Transcendent David Chapter 945: Meeting

   A military armored levitating vehicle flew into the sky. The red matter in the sky has not dissipated yet, but according to experience, the star’s window period is about to begin.

   David’s energy clone was sitting in the armored levitating car, listening to the roar from the engine of the armored levitating car. He had not experienced this feeling for a long time, and he couldn’t help thinking of the first time he entered the battle star.

   At that time, he was just a soldier. He didn’t expect that in just two years, he would become a strong presence beyond all the Star Federation.

   If David only wants to enjoy life, he can return to the Star Federation, even if he does not reveal his own strength, he can live a carefree life on his previous foundation.

   just after seeing the true side of the world, he would never be willing to be ordinary.

   It is this unwillingness to be ordinary that allows him to cross the world and go to the divine world where the future was still unknown at the time to pursue a stronger future.

   Together with David’s energy clone, there are also Admiral Adams and the four extraordinary military.

  Four military supernatural beings were deterred by the unintentionally powerful aura of the energy clone, and sat quietly and restrained in the farthest position from David.

   Only Admiral Adams sat opposite to David’s energy clone, but David did not take the initiative to speak, and Admiral Adams did not want to disturb David.

   David ignored the atmosphere in the armored suspension vehicle. His eyes looked at the red substance in the sky, and the red substance was becoming thinner.

   At the same time, he sensed that three fifth-level auras were coming quickly from a distance. This was the energy clone of the fifth-level zerg coming over.

   David didn’t need to guess, he knew that Marshal Andre must be coming to the battle star.

   As for how to leak, this is also easy to understand. Zergs with special fascination talents can do it. They have always been on the front line of human battlefields, and there are often bewitched humans.

   These humans usually look no different from normal humans, and only when there is important information, the enchantment will start.

   As long as the human brain has no spiritual talent, once the enchantment is activated, all the spirits can only transmit information once and the brain will die.

  It is difficult for humans with spiritual talents to be bewitched successfully, so humans who are successfully bewitched by Zerg are usually disposable consumables.

   The news that Admiral Adams judged the arrival of Grand Marshal Andre was leaked, also based on the discovery that some military personnel suddenly died inexplicably, and during the inspection, it was found that the brain was in chaos, which was caused by bewitched backlash.

   Of course it’s not easy for Admiral Adams to tell David that some soldiers in the Union Army were deceived and leaked the information of the Generalissimo to the lord of the God’s Great World. Admiral Adams was embarrassed, the Union Army Can’t afford to lose it.

   “Open the hatch, let me go out!” David told the driver of the suspension vehicle in a deep voice.

   The pilot glanced at Admiral Adams, and after seeing Admiral Adams nodding in agreement, he opened the hatch.

   David’s energy clone flew out, and greeted him with the breath of three fifth-level zergs.

  ’Thunder Light Scorpion King’ flew very carefully. Although it had used the energy clone to enter the sky above the human control area many times before, this time it was particularly alert, always paying attention to everything around it.

   The energy clone of the’Half-length Spider Queen’ was instantly killed by Lord Arthur. Although it was a confrontation between the energy clone and the main body, it should not be so different.

  There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is that Lord Arthur is far more powerful than the ‘Queen of Half Spider’.

   In fact, any Zerg who can become a fifth-level Zerg is not the kind of desperate existence, on the contrary, they are very life-saving.

  ’Thunder Light Scorpion King’ but remember the tragedy of the half-length spider queen’s loss of energy clone, the soul was shocked, at least one year of rest, the pain in the soul during this year will also torture the half body from time to time The Spider Queen.

   After learning that Marshal Andre was about to arrive at the battle star, the ‘Lightning Scorpion King’ dispatched energy clones with the other two fifth-level zergs.

   The three fifth-level Zerg energy clones are not worried about attacks on the ground. Attacks on the sky are in the battle star environment. Only the fifth-level Templars can come forward to stop them. They are the energy clones of the fifth-level Templars. They came to chase and kill, but they couldn’t catch up with the energy clones.

   They worry about Lord Arthur, the terrifying existence that has been confirmed to enter the battle star.

   Suddenly, the energy clone of’Thunder Light Scorpion King’ stopped advancing, and it saw a human energy clone in the sky ahead.

   is not just the ‘Thunder Light Scorpion King’ energy clone, the other two energy clones of the fifth-level Zerg also stopped moving forward.

   They all felt the surging energy and powerful soul breath from the human energy body, which was specially emitted by David. In order to ensure the safety of General Andre, he still wanted to drive away this time. Did not want to fight in the sky.

   In the case of one-on-three, David is not in the case of himself. Although he can defeat the opponent, there is no guarantee that he will not affect others.

   The energy of the ‘Thunder Light Scorpion King’ was shocked in the body and mind, and then it saw clearly the face of the human energy clone, which was exactly the same as the face from the ‘Queen of the Half Body’, the extremely powerful Lord Arthur.

   Without any hesitation, the ‘Thunder Light Scorpion King’ energy clone turned around and fled. Its strength is not stronger than that of the ‘Half-body Queen’.

   The other two fifth-level zerg energy clones saw that the energy clone of the ‘Thunder Light Scorpion King’ escaped, and did not want to stay, so they turned and fled.

   Admiral Adams and the four military extraordinary who saw this scene with their own eyes were shocked. The Zerg dispatched three fifth-level Zerg energy clones, which shows the determination of the Zerg.

   Just as the three fifth-level zerg energy clones fled, the three human energy clones lifted into the air from several places, but they did not chase the zerg energy clones, it was difficult to catch up with the speed.

   The three Templars were all staying on the battle star, and they took off to check after sensing the actions of the fifth-level zerg.

   “I have seen Lord Arthur!” The energy clone of Taoherty’s fifth-level Templar first bowed in the sky to salute David’s energy clone, and the energy clones of the other two Templar knights also followed suit.

   “Thank you three to assist the guard!” David smiled and retorted and demanded.

   “Yes, follow your orders!” The energy clones of the three fifth-level Templars responded.

   After seeing the respectful attitude of the three fifth-level Templars, Admiral Adams couldn’t help but sigh. The rumors were true and Lord Arthur’s position in the godly world was extremely high.

  , you must know that the fifth-level Templars of the battle star are extremely proud, and it is rare to see each other on weekdays.

   It’s like why Admiral Adams didn’t ask the other five-level Templars who belong to the Great World for help, that is, the other five-level Templars are not easy to deal with.

   And Lord Arthur’s attitude towards the Star Federation is extremely friendly, and he has conveyed goodwill many times, which made Admiral Adams come forward to invite him.

  The participation of three fifth-level Templar energy clones made Admiral Adams feel at ease.

   Just now when I saw the appearance of three fifth-level Zerg energy clones, Admiral Adams all wanted to notify Marshal Andre, and asked Marshal Andre to cancel the meeting.

   The red material around the battle star finally dissipated. A small transport ship approached the battle star under the protection of multiple frigates, and then the small transport ship broke away from the protection of the frigate and descended towards the battle star.

   Needless to say, David also understood that this was General Marshal Andre’s arrival, and the energy clone suddenly accelerated forward and flew to the door of the small transport ship.

   The door of the small transport ship opened, and David’s energy clone walked into it.

   “Lord Arthur, I didn’t expect to see you again after the last farewell. You have become a level five powerhouse!” Marshal Andre stood at the entrance of the hatchway to welcome David’s energy clone. Said with a smile.

  Marshal Andre knew very well the life experience of Lord Arthur, this peerless genius who grew up in the Interstellar Federation, immediately showed his unparalleled talent after returning to the great world of God.

   When I met last time, Lord Arthur was already a fourth-level sky knight, and he was extremely powerful among the fourth-level sky knights. What I didn’t expect was to meet again a few months later, Lord Arthur Has become a fifth-level Templar, and still is the outstanding fighting power of the fifth-level Templar.

   “Marshal Andre, your body is still as strong as the last time you met!” David smiled and bowed.

   The two talked and walked into the cabin. David also sensed as many as eight extraordinary people surrounding the main cabin.

   It’s just that this kind of protection is too weak for the fifth-level strong.

   General Marshal Andre entered the battle star this time, indeed taking a great risk.

   But General Marshal Andre had to come. If he didn’t come, then the President of the Union must come. But letting President Barnard come over to talk to Lord Arthur, the consequences are hard to imagine.

  The key to everything is the strength of Lord Arthur. No one can rest assured that this powerful being enters the peaceful zone of the divine world. This is not only against the law, but also unacceptable by the senior officials of the Interstellar Federation, even making Arthur The lord did not agree to enter the war zone.

  Since Lord Arthur could not enter the Star Federation, only Marshal Andre came here.

   The energy clone of David and Marshal Andre did not talk about important matters on the small transport ship, they were just chatting.

   It wasn’t until the small transport ship landed at the Battle Star military headquarters that David’s body officially met with General Andre in the military headquarters.

   Due to David’s request, the energy clones of the three fifth-level Templar knights did not leave. They stayed in the sky, protecting Marshal Andre until Marshal Andre left the battle star.

   “Marshal Andre, first of all, on behalf of the Supreme Council of the Great World of Gods, and on behalf of Speaker Gould, I would like to express my gratitude to you and thank you for sending troops in time to support the Great World of Gods against the invasion of the Zerg!” David smiled. Marshal Andre said.

  ”The alliance between the Star Federation and the Great World of Gods has gone through nearly ten thousand years. There are disputes and harmony, but we have been fighting against the Zerg together. I will never allow anyone to destroy us for thousands of years to usher in countless blood. Friendship!” Marshal Andre solemnly assured.

  Marshal Andre knows that the Divine World has an intelligence network in the Interstellar Federation, and President Barnard’s actions are likely to be known to the Divine World. He must reduce the influence of the stupid President Barnard.

   “I believe this very much, and I have seen your decisiveness by Marshal Andre!” David said in a deep voice.

  The Star Federation entered a wartime state. The military forcibly deprived President Barnard of power. David also admired General Marshal Andre very much.

   You must know that this kind of operation is not good, it will leave a dictatorship.

  ”There are still five hours left today. The first fleet of 20,000 warships will arrive, under the command of Admiral Francis. Lord Arthur will enter the Divine World with Admiral Francis to assist Francis. The admiral makes a strategic plan!” Marshal Andre looked at his identity bracelet, and then went straight to the subject.

   David’s heart was overjoyed. The fleet of 20,000 warships was enough to withstand the insect wave.

   To tell the truth, the strongest space warfare is still the warships of the Interstellar Federation, and the knights of the gods are better at close combat.

   As for letting David participate in the formulation of strategic plans, he actually needs his cooperation. The fleet of the Star Federation helps the god-general world to defend against the Zerg. Without the god-general’s cooperation, how can we talk about this?

   “The guardian and two fifth-tier Templars, we will fully cooperate with the Federal Fleet!” David nodded and said.

  ”The logistics of the fleet will enter the Divine World in a day, and there will be follow-up fleets arriving later. I hope the Divine World will assist!” Marshal Andre continued.

   Marshal Andre tried to make things clear in advance, so many warships entered the divine world, and there will be more follow-ups. If there is no prior explanation, it is likely to cause misunderstanding.

   “Now the guardian star is cut off by the Zerg from the internal but I will arrange for the battle star to send some knights to participate in the fleet transfer!” David understands Marshal Andre’s concerns and laughs Said.

  It is impossible for these fleets to directly enter the great world of the gods. They need personnel from the great world to accompany them.

  On David’s side, he only needs to call some knights with special contact arrays. There are many arrays that can be remotely contacted on his side.

   “In addition, regarding the arrangement of the spoils, we need half of the distribution rights for the materials of grades one to four!” Marshal Andre finally made a request.

   As for the fifth-level materials, Marshal Andre didn’t even think about it, because even if the fifth-level materials were obtained by the Interstellar Federation, no strong could use them.

   This is not to say that the transcendent cannot use the fifth-grade weapons, but the use of the fifth-grade weapons with extraordinary strength, it is impossible to use the power of the fifth-grade weapons, and it will become the target of the strong.

   Five-level weapons are not a problem if they are used in the interstellar federation. Once they appear on Battle Stars and their strength is not level five, the possibility of being killed by the fifth-level Zerg is very high.

   In fact, what General Marshal Andre wanted most was Grade 4 materials. Grade 4 materials play an extremely important role in enhancing extraordinary strength.


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