Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1227: 90%9

  Time passes. In a flash, ten years have passed.


  In the past ten years, that broken Character Script has been growing, which is 30 to 40 times slower than the original Luo Fan calculation of three to seven months!


The reason why    is so simple. The complete speed of the Character Script‘s human figure lying on that side, with time, as it becomes more and more complete, its speed becomes slower and slower! At first, it took only ten hours to complete the same amount of Character Script as the original Character Script.


   But afterwards, after spending a month or two, it is not always possible to complete even one-thousandth, even one-thousandth of Character Script!


  Under such circumstances, Luo Fan has been waiting for ten years, and this Character Script just then has only reached 99%.


   This has grown by almost a hundred times compared to the broken Character Script, but at this step, this Character Script, no matter how no matter what, there is no sign of savings to complete and continue to be complete. It’s like, at this step, everything the figure can do has reached the end and reached the limit.


   “It was so…” Luo Fan sighed, raised his hand gently, and that huge Character Script had already fallen into his hands.


  This Character Script now looks like a mirror.


  The whole surface of Character Script is smooth and bright, with light and shadow flowing on it, but it can’t stabilize at all, and it can’t really show something meaningful for Luo Fan to see clearly.


   In the middle of this mirror, there is a small, roughly one-hundredth percentile gap. Through the edge of this gap. Luo Fan can see the countless dense lines inside the mirror, that’s what Character Script really looks like.


   By contrast, the appearance of such a smooth and simple bronze mirror in front of me is just the illusion of Character Script. It is the scene condensed by the power of Character Script itself that naturally triggers changes in the outer universe.


   The speed of the spread of the light has been extremely slow.


  Even if ordinary people come here, they may give up the idea of ​​continuing to wait for a few months after the start because they are not clear that Character Script is completing and growing.


   However, for the existence of the level of Luo Fan, as long as these lights are still growing, they are still complementing, they continue to spread. No matter how slow. Even if it is less than one millimeter in hundreds of millions of years, he can see clearly and clearly as if facing the changes visible to the naked eye!


   And at this moment, the reason why Luo Fan put away this Character Script. The reason is because he didn’t see the light spreading at all. I can’t see that Character Script is complete!


   Even if it is a slow speed of one millimeter in hundreds of millions of years. nor!


   Under such circumstances, even if this Character Script is becoming complete, even if this Character Script is still concerned about the slower speed of completion. Luo Fan does not want to wait any longer.


   At this moment, although the position of the Character Script difference is only about one percent, but it is this one percent. If each line of the line is extended, the length may be calculated in light years. Such a huge amount of lines is missing. If it grows at a completion rate of less than one millimeter in hundreds of millions of years, and waits for him to become complete, then the years needed may exceed the limits of the numbers…


   Although Luo Fan has an eternal life, he can’t believe that such a humanoid ghost in front of him will wait for him for so many years…


   Therefore, at this time, he can only put away this Character Script.


   Moreover, Luo Fan has another way to complete this Character Script.


   That is, through his wisdom, combined with his Magical Abilities, combined with his knowledge, through the realization of the Character Script already intact part, I realize what this missing part of Character Script should look like, and will carry out such a Character Script Completion, so that this Character Script will become perfect from now on!


   In fact, this is the general cultivator way to complete some kind of mystery that is missing.


  When Luo Fan first got the Character Script, the first idea was to use this method to complete this Character Script.


The reason why    didn’t do it at the beginning, but needed to find this figure lying on the side to put Character Script into it, and let the phantom master’s mystery remain here to complete this Character Script, that’s just Because the lack of Character Script is too much, if you want to use your own wisdom to deduce it, you can only get plausible results, so just then has to do nothing. It is like a blind man touching the elephant, knowing a small piece of elephant skin Shape, it is absolutely impossible to deduce what the elephant really looks like.


   And now the situation is different.


  The current piece of Character Script is like that elephant already knows 99% of its appearance, and the remaining 1%. It’s natural to want to deduce what it looks like. Yes.


  Of course, compared to deducing the appearance of an elephant, it is more difficult to deduce the whole picture of Character Script. Even if you know 99% of Character Script, it is not one or two to complete Can be completed in years.


  Although the Character Script itself is not satisfactory, it has reached 99% completeness after all. At this time, its power is already able to play a lot.


With a move in mind, Luo Fan poured its own magic power into this Character Script that looks like a mirror.


  In an instant, the light and shadow appearing on the surface of Character Script changed wildly, and in a blink of an eye they condensed into a dense text.


   These texts are so numerous and unimaginable that they are all bit by bit. It is actually the nature of magic power that Luo Fan is poured into, including the structure of magic power, including the strength of magic power. What is the process of this smelting, how many years, months, days, hours, quarters, moments…


   Even at the back there is a mental method that should be used to cultivate such power, what kind of route should the power run… So, like this, almost just reading this text, you can roughly guess Out of Luo Fan, this part of the body has been practiced from scratch to all the things that have been experienced now!


  Luo Fan looked at the text above, the look on the face became extremely complicated.


   was shocked. There is joy again. The shock is naturally that the power of Character Script is so incredible. Just relying on him a little magic power, he can actually perform so many secrets. This deduction ability, even if he is, is far from him. What he is pleased with is that now the Character Script has fallen into his hands. At this moment, he is the master of this Character Script!


After reading all the text, Luo Fan was slightly relieved.


   “Fortunately. It is impossible to deduce that the fundamental thing that I can cultivate this strength is the Worldview. If you can even know this, then it is incredible.” Such thoughts flashed between his mind and mind.


   Raised his hand and flicked it, and the text on it disappeared instantly, and changed back to the original change. It seems that there are some strange lights and lights constantly shining. But it can’t be fixed.


   “It seems. The way to open the portal has been concealed from me.” He thought so, and collected this mirror-like Character Script, and included it in Qiankun within sleeve.


   Although this Character Script is only Character Script. There is no power, but because of its own subtleties, it has already affected the universe, changed the rules of law, changed the time and space, and naturally manifested the real entity. Naturally, he can be regarded as a real entity. It’s the same.


  After putting away this Character Script, Luo Fan stepped up and walked lightly, appearing to travel slowly and slowly in this chaotic area.


  In a short while, his figure has traversed a distance of more than 10,000 light-years, and came directly to the edge of this Jedi of life.


  During these ten years, the citizens of the supreme land of God who lived in this Jedi have already been waiting for irritability.


   Ten years is not a short time for the creatures of other countries, but for all the people who have eternal years and are not limited by the life span of the creatures, it is not at all How long has it been. Usually they are interested in playing together and playing a game for ten years is just a matter of leisure.


   However, this does not mean that it is an easy task for them to wait here for ten years.


   First of all, waiting here is not their interest, they will not enjoy it as much as playing games, and feel that time passes extremely fast. On the contrary, because they are waiting for battle, every second here seems particularly long. For ten years like this, it’s strange not to be irritable.


  Second, during these ten years, they must always be vigilant! Who knows if the cultivator will appear in the next moment? If I was nervous for a few years, but because of the momentary negligence, I didn’t seize the opportunity when the cultivator appeared, and I ended up with a loss, which is obviously unacceptable to any citizen of the supreme land.


   Moreover, there is another most important reason, that is, they can’t see the end! I simply don’t know how long I have to wait, whether it will be the result in the next moment, or whether I will continue to wait for hundreds or thousands of years.


   “Then cultivator stayed here for a thousand years last time, this time will not come again this time…” This idea often appears in everyone’s mind.


  During the past ten years, the situation of the Supreme God Earth has become more and more severe.


  Ten years ago, those spiritual organizations were only hidden underground and spread like illegal organizations. But ten years later, these spiritual organizations have collaborated with many high-level leaders of the Supreme Divine Land, and it is now almost half public. Almost every spiritual organization has borrowed many hidden methods that can know the truth in a few scrutiny. Various foreign institutions have been established in this supreme land to recruit members…


   And that’s it. Those members of the Supreme God Land who hate to practice have no way to take them. Even if the evidence is conclusive, the senior officials rarely pay attention.


  Because of this situation, the whole supreme **** land is now on the verge of explosion.


   The patience of citizens who hate to practice has almost reached the limit. As long as a fuse can detonate, they start to fight against those practitioners.


   And the same practice organizations have almost exhausted their patience. Although the situation is getting better and better for them, after all, the practice organization can only be semi-open, even if recruiting members needs to be extremely vigilant If you are not careful, you may fall into a state of near-organization extinction. How has this life been better for them?


  Under this contradiction, the entire supreme **** earth is almost a explosive medicine barrel placed in the crater. May be detonated at any time, may be blown to pieces at any time!


   The situation of the Supreme God Earth is so serious. In contrast, the situation outside the Supreme God Earth is only slightly better than this.


   The strength of the practice country of a comparable superpower is expanding very rapidly. Although there is not much improvement in the territory, in the past ten years, there have been some unknown billions of souls who are interested in practice and have invested in the country of practice to seek their own evolution and to push the universe to the “destroyed abyss.” Work hard…


   Such a scene, for the existence of the most hateful practitioners of the practitioners around the Jedi of life, it is really a torment every second.


   At this moment, there is only one hope in their hearts, that is, to kill the cultivator in front of their lives in Jedi! Then spread the news that he was killed. Let all companions who hate cultivator have more confidence. Let those compatriots who are engaged in spiritual practice organizations wake up and abandon their secrets…


  Although some wise people actually know how small this possibility is, but under this only hope. They can only deceive themselves.


   is in this context. Luo Fan completes that Character Script to 99%. The figure walked slowly and calmly from the direction he originally entered.


   “Appeared! He appeared! Fire! Shoot! No need to ask! Fire directly! Quick! Quick! Quick!” The roar echoed between the universe.


  With this sound, the ten thousand extinction light cannons were lit up one after another and began to enter the final excitation procedure.


  The encircling circle of ten thousand extinct light cannons is quite tight. There are extinct light cannons guarding in all directions. No matter if Luo Fan leaves this life jedi from any position, the manipulator of the extinction light cannon will discover his existence. And when these manipulators discovered him, they would naturally spread his position so that other manipulators of the extinct light cannon would also know his position.


   That is to say, as long as Luo Fan appears, it does not take a few seconds, the operator of tens of thousands of extinction light cannons will find his position! Then aim the muzzle at him and fire!


  In this way, there will obviously be a time difference between when the first manipulator finds his position and all the extinction light cannons are activated.


   This is what caused the extinction light cannons to illuminate one after the other at this moment, instead of igniting at the same time.


   Such extinct light cannons are extremely terrifying. Now, if tens of thousands of light cannons hit Luo Fan together, he will not be killed there, but he will also be extremely powerful. Even the 3D Character Seal that guards him There may be a leak due to too strong impact, which will bring some minor damage to his True Body.


If there is no way, Luo Fan will naturally not care about this.


   But obviously, at this moment, he has a simpler way.


   Seeing that these light cannons started to shine, they must be excited at any time. Luo Fan just smiled slightly, and the thought swept away instantly.


  In an instant, tens of thousands of extinction light cannons stayed together, and then all the lights were excited, and they exploded directly at the same place. Above the extinction light cannon, the manipulators on the operating platform are completely engulfed!


   This extinct light cannon can even make the rule of law layer explode, and even make the nihility layer fluctuate. What can these citizens of the supreme **** land that can only use the power of the rule of law layer resist?


In the blink of an eye, all of them had no time to scream, and all of them were instantly reduced to nothingness, and all died in desperation.


  The power of the extinct light cannon is unmatched. Although it has not been fully inspired, the power of destroying the True Body of the extinct light cannon cannot be much smaller. In an instant, the rule layer around those extinct light cannons was instantly crushed, so that the rule layer that had been transformed by the Supreme God Earth instantly became broken and chaotic! Countless incredible lights and shadows appeared in these tens of thousands of areas, turning those tens of thousands of areas into life jedi similar to the life and jedi in Xiyang!


  Look at it from The huge Jedi of life in this center is like a planet. And there are tens of thousands of Jedi living around here, which are satellites that are evenly distributed in every direction outside the planet. Moreover, it is a satellite!


  The impact of the tens of thousands of lives of the Jedi on the rule of law is quite huge.


  The location of Luo Fan is quite far away from the tens of thousands of lives of Jedi, although it is quite far away, but I also feel the horror fluctuations caused by the collapse of the rule of law.


   And the huge life jedi in the middle of 30,000 light years in Xiyang was even more chaotic because of the horrific shock that occurred in the rules and regulations layer. This is like a piece of mud that has been broken. You Let’s shake it again, then the more you shake, the bigger the damage will become and the harder it will be to clean up.


   “This may be the fuse.” Such a thought flashed between Luo Fan‘s mind and mind.


   Although he is in this Jedi of life, he knows everything clearly about what is happening in this land of supreme gods, but he knows clearly that the present supreme gods land is only a distance away from the actual war. A fuse.


   And now, this location suddenly produces tens of thousands of lives and jedi out of thin air, which can’t be concealed. And once they know, then the citizens who hate the practice of no matter if it is, or the citizens of that practice organization, will completely lose their patience and directly set off a war that has been brewing for ten years! (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team@`豆豆椒吧] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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