Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1736: Level 7


   After enclosing the Ming emperor and other eight people in the depth of the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, Luo Fan‘s heart moved, and the shadow of the bronze mirror above him shook slightly, turning into a ray of light, and then disappeared into this underworld . Then, one step further, it disappeared in this third-level world, and once drilled, it re-drilled back to where True Body was.


  As the projection of this Universe Origin Lingbao disappears, the third-level world just then returns to calm.


   The feeling of overwhelming just then disappeared.


   saw this, Luo Fan smiled slightly, turned his attention back to the front of his eyes, and continued the previous task of capturing the world image.


  As he grabbed, the force acting on the image of the world became stronger and more terrifying.


   However, this is not a problem for him. He still pulls the image of the world in a hurry, letting the image of the world gradually disengage from the long river under his action, and finally , Gradually separated from this Great Dao, appeared directly in front of him, lying quietly in his open hands!


  At this moment, all the creatures in the whole world feel that their hearts are empty.


  However, this feeling is only for a moment. After the second minute, they feel that this feeling seems to be just an illusion…


   For this, Luo Fan is quite clear.


   They can feel what they seem to lose because the Great Dao of this world has lost a very small part of the changes that affect them.


   And they don’t immediately feel the changes, the reason is simpler.


  Because, this loss is too insignificant compared to this Great Dao!


   This insignificant loss, if lost at once, those creatures will feel it naturally. but. Sensing carefully, when you want to find out what this loss is, with their perceptual accuracy, it is impossible to find anything. It is for this reason that they are now like this. They feel something when the image disappears. But when they are fixed, they will involuntarily regard this feeling as an illusion because they cannot find the root of this feeling…


  Luo Fan has not much attention to these kinds of things.


   At this time, all his mind is betting on the image of the world in his hands.


  Although it is just an image, it contains all the powers possessed by the normal world.


   Among them, contains all the qualities of the world, with the qualities of Space and Time, with the qualities of rules and regulations. It has the qualities of Great Dao, and even the traits of countless creatures.


   Moreover, even if it is just a phantom, it has a very real effect when he touches it with his tentacles.


   “Very mysterious structure…” Luo Fan looked at this scene and couldn’t help expressing such admiration.


Within his heart, he raised his hand and flicked it, instantly. The image of the world in his hands began to change, as if suddenly waking up from a completely sleepy state. Among them, the rules of law, Space and Time, Great Dao, and even souls, etc., all lived in an instant, began to rotate like a normal world, and evolved uninterruptedly, showing all kinds of incredible light and shadow…


   follows it. The endless, mysterious mystery that belongs to that world, began to constantly flow into Luo Fan‘s heart, making him seem to have merged with this world in one trance, and this world is running. It’s that he’s running.


  At the time of this change, just like the previous worlds, Luo Fan also felt the deep mystery hidden in the depths of these worlds, which was not found when many of their avatars realized.


   These deep mysteries are not more mysterious than those realized before Luo Fan‘s doppelganger. In fact, they are basically similar to those of Luo Fan.


   It’s just that the aspects of this deep mystery are not covered by those mysteries, that is, the relatively rare mysteries.


   such a mystery, Luo Fan got, but also to increase his own knowledge, but for his Magical Abilities realm promotion, but there is no direct use.


   This world is quite simple for Luo Fan.


  He is just a few days, he already feels that he has completely mastered all the mysteries hidden in this world…


   At this time, he let it go, and the phantom of the world was subjected to an inexplicable suction, a slight rush, it was already rushing into the Great Dao, sinking into the one before his avatar Nothing was found, only in the long river that just then discovered after his True Body arrived.


  As the world rejoins the long river, the long river is very natural to re-accept the world, allowing the long river to completely restore its original state of perfection.


  At the same time, all the creatures in this world feel at this time at the same time that an inexplicable existence returns to their bodies, making them feel full of their mood for a while.


   But, again, this is just a feeling of time.


  When they look for it and feel it, they will find that this seems to be just an illusion. Where will something return to their body? !


  Luo Fan looked at the long river among the Great Daos, and after a little selection, he determined another world.


   explored smoothly, slowly caught in the Great Dao, and explored towards a certain world in the long river inside.


   This world is a second-class world…


   Moreover, it is the world of the second level, which is in line with the previous world!


   That is to say, this second-level world, in the real structure of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, contains the previous world…


   The process similar to the previous one appeared in this long river at this time.


   For the capture of Luo Fan, the Changhe did not have any resistance, and the world, nor any counterattack, just stayed quietly, letting Luo Fan capture it.


  However, when Luo Fan wanted to pull it out of this long river, and then pull out this Great Dao, that long river gave birth to an inexplicable powerful force acting on the world image, preventing Luo Fan from bringing the world image go.


   And this kind of power is more than a thousand times more powerful than the resistance that Luo Fan encountered when grabbing the first-level world!


   And all the students in this whole world are inspired by the feeling that their hearts have been taken out of a gap, which has become more and more obvious!


   Even. With that many sensitive creatures standing there dumbly, tears flowing down, like his heart was hollowed out…


   For the person-like changes, Luo Fan did not have any expression, nor did he have any changes because of this, and still took out the image without any hassle.


   That power. Even if it is enhanced thousands of times, for him, it is just a force that can easily resist…


   Soon, the second-level world image has already appeared in his hand, lying quietly on the palm of his hand, before his eyes.


   This world has an inexplicable quality compared to the previous world. That is, it has become heavy several times…


   If it means that the previous world was a carton. Well, now this world is a wooden box!


  Of course, this is just a metaphor. The actual weight is of course countless times heavier than a carton or wooden box…


  Mind in his heart, Luo Fan also began to comprehend the mystery of this second-level world according to the previous method, let these mysteries appear naturally in his heart, so that he can perfectly grasp the various in this world…


  This process lasted for a month and was completed by just then.


   gives Luo Fan a feeling that he has completely mastered all the mysteries in this world.


  Just. At this time, Luo Fan thought this way: “Unfortunately, it is still a bit vain. It is difficult to achieve complete control.”


  At this moment, he can still find that in the depths of this second-level world, there are still many deeper hidden mysteries that are not perceived by him. However, he could not find any trace of it. The existence of any clues, apart from this inexplicable feeling, he feels that all the mysteries of this world are already completely controlled by him, so he will stop.


   It’s a pity. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his heart, as if there was a flash of lightning across his heart, which made him have some inexplicable idea.


   “Maybe, it can be done.” He thought, sending the image of the world in his hand to the Great Dao and re-entering the long river.


  After doing all this, he took a step forward, and his figure had already broken through the world, broke through the barriers of this world, and came directly out of this world.


  Take a closer look and he locks in his goal.


   stepped out and stepped into a certain world, directly before a bronze mirror phantom.


   In the depth of the phantom of this bronze mirror, he can clearly see that there is an inexplicable existence composed of a mess, that is, his practice of the flesh and blood body!


   That’s right, this world is the fourth-level world where his avatar placed his practice method, allowing him to absorb endless mysteries to grow himself!


After coming here, Luo Fan grabbed it without hesitation.


   straight into the shadow of the mirror, holding the practice method directly!


  Compared to the beginning, this practice has grown a little after these days of growth, and it feels heavier than before.


   After holding this practice method, he flicked it, and the bronze mirror that protected the practice method turned into a stream of light and rushed straight out of the world, returning to where True Body was.


   “Look at my thoughts, right.” Thinking in this way, he stepped out of this fourth-level world, recognized it, and stepped into the highest level among all the worlds within this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light , The ninth level world!


  The whole Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light has some billions of trillions in the world.


  Among them, most of them are the first-class ordinary world. The second-level world is thousands of times less than the first-level world. The third level is thousands of times less.


  And so on, until the ninth level world, only the last one is left.


   is the world that Luo Fan chose to enter at this time…


   This ninth-level world contains the mystery of all the world inside this entire Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light!


   At the same time, it is equivalent to include all the mysteries of this whole Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light!


  After coming here, Luo Fan‘s heart moved straight into the world. Come directly to that Great Dao.


   came here, he couldn’t help shrinking his pupils, and there was an unspeakable shock and awe in his heart.


   The Great Dao in front of me is really too vast and magnificent!


   Even, the breath revealed in just. It is already making Luo Fan have a very small size, which seems to be oppressed by this breath and the whole body collapses…


   “It really is Great Dao of Perfect World series…” Looking at this Great Dao, Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel inexplicable emotions.


   The profound mystery contained in this Great Dao in front of him is so deep that it has reached an incredible level.


   Even if it is Luo Fan, there is a feeling that it is difficult to find the direction and method of understanding.


   Even. If it weren’t for his avatar that was already integrated with the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light to some extent, he could not even clearly see the specific outline of the Great Dao in front of him. What he could see might be just infinite. The endless light is just endless majesty!


   “It seems that it is still somewhat whimsical.” With a slight sigh, Luo Fan can only helplessly admit that the ideas he had generated before are too unrealistic.


   Previously, the idea he produced was very simple. His practice of the flesh and blood body needs the mystery of all levels of the world.


   and obviously, among Great Dao in every high-level world. A long river of hidden mysteries of all low-level worlds is hidden.


   If he puts this practice method directly in the Great Dao of the ninth-level world and puts it on the long river, wouldn’t he be able to let this practice method grow naturally and eventually grow to a Most Peak, swallow the whole mystery of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light? !


   And now it seems. Such a plan is obviously impossible to succeed.


  Because, he didn’t say that this practice method was sent into the Great Dao, and even if he wanted to directly touch the Great Dao of this ninth-level world, he was a bit powerless. It’s hard to do it.


   Not to mention, his current observation ability, it is difficult to see the long river of the mysterious mystery of the infinite low-level world that should exist in this Great Dao!


  Under such circumstances, how could he possibly put this practice method into the long river?


   “After all, we still have to do it step by step.” Thinking like this, he shook his head and walked across the figure, he had already left this ninth-level world.


  When he left this place, he felt a moment of relaxation.


   knows in his heart that his strength is still much worse than that of the ninth-level world. He can only firm his idea of ​​placing the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light in the lower-level world.


   turned his body, he stepped directly into an eighth-level world, and did not realize how mysterious this world is. He came directly into this world.


  When you enter here, a feeling similar to the one you felt before in the ninth-level world comes up.


   The intense pressure, the vastness, the shock, although much weaker than the ninth-level world, but still let Luo Fan know clearly that this world is still beyond the limit of its own power… …


   With a slight sigh, he took a light step and left the world directly, stepping directly into a seventh-level world! In the same way, he didn’t see how this world is, but came directly to the world and faced the Great Dao of this world directly!


  At this moment, his eyes shone inexplicably: “This is the world!”


   The Great Dao in front of him, although it still brought him a lot of pressure, that kind of vastness, that kind of grandness, still shocked him a lot.


   However, it is already within his tolerance!


   Moreover, at this moment he glanced at it, but at a glance he saw the layering existing in Great Dao! I saw that the endless stream of the world seems to be a long river of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light structure!


  This is self-explanatory.


   “It turns out that my current limit is just the seventh-level world.” The thought flashed through my mind, and Luo Fan slowly released the practice method of the flesh and blood body.


   At this moment, a strong pressure is exerting on this practice method, which makes this practice method feel overwhelmed! Indistinctly, Luo Fan can hear the sound of a rattling sound even more!


   Watching this scene, he frowned.


If this is the case, how can this practice practice draw on the world’s profound mystery to evolve itself?


   thought about it. He swiftly moved, the Universe Origin Lingbao with a bronze mirror looks slightly shocked, and a powerful projection was born. Between the slight shock, it came across the air, and it was already in front of Luo Fan. Wrap this practice method directly.


   With the phantom wrapping of this bronze mirror, the kind of pressure acting on this practice method, so that the pressure of this practice method has a tendency to shatter suddenly disappeared.


   But all the pressure has been completely taken over by this Universe Origin Lingbao projection.


  Universe Origin Lingbao darker than black, although all the pressure is taken over, it did not take over other things.


  At this time, all kinds of breath belonging to this Great Dao were still touched by this practice method.


   such a breath makes this practice method slightly tremble, that look. It seems that I want to absorb and try to seize the profound mystery contained in it, but I can’t find the general thing!


   Faced with this scene, Luo Fan knew that his plan was almost successful.


   Moved in one step and stepped forward, it was already on the Great Dao.


  This Great Dao, in general lives. Even in his doppelganger, it looks like ordinary. The Great Dao of the first-level world is generally like that. But in the eyes of Luo Fan, it is vast and endless, full of light and contains infinite power!


  Great Dao, this is mysterious and strange.


  You see what it is, what it is. What kind of traits, what kind of power…


   Standing above this Great Dao, Luo Fan even has the feeling that he has become a mortal being burned by flames, but it is quite uncomfortable.


   “It’s here.” There is an inexplicable light shining between the eyes, and Luo Fan instantly locked a world that exists in the long river deep in that Great Dao.


   That is a world of the fourth level. It is also the world corresponding to the world of the fourth level where this practice method is located!


After locking the world, he moved in his heart, and the projection of the Universe Origin Lingbao wrapped around the practice method slightly shocked, and rushed straight towards the world!


   The horrible thunder sound is uploaded from this Great Dao at this moment.


   An irresistible force erupted from above this Great Dao, making Luo Fan standing above this Great Dao feel that his body was out of control instantly, and was directly blown out by this force and broke straight In the midst of breaking through the rules of law, breaking through Space and Time, and coming out of the world of the seventh level, between the nothingness, the Space and Time dimension of the unknown range, just then finally stopped.


   “So strong! Even the third-level emperor, in the face of the world’s Great Dao, absolutely can’t please!” After stopping, Luo Fan flashed such thoughts in his mind.


  He was standing there at this time, but his figure looked a little embarrassed.


With a move in his heart, he took a light step and stepped into the seventh-level world again.


   Only, this time, he felt that he couldn’t enter into the underworld at all, and could only stay in the reality Space and Time.


   At this time, this seventh-level world is undergoing earth-shaking changes.


  All kinds of unspeakable shocks came out from that on everything in the world, all creatures, let them feel a kind of birth from the heart at this time ‘S awe, even fear…


   There are also false saints in this world.


   These false saints were horrified at this time. They all felt that they had completely lost control of the world. They were originally high above themselves, able to do whatever they wanted, as if they had become ordinary cultivator that they regarded as mole crickets or ants. ! I have a hunch that I can overturn and die at any time…


  Luo Fan stood quietly in this world. After a while, his eyes lit up and his mouth muttered: “Successful.”


  With his words, the world began to calm down.


Awe and fear in the hearts of sentient beings gradually fade away.


   Those false saints who had originally lost their false sainthood and reduced to ordinary creatures also regained the false sainthood, and re-feel that kind of supremacy, that kind of arbitrary, kind of omnipotent…


  And at the same time, the meditation that originally shielded everything from entering, at this time also regained its original open state, so that Luo Fan‘s heart moved, it has already entered here.


   “There was such a change…” When he came to this place, Luo Fan couldn’t help but stunned slightly.




   [Unfinished to be continued “This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @情不知所起 hj”. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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