Transcendent David Chapter 859: Castle

  The castle belonging to the lord is very eye-catching. The tallest and most luxurious building in the main city of Duner is the lord’s castle.

   Of course, David’s status as a top nobleman has not yet been implemented, and this place cannot be called a lord’s castle.

  As the alchemy carriage approached the castle, David was also observing the castle, which was also his other important residence.

   Shadow servant flew into the sky, looking down at the castle complex.

   The castle is very large. This is related to the needs of the Litton family. There are many clansmen in the Litton family, plus the servants who serve the clansmen, the guardian knights, etc. It is normal for the castle to be larger.

  The castle is divided into the main castle in the middle, the left and right castles, and the martial arts ground for training knights in the back. The outermost area is the residence of the guards and servants, all of which are protected by the castle walls.

   There are five more defensive towers on the city wall, monitoring the castle and the sky.

   “Lord Duke, there are fifty guardian knights here, all of them are family knights of the Duner Star noble family, they can fight for you at any time!” Viscount Antonio bowed to David after getting out of the car.

   David nodded. There are only two fourth-level sky knights here, and the rest are second and third-level knights. The actual combat power is limited.

   But this kind of knight with fetters, while ensuring loyalty, as long as they are properly trained, they can become the reserve force of the family.

   “Meet the noble Lord Arthur!” Entering the gate of the castle, all the knights of the castle were gathered here, and they paid the heaviest knightly salute to David and said loudly on one knee.

   It should be said that the knights here understand better than those managers and noble representatives what the name Duke Arthur represents. Duke Arthur is a powerful existence that can make top nobles fear.

  As they often come into contact with the Litton family members, how could they not know that for Duke Arthur, the Litton family members did not even dare to gather together.

   In the past, Earl Abe and Avid, who used to travel in high-profile, five-level Templars, have not appeared in public since their feuds with Duke Arthur.

  According to the news circulating in the aristocratic circle and the actions of the Litton family, one can naturally conclude that Duke Arthur scared the Litton family.

   Before, these knights were loyal to the Litton family, because the Litton family was their lord, their family, and everything about them belonged to the Litton family.

   But now it’s different. They belong to Duke Arthur and they need to show enough loyalty.

   To tell the truth, the Lytton family does not treat the knights with the external surname very high, otherwise it will not be left here. Among the knights, there are only two fourth-level sky knights. You must know that these are two hundred nobles, both A bloodline selected by the Lytton family.

  As long as sufficient resources are given, it is normal for a dozen or so four-level sky knights to appear among the two hundred nobles.

  The Litton family does not need two hundred nobles to provide them with high-end combat power such as the four-level sky knights. Instead, they need a large number of second and third-level knights, distributed in various industries. This way, while paying very little resources, It will not let the powerful knights that threaten the Litton family appear among the affiliated nobles.

   is not just the Lytton family. All top aristocrats and great aristocrats treat the attached aristocracy in the same way, suppressing the growth of the attached aristocracy and absorbing its essence into their own families.

   David’s spirit swept through these knights, and he immediately judged something in his heart. He even found several knights with high talent among the fifty knights.

   David bowed back to these knights who expressed loyalty, then waved them to flatten.

   The neatly standing sound made him very satisfied with the qualities of these knights, which are a group of knights who have undergone strict training.

   “The guards here are still executed by you. I appoint Viscount Antonio as the knight commander and command all the knights of Duner Star!” David announced in a deep voice.

   Use the natives of Duner Star to manage Duner Star, and it is also the decisive power to manage the knight. David is the nobleman and manager who appeases Duner Star.

   is also a model for those who are willing to take refuge, as long as they have the ability and loyalty, they can get the corresponding power.

  ”Lord Duke, there are not many high-ranking knights in Duner, and all the four-level sky knights add up to less than five. Now it is shown that only these two in the castle are the ones who take refuge. Duner needs enough Defense!” After David entered the hall, Viscount Antonio also began to perform his duties, begging.

   The meaning of Viscount Antonio is obvious. This is asking Duke Arthur to leave some fourth-level sky knights to protect the safety of Duner.

   Originally there were a large number of fourth-level sky knights in Duner Star, but when the Litton family evacuated, in addition to taking away their own family’s fourth-level sky knights, they would also be willing to follow some of the Litton family’s foreign surnames. The rank sky knight also took away.

   This resulted in the lack of high-ranking knights of Duner Star, and lack of defense.

   Viscount Antonio became the knight commander of Duner Star, he needs to consider his own duties, and Duner Star’s defense is one of his duties.

  ” Viscount Antonio, the butler of Dickens will stay in Duner for a period of time. There will be twenty fourth-level sky knights staying with him. Twenty fourth-level sky knights are patrolling in the sky. , I will let them stay for a while, you can direct them when encountering an incident, they will not interfere in any political affairs of Dun Erxing, they are only responsible for patrolling and fighting!” David pondered and decided.

   The fourth-level sky knights didn’t care at all, and it didn’t matter if all the fourth-level sky knights were left behind.

   David doesn’t think anyone dared to attack Duner Star. The Mather family’s attack on Villa 35 in the main city of Bama was placed there. For that attack, the Mather family paid tens of thousands The price of the elite and a fifth-level Templar, and this is not the end.

   But Dun Erxing is indeed too rich. The cultivation here is mostly high-value alchemical herbs, and even the seemingly ordinary agricultural produce are fine ingredients.

   Not to mention the various luxury goods, weapons and equipment, alchemy items and other processing industries here, each of which is enough to make people jealous. It used to be protected by the Litton family, which kept it safe.

   David is not worried about the peeping of top nobles and great nobles. These nobles know the importance. He only worried that some wandering knights didn’t know his deeds, and something happened in Duner Star.

   So the existence of as many as forty four-level sky knights is enough to deter some people.

   “Master Duke, please rest assured of the safety of Duner Star!” Viscount Antonio said excitedly.

   Viscount Antonio also worried that these four-level sky knights would fight for some power because they became Duke Arthur’s subordinates earlier than him. He did not expect that Duke Arthur would express dozens of four-level sky knights and would not interfere. Government affairs.

   I want to come to Viscount Antonio, this is the attitude that Duke Arthur has expressed, this is a preferential treatment to the natives of Dun Erxing.

   More importantly, the twenty fourth-level sky knights are in hand. He can easily cut off those who have bad intentions for Duke Arthur.

   Viscount Antonio is very familiar with Dun Erxing. Although he does not have the ability of David and can use his spirit to judge people who are unhealthy, he also knows who is wrong and who can be attracted.

   “Go ahead!” David waved.

   Viscount Antonio bowed and retired. His footsteps were relaxed when he left, and the results of this refuge were remarkable.

   “Come in!” David ordered the butler standing outside the hall.

   The butler is extremely cautious, and David also understands that the profession of a butler is almost a life of only serving a nobleman, and the butler who can stay will naturally not be an important steward of the Litton family.

   may be able to stand as a butler in the lord’s castle, which also shows that the previous identity is not simple.

   “Jeffrey has seen the noble master!” After entering the hall, the butler gave a big gift.

   David’s spirit swept across, confirming that the butler’s psychology was not abnormal.

   Ordinary people, even knights no more than Level 3, can’t hide their thoughts in front of him. Of course, this thought does not refer to a specific idea, but a certain tendency.

   David has the’hypnosis’ talent ability, which is a terrible talent that exceeds the fifth level, and based on the fifth level of spirit, even if the’hypnosis’ talent ability is not used, the’hypnosis’ talent ability The corresponding knowledge can also help him judge the psychology of the target.

   So David is not worried that the Lytton family will leave behind on Dun Er, as long as he is given some time, he can catch all the people who have bad intentions.

   It’s just that he has no interest in wasting energy on this aspect. The acquisition of Dun Er star is a surprise, not a bondage.

   David greatly promoted the natives of Duner Star in order to govern Duner Star by normal means. As long as Viscount Antonio can complete the task, more and more Duner Star nobles will rise to high positions.

   As far as he knows, many important positions of Dun Er Star are vacant. Those positions were originally held by members of the Litton family.

   “Get up and talk, introduce yourself!” David waved.

   “I am the castle steward of the original Lytton family, responsible for the maintenance of the castle and the management of the servants!” The butler Jeffrey stood up, still bowed and said.

   “Steward Jeffrey, you will be responsible for all the affairs of this castle in the future, and you can be responsible to Butler Dickens!” David said with a smile.

  The butler of Dickens is in charge of big things, and the butler of the castle is needed. These delicate things need to be handled by a knowledgeable butler.

  Any piece of decoration in this castle is a boutique, and the value of crafts inside and outside the castle is incalculable.

   Although this wealth is nothing to David, he didn’t want anything to happen to the castle.

   When the Litton family left, they didn’t dare to take away even any of the decorations, because the temple’s requirement was that all of Duner Star stayed behind. When the Litton family was at its lowest point, they didn’t dare to violate The will of the temple.

   This is why there are still fifty knights left in the castle, and there are still stewards left behind, just to protect and hand over everything in the castle.

   “Master, I, Jeffrey, swear to be loyal to you as soon as it takes effect!” Jeffrey the butler knelt to the ground and said.

   “I accept your allegiance!” David said in a deep voice.

   “Master, I have drawn up a list of servants here. There are 136 servants in total. I plan to expel eleven of them. I have marked them all!” Butler Jeffrey stood up again, carefully He took out a piece of parchment and handed it over.

   “This is the power I give you, and you are solely responsible for the servants!” David smiled and waved.

  He didn’t need to look at the list, he knew that the eleven servants had problems in various aspects, and they could be spoken out by Jeffrey’s butler. The most likely problem was loyalty.

   Jeffrey Butler put away the list, his face was even more excited, because he felt Duke Arthur’s trust in him. This is rare. It is necessary to know the establishment of trust between the butler and the nobles. It takes a long time to achieve this.

   “One month later, I will have a cocktail party in this castle. You have to cooperate with the Dickens Butler, and you will discuss the specific matters with the Dickens Butler!” David said in a deep voice.

   There was no other way to hold a cocktail party on the completely private planet Garmistar, but this time it was different. With Duner Star, it happened to be here.

   This is also a way to demonstrate his merits, as a victor, and hold a grand cocktail party with the castle of compensation.

   Butler Jeffrey didn’t know what kind of reception he was going to attend, so he bowed down.

   “Master, I will show you a tour of the castle!” Jeffrey Butler bowed and said.

  Since Duke Arthur appointed him as the steward of the castle, he will perform the duties of steward. Some important facilities and valuables of the castle must be explained to the master.

   David nodded, and followed the butler Jeffrey to visit the Actually, the range that his spirit swept through was clearer than seeing with his eyes, but he followed the butler Jeffrey Walking around and seeing the environment of the castle with your own eyes, it also lets everyone in the castle know that he is supporting Butler Jeffrey.

   There are only a few places in the castle that caught David’s attention most. On the first floor, there was an alchemy pattern on the door of the study. Butler Jeffrey opened the study with an alchemy medal.

   “Master, the Litton family hasn’t moved the books on the surface here, but there is a secret room in the study, and there is something in it that I have never seen before!” Jeffrey Butler pointed to a wall and said.

   David nodded, and he glanced at the study room. The books here are considered good. They are very important inheritance books among ordinary nobles.

   He came to the wall and pushed it casually. While Jeffrey’s butler was dumbfounded, he saw the alchemy pattern on the wall as nothing, and pushed the wall aside to reveal the secret room inside.

   Butler Jeffrey doesn’t understand. Is the secret room of the top noble family so easy to open?

   walked into the secret room, there was nothing inside, it seemed that it was evacuated.

   “Steward Jeffrey, send a message to the Lytton family to let them put back as many things in the secret room as they are!” David turned his head and ordered to Butler Jeffrey.


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