Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1313: Who is it?

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   “It’s a pity these thousand years.” Luo Fan couldn’t help but feel sorry for a while after knowing the state of the maiden and the goddess.


   However, things have already happened. It’s a pity that it doesn’t help at all. Luo Fan will naturally not waste too much time on it, and will dive his mind into the place where True Body from Great Desolation heaven and earth In the memory passed on.


   That memory contains a very large amount of information, not only the entire process of his thirty-seven thousand two hundred and forty-one Clone being erased by the chaotic state, but also the more than thirty thousand Clone The entire process completely erased by the chaotic state is included.


  Of course, although the number has become so much, but it is useful for Luo Fan, it is actually just one of them.


  After all, there are not many differences between these three thousand four hundred and forty-one Clones, and because every time Luo Fan is brand new, their choices and their responses are generally not. two. Under such circumstances, the fluctuations caused by the chaotic state caused by these Clones are naturally no different.


  Luo Fan carefully observed the extremely subtle fluctuations formed by these 37,000-odd chaotic states, and finally chose one of them randomly, and took all the rest, 37,000-plus Clone The memory of the entire process erased by the chaotic state will be removed.


  Although Luo Fan‘s ability to tolerate memory is beyond imagination, even if these memories increase by hundreds of millions of times, there is not much pressure on him. However, these memories have no meaning to him today, but staying here will interfere with his understanding of the wave and interfere with the progress of his Magical Abilities state. Naturally, it is better to eliminate it.


   After these memories were removed, the wave of chaos that was completely aimed at his Clone began to occupy all his mind and all his attention.


  Compared with the two waves he consciously encountered before, this wave is still very weak relative to the state of chaos, even reaching the point where it is difficult to discuss it.


  However, compared to Luo Fan, the power of this fluctuation is a hundred times stronger than the last time? !


  between the fluctuations, the Magical Abilities realm promoted by Luo Fan is so fragile as tofu, there is no resistance at all, and all his actions to resist the fluctuations of this chaotic state are completely Disintegration, without any doubt, his entire Clone was directly crushed by the wave and turned into an absolute nothingness, completely swallowed by the chaotic state!


   Moreover, after that, the chaotic state has improved the erasing power of Clone by a certain number of times. Luo Fan has resisted the first application of the law of causality in order to resist the display of this erasing power. , There is no resistance at all, as if the egg touched the stone, it was crushed in an instant, and the power of erasing memory would erase all his memories of Clone at a speed that Luo Fan could hardly react to. After that, he completely forgot that he was already condensing Clone into that chaotic state, but thought that he had just put an end to Xiu Xingxing and was planning to condense Clone again, and thus began another condensed Clone. Let Clone become stronger, put Clone into the chaotic state, and then be erased by the chaotic state, the memory of Clone is erased again, forget again that Clone has been condensed, and condense Clone again.


   For this kind of creepy and chilling experience, Luo Fan had already put too much emotion into it before. At this moment, it has already been seen away. This time I realized the memory, but did not give him. Bring too much mood swings.


   He just quietly realized that the chaotic state was formed for his Clone, which contained infinite mysteries, including the fluctuation of infinite truth.


   has already had two experiences, this time realizing this fluctuation, it should have come naturally, everything is extremely smooth.


  However, when Luo Fan entered that state of realization this time, it was found that it was extremely difficult for him to understand the fluctuation, which was beyond imagination!


   For the endless mysteries contained in these fluctuations, Luo Fan feels like an ordinary person facing the Olympiad question of the same grade as him, every word in it, every knowledge involved Point, I have learned it myself. But when they put together, they found that they had racked their brains and almost pulled out their hair. They couldn’t answer the question at all. Even the answer was already in front of them, and they couldn’t understand it at all… …,


  At this moment, the feeling of Luo Fan is such an ordinary person’s feeling of facing the Olympiad.


  ’s feeling is quite uncomfortable, so that the progress of Luo Fan‘s realization is instantly slowed down by more than ten thousand times.


  Feeling the hard feeling that the mystery and truth contained in the fluctuation brought to him, Luo Fan instantly understood why he was so irresistible in front of the fluctuation, and was directly affected by the fluctuation. My memory has been erased so many times. Although he has made no small progress, it is farther and farther away from the improvement of the power of chaos for his fluctuations.


   This time, the power of the volatility has far exceeded the limit he can bear, and the mystery contained in it is also beyond the level that he can reach today in the Magical Abilities realm!


   Because of this, the mystery and truth contained in this fluctuation just then will make Luo Fan feel this way.


   However, this is obviously not a bad thing.


  After all, the fluctuation is completely generated by Clone of Luo Fan, and its absolute pertinence makes Luo Fan realize that this fluctuation can be more traceable than the realization of other mysteries beyond his level. Under such circumstances, he realizes this fluctuation, and compared with other mysteries at the same level, he will naturally have greater gains.


   This time, for the decomposition of this fluctuation, Luo Fan is more detailed than before.


   This kind of decomposition power may add up to hundreds of units. just then can compare with the last time he realized the unit of experience realized by the fluctuation.


The first reason why    can achieve such an in-depth decomposition is that the mystery and truth contained in this fluctuation are more profound and the level is higher. The second reason is that his Magical Abilities realm has made great progress compared to the beginning.


   The more detailed and in-depth the decomposition of these fluctuations, the more subtle the body is, the more relaxed it is, and the omissions will become less and less.


  As he entered the experience, the Space and Time around his body began to change.


  Luo Fan‘s own time flow rate has begun to increase rapidly—in a more determined manner a hundred times faster than before.


   Such an increase in the flow rate of time makes the time experienced by Luo Fan itself become longer and longer as the outside world passes in the same period of time. In this state, he realized that the fluctuation was slower and harder than before. I don’t know how many times it was, but overall, compared to the outside world, the time he spent was not much longer than before.


  At least, compared to the difficulty of understanding between the two, it did not reach that terrible gap…,


   This time, Luo Fan did not fully put these enlightened principles into their own Magical Abilities realm promotion, but put these principles, these gains, and continuously connected with the law of cause and effect, trying to deepen their own understanding of the law of cause and effect Cognition, the application of causality!


  He has seen it very clearly now.


   He was as embarrassed as he was before because the increase in his Magical Abilities level was not enough to offset the increase in the power of the chaotic state against him. However, his insufficient application of causality was also one of the most important reasons. !


  After all, if his application of the law of causality can reach the second or even the third layer, the intensity will be completely different from that of now, maybe he will be able to send out the chaotic state, then it exists for him Clone Will the erasing power of the trace be completely canceled out just like the first and second time?


With such an idea, it is already obvious how to choose Luo Fan.


   If he puts his eyes on this promotion, it is natural to put the gains of this time on the promotion of the Magical Abilities state as much as possible, so that he can do as much as possible before this. Get the most improvement in your own Magical Abilities realm. However, if he wants to use this method of putting Clone into the chaotic state for a long time to let the chaotic state produce a completely tailored method for his changes, then he needs to strengthen the foundation as much as possible, so that every improvement he can have a corresponding Means to resist the erasure of his memory by the chaotic state. Obviously, the application of the law of cause and effect is one of the three major supports of Luo Fan achievement Illusionary Sage. Naturally, it is the foundation of the foundation. If you want to consolidate the foundation of his practice, where can I bypass this? !


  The law of cause and effect is a kind of existence that transcends all Great Wide World and even transcends all Perfect World and belongs to the first level of chaos. Only in this way, the application of the law of cause and effect, just then can resist the birth of the chaotic state, the erasure of all traces of the existence of the soul is like the existence of three-dimensional can only prevent the existence of three-dimensional, two-dimensional existence can not be prevented The existence of three-dimensional (three-dimensional, that is, the length, width and height of three-dimensional, commonly known as three-dimensional, and two-dimensional, only the length and width. The existence of three-dimensional, it represents the three-dimensional things seen in the eyes of ordinary people, and the existence of two-dimensional , It means something drawn on a piece of paper).


   It is this level of existence that is the cause and effect law. Therefore, only after stepping on the Nine Stages step under the saint and achieving the true Illusionary Sage, cultivator just then can barely use the law of cause and effect.


   Moreover, for the general cultivator, even to the eighth level Illusionary Sage or even Nine Stages Illusionary Sage, it is impossible to promote this application of causality to the second level, but only to maintain this application in the first layer.


   From this, you can know how difficult it is to increase the depth of application of causality. That is even more difficult than raising the Magical Abilities realm a hundred times!


   If it is a general cultivator, choose the second one of the two options of improving your own Magical Abilities state and deepening the application of causal law. That will certainly be regarded as a very high distance, and it is regarded as the one who lost the watermelon and picked sesame. Stupid bear. However, Luo Fan has a convenient condition that other cultivator does not have. This convenient condition allows him to have this kind of qualification to choose the second kind. This convenient condition is no other. It is precisely in all Great Wide World that he can achieve inexplicable contact with this Great Wide World, and thus in this Great Wide World, he can use the law of causality more deeply than he can do!


  This in-depth application of causality is not the real ability of Luo Fan.


   but because of the support of this world, this world, the result reached by just then. That is to say, the reason why Luo Fan can exert the second-level application of causality in these worlds is simply the result of changes in the world itself, not that he can really exert such deep-level application of causality!


  This has caused a result. That is, this deeper application of causality has limitations.


   This is obvious. Because it is formed by the support of heaven and earth itself, it applies the second layer of causality, so naturally it can only target the existence inside this heaven and earth! Once the existence that uses the law of causality is not from this world, but from some kind of existence outside this world, then the application of this law of cause and effect will have no effect!


   Judging from such characteristics, the power generated by the chaotic state that erases the memory of Luo Fan and completely erases the traces of the existence of Clone, of course, it is impossible to use the support of this world to exert the law of cause and effect The second layer is used to resist a chaotic state, but it exists outside this Earth Universe, and naturally it is outside this world.


   Because of this, the situation that Luo Fan faced before was already so difficult. What he encountered was that the power to erase memory has exceeded his own resistance limit, but he still only rely on himself. To resist the mastery of the law of causality, but not to use the support of this world to exert the second layer of application of the law of causality to resist!


  This is the limitation of the deep application of this law of causality with the support of heaven and earth.


  However, although it has such application limitations, on the other hand, the deep application of this causal law is indeed the deep application of the causal law. Therefore, the deeper application of the causal law can be realized from it. The mystery, which is also true, can allow Luo Fan to truly master the mystery of the deeper application of this law of causation after being in control!


   It is precisely because Luo Fan has this convenient condition, so he just then can choose the application of causality in the Magical Abilities realm and the application of causality.


  Luo Fan‘s eyes are at a loss, and the whole body is suspended between that large piece of gray.


  The Space and Time above his body stretched out and shrunk, as if the heart was beating.


  Although the speed of his time is faster than the outside world by more than 10 million times, from a detailed point of view, his time dimension is not fixed. That is to say, his own time flow rate is not stable and forms a fixed multiple with the outside world.


   In fact, the time dimension of Luo Fan is changing all the time. That is to say, his own time flow rate is changing every moment.


   The frequency of change, the range of change, the trend of change, everything is in a state that makes Luo Fan extremely comfortable.


  Under such a state, Luo Fan is physically and mentally above a very high Peak. For the volatility of the chaotic state, the efficiency of comprehension is at an incredible height, which is normally required for normality. The mystery that just then can realize in more than ten days, now only needs dozens of breaths, it can be done, so that the original problem can not be transparent, now it becomes easy to think about.


   This kind of change happened unconsciously.


   In Luo Fan’s own feelings, it seems that the difficulty of the fluctuating perception seems to have been reduced several times in the process. The feeling is naturally quite beautiful.


   time passed by.


  I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, a thunderous thunder sound appeared between the world.


   The sound of this thunderbolt is so huge, so wonderful, it even caused a very strong reaction between this world and the sky, which was originally gray, like a chaotic state, completely broken at this moment. Come on.


   The gray presence was separated. A turbidity that did not exist originally appeared.


   With the appearance of turbidity, the sky, the earth, the ocean, mountains, rivers, Everything that a normal world should have, appeared instantly.


   And the existence of this gray existence has already existed, the many worlds of that considerable amount, the infinite creatures in those worlds, even those of Peak Quasi-Saint series, have been able to confuse themselves in that gray existence. Opening up the world by survival, self-sufficiency, and even many powerful cultivators that were regarded as supreme supremacy by the original world will be destroyed in an instant, completely dying, all turned into a piece of heaven and earth that has just been separated. Many substances have become the material and energy cornerstone of this world!


The whole process of    happened very quickly.


   From the appearance of the thunderbolt, to the Luo Fan‘s full recovery, it was only a few breaths, but between these breaths, the entire gray world that originally simulated the chaotic state, It has become a strange, extremely wild, extremely primitive, heaven and earth in a round place!


   “Originally, let me take a look at who is so unscrupulously disturbing the bastard…” When the sound of the thunder gradually subsided, Luo Fan just then distinguished it, and the sound of the thunder was actually a clear man’s voice Is saying such a sentence.


   “Who the **** is that?!” Such an idea suddenly appeared in Luo Fan‘s heart.


   can instantly break the original balance of this world with a handful of sounds, and instantly reconstruct the rules and rules of this world. This kind of power is really awesome! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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