Transcendent David Chapter 823: Shoot

Someone among the protesters used blast bombs, a non-lethal weapon that has no harmful effect and only temporarily blinds people.

   But the violent explosion sound, coupled with the chaos caused by the mass blindness, caused the protest scene of nearly a thousand people to scream in exclamation. Protesters ran around, and quite a few protesters broke through the blockade without knowing it.

   The sudden blast also affected the military law enforcement team at the scene, which caused the protesters to enter the area of ​​the Council.

   The military soldiers who had been hidden in the political affairs court have not appeared. They are not those law enforcement teams, and they still scrupulously broadcast live.

   As long as the military armour is used, it is fighting.

   Fortunately, these military soldiers did not want to kill, and all the protesters who rushed to the defense line of the political affairs institute were knocked down by the military soldiers.

   Ordinary people’s bodies are in contact with the exoskeleton armor, bone fractures are the lightest injuries, and the screams and moans are joined together.

   Among the protesting crowd, four people simultaneously took out the flash bombs from their clothes and threw them again.

   “I caught you!” Four phantoms descended from the air, and accurately captured the four of them in the chaotic crowd. These were four extraordinary, and they ignored the explosive bomb.

   For the transcendents, let alone flash bombs, even offensive bombs can’t hurt them.

   Four consecutive blast bombs exploded, but the chaotic crowd was stilled, and all the protesters were frightened.

   David on the rostrum in the Political Affairs Court, at the moment when the four explosive flashes sounded, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a sniper bullet shining green in front of General Andre.

   The four personal extraordinary guards of General Andre also discovered that the situation was not right, but they were still a step late. They came to General Andre’s front only after David caught the sniper bullet.

   “Marshal, are you okay?” a superb guard asked aloud.

   “Duke Arthur, thank you for your shot!” Marshal Andre glanced over the third grade sniper bullet in David’s hand, thanking him.

   “Marshal Andre, I didn’t make any shots, I just don’t like something flying in front of me!” David casually threw a third-grade sniper bullet to an extraordinary guard and said with a smile.

  Marshal Andre understood what David meant. David was not allowed to shoot at will in the Federation. According to the agreement, as long as there was no attack against David, David was not allowed to shoot.

  Privately, the scope of this agreement can be more tolerant, but on this occasion, David does not want to ask for trouble. He needs to pay attention to his words.

   “Yes, you didn’t make a move, are you okay with your hands?” Marshal Andre smiled and cared.

   Not only Marshal Andre is curious, but the four extraordinary guards are also curious. This is a third-level sniper bullet.

   Grade 3 sniper bullets can only be fired when special sniper armors above the master level use a special sniper rifle.

   Grade 3 sniper bullets are also the most powerful sniper bullets that sniper armourers can use, and even high-level sniper bullets do not have a sniper rifle to fire.

   David smiled and opened his hand, there is no trace of his hand.

   With the strength of his body, it’s not easy for a third-level weapon to break through his skin, not to mention that the third-level sniper bullet was clamped by him with **** and was not sniped by the third-level weapon. The tip of the bullet hit.

   Of course, David’s demonstrated ability is more surprising than forcibly blocking a third-grade sniper bullet with his body.

   In fact, David himself was also sighing in his heart. Just now he felt the sniper aiming again, followed by continuous explosions.

   He clearly felt that the sniper aiming stopped for a while, because the sniper was not attacking him, so he did not perceive the danger of sniping.

   However, as the ‘sniper master’, David made a judgment on the aiming pause this time and determined that it was the hidden sniper soldier who carried out the sniper.

   When the final sniper aiming paused, he was facing Marshal Andre. He had a close relationship with Marshal Andre and would never let General Andre be attacked.

   David’s mind was concentrated, and the world in his eyes slowed down. He saw the flying green sniper bullet. At this moment, he had a strong confidence that he could catch this third-grade sniper bullet as long as he reached out.

   This is the confidence that belongs to the strong. He thought so and did the same. Reaching out his hand was like picking up the object in front of him, using **** to clamp the third grade sniper bullet.

   The impact force from the third-level sniper bullets was firmly controlled by David’s power of the fifth-level Templar power.

   Of course, even if David’s fingers did not clamp the third-grade sniper bullet, he was confident not to let General Andrey be injured, because his spirit set up a thick spiritual wall in front of General Andrey. .

   “You are truly powerful!” Marshal Andre has always believed in the main energy guns and battleships, and at this time he couldn’t help but sigh David’s power.

  Neither David nor General Marshal Andre was affected by the assassination just now, and they started a pleasant chat again.

   But this time the security military has taken action, from Skynet to all surveillance, forcibly opening all the identity bracelet information on the scene, and tracking down the identity and location of everyone.

   As for the protesters, they became accomplices since the incident of the blast bomb and the assassination of the Federal Marshal.

   The military was no longer polite. In less than a minute, all the more than 1,000 protesters were under control.

   The live broadcast was not closed. The military showed their rapid response capabilities to the Federation, and soon the vicinity of the Political Affairs Council was completely controlled by the military.

   A more detailed investigation continues, but there is no more confusion on the scene.

   speaking, General Marshal Andre glanced at the identity bracelet, and tapped it randomly.

   “Okay, it’s okay, you retreat!” Marshal Andre ordered the four extraordinary guards.

   “Grand Marshal, your safety!” The Extraordinary Guard said with some worry.

   “Don’t worry, a little accident!” Marshal Andre waved.

   The four extraordinary guards did not insist anymore, they paid a military salute to General Andre, and then to David, before they flashed to the rostrum.

   “Duke Arthur, I made you laugh today!” Marshal Andre said sorry to David.

   This kind of contradiction within the Federation was shown before the envoys of the gods of the great world, which made General Andre very shameless.

   “Nothing, I’m used to assassination!” David said with a light smile.

   Whether in the Interstellar Federation or in the Great World of God, David has suffered many assassinations, and he has grown up in the assassinations.

   When General Marshal Andre heard David’s words, he was a little stunned for a while, and he heard the helplessness in David’s words.

   Thinking that it took David only a year to grow up to his incomparable strength, the difficulties are not simple.

   “The sniper soldier who assassinated me has been found. He committed suicide in fear of sin!” General Andre said softly to David.

   This kind of news shouldn’t have been told to David, but David saved him just now, and he needs to tell David some inside information.

  ”The messenger behind found it?” David asked softly.

   “As soon as it was found out, the forces behind the sniper soldier had been eliminated long ago. This is a lone wolf assassin. He is the military sniper soldier and was arranged to participate in the security mission of the inauguration ceremony!” Andre explained.

  Their chat about this matter ended here, and neither of them continued.

   David also guessed what happened. This should be part of General Erskine’s plan.

   Lone Wolf Assassin is an assassin who doesn’t contact anyone anymore after receiving the mission. No one knows of its existence except the one who posted the mission.

   So even if Admiral Erskine is killed, his power is gradually being taken over by Marshal Andre, but the task of the Lone Wolf Assassin continues.

  From inciting protesters to arranging people to use explosive bombs to mobilize security defenses, leading to security breaches.

   This is a natural advantage for a military personnel involved in security work.

   It’s just that the lone wolf assassin didn’t expect that Duke Arthur would save General Marshal Andre. This was unexpected.

   “Welcome the new President of the Star Federation, President Barnard!” the government host announced loudly.

  The people at the scene seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and they cheered loudly.

   When President Barnard appeared, the cheers reached a climax.

   David smiled and looked at him. He did not applaud like the rest of the people. He was a representative of God’s great world, just a bystander.

   “Thank you federal citizens, you have chosen me, and thank you distinguished gentlemen who attended the inauguration ceremony, especially Duke Arthur from the Great World of Gods. It is an honor for you to come!” President Barnard laughed Said.

   David smiled and nodded. He didn’t like this kind of professional politician’s speech.

  President Barnard’s next speech was full of infectious power, and the crowd below kept applauding.

  Only these high-ranking officials sitting on the rostrum were relatively reserved.

  The speech lasted for an hour and a half, after which President Barnard swore an oath on the constitutional ceremony, and the acting president handed over the presidential key symbolizing power to President Barnard.

   David participated in this kind of ceremony for the first time, perhaps because his vision has long surpassed the height of politics, which made him look at the whole inauguration process like watching a drama.

  After seeing and fighting a real god, worldly power has little effect on him.

   General Marshal Andre, who was sitting next to David, couldn’t help but feel surprised when he saw David’s performance during the entire inauguration.

  According to the truth, in just one year, Duke Arthur went from a baron to the title of Duke. He should be a person who is keen on power. But looking at Duke Arthur’s demeanor, it is a picture that is beyond the world. look.

  Marshal Andre saw the same look on another person, who was the same outstanding David.

   Of course, no matter how much Marshal Andre thought, he never regarded David and Duke Arthur as the same person, but thought they were equally good.

  Although David is very strong, it is only very strong in the Star Federation. He fights with the third-level Zerg alone. David’s power is well-known in the Star Federation, and his name of the Federation God of War has made David become Legend of the Federation.

   But David’s strength is completely different from Duke Arthur’s side. Duke Arthur is able to fight head-on with the fifth-level Zerg. This kind of powerful knight is also a top-level force even in the world of God. .

   After the inauguration ceremony is over, there is a celebratory cocktail party, attended by senior officials of the federal government and the military.

   This high-end cocktail party is also something David needs to attend.

The    cocktail party was held at the Federal Hotel, which is also the official hotel of Origin Star.

   David did not communicate with the high-level federal officials who he did not know in the lobby. He sat in the lounge by the lobby, accompanied by Secretary Chambers and General Francis.

   This time David’s mission is to have a meeting with President Barnard, a very formal diplomatic meeting.

  After half an hour of waiting, President Barnard walked into the lounge in high spirits.

  Behind President Barnard are two escorts. They are in charge of translation work.

   “Duke Arthur, it’s nice to meet you!” President Barnard narrowed his eyes and looked at the Duke Arthur in front of him. To be honest, he didn’t like Duke Arthur.

   This is not to say that President Barnard has any opinion on Duke Arthur, but the reason why Duke Arthur and Marshal Andre are too close, and Duke Arthur rescued Marshal Andre.

  The dirty in politics, David doesn’t want to know, he can also understand President Barnard’s dislike of him through Strangely, President Barnard’s dislike can only make David feel Laugh.

   David was laughing at himself. He deeply doubted whether he was born to be at odds with the Federal President. This changed a Federal President, and he also changed a more noble status, which would still make the Federal President feel bad .

   “President Barnard, I am also very happy!” David smiled and bowed and performed an aristocratic ritual using God’s language.

   This kind of formal meeting, even if David is proficient in federal language, or President Barnard can speak God’s language, he needs to use his own language, and then translate the most accurate translation through translation, so as not to appear in the communication process. Verbal ambiguity.

   “I am very grateful to the great world of God for attaching great importance to the inauguration ceremony. You are sent here. Please thank Speaker Abe for me!” President Barnard said very officially.

   David’s participation in the presidential inauguration this time is the highest-ranking nobleman of the great world who participated in the inauguration of more than ten presidents. If David hadn’t helped General Marshal Andre, President Barnard really wanted to David gets along well.

   The conversation between President Barnard and David was prepared before the meeting, and Ambassador Cumming personally handed it over to David.

   So although the two parties seem to be chatting casually, they are actually proceeding in accordance with the script. This kind of formal meeting between the two worlds will be recorded by both parties.

   David has always maintained the standard aristocratic etiquette of the gods of the great world. He talked with President Barnard. Although he was impatient, this was also his final mission.

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