Transcendent David Chapter 984: Harvest

   After ten minutes, the light long sword behind David finally reached its limit, and the power and spirit of the black dragon could no longer enter the blade.

  He has a feeling that if there is a legendary rank of the same in front of him at this time, he is confident that he will kill with one blow.

   David’s’Swordsmanship’ talent ability can also achieve this effect, but it is obvious that’Fatal Knife’ pays more attention to instantaneous bursts. The power of this blow is much stronger than the attack power of the’Swordsmanship’ talent ability. Times.

  The multiple depends on the weapon’s endurance. For the first time, David felt that his fifth-grade light sword was not enough.

  The fifth-grade light sword is already the strongest weapon of the knights of the gods of the Great World. I have never heard of a weapon that is more powerful than the fifth-grade light sword.

   is placed in the Star Federation, the fifth-level weapons is a legend. The Federation has no channels to obtain fifth-level materials. Perhaps in a long time ago, the Federation killed fifth-level or even god-level, but the remaining items are all In a department like the Academy, it will not become an outflow of weapons.

   David’s future enemies will no longer be level five, they will only be legendary or stronger demigods, or even gods.

   He patted the scabbard behind him, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

   Indeed, with the sharpness of David’s fifth-level light sword, it would be troublesome to kill the legendary zerg, because most of the power is spent on breaking the legendary zerg’s defenses. .

   Fortunately, although “Assassin Mantis King” is a legendary rank, it only reaches or exceeds the legendary rank in attack power, but at best it only enters the edge of the legendary rank in defense power.

   The body of ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ is too small, which makes its worm shell relatively thin. Even if the worm shell has the same defensive power as other legendary zergs, the real defense power is also quite different.

   This is the reason why David killed the Assassin Mantis King with a single sword after he was hit hard.

  ’s ‘swordsmanship’ talent ability only keeps David from failing. What really makes ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ deadly is the ‘Assassin’s own weak defense power.

   was easily broken open by the fifth-grade light sword, the defensive power of “Assassin and Mantis King” can be seen.

   David hesitated, whether he took off the two swords of the “Assassin Mantis King” and made a legendary weapon of his own.

   But as soon as this idea appeared, he threw it away. This is not to say that he does not want a legendary weapon of his own, but that even if all the dual swords of the Assassin Mantis King are consumed, it will be at most To build a short sword, it is not enough to build a legendary long sword.

   When the Zerg’s feet and limbs are on the Zerg’s body, it will be blessed by the Zerg’s own blood and energy and can exert a powerful force.

   After removing the feet and limbs from the Zerg, it loses the support of the Zerg’s blood and energy. If you want to forge the weapon, you need to reprocess it. During this process, the material will be continuously compressed and unwanted impurities will be discharged. .

   So the material needed to build a long sword is much more than the volume of the long sword, even three or four times more.

   And the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’ is naturally smaller, and there are fewer Legendary materials that can be extracted.

   Of course, if David wants to get materials from the 100-meter-tall “Blade Mantis King”, it is also possible, but the “Blade Mantis King” has become his clone and is still a legendary clone. How could he be possible? Dismantled his body to make weapons.

   “Forget it, just make the Assassin Mantis King into a body!” David muttered.

   David has a lot of experience with the smaller “Assassin Mantis”. The previous “Assassin Mantis Puppet” helped him a lot. This time, the “Assassin Mantis King” is even more legendary.

  Before making the clone, David absorbed forty-two five-level soul origins into his soul space. These fifth-level soul origins that have lost their intelligence, after entering the small world of his soul space, were One hundred and one soul clones assimilated and transformed into his new soul clones.

   Each additional soul clone increased David’s thinking speed a bit. Although the increase was not large, the forty-two soul clones also increased his thinking speed.

   David knew the importance of the fifth-level soul origin for a long time, but the fifth-level soul origin was too rare, and he couldn’t cause more slaughter in the great world of the gods.

   This time it was finally a huge harvest, making his soul clones reach 143.

   The origin of the legendary soul was also absorbed by David, but he did not count this legendary soul clone in his own soul clone, because this legendary soul clone would eventually be used.

  Resurrection of the “Assassin Mantis King” can be regarded as a familiar road. From using the “immortal life force” to repair the body of the “Assassin Mantis King”, and then activate the heart of the “Assassin Mantis King” through electric light, so that the “Assassin Mantis King” is truly alive. come.

   Finally, the soul clone that originally belonged to the’Assassin Mantis King’ was injected into the body of the worm. The soul clone entered the body of the’Assassin Mantis King’ and began to absorb the information from all parts of the body of the’Assassin Mantis King’ and reorganized it. A new soul.

   David has been watching the changes in the soul of the ‘Assassin’s Mantis King’. The legendary body contains this new soul, and a burst of soul energy is generated in the new soul.

   I believe that it will not take long for the soul of the Assassin Mantis King to return to its normal level.

   These are all in David’s expectation. Naturally, he is not concerned about these. What he is concerned about is whether the Assassin Mantis King restores his talent.

  , you must know that the “Assassin Mantis King” who has the talent of “Deadly Sword” and the “Assassin Mantis King” who does not have the “Deadly Sword” talent are two completely different combat powers.

  The Assassin Mantis King who uses the ‘Deadly Knife’ talent ability, as long as it is given a chance to sneak attack, there will be no life in the Legend Rank that can block the power of a blow, and even the demigod can be threatened.

   Under David’s nervous attention, on the two blades on the forelimbs of the Assassin Mantis King, a dark golden light flashed.

   Corresponding to the two blades, in the soul of the “Assassin Mantis King”, a pattern is slowly emerging.

   Perhaps for other legendary ranks, it is difficult to say whether they can have the talents of their predecessors after being resurrected, but for the’Assassin Mantis King’ who has dedicated his life to’lethal swords’, the talent of’lethal swords’ Ability has long been inscribed in its body, in its genes.

   David looked at the “fatal sword pattern” exactly the same as in the small world of his soul space, and smiled on his face. His luck was really good, “Blade Mantis King” and “Assassin Mantis King” ‘These two legendary zerg clones have regained their strongest combat talent.

   David collected the’Assassin Mantis King’ into the’Dead Space’ of the’Artifact Space Card’, and the’Blade Mantis King’ was also collected by him in that space, where there was enough space for them to accommodate. More importantly, the strength of the legendary rank will not cause trouble in that space.

   ‘Blade Mantis King’ learned the ability to shrink the body, which made the two Legendary Zerg clones actually do not take up much space, but David’s summoning space could not accommodate them.

   This is not a problem of the size of the summoning space, but a problem of the upper limit of the summoning space.’Blade Mantis King’ cannot converge its own power perfectly like the black dragon Alexis, and’Assassin Mantis King’ can converge breath. It is very strong, but it must normally stimulate the talent ability of’Fatal Swordsman’. Although the aura of that pair of blades has been reduced, it is not something that Summoning Space can bear.

   Just when he collected the “Blade Mantis King” and the “Assassin Mantis King” into the “Artifact Space Card”, he discovered the “Mind Brain Worm King” in the “Artifact Space Card”.

   At this time, the “Mind Brain Worm King” is a living corpse, the soul is annihilated, and only five levels of soul origin are assimilated by David.

   David looked at the’Mind Brain Worm King’, and he was hesitant to kill it, but he thought of the solidified space coordinates in the’Space Coordinates’ talent ability. The’Mind Brain Worm King’ might still be useful. .

   It is a pity that he put the fifth-level soul clone that originally belonged to the ‘Mind Brain Worm King’ into the body of the ‘Mind Brain Worm King’. This is the soul and body of the same origin, and they soon merged together.

   David just wants to try the’Mind Brain Worm King’.’Mind Brain Worm King’ is a rare pure mental talent Zerg. As long as he can restore a mental talent ability to the’Mind Brain Worm King’, he It feels like making a profit.

   But soon he was a little dumbfounded to perceive the soul of the’Mind Brain Worm King’, the soul of the’Mind Brain Worm King’ crazy absorbing the energy of the body and surroundings, and transforming it into soul energy, this seems to be a kind of body Instinct.

   Then, in the soul space of the ‘Mind Brain Worm King’, patterns appeared one after another. This is where David wanted to restore a kind of spiritual talent ability, but like a wholesale spiritual talent ability.

   ‘bewitching’, ‘hypnosis’, ‘spiritual barrier’, ‘mental enhancement’, and ‘soul puppet’. After these patterns appeared, David checked them one by one.

  , the three spiritual abilities of ‘bewitching’, ‘hypnosis’ and ‘mental enhancement’ need not be said, David himself has mastered the same kind of natural abilities.

   ‘Mind Barrier’ is a hidden ability that uses the power of the mind to build a barrier that can hide all breath. David’s inability to perceive killing intent is the function of this talent.

   This ‘spiritual barrier’ ability is what makes David the most eye-catching that it can act on other people, making it possible for any designated target within the spiritual range to have the ‘spiritual barrier’ effect.

  ’Soul Puppet’ is the ability to make puppets. Some are like the’Assassin Mantis Puppet’ and the’Sonic Boom Iron Beetle’ made by David at first, but he made the puppet to resurrect the corpse, and the’Mind Brain Worm King’ ‘Is to directly make living beings into their own puppets through soul control.

   David’s operations were all completed in the ‘dead space’, and he also kept the ‘Mind Brain Worm King’ in the ‘dead space’.

   He did not resurrect the other fifth-level zergs. Compared with the fighting power of the fifth-level zerg, he hopes to keep the fifth-level soul clone in his small world of soul space to help him improve his thinking speed.

  After finishing this, David was finally able to rest. He returned to the bedroom, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

   Don’t look at his condition, it seems to be okay, long-term life-and-death battles, especially the experience of near-death, can make people extremely tired.

   While David was resting, the Guardian ushered in the second batch of knights. These were all re-enlisted knights. Except for the five hundred four-level sky knights, the rest were second and third-level knights.

  The second and third rank knights arrived at 20,000, and immediately took over the defense task of guarding the surface of the star.

   The guardian star was occupied by the Zerg before. After a few days, some worm eggs began to hatch and the larvae began to destroy the planet.

   After the arrival of these knights, the main task is to establish safe areas with the interstellar federation defensive weapon systems as the core, and clean up the larvae with these safe areas as the center.

   And with these knights, the guardian star is no longer unable to face the Zerg invasion as before, and a small number of Zergs can no longer cause serious damage.

   As for the fourth-level sky knights, they will take over the patrol work of the Templars. To be honest, it is too extravagant to let the Templars conduct daily patrols. When the war is tense, there is no way. Now naturally it is the fourth-level Instead, the Sky Knight.

  The Interstellar Federation also adjusts its operational planning based on the battlefield, especially Speaker Gould, an important leader of the divine world, where some military deployments can be more easily coordinated.

  After several hours of Great World of Gods agreed to the interstellar federation’s proposal to deploy a military battlestar.

   As a fortress for the federal military to defend fixed targets, it has unique advantages in defense. More defensive weapons, more convenient deployment of troops, and more ammunition reserves can make the federal military’s defense cost. Greatly reduced.

   A transport ship with a large number of Battlestar assemblies and engineers enters the divine world and builds the first Battlestar in space.

   Neither the Star Federation nor the Gods of the Great World think they can end this war in a short time, so both sides have begun preparations for a protracted war.

   After the Templars in space were replaced, they moved into their respective tents. The portals even sent the Templar attendants to make it more comfortable for the Templars to go.

  After the Templars had time to rest, news about Lord Arthur also spread from the Templars.

   The knights’ passion for worshiping Lord Arthur of the “Invincible Knight” had not ended, and it was heard that Lord Arthur had broken through the master-level ‘swordsmanship’ and pushed the ‘swordsmanship’ to a new realm.

  Different from the Star Federation, the knights of the gods of the Great World all use long swords, and they have a special feeling for swords. The ‘swordsmanship’ beyond the master level makes the knight’s worship of Lord Arthur rise to a higher level.


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