Transcending the Great Desolation Chapter 1157: End

  Luo Fan was in a state of back and forth, and his body gradually disengaged from the body of the body **** son, and reappeared inside the little Immortal Cave he opened up before the two side-by-side portals.


   is directly separated from the process of continuing to realize all the experiences and realizations of the Body God Son, and simply returns to reality.


   “just then is really dangerous, almost this body has to fully enter the way of the body, and it is completely assimilated by the Son of the Body. It seems that in a short period of time, it is no longer possible to feel the experience and understanding of the Son of the Body. .” Luo Fan frowned at the portal in front, his face full of frustration.


  just then happened nothing else, it was the flesh and body of the Son of God in the course of his spiritual practice that naturally became the climate.


   This kind of climate makes the way of the body god’s flesh body unconsciously has already surpassed the Dao Fruit Great Dao he practiced, and began to naturally transform his flesh body, to let his flesh body start to break away His Dao Fruit Great Dao, directly into the road of the meat way!


   Such a method of breaking one’s self-cultivation and breaking the way of body may gain considerable benefits in a short period of time. One is very likely to allow Luo Fan to follow the path of the body **** child until the body **** child was cultivated. The highest realm is the level of the ninth step. Of course, this is calculated according to the situation that the Magical Abilities realm when the step is stepped on is still similar to the current situation. However, after reaching that level, if Luo Fan wants to make a breakthrough, it is equivalent to completely breaking the flesh body of the body **** son, which is equivalent to completely breaking the flesh body of the Standing Aloof body god. From the time he practiced to that level, he wanted to make a breakthrough, which is billions of times higher!


  Originally, the hope of breaking through after practicing one’s own way to that level is already extremely remote. If it is reduced by hundreds of millions of times, then it can obviously be regarded as an impossible category.


The reason for all this, that is, the reason why the flesh and blood can override the Dao Fruit Great Dao built by Luo Fan is not that the flesh and blood is more advanced and more subtle than Dao Fruit Great Dao. But it’s just because this meaty way is more complete than the Dao Fruit Great Dao repaired by Luo Fan! What Luo Fan obtained, the mystery of the way of flesh is higher than the Dao Fruit Great Dao he realized!


  After all, Luo Fan‘s own Dao Fruit Great Dao is still only at the level of Daoist Venerable Great Success, which is equivalent to the level of Peak Quasi-Saint Great Success. And what he is realizing is that the mystery of the body of the Son of God is already breaking through Peak Quasi-Saint Great Success and starting to step into Peak Quasi-Saint Peak.


  The realm is higher than this level. Even if Luo Fan thinks that his Dao Fruit Great Dao is far more advanced than the flesh and blood way, it can’t change the fact that this higher level of flesh and body way directly overrides Dao Fruit Great Dao.


   Therefore, it is only because of the way of the flesh and body that he began to counter-guests and began to actively change the body of Luo Fan. The situation occurred when his body was directly included in the road of the flesh and body.


   Looking at this portal in front, Luo Fan could not help but have! Planting Baoshan in front can’t take away the feeling of depression.


   Fortunately, after all, he was firm in his mind, and soon he had subdued his depression, turned around, and stepped up into the other of the two portals.


  , that is, the portal that represents the experience and realization of Heaven Soul Son.


   This portal is also a world behind it. If you invest in it, Luo Fan will also have its own feeling that Clone is the original Soul Son and experience everything that the Soul Son experienced.


   “Body God Son does not work, then try Sky Soul Son. Hope that Sky Soul Son’s memory will make me understand the key and achieve Daoist Venerable completion. At that time, I will be able to step into Body Soul Son’s memory again Among them, I once again realized his way of flesh and body.” When Luo Fan stepped into this portal, the thought that flashed between his mind and thought was such a thought.


The reason why    achieved Daoist Venerable‘s consummation and was able to step into the memory of Body Divine Son again, to understand all the experience and experience of Body Divine Son because, as long as he achieves Daoist Venerable fulfillment, his Dao Fruit Great Dao can be promoted to the level before him At the same level of the body **** son of the stopped memory, the way he practiced will naturally be able to completely resist the body **** son’s flesh and body way, which will allow him to absorb the necessary nutrients from it, so that his Dao Fruit Great Dao will be strengthened again. .


  Of course, this is only temporary. The way of the body god’s flesh and body exists until the ninth level. Unless he can continue to realize and continue to break through, otherwise, there will always be a moment when his own Dao Fruit Great Dao will not reach. To the level of the flesh and body, he could not bear it.


   This time, stepping into the portal of the memory world of Soul Son of this day, Luo Fan stayed for not too long, just about ten thousand years.


  When ten thousand years later, when Luo Fan stepped out of this portal and returned to the abundance of this little Immortal Cave, his Magical Abilities realm had already reached the end of Daoist Venerable Great Success, and it was able to reach only a trace of insignificance. Break the shackles and achieve the level of Daoist Venerable consummation.


   “Unfortunately, compared with the memory of the Body Divine Son, Sky Soul Son is really too broken, but it can’t make me push the limit and achieve Daoist Venerable‘s perfection.” Luo Fan‘s face looked rather helpless.


   These tens of thousands of years, what he realized, the memory of Heaven Soul Son is only part of it. After all, the Soul Spirit Road practiced by Heaven Soul Son is also a powerful way beyond imagination, and it is not much worse than the meat way. Since Luo Fan cannot withstand Peak Quasi-Saint Peak at the level of Daoist Venerable Great Success, it will naturally be unable to withstand the spirit of Peak Quasi-Saint Peak.


   sighed, Luo Fan stepped up and walked lightly, already out of this little Immortal Cave.


   Raised his hand gently, and the little Immortal Cave shrank directly in front of him, forming a small 3D Character Seal, which was directly included in Qiankun within sleeve.


  This little man, Immortal Cave, is just something he built with 3D Character Seal, and he wanted to build it again is just a simple matter. However, after all, it contains a lot of ingenuity, and there are memories of this body of God Son and Heaven Soul Son in it. If it is directly destroyed, it will be used again next time, and it has to be rebuilt, but it is Too much trouble, it is better to keep it directly, if you want to use it next time, directly expand it.


  Looking around, only to see that the place where he cultivated for Mud was still there, as if there was not much difference from it.


  Luo Fan calculated it a little bit, and knew that he had spent a few million years in the memory of the God of Body, but in fact, for reality, he spent only tens of thousands of years. Never mind. After all, the time in memory is completely controlled by Luo Fan himself. If he is willing, hundreds of millions of years can be equivalent to an instant, and if he is not willing, it can be amplified to billions of years.


   Therefore, the time experienced in the memory is almost completely irrelevant compared with the normal time. Not to mention that the time in millions of years is equivalent to tens of thousands of years, which is equivalent to the equivalent of billions in a moment. Years are taken for granted.


  Luo Fan‘s eyes penetrated the barriers he had arranged and saw Mu De directly.


   I can only see that Mu De is sitting cross-legged, but his mind is no longer in his body, but he has sunk into Gate of Space sometime in front of him.


  Looking at his Magical Abilities realm, unconsciously it has reached the Taiyi Pure Yang series. Although it is a little worse than the original, but every point belongs to him, all the merits caused by the Magical Abilities promotion At this moment, it seems that there is no general.


   “Yes, but they have been working very hard in recent years.” Luo Fan looked at it and couldn’t help being quite satisfied.


  Although he did not accept Mu De as a disciple, after all, he pointed to his practice, and there was a little bit of incense between each other, so he would naturally pay attention to his Magical Abilities progress.


  Mude was able to practice from tens of thousands of years to the realm like this now, directly achieving Taiyi Pure Yang, but the speed is faster, but it is a few points faster than Luo Fan expected. It is not possible for him to tap all his potential and devote himself wholeheartedly to it.


  His eyes slightly condensed along the connection between Mu De’s body and mind, and traced directly to the source. His mind penetrated through a heavy Space and Time barrier, and finally saw Mu De’s Clone in a certain Space and Time.


  At this moment, Mu Dezheng’s Clone is an Golden Immortal built by an ordinary person. There are dozens of others who are also celestial beings and are taking risks in a dangerous place.


   This dangerous place seems to be a Immortal Cave left after the fall of the Xiantian Great Principle repair. There are many prohibitions and countless traps, but at the same time, there are a large number of treasures and cultivation art in it.


   Obviously, at this moment, Mu De and his companions are doing the most common expeditions and treasure hunts in the practice world.


   Watching these people as nervous, cautious, and constantly raising their vigilance to the state of the most Peak, but when there is a little bit of wind and wind, they are terrified, and they reflect the situation that is extremely incompetent, Luo Fan Can not help but a little funny. Suddenly some thoughts in my heart didn’t exist before.


   “Although, the thoughts in my heart have come up, let’s see if you are unlucky, or your chances.” Thinking about it, his thoughts moved slightly, his will directly broke through the barriers of the heavy Space and Time, and directly came to that place Space and Time , Step directly into the Immortal Cave.


  The idea came, and he seemed to have come directly to this Immortal Cave. Looking down, the whole Immortal Cave, which seems to be a vast and vast cultivator in general, was included in his eyes.


  This Immortal Cave was developed in a Little Wide World. But this Little Wide World is not endless, but only hundreds of millions of square meters. Moreover, the area of ​​hundreds of millions of square meters is divided into five parts according to the five lines. Each part has a grand Taoist palace. Outside this palace, there are many strange creatures. Because of their long-term development, A new civilization has been formed, one by one surrounding these five Taoist palaces.


   And Mude they, while avoiding the pursuit of this civilization by their spirits, tried their best to explore the battle array of one of the five Taoist palaces, looking for the reality of this battle array, wanting to find a breakthrough This battle array method of entering the Tao Palace.


  Luo Fan thoughts swept through the Immortal Cave, and instantly grasped everything in it.


  The pioneer of Immortal Cave is just the repair of Xiantian Great Principle. This kind of existence is extremely powerful in the eyes of those exploratory cultivators at this time. The leaked power is enough to let them die without burial, but in Luo Fan It seems that as long as a thought is enough, it is enough to make him die without a burial place.


  Under such circumstances, he felt a little bit of consciousness. Among the entire Immortal Cave, the thoughts left by the Xiantian Great Principle cultivation and the forbidden laws left behind were completely erased by him in an instant.


  His thoughts were moved again, and everything in the whole Immortal Cave changed dramatically in an instant. The battle array of no matter if it is or the structure of Immortal Cave.


   Of course, these changes have reached the limit quickly, even those cultivator who are struggling to find the mystery of battle array and are fighting against the power of this Immortal Cave, cannot even perceive these changes. In their feelings, this whole Immortal Cave just twitched slightly, and nothing changed at all. And the change that trembles a little bit, it has happened for thousands of years since they stepped into this Immortal Cave, and naturally they can’t cause their concern.


   “This is barely plausible.” Luo Fan looked at the changed Immortal Cave, and a slight satisfaction appeared on the illusory face.


   At this time, the surface of the Immortal Cave does not seem to change at all, but the inside is already earthshaking. The five Taoist palaces were originally just buildings, but at this moment, they have become a small world. However, these small worlds do not have the function of the original buildings of Standing Aloof. They are also combined with each other according to the various characteristics of the buildings to form the complete Taoist palace. However, Weineng is more powerful than before, and the treasure contained in it has also been changed because of this change. It is also precious.


   And above these five palaces, there is an Space and Time that does not exist.


  This Space and Time is supported by these five Tao palaces. Although it is another Space and Time, it is actually formed by combining these five Tao palaces in a very strange way! If you look at it from another angle, the buildings in these five palaces are like colored dots, and the one Space and Time is like a landscape painting composed of these colored dots!


   These colored dots are of the same level as the landscape painting, of course, if the creatures of the same size as these colored dots, or even smaller than this colored dot, they will only see one There are only huge colored dots, but you can’t see the composition of these colored dots at all. That might be a landscape painting with amazing artistic value.


   The relationship between the many buildings inside these five palaces and the deeper hidden Space and Time is just like the relationship between colored dots and landscape painting. And Mude these cultivator, they are like those who are smaller than the colored dots and do not know how many times.


   was changed by Luo Fan. The whole Immortal Cave does not have the level of Standing Aloof Xiantian Great Principle, and it does not change Little Wide World to Intermediate Wide World or Great Wide World. The foundation of the entire Immortal Cave is still the same as before. However, its mysterious degree is already a world apart!


  If the repair of the Xiantian Great Principle that originally developed this Immortal Cave is still alive, it will certainly be shocked and inexplicable because of the appearance of this Immortal Cave at this time, and it will directly worship the Luo Fan that caused all this.


   This, the changes of Immortal Cave at this time, has almost tapped all the potential of this Little Wide World to the limit! It is already Peak to do everything Xiantian Great Principle can do!


  just, the Immortal Cave at this time, is already enough for all Xiantian Great Principle repairs to pay for all the worship in exchange.


  Luo Fan‘s idea moved slightly, and he stepped into the Space and Time that had just shaped me, and a virtual figure appeared in it.


   This Space and Time has nothing else, just an endless sea of ​​thunder.


  In this ocean, there are countless strange thunder creatures, living, fighting, and evolving the mysteries of the thunder way.


   The way of thunder is the way to practice the Xiantian Great Principle that left this Immortal Cave. Of course, it’s just the practice of Xiantian Great Principle. Although it’s the way to practice thunder, compared to Dao Fruit Great Dao of Luo Fan, compared to the flesh of God of Body, and even compared to the martial arts of the Emperor Wu, it’s not known. How much.


  If it is the way of thunder that was originally mastered according to the revision of Xiantian Great At this time this piece of thunder ocean is at most just a dead thunder lake, it is impossible to be like this time, it seems to be endless Thunder Ocean, and Life Qi is thriving, with Thunder Ocean that countless creatures evolved in it.


  Luo Fan is not here just to show his strength. He came here because his heart touched him, so he wanted to help Mude. Therefore, of course, it is impossible for him to directly hide the Xiantian Great Principle cultivation shallow bó’s Thunder Road in the depths of this Immortal Cave, but directly convert his own understanding and understanding of the Thunder Way into the Xiantian Great Principle cultivation The Thunder Way remains here in a similar way.


  Luo Fan said that the practice is Dao Fruit Great Dao, not the way of thunder, but Dao Fruit Great Dao is from his Worldview, which is all-inclusive, almost contains everything in the universe of the universe, and even barely The chaotic state should be included in the state before the chaotic state.


   Such Dao Fruit Great Dao is obviously also involved in the Thunder.


  While Luo Fan is the Magical Abilities realm at the end of Daoist Venerable Great Success, even if it is only slightly involved, the mystery of the Thunder Road contained in it must have been more mastered than that of a Xiantian Great Principle practice of the Thunder Road. Esoteric times are countless times.


  Because of this, at this moment, this place Space and Time just then has such a vast, such Life Qi thunderous ocean of existence. [This text is provided by Qihang Update Team @偶氏尊尊] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )


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