Transcendent David Chapter 733: Occupy

Divine power crystals are extremely precious to any god, especially the weak **** like Gladstone, the **** of plague.

If it were not for the last resort, Gladstone, the **** of plague, would not want to consume the precious crystals of divine power.

The world of Gladstone, the plague god, cannot be without souls, otherwise, even if he hides the world, it will slowly collapse because of the lack of souls in the world.

Any **** will not let his world collapse. If the god’s world collapses, the **** will be directly exposed in the main world of the great world of the gods.

The rules of the gods of the great world will suppress the gods. Although the strength of the deities that suppresses the strength is enough to crush the fifth-level Templar knights, the cost of fighting in the gods of the world will be huge. It is also easier to fall.

There are too many things in the gods that other powerful people want to get. As long as the plague **** Gladstone appears in the gods, there will be countless five-level temples without any major temple organization. The knight appeared, vying for the treasure of Gladstone, the plague god.

Of course, Gladstone, the **** of plague, was discovered by the major temples, and no five-level Templars took the initiative. Only when the temple was called up would they proceed with the ‘God Killing’ mission.

In fact, there are few fifth-level Templars who want to participate in the recruitment of the temple, and they will only reluctantly participate under the mandatory call.

Because of this ‘god-killing’ task, the battle is dominated by the fifth-level Templars, but the main gains are all attributed to the temple.

All the items associated with the gods obtained after the’killing of the gods’ will be taken away by the temple. Although the treasures left behind are good, they are really nothing to the fifth-level Templars.

This is also the reason why Lord Gould did not report to the temple after discovering Gladstone, the **** of plague, but organized his own manpower to “kill the gods”.

The temple also has an important task in the divine world, which is to prevent anyone from opening the path to becoming a god.

In order not to become the prey of several major temples, Gladstone, the **** of plague, chose to occupy Rumbu star first.

As long as you control the entire Rumbu star, even if the temple wants to clear him, you need to understand the situation of Rumbu star first.

The plague **** Gladstone needs a period of time so that he can get more believer souls.

Knowing that it takes at least ten days before all the believers on the entire Lembu Star starve to death, the original food can be consumed, and it will take a few more days to finally starve to death.

In this process, Gladstone, the **** of plague, cannot intervene. As long as he intervenes, the rules of the world will come into play.

Don’t look at the rules of the world that you can’t usually see, but this rule not only affects ordinary people, but also affects gods.

If you want to gain faith from the divine world, you need to abide by the rules of the world.

The plague **** Gladstone used divine power to cheat to create believers, but if the souls of these believers want to return to the world of the plague **** Gladstone, they need to fully abide by the world’s rules and let the believers die naturally, or for The way he died in battle can he return to his world.

Gladstone, the **** of plague, will naturally not allow the temple to send people into Lombos, hoping that they will kill all believers. The believers affected by this kind of divine power, those temples of powerful gods can be cleared only by opening the altar. Divine influence.

So the best choice for the plague **** Gladstone is to let the believers of Lombos die naturally. For this reason, he did not completely close the portal to delay the discovery of abnormalities in several temples.

Only after the first batch of priests of the Earth Temple entered, Gladstone, the plague god, closed the portal, cutting off the connection between Rumbus and the gods.

In the future, if someone wants to enter Lembos, they need to pass through the ‘Spaceship’. Not only does this require a lot of time, but the transportation is far less convenient than the portal.

Gladstone, the **** of plague, only needs to delay for a while. With these 30 million souls, he can maintain his world, hide his world at that time, and even put himself into a deep sleep. The next awakening.

Before closing the huge portal, the fourth-level priest surrounded by countless low-level knights waved the fourth-level epee in his hand, but he did not activate the bloodline power.

The knights surrounding them are only level one or two, and the use of bloodline power can only accelerate the killing speed, but it will reduce their battle duration.

Until now, the fourth-level priests have not known which ancient **** they are facing. If he has detailed information, he might not make this choice.

Although the fourth-level priest only brought six third-level combat priests, he believed that as long as their physical strength did not end in a short period of time, they would not be defeated.

These first- and second-tier knights have received the influence of the ancient gods, and their ability to improve is extremely limited.

Even the influence of some ancient gods will weaken the knight’s combat power.

A second-level knight opened his mouth and let out an unpleasant roar. His voice was more like the cry of a beast, losing human emotion.

The second-level knight summons a war horse. The war horse is not affected by divine power. However, the war horse is a life contract signed with the second-level knight, so the war horse is controlled by the second-level knight.

All the actions of the second-level knights are based on the knight’s fighting instincts that have been trained for a long time. When deciding to fight, they naturally recruit horses.

Then the second-level knight launched a charge. He did not form a battle formation with the rest of the knights. It seemed that the knowledge of the knight battle formation disappeared from his memory.

The fourth-level priest let out a long sigh of relief. What he has been worried about is so many low-level knights. Once the knight battlefield is activated, it will pose a terrible threat to them.

The power of the knight battle formation increases as the number of knights increases.

There are at least five thousand knights on the scene. With so many knights forming a knight battle formation, it will be a tough battle.

The fourth-level priest himself ignored the charge of the second-level knight, and the third-level epee in the hands of a third-level combat priest beside him swung out.

While the sword light flashed, the second-level knight had not had time to react before he was headed by the sword lord.

The life contract of the warhorse did not come into play, and the second-level knight was killed.

Only when his head flew up, the blood in his body spurted out. It was supposed to be bright red blood, but black blood was spurted out.

The second-level knight itself is a charge, and the third-level battle priest wants to save energy, and does not use the blood power, even the blood power of the bodyguard is not activated.

This caused the black blood in the second-level knight’s body to be sprayed on the body of the third-level battle priest without any hindrance.

The third-level battle priest tried hard to make an evasive action, but was still stained with a few drops of black blood.

At the beginning of the third-level battle priest, he didn’t care about this black blood. He had also seen a lot of evil things, and he could easily solve it by consuming blood.

Know that the level of the bloodline power increases with his own level, and his third-level bloodline power should be easy to deal with a few drops of black blood with only a second-level opponent.

Only when the black blood was on the body, the third-level battle priest discovered something was wrong.

The third-level combat priest is also a third-level knight armor, and it is also a treasure made by the master, but the third-level knight armor did not even block a breath, it was corroded by the black blood, and the black blood entered the inside of the armor. .

“This is a fourth-level poison!” The third-level battle priest exclaimed when he felt the numbness in his body.

He instantly took the antidote from the space ring and drank it, but this top-level antidote did not produce any effect. On the contrary, he wanted to use the antidote to detoxify, so he lost the opportunity to remove the poisoned skin immediately.

The fourth-level priest just wanted to help the poisoned third-level combat priest, the fallen corpse shrank suddenly, and a violent energy surged inside the corpse.

“Be careful, open the shield of bloodline power!” The fourth-level priest did not have time to take care of the poisoned third-level combat priest, and he no longer wanted to retain the bloodline power. He shouted.

With the sound of ‘boom’, the second-level knight’s body exploded and turned into a black mist.

At this moment, the first and second level knights continuously launched charges, and they rammed onto the bloodline power shield composed of priests. Although the power of the first and second level knights was small, the impact was enough to kill them themselves.

There are constant explosions of ‘boom’, and these low-level knights have no fear of life and death, or that they are not wise beings long ago, they are just frantically launching suicide attacks again and again.

The fourth-level priest mobilized the power of the knight’s battle formation to arrange the shield, while watching the fallen third-level battle priest.

“What a domineering poison!” The fourth-level priest said in a deep voice.

Although the knight battlefield resisted the suicide attacks of the low-level knights, there was no excitement in the heart of the fourth-level priest.

The poison produced by the low-level knights after they exploded is constantly eroding the bloodline power shield, causing the bloodline power in the bloodline power shield to be quickly consumed.

As more and more low-level knights blew themselves up, the power of the poison is also increasing.

The fourth-level priest wanted to leave this highly toxic zone, but he was surrounded by knights, and knights who exploded in any direction.

At this time, the fourth-level priest felt a little regretful. When he felt danger, if he discarded the six third-level combat priests, he could summon his own flying mount. At least with the air superiority, he might still survive. Go down.

Now the fourth-level priests have lost the opportunity to summon flying mounts. The terrifying poison makes him afraid to relax at all. As long as the bloodline power shield is broken, these priests cannot face the crazy self-explosive knight alone.

Finally, the fourth-level priest and his six third-level combat priests were drowned in constant explosions, and black poisonous fog filled the square.

It was also when the fourth-level priest and six third-level combat priests all died in battle, the Temple of Earth confirmed that the Rumbu star had changed.

How long have the fourth-level priests in the temple have no death records? As long as the gods belong to the great world, even the top nobles will give the fourth-level priests face, let alone threaten the life of the fourth-level priests.

In the great world of the gods, the only ones who dare to kill the four-level priests are the followers of evil gods.

From the leak of the heretical spirit from the star of Lombos, to the destruction of the priest squad led by the fourth-level priests, to the disappearance of the portal of the star of Lombos from the teleportation list, all these tell the Temple of Earth that the star of Lembos is extremely likely God-level event.

What happened on Rumbu star was spread in several big temples in advance, and the big temples sat down to discuss how to deal with the problem of Rumbo star.

Two days later, this news spread among the noble circles. After countless years of infiltration, as long as the inside of the several major temples knows, the noble circles will quickly know.

When it reached the main city of Bama, the assassination of the two sky knights in the main city of Bama law enforcement team happened to be a hot spot among the nobles.

The death of the two law-enforcement sky knights is no better than the occurrence of the war of gods. Rumbus has become a talk in the noble circle. As for the death of the two law-enforcement sky knights, few people talk about it again.

Still still in Main Castle on Main, Bishop Bolin and Archbishop appeared in the main hall of Main Castle.

This time Lord Gould was received by the main body and did not use the energy clone.

“Lord Gould, you are still intact, really surprised me!” The archbishop looked at Lord Gould, his tone of voice sounded peaceful, but the meaning was to let Lord Gould Can’t help but be surprised.

The status of the archbishop is extremely noble. If the lords of the top nobles are the secular leaders of the divine world, then the archbishop is one of the spiritual leaders of the divine world.

And the power in the hands of the archbishop is much higher than that of any lord, and in some cases can even handle worldly matters on behalf of the gods.

That’s why Lord Gould attaches such importance to the archbishop, and uses the body to personally receive him.

“I don’t know what do you mean, Archbishop?” Lord Gould guessed something, but everyone knew this kind of thing, and rarely said it on the table.

“Lord Gould, this time I came to visit, I just want a name that can make Lord Ferdinand, Lord Merlin, Lord Emir and Lord Luke a dead opponent in believe Only that kind exists.

On behalf of the temple, I can say that you will not be held accountable for your unauthorized actions, but I must get the real name of that person! “The archbishop said in a deep voice.

Because of the failure of the operation on Rumbus, the Temple of the Earth lost the opportunity to negotiate, and the archbishop would come to inquire Lord Gould, hoping to gain an advantage in the next negotiation with the remaining temples.

The archbishop will not let go of any chance of “killing the gods”. As long as the “killing the gods” succeeds, then the spoils of the ancient gods will be enough to please the gods of the earth.

But the premise of this is that the Temple of the Earth must have the right to distribute as many ancient gods as possible.

Knowing the name of the ancient **** in advance can seize this opportunity. For this reason, the archbishop does not hesitate to meet with Lord Gould in private.

After so many years, the strength of the top nobles has been soaring, and the temples also need to be cautious about the top nobles. In the last resort, even the archbishop does not want to turn against the top nobles.

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