Transcendent David Chapter 980: Charge

  The distance of one thousand kilometers is not long for the insect infestation. The insect infestation itself has the effect of engulfing the flight. Even the Zerg who flies slowly during the week will passively accelerate in the insect infestation.

   In space, the Interstellar Federation fleet has no retreat. Their task is to defend the guard star. Retreating is not only to give up the guard star, but also to give up the border of the gods.

  If the guardian star is lost, the guardian star will become a stronghold of the Zerg, and new Zerg will multiply here.

   By guarding the stars, the Zerg can threaten the space defenses of the nearby battle stars. Once the ‘doomsday defense’ composed of ten artificial planets is captured, the Interstellar Federation will lose the most important line of defense against the battle stars.

   At that time, it was not a security issue of the great world of God, and the war zone of the Interstellar Federation would also be caught in this war.

  Admiral Francis knew this very well, and he kept issuing orders on the command light curtain.

   Inside the Federal Warship, the harsh sirens made every Federal soldier’s nerves tense.

  A space fighter flew out, especially a few aircraft carriers flew out of a huge space fighter fleet that is difficult to calculate.

   David was on the battlefield. He saw a battlefield scene he had never seen before.

   Behind him, the insect tide consumes the attack energy of the main gun with its life, charging forward quickly, and groups of space fighters in front of him are quickly approaching.

   David’s location was about 600 kilometers away from the Federal Fleet. The first group of space fighters flew up to 600 kilometers, and he could see the Union soldiers in the several space fighters that were close to him.

  The federal soldiers saluted him. This is a salute to the hero. David used his own power to delay the worm tide for such a long time and consume a lot of Zerg vitality.

   David gave a knightly ceremony while flying, his gaze looked at the missile mounted under the space fighter.

   600 kilometers away, all the space fighters fired all the mounted missiles, and the missiles with tail flames accelerated towards the frontal worm tide.

   The space fighters turned their noses and returned, and then the second group of space fighters arrived and continued the attack.

  Insect tide also has long-range attacks. Missiles are disintegrated in the air by various kinds of electric light, flame, frost and other energy attacks, and some long-range attacks land on space fighters.

   These weakly defensive space fighters, as long as they are hit by any Zerg long-range attack, the result is a direct explosion.

   But the horror of the federal army really manifested at this time. The discipline of the federal army is incomparable to the gods of the great world. These knights of the gods of the great world can only be regarded as ordinary federal soldiers, but Relying on advanced weapons to issue attacks far beyond imagination.

  Death can’t stop the space fighters from performing their missions. Even if they know that the bombing distance is dangerous, they still use their lives as the cost to launch attacks again and again in order to be able to stop the insect infestation.

   Although many missiles were destroyed by the Zerg with long-range attacks, more missiles fell into the worm tide.

  The krypton powder bomb, which is banned in the Federation, has become the main weapon in this kind of war. Each krypton powder bomb can be weak within a range of several thousand meters. The Zerg is destroyed directly.

   Of course, the Federation did not intend to use the ‘krypton crystal powder bomb’ to stop the insect infestation. The function of the ‘krypton crystal powder bomb’ is to eliminate the low-level zerg from the insect infestation.

  The real scary thing about insect infestation is the number. Once the number of zergs decreases, the threat of insect infestation will be much smaller.

   Batches of space fighters flew out like a steady stream, but David knew that space fighter attacks could not maintain this saturation.

   Not to mention the destroyed space fighters. These returning space fighters also need time to reload the missiles. The time required to reload the missiles is not enough for the attack to continue.

The speed of    worm tide has weakened slightly, but it continues to move forward.

   Every time the worm tide advances a little distance, it is accompanied by huge casualties of the Zerg and the Interstellar Federation. The zergs of the third level and below in the worm tide are destroyed by the’krypton powder bomb’, and their counterattack also destroys a large number of space fighters .

  Many space fighters just shoot out the missiles and are hit by the Zerg’s long-range attack.

   David did not intervene in the battle. He needs to maintain respect for the Interstellar Federation and for the Federation soldiers in the space fighter. This is the way the Federation fights, and it is like this on Battle Star.

  The federation can become an alliance of the divine world. Although the power of space weapons is very important, the federation’s discipline without fear of sacrifice is also extremely important.

  In the battle star, the Federation soldiers used their lives to block the Zerg’s offensive in battles. They have lower combat power than the Zergs, but they are dozens of times their own Zergs. repel.

  The number of space fighters is decreasing, and the returning space fighters did not continue to return to the battlefield.

   When they reached three hundred kilometers, all the warships of the Federal Fleet fired off attack missiles. In a short time, numerous missiles flew out of the Federal Fleet.

   In David’s sight, he even felt that half of the space was covered by missiles at this moment. This is the ultimate space war that mankind can achieve.

   At this distance, the space fighter’s attack is no longer needed, and the attack missile of the warship itself can launch a more violent attack.

  The worm wave also broke out a series of long-range special energy attacks at this time. The Zerg used various methods to prevent these attacking missiles from approaching.

   Everyone can see that the number of attack missiles in this batch is many times stronger than the attacks launched by space fighters, and the threat it poses is greater.

   One by one attack missile was hit by the Zerg’s long-range special energy in the air, and the propelling compartment of the attack missile exploded. The explosion caused was extremely weak and could not affect the flight of the other attack missiles.

   The Star Federation’s research on krypton powder has already reached its peak. It is impossible for krypton powder to explode without special excitation, which can ensure that the attacking missiles will not affect each other when they attack in large numbers.

The number of    attack missiles is too much. Even if the worms are fully defensive, most of the attack missiles fall into the worms.

  In the worm tide, an explosion occurred at the same time, and the horrible rays of light joined together, covering almost all of the airspace behind David.

  The worm tide is like being cut with a knife. The worm tide at the front end is instantly emptied. Only a small number of injured fourth-level zergs are left. Most of the remaining low-level zergs are gasified, and a small part of the remaining limbs float In space.

   If you look closely at these injured Tier 4 Zergs, you will find that these are Tier 4 Zergs that are good at defense. The remaining Tier 4 Zergs are also unable to survive under the cover of this sudden attack missile.

   It’s just that this is not an equal number of wars. If the numbers of both sides are the same, without the help of the knights of the divine world, the Interstellar Federation can easily kill the same number of Zerg with its powerful space combat power. In the distance.

   War has never been fair. The Zerg possesses a more powerful individual combat power than the Interstellar Federation, and has a large to terrifying number, which makes the powerful attacking effect of the Interstellar Federation extremely limited.

The attack of the    attack missile only affected the worm tide for a very short time, and the subsequent worm tide continued to advance.

  The attack missiles of the Federal Fleet flew towards the worms in batches, each time they could achieve impressive results, but they still couldn’t stop the worms from approaching.

   Two hundred kilometers, one hundred kilometers, and fifty kilometers. At this distance, the Federal Fleet no longer uses attack missiles, but instead uses defensive missiles. The consumption of attack missiles just now is a bit serious.

   David knows that once the Federal warship uses defensive missiles, it means that the warship is in extreme danger.

  Because of the attack distance of the defense missile, it is already a signal that the warship is about to be close.

  The hatches of the Federal warship opened, and armored men wearing outer space exoskeleton armor appeared one by one, standing in front of their respective warships holding weapons of various grades.

   These armored soldiers will be the last barrier of the battleship, even if the strength of these armored soldiers is difficult to damage most of the Zerg in the insect tide, they will still stand up.

   David shook his head. If he retreats again, he is afraid that it will cause heavy losses to the Federal Fleet.

   He knows one thing very well. These Zergs just guard the stars and regard the Federal Fleet as the second target. The Zerg’s first target is him.

   David has an ‘Imperial Inheritance Pattern’ on his body. Even if he knows he is invincible, the Zerg will attack him first.

   Of course, David doesn’t know one thing. His breath has been included in the inheritance genes of the Zerg. As long as he does not die, he is the deadly enemy of any Zerg.

   David was at a distance of ten kilometers from the Federal Fleet. At this location, fifty-two fifth-tier Templar knights could be seen.

   “My knight, join me in battle!” David used the power of the blood that was not left in the heart sea space, and shouted to the thirteen fifth-level Templar knights five kilometers away.

  In the space, the power of blood let the sound spread out, and even the soldiers behind him heard David’s voice.

   “War!” The thirteen fifth-level Templar knights yelled at the same time. Under the agitation of the blood, everyone who heard them felt blood tumbling.

  Before the other fifth-level Templars hadn’t reacted yet, the thirteen fifth-level Templars who belonged to Lord Arthur, whether they were Lord Harlow or the rest of the Templars, had no hesitation. Run towards David.

   Thirteen fifth-level Templar knights and David formed a small knight battle formation.

   David did not want other Templars to participate, because of his own reasons, if other Templars join this knights battle formation, it will affect his manipulation of the knight battle formation.

   You must know that David doesn’t have blood power, but the thirteen fifth-level Templars who joined the knight battle are all his clones, and he can naturally mobilize their blood power at will.

   It is precisely because the thirteen fifth-level Templars are all his clones, which makes their cooperation impeccable, and the power is naturally not comparable to other Templars.

   “Charge!” David swung his fifth-grade light sword and turned around.

   “Lord Arthur, don’t be impulsive!” Speaker Gould’s voice came from David’s identity bracelet.

   Speaker Gould is very aware of the injuries suffered by Lord Arthur, the terrifying cut, even if you only see it from the command light screen, you can feel the terrible blow.

   Speaker Gould didn’t know how Lord Arthur blocked the blow, but he was sure that Lord Arthur was seriously injured.

   At this time, Lord Arthur rushed towards the worm with his Templar, how could this not make him worry.

   “President Gould, you let the other Templars guard the line of defense. There are a lot of Zergs in this batch. I will clean it up!” David replied with a big smile.

   Speaker Gould was a little helpless, he couldn’t persuade Lord Arthur, he could only order other Templar knights who wanted to act to stay where they were.

   “Mark the location of Lord Arthur. I don’t want any missile to hit Lord Arthur with one attack!” Admiral Francis also ordered the Federal Fleet.

   Speaker Gould and Admiral Francis both saw that when Lord Arthur launched a charge and rushed into the worm, the worm stopped advancing and turned Lord Arthur as the target.

   Until this time, the leaders of the two worlds, as well as the Templars and the Union soldiers present, understood the reason for the attack by Lord Arthur.

   Lord Arthur did not want to let the worms come into contact with the Federal Warships, causing huge losses to the Federal Fleet, and used himself to cover the Federal Warships to attack.

   What kind of spirit is this? Everyone on the battlefield feels the greatness of this spirit.

   Self-sacrifice is manifested in ordinary soldiers, which is not obvious, but it is manifested in a strong man who is so strong that the gods and the world respects him as an “invincible knight” It seems special. Attention.

   This is not to deny the sacrifice of ordinary soldiers, but with the existence of Lord Arthur, no one can force him to order him, what he did is what he wanted to do in his heart.

   “Turn on the guard star defense system and launch all the ammunition in stock!” Admiral Francis continued to order.

The guardian star has deployed countless defensive weapons in a few days. These weapons aimed at space have already covered the insect tide within the attack range.

   Originally, the Interstellar Federation was prepared to sacrifice a part of the warships to drag the worms, and then stimulate the defense system guarding the stars. This is also the worst plan.

   It’s just that Lord Arthur stood up in time to prevent the worst from happening, and the guardian star can launch a fierce attack in the safest state.

   After the guardian star is connected with the supply line of the interstellar federation, the most replenishment is to enhance the guarding star’s defensive ability, and the interstellar federation has invested astronomical armaments.

  The ancient planet guardian star turned into a military fortress of the Confederation. Various energy cannons and defensive missiles were launched into the sky. Under the order of General Francis, the logistics part of the guard star was fully operational and sent all the ammunition in the warehouse To the defensive system.

  The Guardian joined this full-scale counterattack battle, which greatly increased the attacks that the insects could withstand.


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