Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1261: Wild Beast

Looking at the trend of the spirit veins and the abnormal distribution of the rule of law layer, Luo Fan knows that the practice conditions in this central mountain range are stronger than the outside world. The rule of law layer outside is only compatible with Great Dao It can make people directly understand Great Dao through the realization of the rule of law, and the external performance is not much different from other universes. But here, in that mountain range, the barrier between the layer of rules and rules and the real world seems to be completely shielded. The layer of rules and rules appears almost naked in the eyes of all ordinary people.

These are, of course, nothing more than what Luo Fan discovered after watching this large array of mountains. It should be seen that these should be real, but in the end it is not all true, which needs to be confirmed after entering it. just then is fine.

“This is where the kid is just an eighteenth generation disciple, who is not qualified to bring people in and out freely, but he must first pass it up, and he can only enter after he has been confirmed by the elders of the master.” After he stopped, he said so carefully.

As long as Luo Fan had expected it, I was not surprised, just nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Liufu carefully raised his hand and sent a ray of light with a lot of information into the mountains in front.

When the ray of light approaches a certain distance from the mountain range, it disappears silently, as if it rushed directly into another Space and Time. Obviously, it rushed into that big formation.

“There are quite a few elders who master the big formation and want to respond. It will take some time to think about it, it is better to pick a mountain, please take a break for the seniors to wait for the boy’s teacher to respond?” That floater seemed more careful Said.

Luo Fan listened and frowned. But he didn’t expect it to be so troublesome, and actually asked him to wait a lot of time, but this was not in his plan.

However, after thinking about it, he finally decided to wait patiently. After all, they are already here, although they feel a little impatient for the other party’s efficiency. But it should not disrupt their plans. therefore. He nodded and said, “Alright.”

After hearing him say this, the look on Fu Liu’s face became a lot more relaxed. In just then, he was afraid that Luo Fan would wipe him out because of impatience…after all, he asked himself if he was in the position of Luo Fan. This is also the case. The mood will certainly not be very beautiful.

He quickly picked a small peak outside the mountain range. Attentive greeting Luo Fan landed on this small mountain peak.

Although it is not in the middle of the mountain range, it is near it after all, and the environment is quite beautiful. The wonderful mountain range in the center in front turned into a stunning natural scenery.

Fu Liu is also the existence of Xiantian Great Principle Peak, please Luo Fan landing here, of course, it is impossible to put a layer of mat directly like a common man. He didn’t know where to take out a few pieces of Magical Artifact and threw them to the top of the mountain, and quickly built a not-so- gorgeous, but very comfortable building.

Luo Fan is completely blind to such changes. For him, if he wants to make these now, he doesn’t even need to prepare it. The idea will naturally respond to the slightest move of the world. Naturally, there will be many more buildings that are naturally formed than this. Magical Artifact?

It doesn’t matter what kind of syrup and jade liquid prepared by the floating stream in the building at random, and asked Fu Liu some of the anecdotes of his practice.

Half a day later, the mountain range just then in front of us changed dramatically.

The huge array of the mountain range oscillated slightly, and the original mountain range gradually disappeared, replaced by an almost endless expanse of heaven and earth appearing in the clouds.

This vast sky and earth is filled with endless clouds and mists, looming and fluttering like immortals, just like the legendary fairyland.

And at the time of this change, a huge step appeared from between the day and the ground, and quickly spread downward, and in a blink of an eye came to the mountain where Luo Fan and Fuliu were located, even rushing directly into Among the buildings, appeared in front of Luo Fan and Fuliu.

At the same time, buzz… buzz… buzz… Forty-nine waves of shocking voids, and even a clear and audible bell that could be heard clearly from any place on the entire island from the day and the earth . Between these bells, all kinds of strange multicolored sunlight surround the long one, which extends from the looming heaven and earth, and falls directly around the step in front of Luo Fan, so that the step looks like a success The road of fairy flying ascension is general, it looks very sacred and gorgeous!

“This…is a battle to greet the supreme honorable guests?!” Floating looked at the scene and couldn’t help murmuring. The eyes are both shocking and incredible.

As a disciple of the Tianqing Temple, although it is only a disciple of the eighteenth generation, Fuliu is also very aware of the various battles when the Tianqing Temple greets guests. Generally speaking, for the most visited cultivator, the most is the most, that is, there is a ladder extending between nothingness, it is impossible to show that looming world. And the more distinguished visitors will show this world, but there will be no bells. And at the noble level, there will be bells, but generally it is just nine. Like this, not only the stairs appear, but also the world is revealed, there are forty-nine bells, and the boundless multicolored sunlight greets, that is what the floating stream knows, this door welcomes the most distinguished guests Battles that only come from time to time! I don’t know how many billions of years since the Qing Temple was established, the number of such battles can be counted with one hand. The last time such a battle appeared, it was almost omnipotent in meeting a legend. Sanctification is only the last Illusionary Sage of the last small step!

“Is this person actually a Illusionary Sage?!” This floater couldn’t help but tremble.

Although the practice world of the Devil Realm is extremely prosperous, there are fifty-four saints, and Illusionary Sage is unknown. However, because the Devil Realm is so vast, the population is too large, and the number of practitioners is really terrifying. With so many powerful cultivator distributed throughout the Demon Realm, the density is sparse to an unimaginable situation. and so. For the true spiritual practice system, what cultivator generally knows is of course limited.

Although this floating current is already Xiantian Great Principle Peak, but his understanding of the practice system is at most Quasi-Saint level. In other words, he knows that the Quasi-Saint level is divided into five realms, and he also knows that there is this Illusionary Sage level above the five realms of Quasi-Saint, but that’s all. He can even reach the incredible level of the specific power of the five realms of Quasi-Saint. For the level of Illusionary Sage, he only knows its name, and how many levels it is divided into. How far is it to achieve a saint? These are things that he dare to consider only in his imagination. For him, as long as it is Illusionary Sage, it is already supreme, an existence he dare not imagine.

At this time. He suddenly knew that the cultivator beside him might be a horrible Illusionary Sage. The impact on the soul is great. I can imagine it.

At this moment, he unprecedentedly regretted that he had gone to serve as a national teacher in that country, and he felt more fortunate that he could live to the present.

“I am still alive now. With such luck, I may try to apply to the teacher for the Clone method with a very small chance of cultivation. There may be a lot of success…” he Some thought of having fun.

At this moment, Luo Fan suddenly showed a faint smile.

Next, on that step, an old man suddenly appeared. This old man’s hair is childlike. Although his breath is restrained, he still has a strong temperament. His powerful presence has already oppressed the surrounding Space and Time, so that the surrounding Space and Time will be slightly distorted with the slight shock and distortion. There was actually a feeling that the entire Space and Time could not bear its strength and collapsed.

Of course, Luo Fan knows that this feeling is just an illusion. Although the old man is powerful, it is only the Peak of Quasi-Saint Peak, and its Magical Abilities realm is still a distance away from the Illusionary Sage level that steps on the Nine Stages step. This existence is also many times weaker than Luo Fan. How can it be impossible for Devil’s Space and Time to bear?

The reason why people feel this way at this time is because the strong contrast brings shock to their hearts. Because he is trying his best to converge his own power and converge his own breath, which on the surface gives people a feeling that he is very ordinary and ordinary, but his convergence of breath is fundamental to the convergence of strength. Without perfection, there is still a powerful force behind it, and a strong breath affects the surroundings-this kind of breath brings such a contrast and makes people feel such an illusion.

This old man does not appear alone. Behind this old man, there are several of them who are equally powerful, but appear inferior to this old man cultivator.

These cultivators also converged their own strength and breath, but they did worse than the old man. The old man seemed to converge completely, but these cultivators did not even converge completely, actually There is still a lingering breath around their bodies, shaking around, and even condensing all kinds of light and shadow.

This kind of scene, under the reflection of the surrounding multicolored sunlight, really looks like the elegant Celestial Immortal Linfan.

“The eighteenth generation disciples of the Tianqing Temple floated and saw the ancestors!” At this time, Liuliu was already scared to his knees, and said repeatedly.

The old man chuckled and flicked, and Liuliu stood up directly. Then the old man said, “You did a good job.”

That’s what I said, it was already full of tears, and my face was full of surprises.

“Because I didn’t know that Fellow Daoist came, I didn’t prepare too much, so I delayed a lot of time and hoped Fellow Daoist to forgive sins.” The old man bowed to Luo Fan and smiled.

“Don’t dare, I’m in a hurry, I’m so tired that you Fellow Daoist is so busy, it’s my sin. My name is Luo Fan, I don’t know how to call Fellow Daoist?” Luo Fan replied with a smile and smiled.

The old man chuckled, and then communicated the names with the people behind him and Luo Fan.

It turns out that this old man is the head of the Tianqing Temple, with a track number called Xuanwen. And those behind him are many elders in the school, they and the Xuanwen are all brothers, Black Tortoise, Xuanxu, Xuande, Xuanzhi and Xuanling.

Luo Fan greeted them one by one.

After that, Xuanwen said: “It is really rude to let Fellow Daoist stop at this door. Fellow Daoist please.”

Luo Fan just smiled. He didn’t feel much about this metaphysics. It doesn’t say much trust, but it doesn’t have too much disgust. After all, it was just the first meeting. If you don’t know the other party at all, where may there be feelings of trust or goodwill?

For such an invitation to Xuanwen, he will naturally not be completely relieved, thinking that there will be no danger in entering this school. The other party definitely welcomes him like a hospitable host. However, he did not refuse to enter this large formation.

First of all, entering the Tianqing Temple and communicating with the cultivator of the Tianqing Temple is his goal here. Secondly, there is a Magical Weapon Shenting Tianding with Illusionary Sage Nine Stages on him! Such a **** court Tianding faces the real Nine Stages Illusionary Sage. Even the real Illusionary Sage Nine Stages Magical Weapon. It is naturally not enough to look at, only to deliver food, but in the face of this Tianqing Temple, there is not even an Illusionary Sage, the strongest is just the martial arts that barely touched the side of Illusionary Sage. That is naturally unfavorable. Thus. Obviously. If the Temple of Heaven is as hospitable as it seems on the surface, if there is any conspiracy, then he believes. The loser must be the other party…

Because of this confidence, Luo Fan just then dared to come here directly, and come directly to the door, instead of conquering many kingdoms bit by bit, and unifying the entire island to get the answer you want.

Luo Fan and the old man should first step on that step. Behind them are Black Tortoise Xuanxu and others and the last floating current.

This step may seem long, but in fact it only looks outside. Once stepped on this step, Luo Fan found that this step was only Nine Stages.

You can almost touch the sky and earth hidden in the clouds above the void.

Nine Stages steps…is this a Nine Stages step above Quasi-Saint?” Luo Fan looked at this seemingly normal Nine Stages step and couldn’t help thinking.

Thinking of this, he has a new understanding of the aspirations of the Tianqing Temple. This Temple of Heaven is not a sect that is willing to sing on the spot and eat the dead! They want to leave this little island all the time, and they want to get the supreme Standing Aloof all the time, to become the supreme, omnipotent, omnipotent, and immortal saint!

The Xuanwen around Luo Fan naturally did not know that just the arrangement of the Nine Stages steps made Luo Fan think of these many.

The Nine Stages steps can only be crossed in a few seconds for ordinary people. For Luo Fan and others, it is naturally easier to cross.

In Xuan Wen’s narrative, Luo Fan and others have already crossed the Nine Stages step and came to a group of Immortal Cave.

This piece of Immortal Cave is suspended above the void, surrounded by an endless sea of ​​clouds. All the Immortal Cave is looming between the clouds, looming and lingering. Among these Immortal Cave groups, there are a very large number of cultivator, and almost any Immortal Cave has the breath of cultivator. And between the seas of clouds, there are also many waves of light, one after another, traveling between each Immortal Cave.

The whole Immortal Cave group is a legendary fairyland scene.

Under such a Immortal Cave group, there is an endless earth. Among the endless land, there are all kinds of natural landscapes, all kinds of strange mountains and waters, all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses, all kinds of sinister or magnificent natural scenery. On this land, you can see infinite creatures scattered everywhere. Of course, most of these creatures are all kinds of strange beasts, all kinds of Luo Fan have seen, have not seen , Or fierce, or cute, perhaps dumb, or arrogant, all can be found in it.

From time to time, a huge roar of various monsters comes out from below, adding a wild and simple charm to this world.

“This barbaric beast spirit array is arranged together with the main gate, Yin Shenjia and Wuyun Temple, which has spent hundreds of millions of years of accumulation.” Xuan Wen watching Luo Fan is interested in this world. , Explained with a Very good large array, not only can gather the beasts to let your disciples practice and practice, but also can separate the unreal and show the truth, practice in such a large array, practice speed It can be increased at least several times. “Luo Fan exclaimed.

His eyes are looking into the sea of ​​clouds. But he saw it at a glance. The world inside this large array really was as calculated when he was watching outside, completely shielding the gap between the rule layer and the real Space and Time. At this moment, Between this whole world, all the changes in rules and regulations are directly revealed, which is completely to the point where ordinary people can see it.

In fact, the real appearance of this piece of heaven and earth should be like a chaotic three-dimensional network. There are countless dense threads all over the world. Everyone appears in this world, just like it appears in a dense network. The threads are constantly cutting them, and any of their activities seems to be pulling countless sharp wires to frustrate them.

At this moment, the Immortal Cave group and the heaven and earth below Luo Fan look like normal heaven and earth. The reason is very simple, because this Immortal Cave group is between this endless sea of ​​clouds! It is precisely because of the existence of this sea of ​​clouds that it hides the real appearance of this heaven and earth, so that this heaven and earth will appear like a normal heaven and earth! (To be continued…)

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