Transcendent David Chapter 872: Priest

   Of course, David wants to find suspicious names from more than a thousand lists. This is also an attempt.

   When encountering particularly troublesome things, his thinking will be more sensitive and he can always consider many choices. This is also because of the help of his many fifth-level soul clones.

   There are ninety-six five-level soul clones and two **** crystals, making David’s soul space beyond imagination.

   ‘Baron Coward’, the name is printed in my eyes, this name is normal, and the reason for transmission is that it has a long-term cooperation with a shop in the main city of Dunel. This time I came to investigate the market.

   Recently, many low-level aristocrats have come to Duner Star for the same reason, because Duner Star is full of business opportunities, and many low-level aristocrats also want to find opportunities to approach Lord Arthur by operating in Duner Star. You can reach the sky in one step.

   But when David saw the name, he felt special inexplicably.

   David wrote down the name ‘Baron Coward’, and he continued to look down, looking at more than a thousand names, and ‘Baron Coward’ was his only name with feeling.

   He smiled coldly, if he made a mistake, then he would apologize to the “Baron Coward” and pay due compensation.

  With David’s current status, it’s not a big deal to be rude to a baron. Even if the Noble Affairs Office intervenes, it’s just a little compensation. The dual status of top aristocrats and members of the Supreme Council gives David a better Higher power of nobility.

   With a wave of his hand, an energy clone flew out. This is one of his nine energy clones. Although it is not his energy clone in the true sense, it is almost the same in control.

As soon as the    energy clone appeared, he took the space ring thrown by David, and then rushed into the planet-level portal. From appearing to entering the planet-level portal, there was only a breath of time before and after.

   Even the teleportation manager didn’t even notice the flashing phantom, only Cameron’s fifth-level bishop who was on the other side of the main city showed doubts in his eyes, and he found a powerful line in his perception. The breath, but it disappeared instantly.

   Half of David’s mind entered the energy clone, and the energy clone appeared on Garmistar.

   The energy clone flew to a flat ground of Garmistar at full speed, and then the energy clone continuously took out the formation base from the space ring and placed the formation base on the ground.

   In this space ring, there are a large number of magic circles that David has obtained for a long time. There are energy rejection circles, confinement circles, gravity suppression circles, chaos circles, etc. There are as many as thirty top-level circles. Law circle.

   It is not an easy task to arrange all these 30 top-level magic circles together. This requires a strong grasp of the knowledge of alchemy circles.

   David needs remote control to complete this difficult task.

   Thirty top-level magic circles, too many mutual influences need to be considered when arranging them, as long as there is a conflict in one place, it may cause the collapse of all the magic circles.

   The energy clone has been operated for more than ten minutes, and only then has 30 top-level magic arrays been successfully deployed. This is also due to the extreme speed of the energy clone.

   After the 30 top-level magic circles were set up, the    energy clone placed a temporary portal at the center of the 30 magic circles. This temporary portal was still the spoils of war before, and it was used at this time.

   On the side of David’s body, he found a concealed place to let the’shadow pterodactyl’ release the’invisibility’ state. He took out the lord from the space pendant to contact the magic circle, and respectively addressed the Bishop Bolin and Bishop Evans of the Temple of Justice sent a message.

   After sending out the message, he once again sat on the ‘Shadow Pterodactyl’ and teleported to the temporary portal through the planet-level portal in a ‘invisible’ state.

   David ordered the Shadow Attendant to release all the twelve fifth-level Templars, one fifth-level bishop, and the other eight energy clones.

   Twelve fifth-level Templar knights and nine energy clones formed an enemy-locking knight battle formation, and the target was the exit of the temporary portal.

   As for the fifth-level bishop, he is standing behind the knights’ battle formation and doing long-range support. David himself is riding a ‘shadow pterosaur’ as a backup force, ‘invisible’ in the air.

  Gamixing is all ready here, David waited quietly for the trap he laid for the fifth-level bishop.

   The fifth-level bishop of Cameron waited in the shadow for dozens of minutes. He has patience, and his long life makes him not feel too much about the loss of time, even allowing him to stay in the shadow for several years , As long as he needs it can be regarded as a kind of enjoyment.

   In his heart, Lord Arthur felt a bit ridiculous, and he used “Invisibility” to deal with him. He didn’t believe that Lord Arthur could be patient with him.

  Lord Arthur’s way of finding assassins, to a certain extent, makes it difficult for the fifth-level bishop of Cameron to act easily, but it does not pose much threat to the fifth-level bishop of Cameron.

   The fifth-level bishop of Cameron felt exciting in his heart for participating in this cat and mouse game. Old guys like him can’t easily meet opponents of this level.

   As long as Lord Arthur is in Dun Erxing, he has the confidence to slowly look for opportunities. The followers of the God of Shadow have 10,000 ways to assassinate and retreat.

   “Hey! There is the atmosphere of the priest of the Earth Temple!” Just as the fifth-level bishop of Cameron continued to hide in the shadows, he was thinking about **** Lord Arthur, he suddenly felt the planet-level portal An aura that made him hate came from the direction.

  ”What do the priests of the Earth Temple do?” Cameron’s fifth-level bishop thought strangely, but he immediately thought of a possibility.

   He looked towards the planet-level portal with magic eyes, and saw a team of priests with a number of up to 100. Among them, the number of fifth-level priests reached two, and the fifth-level Templar also had two.

  Horace’s fifth-level priest of the Earth Temple followed the priest team out of the planet-level portal. He immediately sensed the breath of Cthulhu divine art. This breath was very weak, even the other young man beside him Some fifth-level priests were not aware of it.

   Since Horace’s fifth-level priest participated in the war of gods, he returned to the Temple of the Earth and received the reward of the **** of the earth. He accepted the divine grace during a prayer. Although he was still at the fifth-level priest, his magical power And the strength has been greatly improved.

   “Get rid of the evil!” Horace’s fifth-level priest shouted loudly. He inspired the magic, and a milky white light rose from his hand and turned into a milky flame.

   This milky white flame is like alive, flying towards the magical eye in the sky.

   When Cameron’s fifth-level bishop discovered something was wrong, the magical eye was too late to withdraw, and he was burned by the milky white flame.

   There were countless miserable howls in the eyes of the gods, and the eyes of the gods appeared from invisibility, and then turned to ashes.

   The fifth-level bishop of Cameron only felt a pain in his head. Fortunately, his spirit was extremely strong. In addition, the consumption of the magic eye, the magic eye, was not large. The most important thing was that his magic was not Relying solely on borrowing the divine power of the God of Shadows, he was not affected much.

   The fifth-level priest of   Horace heard the countless horrible howls in the eyes of Divine Art, and his face was gloomy.

   is not only the fifth-level priest of Horace, but the other priests are also angry.

   It is not so easy for the followers of Cthulhu to perform divine arts, because almost all Cthulhus are in a deep sleep, and the divine power that can be borrowed through divine arts is very small.

   It is very difficult to rely on this meager divine power to perform divine magic.

  Most of the Cthulhu believers do not learn magic arts, but specialize in abilities that match their spiritual characteristics.

   But there are also some followers of evil gods who use various evil rituals to convert living humans into a part of a certain divine art through sacrifice. This method requires crazy torture of sacrificed humans, making them full of fear, Negative emotions such as hatred and hatred.

   This evil ritual is extremely cruel, which is intolerable by the five major temples, and it is also the main reason why followers of the evil **** are cast aside by all the people of the great world of God.

   At this time, the planetary portal flickered again, and another priest team came out, it was the priest team of the Temple of Justice led by Bishop Evans.

   “Bishop Bolling, have you also received news from Lord Arthur?” Bishop Evans asked Bishop Bolling a priestly service.

   “Yes, just now Horace made a sacrifice to destroy an evil magic eye, it seems that Lord Arthur’s news is accurate!” Bishop Bolling nodded.

   “It seems that they are really followers of the fifth-level evil gods, they dare to call themselves fifth-level bishops, **** thing!” Bishop Evans cursed in a rare voice.

   Bishop Bolin understands the feelings of Bishop Evans very much. He is also the same as Bishop Evans, and he is very disgusted with the fifth-level evil believers who call themselves bishops.

  Be aware that among the five great temples, the bishop is the leader of the temple, and from the archbishop to the bishop, they are all pastors who shepherd believers for the gods.

  Five-level Cthulhu believers claim to be bishops, which not only blasphemes the gods, but also insults their true bishops.

  Because of the long history of fifth-level evil **** followers calling themselves bishops, many people in the world often use fifth-level bishops when referring to fifth-level evil **** followers.

   So after Lord Arthur informed that followers of the fifth-level evil **** appeared in the main city of Dun’er, the two major temples almost mobilized all the combat power that could be mobilized in a short time, and they all sent them over.

   is able to kill the followers of the fifth-level evil god. For these priests, it is the best way to please the gods, and it is extremely possible to receive the gods’ grace.

   There are 120 priests brought by Bishop Evans. The fifth-level combat power is the same as that of the Earth Temple. This is also the combat power that a normal temple can fight at any time.

   The fifth-level bishop of Cameron did not expect Lord Arthur to use this method. You must know that he has not shown up. Without evidence, how could the temple send a team of priests of this size.

   Where did the fifth-level bishop of Cameron know that David’s reputation in the temple has always been very good, and he has helped the temple many times, as well as the constant supply of “the world’s first wine in the world”, so David There are good friends in each temple.

   This time, I only had my own plan. I just wanted to force Cameron’s fifth-level bishop to leave, and didn’t want the main city of Dun to become a battlefield, so I only notified the bishops of the two temples.

   But David didn’t expect that the two temples would attach so much importance to them, and so many priests were sent all at once.

   “Find that mouse!” The over 100 priests under Bishop Evans ordered.

   More than one hundred priests of the Temple of Justice perform ‘light magic’, which is a general magic of the five major temples. The level of magic is very low, but the more priests exert greater power.

   “You guys also shoot together!” Bishop Bolling then ordered the priest under his opponent.

  A ‘light magic technique’ will only show a small rain of light, which will not cause any harm to ordinary people, but can make ordinary people feel comfortable.

   But for the followers of Cthulhu, the “light magic” is not very friendly. The light rain of the “light magic” will actively attack the followers of the evil **** within the range. Although the attack is not powerful, it can effectively control Hidden Cthulhu followers find out.

   Two hundred and twenty priests shot at the same time, and the rain of light transformed by the ‘light magic technique’ almost covered half of the main city.

   The face of the fifth-level bishop of Cameron changed. The shadow magic is indeed very powerful, but the magic of the sleeping ancient gods is incomparable with the magic of the powerful gods that dominate the world today.

   This time rain hasn’t affected him yet, his location is far away from the planet-level portal, but if he doesn’t plan, he will also be affected by the ‘light magic’.

   Why have so many five-level bishops for so many years, and their strength is good in any power in the divine world, but they are not exposed to Tibet, and they are suppressed by the magic of the five great temples.

  Especially in this, there are four fifth-level priests presiding over the “light magic”, bringing together the power of all priests, far from his fifth-level bishop can compare ~ is at Cameron fifth level The bishop was thinking that he was afraid that he would be exposed. When he was thinking about how to get out, there were many screams in the light and rain, and there was a rising black light, which was very frightening.

   “Please take a few shots!” Bishop Evans bowed to the fifth-level Templar.

  The rest of the priests still have to maintain the ‘light magic’, at this time only the fifth-level Templars can kill the followers of the evil god.

  Due to the indiscriminate attack of the ‘lighting magic’, the fifth-level bishop of Cameron was not found in the first place, but he found out the remaining followers of the evil **** who were hiding in Duner Star.

The reason why there are some Cthulhu followers in    Duner Star is related to the previous Litton family.

   The Litton family cooperates with “Gods Twilight”. The core clansmen know that after contacting the Cthulhu followers of “Gods Twilight”, there will inevitably be some intersections. As long as there are intersections, there will be transactions.

   There are also some Cthulhu believers who have obtained the residence rights of Duner Star. Of course, Cthulhu believers will not commit crimes here, but they can obtain valuable resources through this.

   You must know that Dun Erxing’s business is not an ordinary business. It is an important industry for top aristocrats. Most of the trading resources are important training resources. It is very convenient to have a formal identity here.


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