Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1696: Weakness

  PS: If you want to hear more of your voices and want to receive more of your suggestions, search the WeChat public account “qdread” and pay attention to it, and give “Extreme Great Desolation” more support! When the two of them came back to God, they found out that somehow they were already in that Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, and they were outside of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light as before!


  The thought of the two of them flashed, and in a blink of an eye, they understood what was going on.


   This is clearly the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, or the Emperor Tong, relying on the opportunity that their attention was attracted by the immortal essence of Xiantian, with the power of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light itself, through the power they sent out, the two of them Pull into this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light!


   “It seems, really trouble…” Guan Huang murmured.


   “The two Fellow Daoist supernatural powers are amazing. If they join, their status in this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light will definitely be higher than me. By then, the two Fellow Daoist will be killed and slain. Both of you will follow you. The two still have to struggle. “The Emperor Tong looked at the two of them and said very sincerely.”


   Hearing this, no matter if it is Guan Huang or Zi Huang became more powerful than ever.


  At this moment, they already felt that the power of the whole Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light was locking them at this time, sealing them in all directions and all other possible directions of escape!


  Let them, at this time, can only face the boy directly in front of them!


   “Everyone has their own ambitions, Fellow Daoist is better not to force me to wait.” Guan Huang said lightly.


   “How do the two Fellow Daoists know that this is not the ambition of Fellow Daoist? Perhaps, when the two Fellow Daoists become my companions, they will find out that this is the goal pursued by Fellow Daoist all his life.” The child emperor said.


   Hearing this, Guan Huang and Zi Huang were even more horrified.


  They never doubt the words of the child emperor, and they never think that the child emperor’s words are just to persuade them. According to their feelings and understanding of emotions, they are quite clear. These words are definitely from the heart of the boy emperor! That is to say, the Emperor Tong really thought as he said!


   It’s just that the more they know this, the harder they will accept.


   A true Paramount Emperor, an existence dedicated to the pursuit of the true saint, after being refined by this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, even his true ambition was completely reversed, even he clearly remembered that he could not reverse this Distorted ambition!


   Such a situation makes them more afraid of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light than before 100 times!


   Seeing the changing expressions of the two of them, the emperor naturally expected their thoughts.


   It’s just that at this time he has the absolute upper hand, then all the power of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light has been sealed from all directions by Guan Huang and Zi Huang.


  Under such circumstances, he can naturally exert his ability to speak at will.


   means that at this time, even if it is known that the possibility of persuading them is extremely small, but as long as this possibility is not impossible, he can experiment…


   Therefore, he did not keep silent at this time, but he kept talking about how great it was to be refined by this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, how much benefit, and how good it was to reject this refinement of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light Outdated, what a good opportunity wasted!


  This way, he persuaded him for three days and three nights. When Guan Huang and Zi Huang couldn’t help but broke out, he still didn’t stop.


   At this time, Guan Huang and Zi Huang’s whole body swept into all directions without any scruples, madly impacting the surrounding nihility, and even passed on, shaking the surrounding world.


   As Paramount Emperor, when the momentum is truly without scruples, its power is beyond imagination.


  What kind of momentum evolves Space and Time, evolution of the world, evolution of creatures, etc., for the existence of Paramount Emperor level, it does not constitute any obstacle at all!


   So, when the two of them broke out intolerably.


   There is something around the body of the two of them that can give birth to the world. They are madly sprinkling their essence and blood, constantly creating worlds and arranging them in a very tight way around their bodies. The body of the two of them disappeared directly between the emptiness during this process, and it looks like they will be covered up by the countless worlds!


  At this moment, the power of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light is condensed, and the force that seals the two of them in all directions is virtualized.


   suddenly emerged from a state that would not be noticeable enough to crush everything and destroy everything. In a slight shock, there were already countless worlds that evolved the momentum revealed by the two of them. Crush everything, and let those worlds return to the most basic qi education…


   Such a process instantly changed their faces slightly.


   momentum is the existence connected with their body and mind.


  Although this momentum is just an evolutionary world being crushed, the momentum itself still exists, but it is already like a giant hammer hitting **** both of them. That feeling, for them, is extremely painful!


  If it’s not that they are not ordinary Paramount Emperor, maybe such a change of just is enough to make them both stunned for a long time, and there will be no resistance in the next period of time. .


   However, at this time, although this situation made them uncomfortable, their actions were not affected in any way.


   At this moment, a vast and immense aura seal burst out of them, slamming straight towards the child emperor in front of him, to lock the child emperor to the seal!


  This is the way they both thought after seeing the Luo Fan so easy to scrape the child emperor before.


  According to what happened before, the Emperor’s ability to deal with the seal is much worse than the ability to attack and defend…


   It’s just that the development of facts has given them a head start!


   Soon, they knew that the boyfriend had been sealed without any resistance in the hands of Luo Fan, and it was not that the boyfriend had poor ability to deal with the seal.


   but because Luo Fan is too strong!


  At this time, in the face of this seal, Tong Huang just smiled faintly.


   Immediately afterwards, there was an aura of light coming out of him, condensed into a pair of scissors, and with a slight flash, that seal was already cut out of thin air!




   An earth-shattering thunder sound followed.


  The power contained in the seal exploded with a sudden explosion, and the infinite power collapsed everywhere, sweeping in all directions, rushing through the many worlds one by one, even some close worlds were even more in the process. It was washed away from the spot, it felt like a hit baseball, flying towards the distance…


   “Why are the two Fellow Daoists? Since the two Fellow Daoists don’t want to, then you’re welcome. In the future, the two Fellow Daoists will feel me.” Tong Huang sighed.


  As he sighed in his life, he condensed it out, and the aurora scissors flickered a little, and it was already turned into a palm, grabbed and shot in the void, and it has an endless essence of Xiantian. Condensed from the infinite world, in the palm of the aura, two humanoid rays were condensed into the body of Guan Huang and Zi Huang!


   The large amount of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light‘s spontaneous punishment was already making them both exhausted, and even their bodies were dragged into the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light by unknown means. There was no feeling and no response.


  Now the immortal nature of these Xiantians is not an autonomous attack, but rather a variety of more elaborate and more mysterious and strange changes in the King’s control that has been refined by this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, how much more difficult is it to resist them, Self-explanatory!


  At this moment, Guan Huang and Zi Huang felt the indescribable pressure surge, as if their lives were about to crack, be destroyed, and disappear completely.


   Faced with this change, where can they dare to neglect? !


   The mind is admired, completely condensed in the source of life of the two of them, manipulating their source of life, and naturally emits a chaotic atmosphere of chaos.


   This breath of chaos and chaos is not a change of aura, but the gains that the two of them have constantly realized the state of chaos in these countless years!


   also means that this breath, in fact, is the comprehension of the breath of chaos between the two of them!


  Perhaps this kind of breath is many times worse than the real state of chaos, but compared to the breath of the two of them, it is already countless stronger…


   This breath has produced amazing effects.


   instantly laid a strong defense on top of both of them’s source of life, and stiffly blocked it before the Xiantian immortal essence, so that the Xiantian immortal essence can only be taken from this in the process The defense layer scoured past, but it could not really rush through the defense and get in touch with the source of his life!


  It is just that the defense formed by this breath is powerful.


   But its consumption is also huge.


   Originally, with the realm of Guan Huang and Zi Huang, not to mention setting up a defensive layer, he was constantly creating the world and creating beings. He could also create for hundreds of billions and trillions of years, Without feeling tired.


   But at this time, in order to preserve the defense at the moment beyond their source of life at the moment, the two of them felt their power was like water in the washbasin, madly pouring out from the exit below In a blink of an eye, it was already letting them feel the deepest kind of tiredness, so that they could not help shaking from the whole body up and down.


   “What kind of defense is this?” The Emperor Tong appeared surprised at this time.


  Although he is now more than a hundred times more powerful than the original child, he is fundamentally from the child, and he does not understand what he cannot understand because of the limitations of the realm.


   And at this moment, the layer of breath defense that appeared around the source of life of Guan Huang and Zi Huang was something the Emperor Tong had never known!


  However, although he can’t understand it, the child king is still the child king.


   Even if he was a Paramount Emperor at the beginning, it is already his instinct to analyze the nature of unknown things and deduce the state.


  Although I can’t find the defensive breath in the first place at this time. But soon, after a lot of energy, he had already reacted to what it was.


   For a time, he was relieved and said, “I didn’t expect the two Fellow Daoist to have such a method, which can actually simulate the atmosphere of chaos. It seems that after two Fellow Daoist become my companions, this The strength of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light will be greatly improved. By that time, maybe that man can be subdued…”


   When the child emperor said from behind, his face could not help but show an inexplicable hatred.


   For all the previous encounters with the Emperor Tong, both Guan Huang and Zi Huang saw it, naturally knowing that what the Emperor Tong said at this time must be the strong man who sealed the Emperor directly… “


  It’s just that even though they knew that the other party wasn’t talking about them, Guan Huang and Zi Huang were both extremely ugly after hearing this.


   There is no other reason. The words of the Emperor Tong have clearly regarded their resistance as nothing, and completely regarded the two of them as the next two Paramount Emperors refined by this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light


  At this moment, the two of them began to create a singular shape out of their source of life.


   This form is the appearance of their body, which looks alive and vivid, as if their external body is shrunk and placed there.


   This body is not a body of flesh and blood, nor a body of aura.


   It is completely an invisible, void concept body!


   also means that at this moment, this body does indeed appear to exist, but in fact, it is just an image. Really speaking, inside that body, there is nothing and nothing exists…


Under the movement of the heart, this body oscillates individually, with countless Space and Time derived from it, constantly expanding and constantly strengthening.


   And, the whole process is not one-off, but endless. As long as time is moving forward, this expansion will continue, until the time is long, when the power limit of the two of them is reached. !


  After doing all this, the two of them could no longer support the defense of the chaotic atmosphere, and could only helplessly make the defense disappear.


   With the disappearance of the defense, the endless Xiantian indestructible essence passes directly through the height of the defense, and it slams into a figure around their source of life, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


  With this change, the immortal essence of Xiantian condensed around the body of both of them disappeared as if they had never appeared.


   And those Xiantian immortal essences, at this time, did not touch the source of life of Guan Huang and Zi Huang, but constantly jumped and continually crossed between the infinite Space and Time in that conceptual body, Although it is constantly rotating and changing, after all, it is still impossible to completely surpass Space and Time and really touch the bodies of the two of them… The child emperor looked at all this and frowned deeply.


   “Why are the two Fellow Daoists so hard? In this way, although they can be blocked for a while, can they still be blocked for a lifetime?!”


  But he is not just talking.


   In fact, this act of continuously expanding Space and Time and continuously extending the distance between the immortal essence of Xiantian and the origin of their lives is indeed quite effective in a short time, and can avoid the immortal essence of Xiantian Erosion of the origin of their lives.


   However, this is only a short-term expansion of Space and Time, after all, there can be no limit! So continue to expand Space and Time, and continue to lengthen the distance, one day, one month, one year, even one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten million years, but longer What about time? One billion years, one billion years, ten billion years, one hundred billion years? !


Can    be the same? !


   And for the existence of the Paramount Emperor series, it is one trillion years, ten trillion years, it is just a short period of time, any soul who can practice to the Paramount Emperor series will never be I care for such a period of time, I will not feel impatient because I have to wait for such a period of time, and give up my original purpose…


   It is precisely because of this that the boy just then will have such words.


   Faced with the words of the emperor, Guan Huang and Zi Huang smiled at each other. Finally, Guan Huang said: “Although it cannot be forever, but does Fellow Daoist think that we cannot think of a remedy in this period of time?! Will you really watch this Space and Time being broken?”


   This is also what they really think.


   Their just then can think of how to construct this Space and Time for an infinite extension to delay the erosion of the Xiantian’s immortal nature to their source of life in the short period of time. Will they think of other ways to make up for their weaknesses? ! Even solve this dilemma? !


   Hearing their confident words, the Emperor Tong just smiled faintly and said, “Then just walk and see.”


   Guan Huang and Zi Huang smiled faintly.


   “Since Fellow Daoist does not want to give up now, why stay in front of us? In my opinion, Fellow Daoist is still busy with his own affairs,” Zihuang said directly.


  The emperor’s performance is clearly that he is unwilling to give up the idea of ​​helping Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light refine the two of them and make them the same kind.


  Now, of course, it is impossible for the Emperor to kill them.


   In this way, the Emperor Tong appeared in front of them and could only watch, there was no other way to deal with them…… This is also the reason why the Purple Emperor said this at this time.


  The emperor shook his head and said, “I didn’t want to attack the two Fellow Daoists in my heart. Now it is just right. But the two Fellow Daoists should be able to listen to me quietly. Why should I give up such a good opportunity?”


Guan Huang and Zi Huang both looked stiff. However, they remembered the situation where the Emperor Tong was brainwashing before the two of them, and for a while each gave an inexplicable wry smile.


   The child emperor didn’t understand their thoughts at all, so he kept talking about them, and continued to bombard them. He constantly praised the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light and introduced them to the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light. Into their ears.


Guan Huang and Zi Huang both endured his harassment extremely helplessly, while trying to find a way to leave this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light and break through the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light terrorist forces around them.


  It was so enduring for a year, and finally one day Guan Guan sighed and said, “It seems that Fellow Daoist intends to use this method to make us unable to think about it.”


   During this year, he tried some unknown methods and even fought several times with the Emperor.


   But in the end he didn’t find a way to break through the defense of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light out of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, out of the dilemma in front of him that could be refined at any time!


  The Emperor Tong smiled slightly and said, “The two Fellow Daoists have misunderstood. I just sincerely hope that the two Fellow Daoists will consider the proposal of becoming my companion. But they have no other intentions.”


   “If you say this, you can’t lie to children, can you?” Zihuang said coldly.


  The boy emperor heard it but only smiled slightly. This kind of angry words doesn’t need any response at all…


   Guan Huang and Zi Huang watched the inexplicable anger in the heart of the impenetrable child emperor.


   They even have an inexplicable urge to directly explode this parting body, and let the body of the child emperor be destroyed, returning to the roots of Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light for a while…


  However, after all, they are still sensible, knowing that this is not a good way at all. Maybe the moment Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light explodes at the last directly instilling the indestructible essence of Xiantian into the source of his life will completely refine them into one after another. At this step, there is no difference between self-detonation and non-detonation. At most, I just went to the root of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light with this boyfriend for a while, and finally it was still refined by this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light


   when Guan Huang and Zi Huang both face the emperor with great pain. In addition to that Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, the broken emperor and the imperial emperor are another scene.


   Both moods are quite complicated.


   The child emperor has great expectations for both Guan Huang and Zi Huang to return the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light to the original capital, and to destroy all the world in them. Because of this expectation, in the face of Guan Huang and Zi Huang who were about to succeed, suddenly the sudden change of the situation was directly drawn into the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, and fell into a dilemma that was about to be refined. Even scared.


   and Broke Emperor, although they have always stood in the perspective of this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light, they did not want the Guan Emperor, Purple Emperor and Child Emperor’s plot to succeed, and they did not want this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light to be returned to the original, and reverted to just When entering this world, it looks like a big ball. However, this does not mean that he is willing to watch the Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light in front of him so strong that Guan Huang and Zi Huang will get it!


  The more powerful this Xiantian Inextinguishable Divine Light is, it means that the more difficult it is for him to get out of that part, how can he be happy at this time? (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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