Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1628: Emperor?

   time passes by.


  In a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.


   These thousands of years, the speed of development of the entire civilized country has almost reached the most Peak in history. Just a few thousand years, it has already completed the development that was not necessarily completed in the past hundreds of thousands of years.


  After the development of the entire civilized country, it has already expanded the territorial area by as much as three times. Although, compared to the text of the heaven and earth that was changed when the 11 false holy testimonies became the false holy ones, it is still insignificant and still has not reached the limit, but its strength is not what it can be expected to be a thousand years ago.


   And in this civilized country, it is not a unified country.


   but there are countless tens of millions of countries.


   These countries are competing with each other, and there is even no shortage of large and small wars. But because of the suppression of eleven false holy towns, the scale of these wars is limited to a small range.


   This scale of war did not cause disaster for the entire civilized country, but instead formed a thrust, which made the development of this civilized country become faster and faster, and the light of all kinds of wisdom is constantly stirring, Let the status quo of this civilized country begin to change constantly between this turbulent wisdom.


   It can be said that today, the appearance of the entire civilized country is completely different from that of thousands of years ago.


   Although the cultivation civilization is not much improved compared with before, the number of the strongest among them has already increased by many times.


   There is such a change in this civilized country, outside this civilized country. Everywhere in the whole world, there are also small civilizations.


   These civilizations are separated from each other and independent of each other, so the civilization developed is having nothing in common with each other.


   has various features of fantastic oddities of every description.


  However, no matter if it is‘s civilization and performance are extremely huge.


   Moreover, although the entire development process of most civilizations bumped into each other, I do not know how many times they encountered the danger of genocide, but in the end they all died. Almost dead. After going through all the difficulties, after breaking through again and again, and finally let these civilized countries continue to develop and continue to grow.


   until now. Although it has not yet fully established its footing in the place where they were born. But at least it is no longer so easy to destroy. The ability to resist and protect oneself has reached a very high level.


  Of course. This is the development of most civilized countries outside this civilized country.


   Among them, there are also many civilized nations in this millennium. They were crushed and destroyed by the hostile creatures, and only a piece of remains remained in the world.


   Even, by comparison, this kind of crushed and cleared civilization is not insignificant compared to those civilizations that are still alive…


   is half and half.


  These manifestations of these changes are the chapters of blood and fire, and the spirit of tenacious struggle is reflected in them.


  Compared to this vast civilized country guarded by eleven saints, those civilized nations that grew up independently from the outside world are more severe because of the harsher environment and the dangers they encounter are greater, so each one can stay The realms of China are more self-reliant than the realms protected by it, and their ability to protect themselves is even more powerful!


   It seems that the potential is more powerful than that of the central and civilized country!


   Thousands of years, if it is an ordinary country, it has been a very long time, enough to change the dynasty two or three times.


   However, in this world, facing the vast expanse of earth and the environment of countless powerful creatures that could easily crush them, this millennium is so short.


  In such a short period of time, those civilized nations that grew independently outside of civilized nations have no previous inheritance, although they have developed various civilizations, so that they can gain powerful resistance. However, those civilizations are extremely crude!


   Until now, none of the creatures can improve their strength to Illusionary Sage level through practice…


The promotion to    to Illusionary Sage is naturally extremely difficult in other worlds, and it may take some billions of years to realize it. But this is not the case in this world.


   This world is full of endless true holy mysteries and Great Dao fragments. As long as you know how to use these, it is a very simple thing to improve the Magical Abilities realm. Normally, if the existence of Luo Fan is put into this world as an ordinary person, as long as it can survive for a thousand years, it will even be enough for him to grow to Nine Stages Illusionary Sage Peak. Even if he is not careful, he may directly become a false saint. Too.


  Under such a background, many civilized nations do not know how many billions of sentient beings, but none of them can be promoted to the level of Illusionary Sage, which is enough to see how crude the spiritual civilizations born of these civilized nations are.


   However, this is obviously inevitable.


   The emergence of a spiritual civilization must be a process from scratch, from coarse to fine, from weak to prosperous. If there is no inheritance, there will never be a prosperous state of growth from birth. Of civilization.


   Even in this world, it takes hundreds of thousands of years for those civilized nations to grow up to be able to give birth to a false saint…it is only a thousand years away, and it is far from the point .




   “Emperor, a lot of strange and weak creatures suddenly appeared in this area. I can feel the sense of inexplicable crisis, and I don’t know whether to destroy them.”


   Somewhere in this heaven and earth between the strange Space and Time, such a voice came out.


   This place, Space and Time, is an unknown distance from the area where Luo Fan is located.


   Moreover, this whole Space and Time is hidden between the voids and looks chaotic and chaotic. The true sacred mystery and Great Dao fragments are stacked in a very strange and extremely mysterious form, and the hidden place constitutes the inexplicable place. In the state. of course. It’s just faint, and compared to the real inexplicable place, it’s still far away.


   At this time, what is spoken in this Space and Time is a creature that looks like a wild boar with long horns.


  At this moment, this creature is lying on the edge of this Space and Time with great respect.


   And in the middle of this Space and Time, at the position where it seems to be the infinite true sacred mystery, the infinite Great Dao fragments are slowly rotating with it, one looks like a human shape, and the Innate Dao Body feature is revealed Creatures sit cross-legged.


   this creature. It seems to be a young man. It seems to be an old man, it seems to be a man, it seems to be a woman, and even has a kind of people to see. The feeling of forgetting it completely the next moment you turn your head away.


   at this moment. It listened to the words of the wild boar. Open your eyes slowly.


   Its eyes contain earth-shattering wisdom.


   At the moment of opening his eyes, there is a ray of will that follows his eyes and directly disturbs the Space and Time. That is simulating the operation of the true holy mystery where the inexplicable is, and directly formed an inexplicable chaos.


   This will existed for a while and was taken back.


   Immediately, in those eyes, the infinite light and shadow were directly reflected, showing a vast and boundless earth, and even moreover, a large and small civilized country appeared on the vast earth, Infinite Innate Dao Body‘s creatures in the civilized country have evolved red dust in it…


   This kind of light and shadow continued for a while just then annihilation.


After   , this creature spoke: “Don’t care.”


   This sound is like thunder, like the sound of Great Dao, and it is more like a conceptual attack. It has just appeared. The infinite true holy mystery and Great Dao fragments in this Space and Time that were originally just chaos will collapse!


   That is above the edge of the void, the long-horned wild boar-like creatures are physically shocked, the body’s power surges violently, and the concept of swiftly emerges from it, and it is difficult to resist the surrounding Sound waves, there is unspeakable pain in his eyes!


   For a while, when the sound wave disappears, the broken true sacred mystery around, the Great Dao fragments start to relapse and re-condensate. After re-evolving, the various changes in just then have calmed down, and just then appeared in the look. A light color.


   At this time, it just then distinguished what their emperor was talking about.


  At the moment, I didn’t dare to neglect, but I bowed down, and some nostalgic glanced at this Space and Time, and gradually disappeared into this Space and Time, but was directly thrown out.


  After the wild boar-like creature disappeared, the creature just then in Zhongxianyang murmured: “I still can’t control the power…”


   This re-emerged everything in the entire Space and Time instantly, making the Space and Time seem to be caught in the deepest chaos. After a while, just then slowly recovered due to the disappearance of this sound wave, and restarted The normal appearance of the inexplicable scene is revealed.


   At this time, a ray of alien will suddenly came to this place from Space and Time.


While this ray of will is rare, it is unimaginably high in essence.


Once    appeared, it made the Space and Time that had just returned to normal collapse again, and fell into the absolute chaos before!


  The creatures in the middle of Sangyang felt the coming of this will, their eyelids jumped, and said, “Nenghuang, what are you doing?”


   “Nuclear Emperor, don’t you really know what I’m doing?” A faint voice came from that ray of will.


   This sound is like the sound of the creatures in Space and Time, pushing the chaotic scene again towards the chaotic abyss, making the chaos here more and more serious. It cannot be recovered in a short time.


   “Don’t talk nonsense.” This is the faint way of being called the nuclear emperor’s creatures.


   “Those creatures, you really don’t want to control? You know, they, but to become the new protagonist of this world, if they wait for them to reach the limit, I wait, maybe they will be overthrown and knock down the dust.” That Such a voice came from a ray of will.


   “Destroy the dust? I’m not as confident as you.” Nuclear Emperor said lightly.


   “This is a question of self-confidence and self-confidence? This is the law of this world.” The voice of Nenghuang, the master of will, continued to spread.


  In the process of the two of them talking in this way, all kinds of terrible power directly conflicts and constantly stirs between the entire Space and Time. Let the confusion level of this Space and Time continue to deepen, faintly, has actually revealed a characteristic of a chaotic state!


   This is not that this chaos directly constitutes a chaotic state, but because this chaos reaches its limit, but ultimately it is to make this Space and Time close to collapse, and then it is exposed under this Space and Time, or behind this Space and Time of. The traits of that chaotic state come out!


   in such an environment. If the longhorn wild boar appeared here before, maybe it will be completely crushed by this kind of chaos.


   Of course, it may be a longer period of support. But in the end, he was directly pressed into chaos by this terrifying power. In the end, all traces of existence were completely erased.


   “The new protagonist. What does the old protagonist have to do with us? For me, the most important thing now is to practice. It is to break the bottleneck of the present. Are you not like that?” The nuclear emperor did not Say something self-confident, something that knocks down the dust, but directly.


   “It’s so ruthless…” Then Nenghuang sighed leisurely.


   “You are not ruthless. Why are you not ruthless if you are not ruthless?” The nuclear emperor said indifferently.


   “Hehe…” There was such a light smile in the will.


   Immediately afterwards, the ray of will slowly disappeared. Eventually, it seemed to be abrupt when it appeared, but it disappeared without a trace.


  After its disappearance, the fragments of the true sacred mystery in this Space and Time, the powder just then of the Great Dao fragments began to be extremely difficult to twist, re-condensed bit by bit, re-constructed, and finally spent a lot of time After a period of time, just then reverted to the original inexplicable appearance, and just then began to slowly run around the nuclear emperor that surrounded the middle of the center as before.


  I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The re-condensed true holy mystery, the Great Dao fragments, seem to be more pure and more condensed than before, constructed by simulating the inexplicable scene, it seems It has become more and more similar to it.


   The nuclear emperor did not care about all this, but at this moment there was a faint sneer on the face, muttering: “Want to push me out as a cannon fodder? Do you think I am really stupid?” Not successful?”


   With this voice, the Space and Time that has just been restored starts to crash again. After a while, the just then re-condenses and becomes normal again!


  However, if you calculate the time of its collapse and condensation, you can find that the speed of its condensation is slightly improved compared to the original…


  After this change, the nuclear emperor began to close his eyes again. In the entire Space and Time, there was no other movement except for the circulation of the true holy mystery and Great Dao fragments.




  In the unknown Space and Time, when the dialogue that even determined the fate of the civilized country emerged, there were new changes in the mid-century civilized country.


   On this day, there was a strong and unparalleled momentum in the temple where Guishou was located.


  This momentum broke through the clouds above the void, spreading faintly, but it directly swept the entire civilized country, so that all creatures in this civilized country can feel the existence of this momentum.


  Compared with the previous momentum of Guishou, this momentum has added a kind of charm similar to omnipotence, omniscience, omniscience, even eternity.


  At the same time, the Space and Time within the scope of this civilized country, or the range guarded by the eleven false sanctuaries, has produced a subtle change, a change that did not originally belong to this Space and Time, which does not belong to this The empty feature was added to this Space and Time without knowing it!


   Then, the figure of Gui Shou slowly stepped out of his palace.


  He at this moment, the depth of wisdom in his eyes is more than a hundred times stronger than before? !


  He stood there, the whole person was like the whole heaven and earth standing there. The mysterious breath of Zhou’s body was not what he could have compared.


  At this moment, he raised his head and looked around, and his eyes showed some unknown light and shadow of darker than black.


   As for the hidden eleven false saints, he was so detailed in his eyes that he could be seen through directly.


  At this moment, the eleven false saints each sensed something, and they immediately came out of their respective places of practice and saluted the tortoise, saying: “Congratulations to the creator’s sanctification.”


  Guo Shou heard this, and the powerful momentum that originally filled the radius of the unknown range of hundreds of millions of miles began to quickly recover. In a blink of an eye, the entire person has become the original look, and no special features can be seen.


   And the unknown light and shadow of darker than black that appeared in his eyes disappeared completely at this moment, as if it had never appeared before.


After   , he said: “I just walked again the practice path that was skipped before, what’s so good about it?”


   said, without waiting for these false saints to speak directly: “I want to preach the method of preaching today. Those who are destined can come to listen.”


   between speaking. He patted the void.


   This area of ​​Space and Time within a few billion miles naturally has a force to transmit. In an instant, it was already above the normal Space and Time, and an island was opened directly in the strange existence where the inexplicable existence was.


   is a beautiful place full of exotic flowers and plants. All kinds of immortal spirit beasts are everywhere. Everywhere is full of true sacred mystery. Great Dao to the island of Li.


   This island does not look too big at first glance, but no matter how many creatures enter it, it will not seem a little crowded!


  just is enough to see from this change. Re-professed, how much improvement has been achieved in the tortoise life that has achieved false sage.


  In the past, although Guishou had practiced time and time again, he had already upgraded his strength to a concept that could even condense, and even compare to the “big” organization, second only to the strongest leader. The point of those creatures. However, this kind of fine control, such weightless control, he can never do it!


  If he wanted to create an island, it was not difficult, but if he wanted to put the island right here and use his power to make the island have all the characteristics at this time, it would be a bit of a heart. There is more than enough power.


  Although he already knows that he must have made a lot of progress, but when he really uses his power, he really feels the kind of arbitrariness and omnipotence, Guishou still produces an unspeakable emotion.


   At this time, he was blatantly secretive of his ignorance and ignorance.


  Through the millennium, through the prompt of Luo Fan, through the process of eleven false saints becoming false saints, through his own mind and understanding of the inexplicable location, he finally re-traveled the path of preaching again. Condensed his own foundation, so that in just then finally let himself break through the limit certificate, a realm that was crossed by himself before, false saint!


  After verifying this state, he instantly felt that his connection with heaven and earth was suddenly greatly strengthened.


  Although they could be seen in this heaven and earth, they were separated by a layer of mystery. At this moment, his eyes seemed so vivid, so concrete, and sensationally, all this seems to be It has become a part of his body, allowing him to carry out any manipulation with his own mind.


  After all these emotions, he suddenly had an indescribable respect and gratitude to his master Luo Moreover, after he was defeated by Luo Fan, it was even more impossible to directly worship Luo Fan as his master Describe the happiness.


  If he didn’t admit such a simple defeat, he was afraid that he would still be as muddled as before. Even, it may have been directly killed by death because of an unknown change, just like those creatures that were occasionally crushed and killed by this civilized country in the millennium…


  Thinking, he bowed to the hall where Luo Fan was located, and just then turned and took a light step, directly across the level of Space and Time, and entered the island he created.


   Behind him, the eleven false saints also bowed to the temple where Luo Fan is located at this time.


   They are true false saints, with excellent wisdom. Naturally, they know who Guishou is worshipping, and they know his meaning in secret, and where dare to neglect?


  After such a worship, they turned around just then, and along with Guishou, they stepped into the island that was higher than normal Space and Time, but lower than that inexplicable location.


   entered the island, they really felt the inexplicable shock in their eyes.


  Because, as soon as they entered the island, they already felt that the inexplicable place they had existed above their heads had become extremely clear!


   It even seems to be spreading it directly in front of you, and putting a magnifying glass directly to let them study carefully… (to be continued) []

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