Transcendental Mechanic: Ninety four for help

  Rose armed employment footsteps staggered towards the direction of the bullet, all eroded by poison gas, and fell into a poisoned state. Only Dorothy possessed the martial arts physique, barely carried it, and rushed to the front.

  Han Xiao was not in a hurry, put on a shuttle penetrating bomb, and fired a shot. The sound of the gun seemed to have a steady sense of rhythm. The Rose Armament’s mercenaries were clicked one by one, and the bulletproof vest could not carry the shuttle penetrating bullet Through his various skill bonuses, a sniper rifle can shoot theoretical damage above 130 points. These ordinary mercenaries are about level 5 to level 8, with a blood volume of about 150, and they are dying with one shot, plus bleeding, burning and poison gas. No need for him to shoot a second shot at all, the killing efficiency is extremely high.

  He deliberately left Dorothy to the end, first cut off the helper of Dorothy, and the strongest stayed alone to deal with.

   killed the last ordinary mercenary, Dorothy finally rushed not far from him, picked up his modified submachine gun, and shot at him crazy.

   Han Xiao shook his head, and the bullets were all shot on the sand dunes, splashing pieces of sand.

  Dorothy ran and ran at the same time. When the magazine was empty, she finally came to Han Xiao, and a cruel expression suddenly appeared on her face.

  a sniper was approached by the martial artists, only one way to die!

  Dorothy can’t wait to smash Han Xiao’s head, just like she once did to others dozens of times.

   “Tiger axe!”

  Dorothy swayed one elbow like a big axe, rushed to Han Xiao’s head with a whisper of wind, she felt that this elbow could definitely knock out Han Xiao’s brain.

  The elbow hit fiercely, and Han Xiao suddenly slid back three meters like a loach.

   “Sliding Firing!”

  Han Xiao phantomly pulled out the two handle hawks pinned to the lower back, overloaded and bounced, bounced seven or eight rounds of penetrating bullets into the body of Dorothy in an instant.

  Dorothy screamed, but his eyes showed Zhang Kuang violently, withdrawing a shotgun from behind, blasting a scattered projectile, splitting his head and covering his face with Han Xiao.

   “The shotgun can exert its maximum lethality at this distance, no matter who you are!”

   Dorothy thoughts flashed away, but the next moment, she was shocked by the scene before her.

  The fish-scale armor covers Han Xiao’s upper body in an instant, and the shotgun hits the armor with bursts of sparkle. His current technology can already produce a Magnetistic Armor covering the body, with a larger area.

Are you stupid, I have armor!

   At the next moment, Han Xiao put all the bullets in the magazine into the body of Dorothy. Only when the martial arts reached Pan Kuang’s level could he barely carry the bullets with his body. Dorothy would be far from enough to eat large caliber bullet Power, falling down with blood sprayed, blood-stained eyes staring at Han Xiao, lips twitching, as if to say something.

   Bang! Han Xiao shattered the head of the brunette directly.

  Sniper melee is common sense, once Pan Kuang thought so, and then he died.

  [You have killed Dorothy (lv25), you gain 7500 experience. ]

  In the early stage, the sniper had long-distance suppression power, and it was very convenient to fight monsters, but only the great guild would be trained, because the cost of the sniper is too high, and the last sniper rifle is also tens of thousands. Caliber bullets are very expensive, and all the money they shoot is money, and the ordinary snipers do not have Han Xiao’s Magnetistic Scalable Armor, and they will be slammed when they are approached.

   Han Xiao turned over the body of Dorothy and found that the firearms used by Dorothy had traces of modification. From the technical point of view, Rose Armaments should have a mechanic with good technology.

   Kill all of these enemies. With more than 10,000 experience, the flames of poisonous explosives endure for a long time, and it will attract enemies in not long time.

  He recycles EMPjammer. Go back to the car and go away.

Not long after leaving, a group of Gordon mercenaries came to the scene and was shocked when they saw it.

   “This is Rose Armament’s.”

   “Who were they attacked by?”

  Gordon mercenaries were about to get off to check. Luo Qing, who came to support with the armed squad, also came to the scene, and at a glance saw the deadly companions and the Gordon mercenaries parked at the scene.


   The two sides have been in conflict for a long time. The enemies met with a red eye, and it was impossible to explain.

  Luo Qing did not hesitate, ordered the attack, and the Gordon mercenaries immediately counterattacked. A fierce fire suddenly occurred and the sound of gunshots exploded through the night sky.

   Soon, several other forces were also attracted. After seeing Rose Armaments and Gordon playing fiercely, wanting to come out unaware of the oriole behind, immediately joined the fire and the scene became a melee.

   After a while, several armed gangs far away also arrived at the scene. I haven’t figured out the situation yet. At first glance, everyone is fighting. I don’t know the difference between lively and salted fish. Team battle make trouble.

   Crackled and beat for the most part of the night, all the gangs had their losses, Mingjin withdrew their troops, and went back to their homes to lick the wounds. The last few forces even forgot why they started fighting and slipped away after the fight.

  Rose Armaments brought back twenty bodies, most of which had only one fatal wound caused by sniper bullet.

   “It seems that it was not Gordon but a sniper that attacked Dorothy,” Guihu said.

  Luo Qing looked gloomy, thinking secretly who was going to attack them. The Rose Armament’s enemies were in the Somal desert, and it should be Head-on Collision to fight. This one-person sneak attack scene reminded her of it more than two years ago. When the Chesrode family just released a reward for them, many killers came alone to deal with the Rose Armament’s scene.

   “Another killer who received a reward?” Luo Qing frowned. Rose Armaments has not been harassed by the killer for more than a year.

   After a lapse of more than a year, did you stun your head and forget the lesson?

  Dorothy‘s death is very seems to have been shot by people in close quarters, indicating that this time the sniper might have some melee ability.

   A petite woman walked over, wearing a greasy coat, said softly: “I found the rut that the killer left and went to the southeast. There are three forces in that direction, the most recent one is Farian Group Stronghold.”

   “Working hard, Su Li.”

  Su Li is an Rose Armament’s mechanic, responsible for the maintenance and modification of firearms, vehicles, and defense facilities.

   “I found the debris of the mine explosion at the scene. This is a premeditated trap. The shell of the mine is made of Farian Group. The killer’s foothold may be the base of Farian. I tried to restore the mine. The structure seems to be a new type of explosive bomb that has never been seen before, and the way of explosion should be related to gas.”

   Luo Qing narrowed her eyes. This time the killer seemed to be difficult to deal with, but she was not worried, dialed an encrypted phone, and contacted the backers.

   “Mr. Sistian, there was a killer hunting us, we lost a team of twenty people.”

   An old hoarse voice came out on the phone, “I will send someone to solve it.”

  Every time a killer appears, the funders behind Rose Armaments will send “professionals” to solve the killer, which is why Rose Armaments has let countless killers bury Sommar.

   is a killer who deals with killer professionals.

  PS: Thank you very much for the great rewards I once said, thank you old iron!

  PS: Thank you DZT for warding off evil spirits, I go to Aoao, Shuyou 111115111225336, Aimi Pig, 680557556z, Nine-Tailed Silver Meow, CyanSky, Shuyou 160824165547877, it’s not as good as you and me, 16341918!

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