Transcendent David Chapter 977: Reef

   David flew back to a position 10,000 kilometers away from the fleet and returned to the back of the’Silver Pterodactyl’. He did not continue to escape.

   “Admiral Francis, request firepower!” David said to Admiral Francis through his identity bracelet.

  When applying for fire support from Admiral Francis, David felt a strange feeling in his heart. He seemed to have returned to the battle star again, back to the days when he was a federal soldier and fought with the Zerg.

   “Lord Arthur, please don’t move easily, the long-range fire strike will arrive in ten seconds!” Admiral Francis had been observing through the individual reconnaissance equipment, and replied at this time.

  Detection of individual reconnaissance equipment showed that dense red dots in the distance were moving fast.

  From the remaining detectors in the front, it can be judged that the worm wave arrived six hours ago and did not arrive until this time. Needless to say, Lord Arthur alone dragged the worm wave.

   Don’t underestimate these six hours. It took the federal army to expand the detector to a distance of six kilometers.

   David counted down the time. When ten seconds came, beams of light shot from behind, blasting toward the worms that were rapidly approaching him.

  He is sitting on the body of the’Silver Pterodactyl’, and in front of him is the individual reconnaissance equipment. The attacks of the Federal Warship are all guided by this small reconnaissance equipment. The rest of the reconnaissance devices are in the last battle. Was destroyed.

   The longer David persists here, the longer the strike time he can bring to the Federal Warship.

   In fact, this is also a unique attempt. It uses powerful god-general knights to protect the scouts as the eyes of the Federation warships, allowing the Federation warships to attack the Zerg from a safe distance.

   You must know that any fourth-tier Zerg is a devastating blow to ordinary warships as long as they get close.

   Once a Tier 4 Zerg approaches a battleship, the only way for the fleet to respond is to sacrifice the battleship.

  Federation warships cannot fight close combat with powerful Zerg, especially if the worms cannot be brought close to the fleet, it will bring disaster to the Federation fleet.

   David has no fear of the terrifying light beams coming from behind him. He can clearly perceive that none of these light beams will hit him.

   Of course, his confidence is not for this reason, and he will not put his own safety in the calculation of the battleship, although the probability of error in the intelligent system on the battleship is very low.

   David’s confidence is his defense. The legendary physique plus the artifact “Shadow Shadow”, coupled with the double protection of the black knight armor, made him fearless of these main gun energy beams.

   Even if there is an error in the intelligent system, and he is listed as the target of attack, he can rely on his own strong sense of danger to avoid the attack of the long-range main gun.

   These main guns attack from thousands of kilometers away. For the legendary David who has mastered the ‘speed rules’, every main gun energy beam is clear and can be predicted in advance.

  The worm tide came after David. They were completely crazy, and the Zerg god-level consciousness did not care at all costs.

   Actually, in the previous battle, David didn’t rely on the black dragon Alexis, but only borrowed the legendary “Blade Mantis King” and escaped. What I really want to thank is that he himself had fifteen fifth-level Zerg first. Kill in one step.

   This time, the Zerg sent 30 fifth-level zergs, 15 left behind at the space gate, and the other fifteen were distributed among the worms. In the battle to siege David, there were no fifth-level zergs near the battlefield. More than five.

   This prevents the fifth-level Zerg from causing too much harm to David, nor can it block the impact of the “Blade Mantis King”.

The attack of    the battleship’s main gun collided with the insect tide. The terrifying energy beam directly vaporized several zergs in contact with it, and then continued to extend into the insect tide until it penetrated dozens of layers of the insect tide. It weakened its power and was blocked by the Zerg.

   This is still a main gun energy beam, and more main gun energy beams continue to attack.

  The main guns of the Federal Warships have a corresponding interval time for each launch. No matter how perfect the fleet cooperates, it will not be able to maintain full firepower coverage when faced with a huge number of insects.

   Just like the previous worm attacks, the Federation warships can only consume the worms by space distance and cannot seal the worms above a certain distance.

  Insect tide is not afraid of life and death. They are attacked by the energy beam of the main cannon, constantly narrowing the distance.

   Actually, the federal military didn’t want David to be able to hold on for long, because David’s position was 10,000 kilometers away, and there was no more detective support behind him. As long as he moved, he would be able to detect alone. The data of the equipment needs to be recalculated. No matter how short this calculation takes, it will also affect the attack frequency of the fleet.

  The worm tide hit David, and he had to move, and the individual reconnaissance equipment also moved with it. Then, at a distance of at least 10,000 kilometers to 6,000 kilometers, the Federal Fleet could no longer give the worm tide saturation. attack.

   David naturally understands this. He is like the only eye of the Federal Fleet in this position. He is ready for battle. Behind him, the six artifacts “Chain of Death” are flying, and he is holding a five-level shield and Five-level light swords are held separately.

  The advancing speed of the worm wave is still very fast. Against the attack of the main guns of the Federal warship, the worm wave continued to charge forward and quickly approached David.

   “Alexis, you are responsible for bringing all the souls here!” David looked at the zerg being vaporized in space, and ordered the black dragon Alexis.

   He has no worries about the approaching insect infestation. As long as he is not surrounded by the zergs, he has no fear of these zergs.

  With the support of the main artillery of the Federal Fleet, the Zerg could not surround him at all.

   And the Federal Fleet’s attack also caused the Zerg’s loss very quickly, not even worse than his achievements in opening the “Blade Realm”.

   The black dragon Alexis used David to say that it is impossible for him to let go of these souls. All the nearby souls are drawn over. These are the energy of his soul recovery.

   Shadow Servant is also busy absorbing souls, but obviously its work has been reduced a lot. As long as it stays by David’s side, those souls will continue to flow in.

   “Lord Arthur, if you can’t resist it, you will immediately retreat. We have more than fifty Templars here, enough to form a line of defense!” Speaker Gould looked at the raging worms and couldn’t help but persuade Tao.

   Don’t talk about Lord Arthur who is 10,000 kilometers away. Speaker Gould is in the basement command room of the guard star. Seeing the picture returned from the individual reconnaissance equipment, he has a tingling scalp.

   Speaker Gould could not imagine how Lord Arthur had dragged the worm infestation for six hours before.

   “Speaker Gould, I will be careful!” David replied with a smile.

   At this time, the first Zerg approaching him was stabbing him with his limbs, and at the same time, the mouth of the fourth-level Zerg sprayed out a hot flame.

   David’s thoughts moved, and a divine tool “Death Chain” hit the flame, and the flame was instantly dissipated. The “Death Chain” continued to stretch out, penetrating the body of the fourth-level Zerg.

   He didn’t abandon the corpse of the fourth-level zerg either, because it was too time-consuming, and more zergs have come back.

   David’s spirit swept over, and the corpse of the fourth-level zerg was taken into the space pendant by him, and the vacant artifact “Death Chain” continued to attack the next zerg.

   The six artifacts ‘The Chain of Death’ is David’s first barrier, and the power of the artifact shows its terrifying attack effect in battle.

   Even without using the restraint effect of the artifact ‘Reaper’s Chain’, this attack power alone can display the strength of the Legendary David.

   The magical tool “The Chain of Death” is like six giant snakes with life, penetrating the neighboring Zergs one by one. Whether it is an energy attack such as frost, flame or poison, it will dissipate as long as it comes in contact with the “Chain of Death”. s consequence.

   Of course, with the turbulent worm tide, the six artifacts “Chains of Death” can’t be taken care of, but the Zerg who can be blocked by the six artifacts of “Chains of Death” will face the fifth grade light length in David’s hands. sword.

   David in combat, the master-level “Knight Inheritance of Swordsmanship”, under the influence of the “Rule of Speed” and “Rule of Power”, any Zerg appearing in front of him is just a one-shot kill.

   David is like a rock on the seashore, no matter how turbulent the worm tide is, he can break it into pieces.

  With him absorbing the insect tide, what the 10,000-kilometer Federal Fleet has to do is to make good use of every opportunity of the main artillery attack to kill as many insects as possible.

  The worm tide was also in trouble. They wanted to encircle David, but during the bombardment of the main artillery, their encirclement was broken up again and again.

   “Let all the reserve fleet join the battle!” Admiral Francis did not care about retaining the strength of the reserve team at this time, he ordered loudly.

   is such a good opportunity to wipe out a large number of Zerg, if Admiral Francis does not make full use of it, he will not be a qualified fleet commander.

   Under normal circumstances, the reserve fleet is a rotation echelon prepared to prevent prolonged battles and make the participating warships fatigued.

  The main guns of the Federal Warships need to rest after attacking for a period of time. Soldiers participating in the war also need to recover from fatigue and maintain a reserve fleet to keep the fleet in a long-term attack state.

   But the situation at this time is completely different. With Lord Arthur standing in front, there is no need to consider the enemy’s attack at all, as long as the attack is full.

  The entire Federal Fleet, tens of thousands of warships, and millions of soldiers all looked at the green light spots on the light curtains of their warships, the green light spots that stood still 10,000 kilometers away.

   Around the green light spots, the red light spots kept flickering. It was the zerg who was killed after approaching.

  The news from the Federal Command. This green light spot is Lord Arthur, and Lord Arthur alone has designated the target of attack for the Federal Fleet with his detection equipment.

  This time, the detection equipment is extremely tenacious. No matter how the Zerg strikes, they can’t make the detection equipment move.

   I have heard of the power of Lord Arthur. No matter how strong the rumors are, they are only rumors. The Federation members who have been hit by countless public opinions have doubts about the credibility of any news.

   At this time, no Union soldier doubted the strength of Lord Arthur. Through his performance, Lord Arthur let the Union soldiers know why God belongs to the Great World and called him an “Invincible Knight”!

   “This is the “Invincible Knight”!” The hearts of the Union soldiers are full of worship. This worship is pure and does not carry any interest.

   During the battle, David suddenly felt that the power of faith had increased a lot. Since the Zerg attacked, the power of Zerg faith he could receive has become extremely small.

  Billions of Zerg’s power of faith is also the largest part of David’s power of faith. After these powers of faith are lost, his ascent speed has also become extremely slow.

   The power of faith increased this time is far less than the power of faith provided by billions of Zergs, but it is not a small amount, and it is not inferior to the power of faith produced by the knights of the Gods of the Great World.

  , thinking in his heart, the attack in David’s hand has not stopped.

   This kind of pure battle, which does not use any special abilities, only relies on his own strength, makes him feel extremely comfortable, the light long sword in his hand has become more flexible and changeable, even he has a feeling, it seems that he Swordsmanship is undergoing transformation.

   How many light **** of knowledge about Grandmaster Swordsmanship has been absorbed by David, even he himself can’t remember. Starting from the Star Federation, to the Great World of God, he has killed many swordsman masters.

  His swordsmanship “Knight’s Inheritance of Swordsmanship (1% Perfect)” hasn’t changed for a long time, and he thinks this is the end of swordsmanship.

   “Kill!” After David felt the change in swordsmanship, his mind was completely concentrated. Every time he took out the sword, he was accompanied by a soft drink.

   David’s swordsmanship is getting more and more concise. Every time he shoots a sword, the fifth-grade light long sword walks the shortest His swordsmanship no longer has many blocking and rotating leverages before.

   In the analysis and judgment of his legendary main soul and one hundred and one soul clones, his sword becomes inevitable, and no defense is needed at all, because his sword will be before the attack comes. Kill the enemy.

   David entered a strange state, his sword no longer had the previous deliberateness, and there was no such awe-inspiring killing intent, the only thing left was the sword to kill.

   If he has time to open the Shadow Servant’s attribute panel at this time, he will see that the original “Knight Inheritance Swordsmanship (1% perfect)” on the attribute panel is disappearing, replaced by “Swordsmanship (Talent)” .

   At the center of the small world in David’s soul space, a new pale gold pattern is forming.

   has experienced countless killings, killed many top sword masters, and obtained the light ball of knowledge of their sword skills throughout their lives. David’s sword skills have long surpassed all sword users in the two worlds.

   It’s just that as David’s enemies become stronger and stronger, he has fewer and fewer opportunities to use the sword, which makes the transformation of his swordsmanship never come.

   For a long time, David has obtained talents from other lives. He has never possessed his own talents. There are many reasons for this. His talents are not top-notch, at least when he has not been This was the case before the transformation.


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