Transcendent David Chapter 821: Departure

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   Latest URL: According to the defenses of these warships, it shouldn’t have been so simple to be solved by David all at once.

   In the process of manufacturing, warships have the functions of defensive spirit, poisonous and other special range attacks. This is also improved after numerous wars with the gods.

   Without these defensive capabilities, the five-level sacrificial gods of the Great World only need to have a group hypnosis, which can make the battleship lose its combat power, and even turn against other warships and become the puppets of the fifth-level sacrificial rites.

   First of all, the two hundred warships here consume a lot of energy on the high-intensity main gun attack, making the warship’s own defensive shield extremely weak.

   Actually, the’Plague’ talent ability used by David is a spiritual talent ability of more than five levels. It comes from the ability of the gods. Although David’s own strength cannot exert the strongest effect, the spread of’Plague’ The ability has maintained the level of the gods.

   Of course, the most important thing is that the two hundred warships are not in a war with the divine world. I don’t know what kind of existence they need to deal with. This is the final result of their deaths.

  If it were a strong man facing the great world of the gods, the two hundred warships would have dispersed long ago, and they would be far away from David. How could he be allowed to get close?

   All the crew members in the two hundred warships died, and their souls were absorbed by the Shadow Servant. The battle was over within a minute.

   But David still stayed in space for a long time, which is why he is fast.

   For half a day, David controlled the Shadow Servant to enter each battleship, obtained the authority of the battleship, and then put the battleship into the space pendant.

   These battleships are the latest battleships of the Star Federation, and it is not easy to get one at ordinary times. There are two hundred battleships that don’t even have the military authority, how could he let it go.

   Two hundred warships were collected in the space pendant, which finally made the space pendant less empty.

  According to the way he came, David returned to Origin Star the same way, and after a day, he approached Origin Star.

  Origin Star Federation Command Headquarters, Marshal Andre is receiving his immediate intelligence officer Colonel Morrison.

   Colonel Morrison is a loyal subordinate of Marshal Andre, controls an independent intelligence agency, and is also an important source of Marshal Andre’s secret intelligence.

   “Tell me, what happened to you in such a hurry?” General Andre asked in a deep voice.

   Colonel Morrison rarely appears in public because of his special status. Only when a very important event occurs and he needs to report in person will he come to see General Andre.

   “There is news from Admiral Erskine that they have lost contact with Admiral Erskine, and there is already command confusion over there!” Colonel Morrison reported.

   Grand Marshal Andre’s eyes tightened. The contradiction between him and General Erskine has always existed. Because of physical reasons, he wanted to cultivate a person who could contend with from his own power. leader.

  It’s just that such a leader can’t be cultivated so easily, and General Andre can only drag the sick body to support it.

   General Erskine’s actions, Marshal Andrei did not know, but the energy was not enough for him to fight back, so he could only be on the defensive.

  When General Marshal Andre wanted to come, with his huge influence and power of General Marshal, it was not easy for General Erskine to seize power.

   But some time ago, some information mentioned that Admiral Erskine seemed to have changed, and Marshal Andre would ask Colonel Morrison to mobilize resources in his hands and fully explore the movements of Admiral Erskine.

   It’s a pity that Colonel Morrison can only get his tentacles into the forces controlled by Admiral Erskine, he can’t get close to Admiral Erskine, and he can’t detect the conspiracy of Admiral Erskine.

   “Is the intelligence sure?” General Marshal Andre confirmed in a deep voice.

  This information is very important, and Marshal Andre must be made cautious. He knows the ability of General Erskine. It is also a general who has been killed in countless wars and is proficient in calculations.

  ”There is nothing wrong with it. If Admiral Erskine does not appear in two days, I am afraid that the entire force will fall apart. Especially from the attitude of several high-level officials over there, Admiral Erskine is very There may be something wrong!” Colonel Morrison said, shaking his head.

   The intelligence personnel who entered there by Colonel Morrison made it very clear that if it was false, the price paid would be too great.

   For some unknown reason, the first thing that flashed through General Marshal Andre’s mind was David. He thought of David asking him if he needed help a few days ago.

   “Wait a minute!” General Marshal Andre waved, and he came to the desk and sent a message to David through his identity bracelet.

   After Marshal Andre sent a message, he didn’t expect David to respond immediately, because the identity bracelet’s messages need to be close to Skynet to be sent and received, or to be in a large spacecraft with interstellar communication. Inside.

   But General Marshal Andre had good luck. He sent a message that David had just completed his mission and returned, and he was approaching the origin star.

   “David, do you know about General Erskine?” David looked at the message from General Andre on the identity bracelet and couldn’t help but smile.

   David is also feeling terrible for General Marshal Andre’s intelligence. It can be said that there is no living person on the Saint Star’s side. He slaughtered fast enough that even the news was not passed on.

   That’s the case, but only one day later, General Marshal Andre’s intelligence system has suspected him.

   David’s guess is wrong. This is not the suspicion of the intelligence system at all. It is just a special feeling of General Andre. He sent a message just to try it out.

   “Admiral Erskine is dead!” Seeing Marshal Andre’s inquiry, he didn’t hide anything, and replied directly.

  , General Marshal Andre, who was about to talk with Colonel Morrison again, found the information on the identity bracelet. After opening it, he couldn’t help but laughed.

   “Grand Marshal, is there anything you are happy about?” Colonel Morrison hasn’t seen Marshal Andre’s look for a long time. In recent years, he has been worrying about the power struggle between the government and the military. .

   “Adjutant Jikir, you come in!” Marshal Andre did not immediately answer Colonel Morrison’s question, he opened internal contacts and said.

   “Grand Marshal!” Adjutant Jikir was outside the door and walked into the inner office when he received the news.

   “Send me an order to fully accept the power of Admiral Erskine, release the evidence collected before, and convict the convictions of Admiral Erskine’s direct subordinates. The dismissal should be dismissed!” The marshal ordered in a deep voice.

  For Marshal Andre, the opposition of the military who lost Admiral Erskine is not worth mentioning. His intelligence system has been collecting all kinds of illegal activities about Admiral Erskine’s forces. The evidence is only due to the existence of General Erskine, unable to make a single blow.

   After confirming the news of the death of Admiral Erskine, the rest is much simpler, and the generals under General Marshal Andre can disintegrate the forces of Admiral Erskine.

   “Yes, Grand Marshal!” Adjutant Jikir stood up and responded with excitement.

   Colonel Morrison looked incredulous, his biggest opponent Mo Ming fell, and it was obvious that Marshal Andre knew the details, but he did not ask. He thought it should be Ander. General Lie’s most secret subordinates.

   After replying to Marshal Andre’s message, David turned into an electric light and entered the room of the Divine World Embassy on the Origin Star.

   It was lunch time, and David took a wash, changed into a casual outfit and went to the restaurant on the first floor.

   “Duke Arthur, are you back?” Ambassador Cumming showed an incredible expression on his face when he saw David.

   David’s sudden disappearance was told to Ambassador Cumming in advance. Ambassador Cumming knew that David had left for defectors.

  After David left, Ambassador Cumming was still worried about whether David could catch up with President Barnard’s inauguration ceremony. This is a major foreign affairs that has been set long ago.

   Ambassador Ke Cumming did not expect that David would return in only three days. He even doubted whether David had left Origin Star.

  , you must know that this is not a great world of gods. Although the Interstellar Federation has a space portal to reduce the distance, it takes time to navigate inside the star field. Don’t say David’s time to leave is to go to other star fields. , It is too late to reach another nearby planet.

   “Yes!” David smiled and nodded in response. He motioned to the servant in the restaurant, and the servant bowed for him to inform the chef to prepare lunch.

   “Duke Arthur, haven’t you set off yet?” Ambassador Cumming asked without holding back his curiosity for a while before the lunch was delivered.

   “It has been resolved, everything is going well!” David replied with a smile.

   “Are you saying that the defector has been resolved?” Ambassador Cumming asked in surprise.

   He is a little suspicious of his ears. If you know that he is connected with the intelligence system of the Divine World in the Interstellar Federation, he can be sure that the intelligence system has not found the location of the defector.

   And David only went out for three days, and when he came back, he said that the defector had been settled. How could this not surprise Ambassador Cumming.

  ”Yes, the Dennis family defected knight Monty Sky Knight, the Cotton family defected knight Norman Sky Knight, and six third-level land knights. The corpses are in my space items. This is the restaurant. Don’t take it out!” David said with a little joke.

   Ambassador Cumming heard this solution, and he couldn’t help but believe the result. David could not deceive him for this.

   “Ambassador Cumming, I will stay in the training room for the next ten days. You will report to the divine world about the completion of the mission!” David saw that the servant was coming over with the dishes, and finally asked Ambassador Cumming explained.

Ten days after   , David stayed quietly in the embassy and did not go out.

   This also gave all parties in the Star Federation a long sigh of relief. The government and the military did not want this superpower of the gods to continue to cause trouble on Origin Star.

   This Duke Arthur is also very irritable, and he doesn’t show mercy when he makes a move.

   Now the entire federation knows the name of Duke Arthur, what happened in the Hart high-end equipment display shop, in this interstellar federation where information is spreading very fast, spread throughout the interstellar federation in a short time.

  Especially Origin Star, the merchants have curtailed their arrogance, and the transcendents also warned each other.

   Of course, an undercurrent is also surging. The voice against the alliance with the Great World of Gods has never disappeared. These organizations are in close contact.

   David took out the dress from the pendant of the space. This is a dress that had been prepared for him from the Supreme Council.

   is not only the dress, the Supreme Council prepared a full set of costumes for David when he decided to attend the inauguration of the Star Federation president as a reserve member of the Supreme Council.

   includes dresses, cloaks, leather boots, belts, gloves, top hats, and a set of accessories, which can be taken out by the Supreme Council and are naturally top-notch.

  After a year of living in the great world, David has no resistance to these luxurious clothes.

   When he appeared in front of Ambassador Cumming in the top-level dress of the gods, Ambassador Cumming couldn’t help but sigh for the majesty David showed.

   David’s age is too young, and the title of the duke does not match this age. When he suppresses the breath of his own strength, it will make people feel his youthful temperament.

   But attending events that represent the world requires majesty. This top-level dress reduces the influence of his age and greatly increases his majesty.

   “Alchemy carriage is ready, please follow your orders at any time!” Captain Norbert, wearing a knight concierge armor, walked into the hall and reported to David.

   “Ambassador Cumming, time is almost up, let’s go!” David smiled and said to Ambassador Cumming.

   “Duke Arthur, please!” Ambassador Cumming bowed and said in a salute.

   David nodded, and walked out of the hall first. In the courtyard of the embassy, ​​the alchemy patterns on the alchemy carriage were all opened, and the flow of light on the alchemy carriage made the surface of the alchemy carriage as liquid.

   Twelve official knights are riding their respective war horses. The horse armor on the war horses and the armor on the knights shine with light of alchemy patterns, and there is light connection between the knights to form a knight battle formation.

   David and Ambassador Cumming got into the alchemy carriage, and Captain Norbert also recruited a horse to join the knights.

   A knight battle formation composed of thirteen knights, the center point is David, and David naturally becomes the core of the knight battle formation.

   The power of blood in David’s body surged, and the power of blood belonging to the fourth-level sky knight flowed into the knight’s battle formation.

   At this time, the knight battle formation has no combat effectiveness. This is the concierge battle formation. When there is a sky knight in the concierge battle formation, the concierge battle formation has the flight ability of the four-level sky knight.

   At this time, the concierge battle is flowing with David’s fourth-level bloodline power. This level of bloodline power is not mobilized by the third-level ground knights, let alone the second-level knights. Concierge knights It can only be achieved by having a concierge battle formation, which is why there is no combat effectiveness.

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