Transcendent David Chapter 986: Zerg

  The small world of David’s soul space, the second space coordinate of the “space coordinate pattern” has been recorded.

   No matter how far away he is, he can perceive this safe house 500 meters underground through this space coordinate.

   David’s mind did not leave the “space coordinate pattern”. He paid attention to the first spatial coordinate of the “space coordinate pattern”. That spatial coordinate was the original coordinate of the “space beetle” and was the only one that was solidified in The space coordinates in the’space coordinate pattern’.

   Since he made the decision, he didn’t hesitate anymore. After activating the first space coordinate, he felt that the “space coordinate pattern” began to absorb the space energy in his “space pattern”.

   probably absorbs half of the space energy in the ‘space pattern’, and the ‘space coordinate pattern’ is considered fully activated.

   The first solidified space coordinates appeared in front of David along with a piece of space energy, and first appeared the outline of a space wormhole.

   David frowned, and the space wormhole was obviously a little bigger. As soon as his mind moved, the outline of the space wormhole began to shrink, until the size he wanted to fit himself.

   He has a feeling that next time he uses the ‘Space Coordinates’ talent ability, it is estimated that he will not consume so much space energy.

   means that David has a ‘spatial pattern’ that can store spatial energy. Like the ‘spatial beetle’, it completely relies on that special body, and the energy flowing in its body is the spatial energy.

   David would like to thank him for obtaining the ‘Space Pattern’ before, otherwise he will activate the ‘Space Coordinates’ talent once, for fear that it will take many days to slowly absorb the energy of the space.

   The space energy in the space wormhole is flowing, and the strange space patterns are arranged and combined in a way unknown to him, forming the most wonderful space wormhole in the world.

  The space wormhole finally stabilized after a period of space energy agitation.

   David looked at the space wormhole in front of him, and he was very excited. This is the first space wormhole he created by himself, and he can create a wormhole for remote teleportation without external objects.

   He sensed the situation of the space wormhole. The stability of the space wormhole was related to his strength.

  The space wormhole created by the “Space Beetle” can only be used by the fifth-level Zerg. No matter how strong it is, it cannot be used.

   And David’s strength is Legendary, which makes the space wormhole he created is the highest for Legendary to enter and exit.

   David did not consider this issue anymore. The first thing he had to consider was whether the space opposite the wormhole was safe, and then he would consider the issue of entry and exit.

  If the other side of the space wormhole cannot exist, he doesn’t need to think about it any more.

   David transferred his mind to the soul of the ‘Assassin Mantis King’. After twelve days of recovery, the ‘Assassin Mantis King’’s soul has been restored for the most part, and his strength has been fully restored.

   This is also the strongest Legendary Tier that David can use. Although the’Blade Mantis King’ has stronger defensive power, its huge body cannot pass through the space wormhole.

  The shrinking talent ability can shrink the body, but when passing through the space wormhole, it is not calculated according to the shrinking body. The power of the rules contained in it will not be affected by special abilities.

   As for the black dragon Alexis, not to mention, God-level strength simply cannot pass through the space wormhole.

   David got acquainted with the body of the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’. He has experience in controlling the fourth-level ‘Assassin’s Mantis Puppet’, and he quickly got used to it.

   The dual blades of the “Assassin Mantis King” have been converging. During this period of time, the dual blades have reached the limit of the talent ability of the “Deadly Knife”. As long as the knife is released, it is a fatal blow.

   David will not test at will, he controls the “Assassin Mantis King” to the space wormhole.

   Without any obstruction, the “Assassin Mantis King” walked through the space wormhole, and when it reappeared, the surroundings had changed greatly.

   There are no large number of Zergs as imagined. This is an underground place. It is estimated that the ‘Space Beetle’ does not want to expose its safety coordinates.

   In fact, the dangers of the Zerg have always existed. When the Space Beetle set the safety coordinates, it took this danger into consideration.

   Even if it is of the same kind, the’Space Beetle’ also needs to pay attention. This safety coordinate is to return when needed, because the use of the’Space Coordinate’ talent ability requires too much space energy, and the’Space Beetle’ does not May think of this ability as a daily ability.

   So the ‘Space Beetle’ will only use the ‘Space Coordinate’ talent ability when it encounters danger and very important moments.

   When escaping from the danger, it is highly possible that it was severely injured and appeared as a severely injured body. If it appeared in front of the same clan, it could not guarantee that the same clan would swallow the injured it to enhance its own abilities.

   The safety coordinates of the ‘Space Beetle’ are located in a space quarry hidden by it.

  No other Zerg here knows that the ‘Space Beetle’ discovered this space stone mining area and immediately used its ability to seal it off and set it up as its own safety point.

   “Assassin Mantis King” is in the space quarry area, even if the world is separated, this kind of soul connection is not blocked at all.

   David looked at the space stones on the surrounding stone walls, and he couldn’t help showing his surprise.

  In the research of the Interstellar Federation, the resources of the Zerg world have long been exhausted, so the Zerg madly expands outwards and obtains the resources of the enhanced race by looting.

   But the space quarry in front of him broke David’s old concept. He had never seen a space quarry of this scale.

   As a precious ore, space stone is the main raw material for making space rings and other space objects. The currently known space stone mining area of ​​the Gods of the Great World has very small output, which can only be used by the distinguished.

   The Interstellar Federation also has space quarries, and the output is also extremely small, which is worse than the gods of the Great World.

   In order to make greater use of space stones, the Interstellar Federation uses advanced knowledge and technology to make small space stone fragments into a cubic space brace, which makes the space brace popularized in the Federation.

   David sighed in his heart, but he was very satisfied not to find other Zerg figures.

  He observed the surrounding situation through the eyes of the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’, where there was only one passage leading to the outside.

   “Assassin Mantis King” suppresses its own breath to an extremely weak level. This is also the instinct of “Assassin Mantis King”, which is enough to deceive the powerful people of the same legendary rank to make it impossible to detect.

   ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ walked to the passage, and the passage extended outwards. The faint light from the space stone made the passage not dark.

   Of course, even in a completely dark environment, the eyes of the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ can see things. The legendary ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ trained as an assassin can adapt to any harsh environment, let alone darkness.

   “Bonanza!” This is David’s thoughts after going all the way.

   The distribution of space stones here, you don’t need to look inside the mine, just look at the number of exposed space stones, you can judge the amount of space stones stored here.

   It’s reasonable for    ‘Space Beetle’ to treat this place as a secret security point. It is extremely important for any spatial talent.

  The rich spatial energy allows the ‘Space Beetle’ to return from a distant place with the ‘Space Coordinates’ talent ability, it can immediately absorb the spatial energy here to supplement its own consumption and quickly restore its own state.

   David controlled the Assassin and Mantis King for a long distance before he saw the entrance of the cave.

   It’s just that he didn’t dare to let the’Assassin Mantis King’ walk out of the cave entrance, because outside the cave entrance is nothingness, and the space blocked by a barrier can be vaguely seen.

   David didn’t think of where this place was for a while, but he was certain that the location here must be very special.

   He carefully controlled the spread of the spirit of the Assassin Mantis King. The spirit range of the Assassin Mantis King was only 5,000 meters. Probably, the Assassin Mantis King was not a legend with special souls, and it was because Before the’Assassin Mantis King’, the soul energy has not been fully recovered.

   A distance of only five kilometers is enough for David to explore. After a mental exploration, David understood the location of this space rock mining area.

   It seems that this is a stable space gap. Perhaps a huge space debris appeared here before, and then the space debris merged with the main world. During this integration process, this space gap will appear.

   This is a possibility, or someone with great power deliberately created this space gap, but this inference is unlikely. For this reason, the ‘Space Beetle’ would definitely not regard this as a safe point.

   But no matter what the possibility is, in this stable space gap, due to the sufficient innate space energy and the suitable space debris, this space quarry has appeared.

   This kind of space gap is placed here, and there is no space talent, or the life with space talent but not enough strength can not find the existence of the space gap.

   can only say that the luck of the ‘Space Beetle’ is too good. I found this stable space gap and the space quarry in the space gap. This made it my secret safety point.

  From David’s eyes, this is also a space coordinate point that is countless times better than his safe house 500 meters underground in Nagarmi.

   A prerequisite for a spatial talent is to exclude most of the creatures. In addition, the ‘Big Space Beetle’ discovered first and made some arrangements to make this space gap more concealed.

   David let out a long sigh of relief. The unexpected safety of the ‘spatial coordinates’ in the world of the Zerg made him full of confidence that the ontology came to the world of the Zerg.

   This ‘Space Coordinate’ was named by David the ‘Zerg World Security Point’. He took his mind back from the soul of the ‘Assassin Mantis King’ and returned to the main soul.

   David opened his eyes and stepped out without hesitation. Just when he was about to pass through the wormhole in space, he stopped.

   He perceives that many objects on his body and Alexis the black dragon are repelled by the space wormhole. If he dared to force through it, it is likely to cause the collapse of the space wormhole.

   The space pendant on David’s body and multiple spare super-large space rings are all repelled by the space wormhole. This kind of space objects with far exceeding ordinary capacity will pass through the space wormhole and will be incompatible with space rules.

   But he discovered a strange thing, that is, the ‘artifact space card’, which has the largest space in his body, did not feel repelled by the space wormhole.

   The black dragon Alexis didn’t explain anything to David. He was not good at spatial knowledge. In order to show god-level decency, he turned a blind eye to David’s doubts.

   David didn’t want the black dragon Alexis to explain, because he found out the reason through analysis and judgment through his own perception.

  The reason why the space wormhole rejects the powerful and the super-space items is because the space of the space wormhole itself is fragile and cannot be compatible with the intervention of the super-large space and the powerful.

  Once there is a large space item or a powerful person disturbing the energy of the space, the space wormhole will form a spatial turbulence after the large space item or the powerful person enters, and the space wormhole and the intruder will be destroyed.

   As the person who created the space wormhole, he can perceive the state of the space wormhole.

   As for why the ‘artifact space card’ did not make the space wormhole a sense of repulsion, the reason is probably the binding force of the ‘artifact space card’ to space.

   When making the “artifact space card”, the **** of death used his own understanding of the rules of space, and locked the space fragments in the “artifact space card” with the “space anchor stone” inside, without a trace of space energy. Give way.

   Space wormholes require detection rules, and the means of gods can fight against and deceive the rules. This is why the “artifact space card” clearly has two small worlds with extremely large spaces, but it still does not let the space worms The reason for the rejection of the hole ~ Every time you find the horror of the gods, David will be more vigilant, because death is his enemy.

   Since he saved the black dragon Alexis, he and the **** of death have become mortal enemies, and one day they need to face it.

   discovered the role of the’artifact space card’, David was relieved. He took several of his space items and the black dragon Alexis into the’dead space’ of the’artifact space card’ .

   Then he took the ‘artifact space card’ to the space wormhole. This time he did not perceive a trace of spatial repulsion, and he walked into the space wormhole.

   Just as David stepped out, after he appeared at the ‘Zerg World Safety Point’, various feelings appeared on him.

   First of all, there is a sense of suppression. David is not tolerated by the whole world. He is a legendary rank, which has been able to make the world rules pay attention.

   He finally understood why the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ had been hiding under the body of another fifth-level Zerg at the time. The feeling of being suppressed was really too uncomfortable. He could only display half of his strength.

   Only at this time did David discover the specialness of the Assassin Mantis King. After he resurrected the Assassin Mantis King and replaced the original soul with his own soul clone, the Assassin Mantis King was killed by two The world recognizes it.


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