Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1605: Look forward

   “Who said that brothers must have a blood relationship?” The creature roared out at this time.


   Hearing this, Luo Fan appeared suddenly. He hadn’t been able to turn his head for a while before, always thinking about his real brother, but forgot that there is such a thing in the world.


  However, judging from the state of civilization that has developed so crudely between the heavens and the earth, it can be surprising to see that there can be brotherhood of justice. He couldn’t think of it for a while but it was justified.


   “So, what you are talking about is really possible.” Luo Fan nodded.


  His performance was to make Ang Chongsheng rejoice, and the expression on his face seemed to grab the last straw. He said, “Yes, if you kill me, my elder brother will definitely do it for me. Revenge. At that time, you must die without a burial place! So, if you are smart, let me go now!”


   heard this, but Luo Fan smiled faintly.


   The wisdom of this creature is quite general. Does he really think that at this stage he might just let him go just because of his threat? !


  It is not true that the elder brother it said is true or false. If it is said that even its elder brother exists, it is doubtful how strong it is.


   is tens of thousands of times stronger, and such words can only be heard.


   is like in the old secular rivers and lakes, if a certain master wants to get rid of something, generally say, you go to find some one, his ability is a hundred times stronger than me… And in fact, that recommended one XX may be weaker than himself…


   The creature in front of him is different from that situation. But it’s not much worse.


   is just a thousand words, but the credibility is equally doubtful.


  After these thoughts flashed, Luo Fan smiled slightly and said, “I’m looking for more powerful people. If you really have such a strong brother, it would be better.”


   During the speech, his palms were suddenly boosted, and in a moment, between the puffs of light, the shield in front of the living creature that could be turned into ice was immediately strangled. Instantly bombarded directly on that creature. The endless lines and Character Script that appeared on it directly wrapped the creature from all directions, so that the creature could not even say any words, it was already turned into a sculpture, and the whole was sealed strictly.


   Other creatures were born with inexplicable hopes because of the dialogue between that creature and Luo Fan. I thought this matter had such past hope.


   did not expect that Luo Fan suddenly turned his head and started. Where can the power of relaxation be recondensed for a while. Where can we really produce a strong resistance to Luo Fan attacks? !


   is one by one, even the resistance force that can be condensed before can not be re-condensed. The lines that are directly on the palm of Luo Fan and the Character Script are directly sealed. Directly transformed into a sculpture, presented in front of Luo Fan.


   was grabbed by him with one hand, and slightly shrunk, it has all turned into a miniature look and appeared on the palm of his hand.


  At the same time, the sculpture that he had previously collected was taken out by him again, and it was placed side by side with the twelve sculptures on the palm, but it seemed quite inexplicable. Feeling of shock…


   “Actually, I have heard that he really seems to have a very strong brother.” Guishou said carefully at this time.


  As this world is born with intelligent creatures, Guishou knows more than Shenqingyi and Yuzhi, who are enlightened by Luo Fan. At this moment, see Luo Fan Solve that creature so simply, and tremble in my heart, tell what I heard.


   “That’s just right. I just want to be able to meet that stronger creature…” Luo Fan said with a smile.


   Seeing his self-confidence, Guishou sighed and said, “And, I heard that behind his elder brother, there seems to be an organization in which there are a lot of creatures that are as strong as his elder brother, even more powerful. Exist. If you get one, it’s a lot, and when the time comes, the situation is probably not very optimistic…”


   Luo Fan listened, shook his head and smiled, and said: “How many enemies there are, for me, it means more trouble and less trouble. There is no essential difference.”


  Gui Shou opened his mouth and was finally speechless.


  Luo Fan mood is not as calm as he looks at this time. However, this kind of restlessness was not the fear that Guishou expected. On the contrary, it is a kind of euphoria! A joy!


  Since stepping into this world, what Luo Fan has done is to explore and find for themselves. The understanding of the natural wisdom that appears in this heaven and earth only ends with their primitiveness, their crudeness, but they have not come into contact with anything related to the Jin emperor at all!


  If it is said that there is nothing related to the Jin Emperor in this world, then it is impossible to explain. After all, Jin Huang sent him out of heaven and earth…


If    said that she really had nothing to do with this world, it would be an insult to his wisdom.


  Since this is the case, then the result is obvious. The reason why he didn’t touch the things related to Jinhuang is that he is still not high-end, and it is still not the core of this world!


  After understanding this, he can imagine what his attitude towards the highly intelligent creatures who can form an organization…


  Although he was very excited, the surface of Luo Fan was quite calm. He turned his head and asked Qingyi and Yuzhi: “How is your world strengthened?”


   “This… it’s only about half done…” Qingyi and Yuzhi both seemed quite ashamed.


  At this time, the two of them already regretted that they had opened up so many worlds for their death.


  If they opened up a little less world, they have already completed it. If they are smarter, don’t open up so much time, even the previous troubles can be saved.


  Luo Fan heard their words, nodded and said, “Then continue to stay here.”


   is between them. This independent Space and Time formed by the thirteen creatures leading the inexplicable power has also gradually collapsed at this time. Gradually merged with the outside world Space and Time, and returned to normal appearance again.


   Although the battle in that Space and Time was fierce enough to ruin the world countless times, but in the outside world, only the world around tens of miles changed.


   It looks like there is just one more hole in it.


  Compared with the grand and vast scene in the independent world, it is a little different by some levels.


   is just a trivial damage to this vast and vast world.


  According to the state of this world, we can expect that this deep pit will be closed and disappeared soon. Eventually it was completely restored to its original state.


  Luo Fan At this time, they just glanced at the changes in this area. Will no longer be in charge.


  Luo Fan is even more simple, just step up and take a light span, and in a blink of an eye, it has returned to the middle of the civilized country, that is, the palace that was opened by Qingyi and Yuzhi above the peak. .


  Because this civilized country is getting stronger and stronger. The area occupied is getting wider and wider. At this moment. This mountain was originally a mountain peak in the main area of ​​a civilized country. Unconsciously, it has become a holy place where only Luo Fan and the creature just then directly and indirectly instructed by him can stay. Other creatures created by these many creatures can only survive outside this mountain. You can only look at this mountain from afar-the creatures in those worlds opened by Qingyi and Yuzhi are exceptions…


  Because of such changes, Luo Fan is in the palace above the mountain at this time, but it is no need to worry about being disturbed at all.


  After returning to this hall, soon, Guishou, appeared out of front of Luo Fan. Immediately afterwards, Qingyi and Yuzhi also appeared here.


   “What do I need to do?” After Guishou appeared, he asked Luo Fan at a loss.


  Luo Fan smiled and said: “What do you want to do? If it is really boring, you can also create a creature to strengthen this civilized country.”


   “Creating a kind of soul?!” Guishou got this, his eyes disappeared blankly, and turned into an inexplicable light. Suddenly it seemed to be full of fighting spirit!


   “No! This will set off a war!” Qingyi yelled quickly.


   Previously, the strength of many races in this civilized country was equal. One more race and one less race would not have much impact on the situation of the entire civilized country. At most, it only changed from chaos to more chaos, or From chaos to less chaotic. If at that time, for Qingshou and Yuzhi, they obviously only rejoiced at the increased level of splendor in the creation of souls into this civilized country, and they would not have other special feelings.


   However, this time the situation is different.


   At this time, the civilized country has stabilized. At this moment, the creatures created by them have crushed other creatures with an absolutely powerful advantage and occupied a dominant position. This civilized country has completely stabilized. Under such circumstances, a high-level race suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a creature who could challenge them to create the protagonist status of the creature came out. The result is obviously that it will only disrupt this hard-won stability!


   directly set off the war for the protagonist status!


   Moreover, it will continue forever, almost endlessly, until any one of the two sides completely dies just then may be dying war!


   Hearing this, Yuzhi just then woke up like a dream and shook her head quickly, saying, “Yes, yes! Don’t do it. If you do this, this civilized country may be beaten!”


  Compared with Qingyi, this wisdom of Yuzhi is a little worse, but after all, it has been through such a long time of experience. Compared with the original one, it is more than ten times stronger, but it is soon To figure out what Qingyi was worried about, the expression on his face was more anxious and anxious.


   Originally Guishou was only interested in this proposal of Luo Fan, and there were even other ideas to choose from.


   However, at this time, seeing Qingyi and Yuzhi being so anxious, he made up his mind and said, “What are you talking about?! In order to avoid war, don’t you want to increase the power of this civilized country. ?! Seeing this civilization spread like this, one day it will be blocked. If its strength is not strong enough at that time, wouldn’t it just die?”


   “Who said that this country would not increase its strength without the creatures you created?!” Qingyi was upset when she heard it. Shouted.


   “Yes, did you see that, compared to when this country appeared, the power of this country has increased by thousands of times! And, it has not yet reached the end. The strength will always increase faster and faster, and eventually reach its limit!” Yu Zhi echoed.


   Guishou said: “I will continue to improve? This is indeed true. But, where is the limit of this improvement? Is it a hundred times, a thousand times, or a ten thousand times? But if I add my creation Life. Its limit. At least it can be multiplied by ten thousand times! Is this stronger or weaker, is it necessary to say?”


   “Anyway, just can’t do it!” Qingyi couldn’t think of any refutation at this time, he just said so hard.


   “This is not your decision.” Guishou smiled at this time.


  He had suffered a lot from Qingyi and Yuzhi. This time I found an opportunity to make them both unhappy. That mood is really cool enough to say nothing.


   They are arguing here. Luo Fan is completely ignorant of them now, then the sculpture is now fully included in his Qiankun within sleeve. But in his hand, the flag streamer that the crocodile was refined into Magical Weapon reappeared…


   is that the mind has entered the inexplicable place similar to the origin of the state. Continue to go through the combination effect of all kinds of true sacred mystery among them to compare with the combination effect of the true sacred mystery in the realm of the realm to try to perfect his Worldview.


  At this moment, although his body seems to be in this temple, he has almost completely merged with this heaven and earth, and seems to have completely merged between this heaven and earth, becoming a landscape and an attribute of this heaven and earth. , A completely indestructible rule…


   Qingyi, after they argued, no one could say who they were, and wanted to let Luo Fan judge them, make a decision, and finally found that Luo Fan was already in a state they could not understand at all. Discouraged.


  The turtle life was more proud at this time, saying: “Look, the master looks like it clearly said that his words were commands before! You have to listen, and you have to listen if you don’t listen!”


   and Qingyi Yuzhi have been with them for a long time, this turtle life has been assimilated by them unconsciously, and it is also called Luo Fan as the master…


   Hearing Guishou’s words, Qingyi and Yuzhi refuted intentionally, but finally found that there was no powerful refusal at all—it’s not that there is really no way to refute, but this kind of refusal, maybe Luo Fan is disrespectful… And this is how they dare not want to do it…


   Guishou almost won this argument by kidnapping Luo Fan. Now he stepped out without hesitation and came out of the temple, and opened his eyes to observe the civilized country, looking for his creation The birthplace of souls.


  Since he wants the creature he created to become the protagonist of this heaven and earth, occupying the absolute subject of this heaven and earth, then the position of his appearance needs to be carefully planned…


   Qingyi and Yuzhi appeared beside him at the same time and looked at him with an extremely uncomfortable expression. In that way, it was almost like the means that might strike him at any time.


  Guishu was not worried about the two of them appearing here.


   Although the status of Yuzhi and Qingyi in front of Luo Fan may be a little higher than that of him, but that is only a mere status. If you talk about strength, he can definitely crush them easily. !


   Therefore, Guishou actually has nothing to worry about their destruction.


   “This is it!” Suddenly, Guishou laughed and said.


  Looking at his eyes, it is in a deep mountain not far from this civilized country!


   There is a place where the civilized country has not yet spread. There were originally many living creatures, but at this moment, the number of living creatures is already very few, although it is not enough. There are no traces, but it also has a huge enough living space to be used by newly born creatures.


   Moreover, that position is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If there is a war in the future, the living creatures there will definitely be able to repel the opponent with weaker strength.


   Qingyi and Yuzhi’s experienced wisdom is quite powerful, but they can see the pros and cons of that deep mountain at a glance, and their expressions have changed slightly for a while.


   I saw only a slight change in their complexion, but Guishou had already begun to act.


   saw him take a step forward. The body seems to be swimming in Space and Time, relaxed, very elegant, and came to that forest unconsciously.


   Qingyi and Yuzhi naturally followed Guishou at the same time. Just after a few breaths behind Guishou, they came to the same center.


   The two of them naturally did not stand on both sides of Guishou, but the two gathered together and stood not far from Guishou, each looking at him with a very unhappy look.


  The more unhappy they are, the more happy Guishou will be.


   at this moment. It seems that they didn’t see the two of them at all. Moving in my heart and raising my hand, the sacred mystery and Great Dao fragments in the void began to gradually coalesce, as if it were a knitted sweater. Start to weave a shape like a funnel out of the void.


   This funnel woven from the true holy mystery and Great Dao fragments. Compared with the effect of Luo Fan directly weaving true sacred magic. Naturally, it is far worse than the extremely long distance. However, compared with the ordinary true sacred mystery, ordinary Great Dao fragments. Such a knitting has already combined their advantages with each other, and finally led to an inexplicable effect, or to complete the function that Guishou wanted!


  After the funnel was formed, Guishou did not hesitate.


   His heart moved, his mouth spit out a force, directly pour into the funnel, and then through the countless true sacred mysteries in the funnel change, endow, and finally come out at the bottom of the funnel. For every soul.


   looks like humanoids one by one, it seems to look like the creatures created by Qingyi and Yuzhi, but they appear more perfect and more complete creatures come out!


   These creatures have just appeared, and there is a dark cloud clusters faintly above the void.


   Among the clouds, there was a faint sound of inexplicable thunder.


   Well, it clearly has the charm of the original robbery!


   “This is Fated Tribulation?!” Qingyi and Yuzhi looked up at the sky with an incredible look on their faces. how can that be? ! It’s just creating creatures, how can Fated Tribulation appear? !


   They opened up 30 million worlds, each of which has endless creatures, which did not cause any changes in the world. How did you come here, because there are very few people created by Guishou Hundreds of creatures have produced such changes, forming a gesture similar to Fated Tribulation coming!


   “It’s not Fated Tribulation. Although it has a bit of taste, it’s not that level…” At this time, Guishou said.


  His voice is full of horror and enthusiasm, and there is a sense of unbearable looking back.


  Although he and Qingyi and Yuzhi seem to disagree, they have a thought to make them look good, but they don’t really hate them much, even because these two can communicate with themselves, and I am happy with the people who are fighting. At this time, it is natural not to be stingy to explain their feelings to them.


   “How could there be such a change?” Qingyi asked with a frown.


   As to whether it is Fated Tribulation, it is obvious that only Guishou, who has personally survived the fate of metamorphosis, has the most say.


   Guishou’s eyes showed a sudden, and said: “Maybe, because the creature I created has Innate Dao Body……”


   “Innate Dao Body…” Qingyi and Yuzhi repeated such a noun.


  The term just has actually been able to infer many things. What kind of body just then can be called Dao Body, and it is still Innate Dao Body……


  With a guess in their hearts, they bet their eyes on the creatures created by Guishou in front of them, and began to analyze all the details of these creatures in great detail.


  just then They are only dedicated to creating creatures for Guishou to bring trouble to them, so they do not feel the situation of these creatures so much, so they don’t feel much. Under careful observation at this time, they gradually discovered the speciality of these creatures.


   Although they are generally similar to the creatures they created, but almost every detail has a subtle difference from the creatures they created.


   These differences do not seem to be many, but when they are put together, they have already made a tremendous change to the feeling of this creature! As a result, this creature is essentially higher than the creatures they created somehow! Even, they are much stronger than their current body… (to be continued) []

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