Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1205: Unwilling

At a time when a Clone of Chuang Shen Tong had a great time with Shentun, similar things were happening in several other places in the universe.

Compared to the fate of being chased down so fast in Shentun, the rest of the universe, the areas where cultivator taught by Luo Fan is generally not the home of the superpower, the power of the superpower has not covered too much .

Under such circumstances, they waited for more than ten days, and tens of days later, just then successively encountered the strangulation of those forces!

And this kind of strangulation, because of the guardian of the creator **** boy, generally when they are desperate, will be dark and bright, get the guidance they dreamed of.

Of course, such guidance is generally based on the cultivation methods they have mastered and the cultivation methods they practice. At most, it will allow them to better their own power. Application.

But even so, they are so grateful that they only feel that they are no longer helpless in this universe, but also feel how deep and profound the spiritual path is, and what incredible mysterious meaning, Let them have no trace of regret for embarking on the path of spiritual practice, even because of this, they are under siege of the entire universe!

Among these many cultivators, there is a place that is more than a dozen cultivator away.

Here is where the gods and fireworks are located!

Luo Fan wanders freely in this universe, and sows the seeds of spiritual practice at will. For him, it is just random, just watching his momentary emotional changes. But for those souls that he sowed the seeds of spiritual practice, it was a lifelong change. They even directly took them out of a situation where they were accepted by the entire universe and had endless companions, and were thrown into an absolutely lonely and enemies world!

How helpless this is to them, and how much pressure the mind will generate, one can imagine.

So, after meeting the first companion, Tenjin and Firework. unstoppable. Over the next period of time, more than a dozen cultivators were found.

However, their encounter with Tenjin is quite the same. It is also the randomization of Luo Fan in this hundred years.

In my heart, they are just like they were before. It is also full of endless pressure. Want to find a companion.

The same emotions. Naturally let them hit it off, and just confirmed each other a little, then decided to go together.

“This is what we have encountered. The army sent by the 30th wave of superpowers.” Tenjin said seriously to the sixteen fellow men present.

“The power they send is getting stronger and stronger. At first, we were directly disbanded by one face-to-face. Now, we even need to pay a lot of money to get them done. If we go on like this, we will always be unable to support it. Go on. When the time comes, I’m afraid it’s dangerous.” A woman said.

This woman was recently joined, and is said to have been transformed by the highest technological creation in a sub-province of a river system in a superpower, and is quite powerful.

“These were all after the vision of a month ago. It seems that the vision should be caused by the behavior of the practitioner…” Fireworks said a little helplessly at this time.

As a veteran, his identity is still different after all. Although he has the worst strength, he has a lot of say.

Of course, it’s not like you can just joke casually with Tenjin as you initially did.

“I don’t know why, I always feel that this thing seems somewhat visual.” A man who looked like a boy said so.

The words “Yeah…” resonated with everyone and nodded constantly.

Tianjin looked a little helpless at this time, and apparently thought of what they had in mind: “Even if it may be caused by Celestial Immortal, it will not be of any help to our current situation. Let’s discuss what to do. Deal with the current situation.”

The sixteen cultivators were all found by the gods, and he talked to them one by one, and during this conversation, each time, they thought that the situation would be abnormal, and they might encounter more When he is cultivator, he will find that this will be the existence of any cultivator, which he still knows, and the one who will be the point of his existence!

Something like this happens once or twice, he may not feel much.

But when such things happen one after another, until they have happened more than a dozen times, they will naturally accumulate the feeling that everything related to spiritual practice is probably related to that Celestial Immortal

So, at this moment, speaking of a huge vision that spread over the entire universe more than a month ago, how similar is it to the cultivator situation they had encountered before? ! In this case, they will naturally have a feeling that this vision is also the behavior of Celestial Immortal, which is also called the sense of sight…

Hearing what the gods said, everyone present fell silent.

Although they are delighted that the gods feel the same way as them, they are also helpless because of the questions raised by the gods.

“Otherwise, we will no longer move forward and go to the edge of the universe to find a place to hide?” a man suggested carefully.

“No!” Tenjin had not spoken yet, and there were three or four cultivators beside him and they all shouted together.

The big drink made the proposed man stunned a little and couldn’t help saying: “Why not? Now the more we go to the center of the universe, the stronger the power of those superpowers will be, and the more attacks we will encounter. Horror! If you move on, wouldn’t you just look for your own death?!”

The more he said, the more he felt that he was right, and the more confidence he contained in his words.

The people who spoke did not expect that someone would open up with him. He looked at each other and wanted to wait for others to answer this question.

For a while, he fell into a silence, and the man’s words seemed to be correct.

Finally, the **** said: “I understand what they mean.”

This remark turned everyone’s attention to him. As a convening of all beings. Tenjin definitely occupies the strongest position among the dozen or so cultivators. It can be said to be the leader and has great prestige.

“The edge of the universe and the center of the universe are not much different for those superpowers. We can be found by them here, then they can also be found at the edge of the universe. And, compared to here Close to the center of the universe, the homeland of those superpowers, they still have some scruples about their own land. They can’t display those truly extinct weapons. And once we are on the edge of the universe, the situation is different. There, everything is the same as those of the superpowers. The big powers don’t matter. Even if they use weapons that destroy half of the universe, they don’t have any psychological burden. Our danger will only be greater.” Tenjin said.

This. Let everyone present be horrified. Or agree in person.

Obviously, some people didn’t think of this before, and some already knew it before.

“But. At the edge of the universe, there are more places to hide, maybe we can hide in the past…” The man was still reluctant and suggested.

“This is a little unreasonable.” Tenjin said lightly.

When the man heard it, he was blushing. As soon as he said this, he knew that it could not convince people at all, not even himself.

For superpowers, if they want to find anything, the location of the entire universe is different. For them, it is just to find the difference of difficulty. There is no place to find! There is no big difference between the edge of the universe and the center of the universe!

“So, let’s move on now? But, in this case, the intensity of the next attack we encounter may increase to a point where we can’t resist it. Casualties will almost certainly occur.” A woman frowned Road.

“Now the trouble is the trouble here.” Tenjin sighed, “Go ahead, this was originally a good choice, not only can those superpowers not only be able to cast their mouse taboos, but also can meet the same class of Celestial Immortal. It can enhance our own strength, but the danger is stronger. Compared with escape, the survival probability is only a little more.”

This problem can be seen by all the people present. At this time, the gods made a clear statement, and everyone at this time fell into silence.

The expressions on his face are a bit difficult to look at.

“Hee hee, it’s so funny, you actually got together.” Just then, a girl’s voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

Everyone’s face is slightly changed, their body strength is surging, and various special forces are filling this space.

The seventeen people are now in the spaceship of Tenjin.

This spaceship has undergone a dozen of transformations through various knowledge brought by these 17 people. It has been more concealed and more powerful than before, and the space inside is even wider than before. It’s a hundred times.

They are not weak spiritual practitioners. At the moment when the girl’s voice appeared, they naturally knew that this was by no means the voice of anyone in the scene! And for the bird that has become a startled bow, for the existence of the next wave of fear of the upcoming attack, the impact can be imagined.

After protecting themselves with all kinds of supernatural powers, they looked around just then to find the source of the sound.

I can only see that a figure of a mysterious palace is looming above their heads, and the voice is coming from that mysterious palace.

Compared to the Shentun in the Supreme God Earth, this temple is somewhat familiar, and for all the gods present, this temple is completely strange, with only an indescribable sacred, vast, and great Temperament accumulates in it.

Compared with being in the supreme **** earth, although this temple is also an obscure thing, it does not show all its mysteries. However, because the rule of law layer has not been transformed, it is still a naturally formed rule of law layer, but it has been able to bear its mystery slightly, and naturally it will reveal some of the mystery it possesses, so that all the practitioners present are practitioners. People only feel that every line of that temple is so mysterious, and contains the mystery of absolute truth. There is even a kind of taste that leads them to break through the absolute truth and enter a higher level.

For a time, everyone fell into silence. They just looked up blankly at the mysterious palace above. The look, the expression, was like a most devout believer is making a pilgrimage.

“Is there really such a mysterious palace in this world?” Tianshen murmured.

“Hello? Are you stupid?” The girl’s dissatisfied voice came from the temple.

Although I have seen it many times. But every time she encountered such a look, she was still unhappy. This sound is naturally mixed with a kind of cleansing mysterious meaning, and it is instantly like the same pot of cold water pouring down from the top of the head, making them all sober.

After everyone came back to God, they bowed to the mysterious palace and said, “We see the immortals! We can’t think of it now, and we also hope that the immortals will give directions!”

This kind of simplicity, this kind of decisiveness, let the girl, who is the creator of the **** Clone, could not help staying there for a while.

“What’s the matter? Shouldn’t it be like this? It shouldn’t be waiting for me to show my strong strength. After bringing you great shock. You will only be pleased to submit to me Wow, please help me? How can I meet and say the last sentence. Wow directly? Went in the middle? Why is it gone? What fun is this?!” This kind of angry voice came from the temple Spread out.

This makes this sound heard. The seventeen cultivator present couldn’t help but chew their cheeks. They suddenly regretted that they worshipped too fast…

In fact, the reason why they bowed so fast, so decisively. It is because they communicate with each other, so they have enough knowledge. As long as you see the structure of this temple, you will know that this existence is definitely a practitioner, and it is a practitioner who is far more powerful and powerful than them! Such practitioners are here at this time, and they are also instructing them in this way. Why did they come here, and where do they need to say more?

As for other cultivator, they can’t see the mystery of this temple. They need to wait until the girl shows her terrifying power before succumbing. That’s because they haven’t communicated with other cultivator, and they can’t immediately reflect what this temple contains. How high is the state of spiritual practice.

However, after hearing the girl say something like that, they suddenly felt like they were taking it for granted.

High spiritual practice does not mean that your mind is high…

“This…or, let’s do it again?” Tenjin looked around, no one spoke, so he could only ask with a scalp.

“Come again fart!” The Clone of Chuang Shen Tong was furious. It just coaxed himself like a child. Things have already happened. Does it mean to come again? !

“Get up! Too lazy to look at your annoying look.” After angry, she exclaimed very unwillingly.

Although Chuang Shen Tongzi is just a playful mind, he does not use much power, and he does not exert any momentum to oppress them, but Magical Weapon, which is an Daoist Venerable series, even if it is only Clone, also has incredible power. , That is almost inevitable.

In the Supreme God Land, because the rules and regulations have been transformed, such power is not fully exerted unconsciously, so it is not obvious.

But outside of this supreme **** earth, the rule of law layer is completely natural. This kind of power is not limited, and it can be exerted freely. The effect is really amazing!

So, as she said, the gods naturally felt a near-indestructible feeling born from the heart, and if they didn’t stand up, they might encounter incredible thoughts, flashing between their minds, This made them stand up.

After standing up, they looked at each other just then. The feeling of regretting kneeling too early before disappeared instantly. What appeared in my heart was a kind of luck.

“What kind of power is this…” The thought flashed between the mind and the mind of the gods, and said carefully: “We are now the front line of life and death, and we still hope that the immortal will give me direction.”

“I came here, of course, to give you guidance, isn’t this nonsense?!” Because the previous development is not the same as his own plan, Clone of Chuang Shen Tongzi is still somewhat dissatisfied at this time, shouting.

“Yes yes.” Tenjin and others can only answer.

“Forget it, being angry with you is pulling down my identity.” Seeing them obedient like this, Chuang Shen Tong was helpless for a while, so he could only say, “You know, there are now ten superpowers that have united Surround this area?”

These words made Tenjin and others look so changed.

The strongest attack they encountered before was only one or two superpowers combined with some higher powers to encircle and suppress them. Now they suddenly replaced 10 superpowers at once, so much more than double their strength? ! How could they not be surprised? !

“Why?” Such a sentence came out in the mouth of a cultivator without going straight through the brain.

When he said this, he changed his face. He knew he was stupid. He just wanted to apologize and found that the girl’s excited voice came from Right! That’s right! How can I accept my statement without any doubt? ! I always have to raise some doubts, some objections, and then I was beaten naked, and then I was ashamed, so guilty that I couldn’t see anyone. That would be interesting! “

The words made everyone’s face stiffen.

What a curious concept this is…

However, this is obviously impossible to say.

Just when they looked stiff, in front of them, the void changed, and a light and shadow appeared in front of them.

This is a cosmic sky. In the middle of this starry sky, a long-sword-like, looming spaceship is flying in one direction without any hassle.

And in this rather remote location, ten huge fleets in ten directions are slowly tightening!

From the structure of the ten fleets, everyone on the scene knew that each of these fleets was sent by different superpowers! (To be continued…)

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