the shock was finally intense.

Only I heard it, with a click, and the small dot of the size of the thumb suddenly shattered! A vortex, began to expand and increase from that small point! In a blink of an eye, it turned into a vortex of three feet in diameter, appeared above the barrier, and began to appear in front of Luo Fan!

There is a faint luster in the faint space, which emerges from the depth of the vortex and becomes more and more clear, more and more obvious, and more and more intuitive. When the luster was obvious to a certain limit, a kind of Luo Fan‘s very familiar breath came out from it. That kind of breath is nothing other than the breath of Earth Universe!

“It turns out to be a channel from Earth Universe…” Such thoughts flashed in Luo Fan‘s heart. Compared to before, his expression has become extremely calm and extremely calm.

After all, Luo Fan is Luo Fan. Knowing that the situation can no longer be changed, his mentality is completely calm.

At this time, the vortex began to be gradually fixed, and in it, it began to gradually open up, revealing an extremely stable channel, mysterious and strange!

As this channel really took shape, twitching, dozens of figures emerged from it.

The Magical Abilities realm of each of these silhouettes is nothing but Illusionary Sage series. But the kind of profoundness revealed in each of them can be compared to the general false saints! Even some of the weaker false saints are even better than them!

Luo Fan glanced at these many figures at one glance, and the guess in his heart was finally confirmed once again, and there was a sudden look on his face.

“How could it be you?!” Among these figures, there was a person who was suddenly shocked.

This figure, Luo Fan is very familiar with it. It is the road of Luo Fan through the Standing Aloof, and I don’t know the future of hundreds of millions of years before returning to the first saint who was seen when the world was not broken before Earth Universe, Perceiving Principles child!

The original Perceiving Principles child was just stepped into the Illusionary Sage series, even if it was compared to the original Luo Fan, it was only stronger. But now, after nearly two billion years of time. He has already been upgraded to the ninth order Illusionary Sage! This speed is faster than expected!

“I didn’t expect it to be you.” Luo Fan sighed at this time.

At this time, the breath of Perceiving Principles‘s whole body was already surging rapidly, and a bronze ruler appeared above his head. If Shen Ruofu floats, a breath close to Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light is emitted, oscillating the surrounding Space and Time, and even the barrier around the gap between the ground and the chaotic state begins to oscillate slightly, generating a circle after another. The ripples went in all directions.

“Is this the Magical Weapon specifically given to you by the saints? If it really has a background, it is good.” Luo Fan read it. Exclaimed.

He also saw the bronze ruler. However, at the time, although it was stronger than the general Magical Weapon, it seemed to be only one thing. He now recalls that he even feels that it is very inconsistent with the means of the true saint. But seeing it again now, he just then found that this Magical Weapon really deserves to be the Magical Weapon refined by the True Saint!

Even if it was the divine court tripod that he was destroyed before, compared to this Magical Weapon, it is actually a bit inferior…

And this can be expected to not even have all the power of this Magical Weapon. There may also be some unknown seals in it. The thought of this made him even more terrible.

“Brother Perceiving Principles, do you recognize this Fellow Daoist?” At this time, the other was also the ninth order Illusionary Sage.

The breath on him is a bit more mysterious than the Perceiving Principles child next to him. Obviously, its strength is stronger than that of Perceiving Principles

Hearing his words, Perceiving Principles said: “This person is what I said at the time, that is not the saint’s door. But the person with the same strength is not bad!”

“It’s actually him.” The man’s eyes lit up.

As he said, he turned and looked up and down at Luo Fan and the empty girl, the inquiry in his eyes. There is nothing to hide.

At this time, the Space and Time channel behind them began to gather slowly. After a while, it turns into a vortex, and then it shrinks from the vortex into a small dot the size of a thumb, and then completely bridges it. It disappears without a trace, so that the barrier looks as if nothing has happened, it still looks so smooth, so complete…

At this time, these dozens of Illusionary Sages were even more powerful than the false saints, and they all showed an inexplicable look. It seems a bit reluctant, and it seems a bit relaxed.

In this way, it is like a child who has grown up and wants to move out of his parents’ home for the first time.

Luo Fan naturally also noticed the disappearance of the channel, his expression moved, and his thoughts in his heart began to detail a large number of people here.

Here, there are sixty-three nine-tier Illusionary Sage!

Almost half of them, thirty are female ninth-rank Illusionary the remaining thirty-three are male.

Among these people, there are young and old, beautiful and ugly, suspended there, and the temperament having nothing in common with each other revealed around Zhou, but they are all extremely mysterious and extraordinary.

There is only one figure familiar to Luo Fan, that is Perceiving Principles.

However, the just is actually enough to show the identity of all of them.

“I didn’t expect my little world to be able to attract the saints to come. I don’t know if it should be an honor.” Luo Fan sighed and said to the crowd.

“Under the sage’s door…” At this time, the appearance of the empty goddess next to Luo Fan changed slightly. It seemed a little shocked and proud. Although there was already speculation before, but speculation is speculation after all. Wait until this time Really confirmed, but the feeling is completely different from the guess.

When I heard Luo Fan say this, Perceiving Principles frowned, and the bronze ruler suspended above him had an inexplicable tremor, and a strong breath leaked out of it, sweeping out, making the surrounding barriers surging The clothes are fierce. (To be continued.) 88 Reading

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