Transcendent David Chapter 989: Rules

   David couldn’t help but feel fortunate that he didn’t use too much force when experimenting with the’Rule of Speed’. If that were the case, the damage to his body would be far from this.

   believes that under the action of the ‘power of the rules of speed’, the moment when the fallen leaves are still, his speed reaches the unimaginable extreme, only then will he see the fallen leaves completely still.

   would let him just reach out and grab the fallen leaves, and after writing two words on it, doing this usually very common thing would cause serious damage to his arm.

   In the moment of stillness, David’s body movement and any movement are all completed in that one-thousandth of a second in reality, which naturally causes a great load on the body.

   This’rule of speed’ is not an ability that can be mastered by ordinary legendary ranks. The battle angels are born to be a race of gods, and they are born to master the’rules of speed’, and only this race can withstand the’rules of speed’. Super load.

   David accidentally obtained the ‘speed rules’, even if he mastered the real ‘speed rules’, it still made him very difficult.

   This is the difference in racial talents. This is the reason why his bones are fighting angel bones. Otherwise, his bones will not be able to support them at first, causing the action to be broken in half and unable to continue because of the broken bones.

  Although the results of the experiment ‘speed rules’ are not ideal, this kind of power beyond understanding makes David’s eyes bright.

   He doesn’t care about the injury. No matter how serious the injury is, it is just a question of consuming the’immortality’.

   David cares about how the ‘speed rule’ is applied. In a short period of time, his brain has produced countless ways of applying the ‘speed rule’.

   “Master Arthur, the’Rule of Speed’ you got is different from any of the’Rule of Speed’ I have seen. This kind of understanding of the’Rule of Speed’ can be achieved by what kind of powerful existence?” Hei Longya Alexis said in an incredible tone.

   No wonder the black dragon Alexis was so surprised. When David was experimenting with the’Rule of Speed’, the black dragon Alexis didn’t find anything special, but afterwards he saw David retrieve the fallen leaves. , I found the words on the fallen leaves and understood what had just happened.

   Although the black dragon Alexis’s soul has not been fully recovered, the soul energy he can use has reached the lowest **** level standard, but even the trajectory of David’s movement cannot be found, which is somewhat unexpected .

   David thought of the battle in his soul space. Even if it was reduced to a remnant soul, the battle angel still overwhelmed the bald, brawny god. It can be seen how terrifying the battle angel was in his heyday.

  When he thought of the battle angel, the scene of the battle angel fighting appeared in his mind.

   The battle angel at that time had a pair of white wings behind him, but David also had white wings, and it was the white wings left by the battle angel.

   But David didn’t realize that the white wings had helped him much. Perhaps the white wings increased his speed and strengthened the connection between him and the bones of the fighting angel.

   But these benefits become insignificant as David’s strength grows, which makes him wonder why he is better than a battle angel, but also inspires the white feathered wings that seem to be cumbersome to him when fighting.

   Is it for the defensive power of the white feathers and wings to protect themselves in times of danger?

   David doesn’t think so. He doesn’t watch battle angels fighting much, but he knows that battle angels are not the kind of defensive gods. The fighting style of battle angels is offensive. At most, they continue to attack after dodge. .

  The effect of the white feathers and wings is probably that David hasn’t really noticed it. He feels like he is missing something.

   Thinking of this, the back of David’s artifact “Shadow Shadow” cracked, and a pair of white energy feather wings protruded from behind him.

   With the appearance of energy feather wings, a trace of ‘immortal vitality’ appeared, automatically healing David’s arm injury.

   David ignored the healing of the injury. He was engrossed in feeling the energy feather wings behind him. Unfortunately, no matter how he perceives him, he could not find out what the energy feather wings brought him differently.

  His gaze was placed on a fallen leaf that followed the wind, and his thoughts moved, inspiring the ‘rules of speed’ in the small world of soul space, and a trace of ‘rules of speed’ was produced.

   David moved the ‘power of speed rules’ out of the small world. Same as the previous experiment, the whole world was still, and the falling leaves stopped in the air.

   He didn’t do too much action, he still reached out and grabbed the fallen leaves exactly the same as the previous experiment, took out the quill pen and wrote the word’speed’ on it, and the’power of speed rules’ will just be consumed after writing. clean.

   He put the fallen leaves back where they were, and the ‘power of the speed rule’ was completely consumed, the world suddenly recovered, and the fallen leaves moved.

   David sensed his body and unexpectedly found that his arm was not damaged in any way.

   At this time, he finally knew the function of the white feather wings. When he activated the ‘Power of Speed ​​Regulation’, the white feather wings produced an extremely thin layer of energy that enveloped his body.

   is the extremely thin energy layer, so that his body is not damaged by the ‘power of speed regulation’.

   David still has too little understanding of the ‘rules of speed’, and he doesn’t even have a slight understanding of how energy feather wings can produce such effects, which makes him unable to find out the principle at all.

   He didn’t want to find out this principle either. He just needs to understand that when the battle angel spreads its wings during battle, it is not useless, but a manifestation of fully activating its own strength.

   David found the true function of the battle angel’s energy feather wings, and also allowed him to use the ‘speed rule’ in battle.

   Next, David continued to conduct many experiments on the ‘Rule of Speed’. He gradually increased the power when the ‘Rule of Velocity’ was activated, and found the maximum value of the energy feather wings to protect the body.

   I don’t know if David hasn’t fully controlled the energy feather wings, or for other reasons. When his power reaches the standard of a high-level fifth-level Templar, he has reached the limit of energy feather wings.

   If he uses greater force forcibly, the result is physical injury.

   The most unfortunate thing is that David’s most powerful attack method, the legendary talent ability,’Deadly Knife’, cannot be used in the’Speed ​​Rule’, because the power mobilized at the moment of’Deadly Knife’ exceeds To the extent of the legendary rank, under the’rule of speed’, he can suffer extremely heavy backlash and even death.

   After many experiments, he also found that when the ‘Power of Speed ​​Regulation’ is activated, only the direct actions of his body can be used, and neither the spirit of the body nor the power of the black dragon can be used.

   David is not dissatisfied with this flaw. This is the application of the rules, and it is already extremely fortunate to be able to display it on the body.

  Nathan is an ordinary planet. There is no surprise in the world of the gods. Agriculture occupies an extremely important position on this planet.

  In the main city of Nadun, the Crooks trainee knight woke up in the morning and found that no servants came, which made him extremely angry.

   Some time ago, the Supreme Council and the Temple enlisted knights to participate in the battle. The twelve knights in Nathan Star who had not been enlisted were all enlisted. Even the trainee knights who were not enlisted were also brought to the world by their mentors. went.

   There is only one knight in the main city of Nadun, the Crooks trainee knight, of course, if the trainee knight is also a knight.

  The mission of the Crooks Trainee Knight is to stay behind the castle in the main city and keep the main city safe.

   This task is very simple, because the main city of Nadun has very few nobles and has a population of only tens of thousands. The largest farmers on this planet live in many manors on the planet. The urban population is relatively large. less.

   In the main city of Nadun, even public security incidents rarely happen on weekdays. It is a completely agricultural planet without many commercial stars.

   Crooks trainee knight came out of the room. He wanted to scold the servant, but as soon as he got out of the room, he saw a corpse, the servant who served him.

   The servant’s body showed a strange twist, and the twisted posture was a strange pattern.

  The Crooks Trainee Knight was not afraid of the corpse, but he was shocked by the strange pattern of the corpse.

  Although the temple has been blocking news of Cthulhu, the Cthulhu sect, which has been circulating and active since ancient times, could not be so easily blocked.

   Crooks trainee knight knew that the weird pattern twisted out of the corpse was a sign of death.

   “Come on!” Crooks trainee knight shouted loudly.

   He yelled and returned to the room. He is not a formal knight, he has space items and can change clothes quickly.

   Tens of seconds later, the Crooks trainee knight rushed out wearing a knight armor and holding an epee.

  Crooks is an apprentice knight. He needs to get up early every day to exercise his basic skills, so he wakes up earlier than the rest.

   At this time, the sky outside hasn’t been fully bright, and the knights have also left, so most of the people did not get up, only a few servants who had tasks got up.

   The cry of the Crooks Trainee Knight alarmed the other people in his sleep, and there were screams from time to time throughout the castle.

   “It was murdered!”

   “It’s dead!”

   “Someone died here!”

   There were voices from time to time, which made the Crooks trainee knight even more flustered.

   But when he heard so many people alive, he breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, there was no massacre here, only some people were killed.

   What Crooks Trainee Knight didn’t know was that the main city of Nadun was like a random selection. More than two thousand people died. Some of these people were early risers, and some were sleeping.

   Every person who died was put on the mark of death, which added a hint of conspiracy to this incident.

   It’s not just the Nathan star. A large number of knights from the divine world are transferred to the battlefield. The number of knights who maintain the stability of the divine world is greatly reduced. As long as the number of knights is not enough to maintain order on the planet or city, massacres have occurred. event.

  In just one day, the story of the **** of death spread in various cities in the gods.

  Some people even spread that as long as they pray secretly to the **** of death, death will not come to them.

   Of course, this kind of news came out first, and it was suppressed by the nobles and knights. As long as any spreader was found, it would be strangled with blasphemy.

   But the planet that has been most affected and has the most deaths is also the planet with the least number of knights. Without the suppression of powerful force, news began to flood like a flood.

  The strange death occurred for the second time. This time some people discovered that as long as they prayed secretly once, they would not die.

   This has made more people believe in the role of prayer. Although the third and fourth deaths were very small, only on the scale of dozens of deaths, it was precisely this that made ordinary people more Believe that praying to the **** of death is useful.

   As long as they pray secretly without revealing anything publicly, in the eyes of these ordinary people, they can guarantee their safety without losing anything.

   But what these ordinary people don’t know is that when they prayed to the **** of death, they kept sliding down the abyss.

   Perhaps in the beginning, the impact of praying to the **** of death is so small that no one can find it, but after many prayers, there will be faith resonance. Usually these believers of faith resonance can’t see anything, but once When encountering’light magic,’ these believers will be judged as evil.

   The temple began to investigate the matter on the fifth day. Because the people who shot this time were very strong and were very familiar with the temple’s investigative methods, they never attacked nobles and knights, so the investigating priests sent by the temple did not get it. Any clues.

   This is not to say that the ability of the temple is not good ~ but a lot of manpower and material resources are invested in the war. At this time, the world of gods has never been so empty.

  Because there were no nobles and knights involved, the noble affairs office was not dispatched, and the temple only sent low-level priests to investigate.

   This also reflects the biggest problem of the gods in the big world, the lack of attention to ordinary people. If it is not the death **** involved, it is estimated that the death of ordinary people will only be dealt with by law enforcement officers on various planets, and it is impossible to alarm the temple at all.

   As the investigation was intensified, the middle and high-ranking priests intervened, and some clues also surfaced. Many Cthulhu believers organizations, including the most powerful ‘Doomsday’ organization, participated in this incident.

The temple of    even discovered that nobles participated in it, which provided these evil **** followers with convenience in action.

   When the initial investigation concluded, thirty days had passed since the incident. During these thirty days, the belief in the **** of death had been widely spread.

   In a short period of time, death: God not only snatched all the lost faith back, but also increased many times the previous faith.

  The death incident continues. Those who died are stubborn people who publicly stated that they will not believe in the death. These faithful believers who should be maintained by the temple and protected by the knights have lost their due due to the war. protection.


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