Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1747: Unlimited

When the last bird-shaped part was converted into a seemingly common 3D Character Seal moment, the trillions of trillions of 3D Character Seals produced by Luo Fan in three days and nights suddenly shocked, as if it was somehow Invisible forces are generally drawn and begin to condense towards the center.

An extremely elaborate and extremely complicated, but there is an inexplicable mystery everywhere.

In a trance, it seems that the Great Dao in the Mingming is directly manifested, which makes people feel an indescribable touch, and feels like they can understand all the mysteries of the universe.

A mysterious light envelopes the entire interior of the log cabin, making the entire interior of the log cabin seem to be in the dark.

Next, all changes subsided.

The kind of light that disappeared completely, and appeared in front of Luo Fan, is no longer the trillions of trillion parts, or 3D Character Seal, but looks like the temples, but The breath has changed dramatically, from the original technological creation to the Magical Artifact artifact!

This piece of Magical Artifact is suspended between the void, looming in the power of the rule of law, suspended in mid-air, there is a feeling that it is part of the rule of law and can be integrated into the rule of law at any time.

This is a mystery that these temples could not have.

No matter how elaborate, complicated, and high-tech, the Temple of Gods is nothing more than a technological creation. Such technological creations can be connected with the rules and rules, and can only be passive. To activate the power through its owner, just then can draw the power out of it. In itself, at most it is equivalent to an amplification device, or a catalyst, and it is impossible to take the initiative to gain power from the layer of rules and regulations.

At this time, after becoming Magical Artifact, the essence of these temples has undergone earth-shaking changes. It has already possessed considerable autonomy. It can only be used as a catalyst and only as an amplification device. It can be proactive. In a way that transcends anyone in this supreme **** earth, draw power from the layer of rules and rules and condense inside it!

Throughput primordial qi, which is the function that any Magical Artifact should have. As a Magical Artifact, these temples are naturally no exception. only. Generally, what Magical Artifact handles is between the universe. primordial qi exists between heaven and earth. And what it handles is a deeper level, which belongs to the power of the rule of law.

“Well, it needs to be changed. At this time, it is only possible to connect the rules and rules in this supreme **** earth. In other universes, even outside this supreme **** earth, it cannot be done, but it is Some are not beautiful.” Luo Fan looked at this giant piece of condensed tens of trillions of Magical Artifact, and such thoughts flashed between the mind and the mind.

Before, he did not combine the many Magical Artifact into a whole. If he wants to adjust the function of Magical Artifact, he needs to be specific to each piece of Magical Artifact, the function of each piece of Magical Artifact, and everything it produces Changes, even the most subtle changes can be fully thought out after the consequences, and the calculations can be done.

But at this moment, these tens of trillions of Magical Artifacts have become a whole, and when they are no longer independent, this process no longer needs to be so complicated, but can be adjusted directly through the whole Magical Artifact. Can achieve the goal. As for the changes between the many small Magical Artifacts inside, as long as the overall adjustment is made, it will naturally evolve under the interaction of countless Magical Artifacts, allowing it to change naturally, without the need for Luo Fan to adjust each one, nor does he need to completely Understand the possible impact of any subtle changes in each of Magical Artifact on the whole…

It is precisely because of this difference that Luo Fan just then did not adjust its efficacy when it was constructed before, but at this time just then adjusted it.

The thought moved slightly, and Luo Fan raised his hand gently.

That piece of Magical Artifact shrunk Small Success to the size of a football and fell directly into his hands.

After the Magical Artifact fell into his hands, it shook slightly, and there was a feeling of admiration and joy coming out of it.

“Quantitative change leads to qualitative change, which is really a famous saying.” Luo Fan sensed the inexplicable sensor that emerged from it, couldn’t help thinking.

A piece of Magical Artifact, even between Great Desolation heaven and earth, is hard to have Spiritual Consciousness. What’s more, between this Earth Universe, Great Dao is not the same, there are many differences in the rules and regulations, even if the level of Magical Weapon is too low, Treasure Spirit can not be produced like Great Desolation heaven and earth. In such a large environment, these temples can now express such a clear feeling that this kind of phenomenon that can only occur with extremely strong spirituality is very rare. It can be imagined.

The fundamental reason why it can produce such a change is obviously that this pantheon is composed of trillions of trillions of Magical Artifact.

Therefore, Luo Fan will only say that quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

“Unfortunately, such a Magical Artifact has to be upgraded to Magical Weapon level, but the difficulty is almost too desperate.” Luo Fan thought, and sighed again.

The thought moved a little, he rushed his will directly into the temples and began to sacrifice the temples.

One by one, 3D Character Seal continues to fill the temples.

The 3D Character Seal, which is now filled in, does not directly replace those parts as in the previous three days and three nights, becoming one of the tens of trillions of pieces that made up the temples. Instead, it collapsed directly into countless small units, continuously integrated into the core of the Magical Artifact, and gradually changed the core.

With this change, this piece of Magical Artifact reveals a deep connection with the entire rule of law layer, as if it may be incorporated into the rule of law layer at any time.

Finally, after Luo Fan entered hundreds of thousands of 3D Character Seal, the temples looked like a technological creation, and no signs of Magical Artifact were seen. The feeling of being fully integrated into the entire layer of rules and regulations It has completely disappeared, and looks almost like an ordinary palace. It doesn’t even compare to God’s phone booth…

“Finally completed.” Seeing this, Luo Fan finally smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment. The reason why these temples have such strange changes is, of course, not that the power of these temples has weakened so much and has become ordinary. It is because these temples are no longer in line with the rule of law after the Supreme God Earth has changed, but with the real, naturally formed rule of law without any changes!

The reason why these temples were able to look that strange is precisely because they have such a fitting relationship with the rule of law of this supreme **** land, and now that this kind of fitting is gone, it naturally disappears. Such a feeling.

However. Although there is no such agreement. But it does not mean that the power of these temples has weakened here. It’s just the opposite. This kind of disagreement is to greatly enhance the power of these temples!

After all, the rule of law within the Supreme God Earth has undergone transformation. It is to reduce the difficulty of using and mobilizing it. Therefore, it can be used at will by all residents of the Supreme Divine Land.

In this case. The ability to call the power of the rule layer of the rule layer that has not been transformed and then call the power of the rule layer of the Supreme God Earth, the difficulty is naturally reduced by many times.

Because of this change, the moment when Luo Fan held the temples. The admiration and rejoicing that came out of it were even clearer.

Obviously, its spirituality has been greatly enhanced.

With a slight change of mind, Luo Fan has stepped into the temples.

After being converted to Magical Artifact, various changes have taken place inside the Temple of Gods, and the space in which they existed has not increased, but the world in which the various landscapes can be manifested is not limited to only being manifested, but There is already some real charm. Although some high-level intelligent life cannot be produced, it can only be simulated, but for some low-level life, it can already be generated at will, such as plants, ants, reptiles and other creatures. , You will be able to live, die, die…

With a slight change of mind, the entire world becomes an endless universe starry sky. The space that originally existed becomes suspended above the universe starry sky, as if the creation gods lived there, overlooking the whole Where is Void of the Universe.

In this cosmic starry sky, countless stars seem to be true or false. Between those turbid stars, there are naturally some planets with completely suitable life.

“It’s still too weak. It must be promoted to Magical Weapon in order to have a qualitative change.” Luo Fan glanced at it, and instantly saw everything in the entire universe.

Although it seems infinitely vast, with infinite stars and infinite environments suitable for living planets, there are not many creatures in it.

Even if it is lush, it seems that it has developed a very high-civilized life planet, and the life it really has is only a very small number of low-level life. Even if the total number of life in the entire universe adds up, it is not even as much as the life on a living planet… In addition to these, the other number is the life of some trillion times, which is advanced. Is mapped through the power of rules and regulations.

Luo Fan secretly calculated that if these temples could be upgraded to the Magical Weapon level, these worlds would become real worlds. And the level of these worlds will also increase with the Magical Weapon level. At first it may only be Little Wide World, but when this Magical Weapon is upgraded to the Pure Yang level, these worlds may become Intermediate Wide World, and the world will be upgraded to the Great Consummation level, and these worlds may be upgraded to Great Wide World. If you go up again, it may be the increase in the number of births and the level………

“If it is sacrificed to the highest level, it is not much worse than True Body‘s Void Everlasting Palace.” Luo Fan finally came to a conclusion.

The thoughts in my heart returned to normal.

Then he stepped up and walked out of the temples, came directly outside the temples, raised his hand and waved, and the instant void was broken, the rules of law were broken, the broken in the dark, a straight through the world and chaos The intervening cave appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the appearance of this cave, Luo Fan did not hesitate to extend his right hand into it, and grabbed one of the grayish presences as soon as he grabbed it.

At this time, a gray layer of 3D Character Seal loomed around his body.

Obviously, reaching into it and grabbing the gray presence seemed simple, but it still caused a great impact on him. The 3D Character Seal that he built with the help of the gray presence appeared.

At the moment when Luo Fan grabbed the gray presence, that cave collapsed instantly, bridging in the dark, brimming in the void layer, brimming in the rules and layers, bridging the space, and in a blink of an eye, it had returned to normal. It looks like there is no difference from normal.

Luo Fan grabbed the gray presence, moved his mind slightly, and waved his hand gently. Suddenly, this group of gray existence began to wriggle wildly. Finally, a long, gray silk thread was drawn out, continuously sketched and entangled in mid-air. After a while. It has formed countless complicated to the extreme. The mysterious 3D Character Seal came out.

After these 3D Character Seals are formed, they constantly exchange positions in the void, changing constantly. It looks like a giant monster is slowly creeping.

Seeing this, Luo Fan raised his hand and waved lightly, and the temple shone directly into the 3D Character Seal group where the monster was creeping fast.

As the temples rushed in, the 3D Character Seal group quickly oscillated and formed a huge and complicated battle array in a short while.

After the emergence of battle array, it began to emit an unspeakable Space and Time fluctuation.

The internal time and space have begun to produce unspeakable distortions.

At this time, this battle array still did not stop changing. When Space and Time was twisted to the limit, the battle array was shocked again, and the complex mysterious to extreme changes occurred again. Within battle array, Space and Time was originally twisted to a part of the limit Self-contained, the Space and Time beyond this undergoes severe distortion again. After it was twisted to the limit, it became self-contained again, completely disconnected from the outside world.

So, when 3D Character Seal is fully utilized by the layers of battle array, then battle array is already 1,296 layers!

“I can only bear so much. It is a pity that this is the limit.” Luo Fan flashed such thoughts between his mind and mind.

At this time, if Luo Fan is willing, he can still join 3D Character Seal on it, and still can continue to put on some battle array layers.

However, in this case, the Space and Time of this universe will be unbearable. No matter where this battle array appears, this battle array itself will collapse Space and Time, resulting in a large mess of Space and Time, and even directly break the space, break the rules and regulations layer, break the nihility layer, break the midst, and put that in the gap between heaven, earth and chaos. The grayness between them led to the formation of a large Jedi that even the cultivator did not dare to approach-although this had no effect on Luo Fan, it did not meet his goal after all. Naturally he did not want.

“But it should be enough. Each layer can accelerate the time flow rate by 365 times, and the 1296 layer can accelerate the time flow rate by a factor of 365 thousand. 296 times the power, how big is this number…” The inexplicable smile appeared on Luo Fan‘s face.

Because the temples have such extraordinary spirituality, Luo Fan has given this Magical Artifact the ability to sacrifice itself.

In other words, because of this spirituality, this piece of Magical Artifact actually does not require any master to be able to continuously improve on its own.

In other words, this piece of Magical Artifact is equivalent to cultivator‘s ability to self-practice and improve the Magical Abilities realm, and through the accumulation of time, it can continuously improve its own essence. Although, the speed of this improvement is not as good as that of the worst cultivator.

However, compared with the general Magical Artifact, it is already an essential difference.

The temples do not need to have enough time Luo Fan You can waste energy to sacrifice Magical Artifact Promoted to the treasure of Immortal Dao, and then upgraded from the treasure of Immortal Dao to Pure Yang Series Magical Weapon , And then Pure Yang The number of stages is increased to the Great Consummation level, and then beyond the Great Consummation level. Magical Weapon The limit!

Of course, as the Magical Weapon refined by Luo Fan, the strongest limit of this Magical Weapon can only reach the level of Luo Fan at this time, but it cannot be directly sanctified under the accumulation of infinite time. may be scarce for others.

However, for the Luo Fan, which began to be exposed to the mystery of time as soon as it entered the practice, and began to use all kinds of means to speed up the flow of time, it was much.

Like the Space and Time battle array he has arranged now, after layer-by-layer stacking, at its deepest, among the battle array where the temples are staying, the time flow rate has been called infinite times . Even, Luo Fan has just arranged this battle array for a little while, and the time experienced by the temples has been unknown for trillions of years.

“However, maintaining this battle array consumption is quite a lot.” Luo Fan then smiled bitterly.

At this moment, he feels as if he is madly pumping his blood with a one-size water pipe, and the magic power in his body seems to collapse, madly pouring into the battle array, every moment, he acts as What Great Success Daoist Venerable owns, the vast magic power will be pumped clean, and it will be worth a little bit!

If it were not for him to be able to generate primordial qi spontaneously and to replenish his own consumption of magic power at any rate, maybe he would be pumped into powder at the moment he finished the Space and Time battle array… (to be continued…)

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