Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1374: 0 million

   After Luo Fan struggled to twist the shadows of more than half a million people who had besieged themselves into meat sauce, they were again surrounded by more than 1.04 million people!


The number of    is more than one million, and the combined force of many silhouettes seems to break a certain limit and grows to an unimaginable height in an instant.


   Those shadows gathered by many shadow powers suddenly appeared a ghost image. A bigger and bigger, more obvious giant phantom!


   This phantom looks like a giant, covering them.


  Because of the existence of these ghosts, the enclosing circle toward Luo Fan has increased by more than ten times~ that is, the space for Luo Fan has increased by more than ten times!


   Such a huge space, really facing Luo Fan, is no longer the original figure of only five or six, but has become a figure of fifty or sixty, even hundreds of figures! However, these silhouettes are also divided into five or six parts. The connection between them is closer than that of other silhouettes. Their power is concentrated in one place, which constantly enhances the one that appears outside the body of a certain silhouette. The ghost image makes that giant ghost image seem to add some pivots and become more real!


   “This kind of change actually happened! It seems that if you don’t want to come up with a solution, then, the battle array they formed is afraid to produce a qualitative change.” Luo Fan looked at the change in front of her, thinking in this way.


Before   , the battle array composed of more than fifty figures made him feel extremely reluctant to attack. Normally, in the face of this battle array composed of millions of figures, he should be even more embarrassed, It may even be unsustainable.


  However, the changes that battle array has produced now give him a greater chance.


   This is not difficult to understand.


  Although the appearance of those ghost-like phantoms appears to be much more threatening, the destructive power between one shot and one shot has increased somehow than before. However, because of their huge size, they also gave Luo Fan more room to move at this time!


   and move space, for today’s Luo Fan, its power is not as insignificant as for ordinary mortals, ordinary warriors.


   has enough room to move around, he will be able to perform a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times! Countless original combat methods that were unable to be exhibited because of lack of space for movement also became able to be exhibited during this afternoon.


   In this way, fighting against such millions of figures, for Luo Fan, it is easier than the time when more than half a million people battled.


  I saw that the giants were using various subtle means to continually attack Luo Fan in the middle.


   But Luo Fan, although the speed and power are very ordinary, just the Peak of ordinary people, but the whole body is transformed into a residual image, constantly moving in the void, the speed is continuously superimposed, the power is also continuously superimposed, Evolving constantly beyond the limits and beyond Peak.


   speed can be superimposed. Anyone knows this.


   Between your fast running and using special methods to exert force, you will naturally be able to increase your strength a lot, and then on the basis of the increase in speed, continue to use no such method to exert force. That speed can also continue to increase!


  The reason for this speed superposition is actually very simple. However, for ordinary people, there is a limit to this kind of superimposition, because ordinary people’s ability to respond cannot support how many times they will superimpose. That kind of force-applying means will be useless and intertwined with resistance. Make the speed reach the limit.


   But for Luo Fan, when his original Magical Abilities is intact, he can span the distance calculated in light years. This ability to respond to this speed that has not exceeded the speed of light is really easy!


  Under such circumstances, although its own power and its own speed are only the level of ordinary people’s limits, but Luo Fan is moving faster and faster, more and more terrifying, and finally reached beyond The limit that the human eye can react makes this piece of free space seem to be ubiquitous as if there are countless of him. The layered figure fills the space around the middle of the giants!


   Similar to speed, power can also be continuously added.


   clenched fist tightly against the body, struck and stepped back, slammed hard, and the force used between the two was similar to the boxer, but why the damage to the opponent could be done Will it be different? This reason is actually due to the problem of superposition of power. Taking a step back and punching out, during this process, his power is accumulated by converting into speed and superimposing, and finally when it is converted into power again, it will form the effect of superimposing power. That power is more than sticking to the body. Naturally, the force is much stronger.


   The same reason, the speed is superimposed on this level of Luo Fan, his power is also superimposed to an unimaginable intensity!


  This superposition makes the battle between him and the millions of figures become more relaxed and more comfortable than the battle of more than half a million figures.


  In dozens of breaths, he had broken the giant phantom and shattered those silhouettes wrapped in the giant phantom into meat sauce.


  After these giants are smashed, there will naturally be ghost images of other giants.


   These phantoms are also thinking of Luo Fan attacking to kill Luo Fan.


  It’s just that, obviously, the speed and power of Luo Fan have already superimposed to this level, and they are already afraid of all challenges. In other words, his trend has been formed and can no longer be resisted.


  Pushing in this way, there is nothing at all. With one hand and one shot, giants are shattered and individuals are transformed into meat sauce.


   And as more silhouettes are smashed, the increase in free space makes the speed of his superposition, and the power of the superposition also keeps increasing, the more powerful and incompetent later. withstand!


  So, the speed at which he killed those figures became faster and faster, and the difficulty became smaller and smaller.


  Finally, he completely shattered over one million people’s shadows into meat sauce, but only half the time before smashing those five hundred million people’s shadows.


   In such a relaxed way, I saw that both Baihua and Huyun were stunned.


  With the body of ordinary people, the strength of ordinary people, the speed of ordinary people can achieve this step! Doesn’t it mean that if there are no restrictions, with such a body alone, he will be able to accelerate forever, and eventually even break through the Space and Time and break through the limitations of the world? !


  At this moment, because Baihua is still entangled with more than 500,000 shadows, he still has not killed those 500,000 shadows.


  And Huyun, the worse performance is still only tens of thousands of people entangled, that number has not even exceeded 100,000.


   This is certainly not her lack of strength. It really takes so long to overcome these tens of thousands of figures. It’s because she has self-knowledge, knowing that these tens of thousands of figures can still bear but if the number of siege figures increases to more than 100,000, she may already be unbearable. If the number of figures increases to more than 500 thousand, then wait Hers is most likely to die directly under the siege!


   It is precisely because of such scruples that she just then consciously slowed down her speed within her tolerance, entangled with those figures as much as possible, and handed over the task of customs clearance to Luo Fan to Inbaihua.


   “I can actually exert such terrible power, I might as well…” Hu Yun sighed, thinking in this way.


  After these one million people were twisted into meat sauce, they really haven’t cleared customs yet…,


   “Are you going to kill a million people per person?” Luo Fan couldn’t help but smile bitterly.


   It was at this time that more than two million people appeared out of thin air and enveloped him.


   This time they seem to have broken a certain limit again. After the power of more than two million people was combined in one place, they finally changed the rules of Space and Time, and they became a strange field, one that seemed to have no gravity. field!


   “Is it transformed from a plane into a body?” Luo Fan thought like this, and saw that the people around him were in a three-dimensional way, not only surrounding him, but also surrounding him in both up and down directions. stand up!


   Moreover, more giant ghost images appeared around the bodies of those figures. From all directions, up, down, left and right, each rushed towards Luo Fan!


   Faced with such an attack, Luo Fan is just a faint affair


  Compared with fighting on the ground, this kind of three-dimensional battle without force in mid-air is more complicated, but it is also more used to him…,


  The speed he superimposed, the superimposed power has not been weakened by this, but instead has been continuously growing and improving in the process. The speed of destroying the opponent is much faster than before.


  Because there is no gravity, the meat sauce crushed by him can only fly straight in the direction of the power of Luo Fan to smash them, splashing around and dispersing around.


  Such a way, the number is small, but the number is more and more, this area composed of the power of more than two million people has been filled with this endless flesh and blood!


   All the figures, even Luo Fan, are gradually bathed in this flesh and blood, and the entire field is directly transformed into a flesh and blood hell, which looks cruel and tragic, even enough to collapse the minds of people with poor mental tolerance!


   Fortunately, this time is not long.


   spent almost the same time as the last time, Luo Fan finally killed everyone to the point where it was impossible to distort the rules and form a realm.


  When the field is broken, countless flesh will accumulate in the ground, and eventually be absorbed by the platform, completely disappeared without a trace, as if it does not exist. This is like the creatures killed by Luo Fan in so many waves before!


   Just when Luo Fan was about to continue to kill, the world was shocked. In an instant, the silhouettes that originally existed on this platform, and those silhouettes surrounding this platform all disappeared in an instant. As if never appeared.


  Luo Fan was a little stunned, and then reacted: “It turns out that it has killed three million…”


   His figure gradually stopped.


   Compared to superimposed speed, superimposed power, it is not so simple to stop the body from that superimposed state. However, Luo Fan has spent dozens of breaths, and just then has fixed its shape.


   “I didn’t think that before, but now I suddenly feel a little weird.” Luo Fan sighed.


  Using the body of ordinary people, the strength of ordinary people, the speed of ordinary people, in just a few days, killing more than two million souls, this achievement, no matter from which point of view, all It’s an incredible thing.


  After the Luo Fan stopped, the vast and vast platform under his feet began to shrink gradually.


  The speed of this contraction is extremely fast. It shrinks the distance calculated by ten thousand miles in almost every moment. However, even this contraction speed is nothing compared to the extremely wide scale of this platform. When the Luo Fan is standing firmly, it can feel that the platform is shrinking.


   “It turns out to absorb flesh and blood, but is this the key, or the reward?” Luo Fan felt the change in his feet, curious.


   “It should be a reward for customs clearance. As for the key, it is actually hidden underneath.” Because Baihua had already experienced this kind of question, she couldn’t naturally not know the answer. Therefore, after asking Luo Fan, she said directly.


  ”This time, three times more figures have been killed. The rewards for customs clearance should be different.


  ”Luo Fan is now completely calmed down, laughing like this.


   “This is not necessarily the case. Three times the number, maybe just because you have the punishment of our two help.” Yin Baihua shook his head.


  Knowing that this may indeed exist, Luo Fan can only sigh and wait quietly for the change of the platform below.


  As the platform continued to shrink, the force that suppressed Luo Fan magic power and Magical Abilities began to gradually decrease. He could only maintain the body, strength, and speed of ordinary people, all of which began to improve rapidly in the process.


  ’s extraordinary power also began to reappear on him.


With a move in his heart, his figure was suspended, looking down at the contraction and change of that platform in mid-air, looking down.


  Similar to Luo Fan, Hu Yun and Yin Baihua’s Magical Abilities also returned, and their bodies also gradually suspended.


  After waiting for most of the day.


  The platform below, just then finally contracted to complete, forming a strange and strange light.


   And at this time, the kind of power that suppresses Luo Fan Magical Abilities has also completely disappeared. His body has been relaxed at this moment. The feeling of grasping everything that has disappeared for a few days has returned and returned again.


   the kind of full-hearted unbridled joy that made him smile.


   It’s just that this smile just disappeared after a while. Because, he has already seen what the light is, “…


   “The first grade Illusionary Sage grade embryo Magical Weapon?” Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel helpless.


   This level of Magical Weapon, even the embryo Magical Weapon, is really nothing to him. As long as he wants to, he can create a piece with no cause and effect, and now he can fight so hard for so long, and the final clearance reward is actually only this, which of course makes him a little unbalanced.


  However, Luo Fan is unbalanced here, because Baihua and Huyun both think he made a big profit.


  After all, a treasure of the first-class Illusionary Sage series of embryos, this is equivalent to the existence of an ordinary five-level Illusionary Sage treasure!


   There is no interest in putting this piece of Magical Weapon in Qiankun within sleeve, and after the half-step Illusionary Sage series of embryos Magical Weapon obtained earlier, Luo Fan hand in hand, said: “That’s where the key is. Is that right?”


   The location he was referring to was extremely distant from the location of the three of them at this time, and the fluctuation was also extremely obscure.


   But, which one is easier because of Baihua and Huyun? This finger, they naturally found that strange fluctuation. I secretly praised the peace of mind of Luo Fan. After getting such a precious embryo, Magical Weapon was immovable, because Baihua smiled and said: “It is there.”


After losing the platform below, the entire second level of Space and Time has become a void, up and down, left, right, front and back, everything is a void, without any focus, no gravity, even up and down, this is all It is because they can feel it by relying on their previous habits just then.


  Now that the position has been determined, Luo Fan does not hesitate, and between steps and light spans, the figure has crossed an unknown distance of tens of thousands of miles, and directly came to the position where the wave spreads.


   came here, and he slapped again, and a key-shaped 3D Character Seal appeared in front of him, directly inserted into the core of the wave, and began to crazy absorb the strange wave.


  As 3D Character Seal the volatility that comes out begins to shrink gradually. The key-shaped 3D Character Seal gradually changed towards the key.


  After a while, a key appeared there.


  Luo Fan made a move, and the key fell into his hands.


  Started with the key, he felt that the gaze overlooking him from the top seemed to become more comfortable again, although it still did not disappear, but it gave him the kind of creepy feeling, But it faded again…


   “What kind of gaze is that…” Luo Fan feels that gaze changes, and his mood changes are extremely complicated.


   “The next level is completely different from this level, but Fellow Daoist needs to be treated with caution.” Because Baihua had already come to Luo Fan at this time.


   These words pulled Luo Fan out of his thoughts and asked curiously, “What is the next level? Why does Fellow Daoist seem a little nervous?”


   “I am not sure whether it will be the same as last time, but it is not easy to say more. Wait a minute, I will try it out, Fellow Daoist will know what kind of level it is. Now, it doesn’t make much sense. On the contrary, it may even cause the inexplicable changes in the level just because of utterance.” Because Baihua shook his head, said.


  Luo Fan, I couldn’t help but become more interested in the third level.


What kind of level is    in order to make Inbaihua show such a complicated expression? (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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