Transcendent David Chapter 723: Absorb

David clenched his hand into a fist and slammed heavily on the black armor. His power at this time was great, coupled with the instant acceleration of the battle angel crystal, the power of this blow was stronger than any one The pinnacle earth knight.

But his strike like this only caused a slight tremor on the surface of the black armor, and the power of his strike was perfectly eliminated by the black armor.

This made David have to re-examine the black armor. It is estimated that this black armor can be compared to the five-grade armor.

Thinking of the fifth grade, he took out the fifth grade light sword of Lord Merlin from the space ring.

Black armor can repair itself. David is not worried that he will damage the black armor. If he is really damaged by the fifth-grade light sword, then he can just observe the self-repair process of the black armor.

The fifth-grade light sword slashed on the black armor lightly. He didn’t use much power, because with the sharpness of the fifth-grade light sword, any defense below the fifth-grade would be broken.

The moment the fifth-grade light sword slashed on the surface of the black armor, a faint pattern appeared on the surface of the black armor, and then the attack of the fifth-grade light sword was transmitted to the entire black armor.

Know that this is a super-heavy armor weighing 10,000 kilograms, so the weight is trembling, coupled with the special material of the black armor itself, the impact that can be offset is unimaginable.

The fifth-level light sword did not cause any damage to the black armor. This was the first time David saw any defense that could face a fifth-level weapon.

David increased his strength again. In increasing his strength time and time again, he found that with his current strength, even holding a fifth-grade light long sword, he could not cause damage to this black armor.

He looked at the black armor in his hand, happy and helpless.

I am glad that this level of armor is absolutely safe to wear. It is estimated that it is very difficult for the fourth-level sky knight to hurt him under the protection of black armor.

Helplessly, as long as David dares to go out wearing this black armor, he will immediately be known by the top nobles.

At that time, the one who came to him must be a powerful person at the level of the fifth-level Templar. This is the equipment of the fifth-level Templar ‘God Killing’, that is, the strongest equipment of the five lords.

David then found the corpses of Lord Amir and Lord Luke in the other two space rings, as well as the black armor and fifth-grade light swords of the two lords.

Perceiving the bodies of four fifth-level Templar knights, David actually had a crazy idea in his mind.

It’s just that he still has a name for himself. When he resurrected the fourth-level sky knight for the first time, he was extremely reluctant. Afterwards, because his spirit was over 9 points, it would not take any effort to resurrect the fourth-level sky knight, but it still needed It can only be done with massive soul energy support.

Based on the estimation in David’s mind, if he wants to resurrect the fifth-level Templar, he must at least raise his spirit again and raise his strength to the fourth-level sky knight.

He put the four space rings, together with all the equipment, intact and put them back in the space pendant.

Before David was not sure to resurrect the fifth-level Templars, he was not going to take out the equipment belonging to the four lords for use.

Starting to look at the corpses of the sky knights again, the corpses of these sky knights were all poisoned to death, which made David a little worried about whether these corpses were still alive.

Although the life energy of the battle angel’s bones is very powerful, it can’t rescue the dead body without any activity.

According to the medical science of the Interstellar Federation, these corpses that have just died can theoretically be rescued.

Even if the Shadow Servant did not absorb the soul of the Sky Knight and David used the life energy to resurrect the Sky Knight’s body, the Sky Knight would be truly resurrected.

Except for the first two sky knight corpses, the rest of the sky knight corpses were received by the Shadow Servant in the space ring at the first moment of death.

With the static state of time in the space ring, as long as the body is not completely corroded by the poison, there is a possibility of rescue.

For this kind of poison, David has a very headache, but he remembers the poison in the main body of Gould. He used the “poison pattern” but only absorbed part of the poison, which delayed the poison. Time of onset.

However, the poison in the main body of Gould was made by the plague **** Gladstone, and the poison of these sky knights was only done by the black **** servants, and the levels of the poison were still quite different.

David dare not directly detoxify the corpse of the sky knight, because the removed sky knight’s corpse has a trace of activity, I am afraid that he has not waited for him to use the “toxin pattern” to absorb the poison, it will be completely Disappeared.

He took out the corpse of a sky knight, which was a corpse whose heart was pierced by a black spear. The black spear was taken out by the Shadow Servant and put aside.

David pointed a finger, and a pure white light sank into the sky knight’s corpse. The place where the pure white light sank was the penetrated heart of the sky knight.

Something unexpected happened to him, which he estimated to be at least level five poisonous, but it dissipated like snow melt under the pure white light of life energy.

Of course, due to the elimination of the fifth-level poison, some of the life energy input by David was consumed.

David doesn’t care about life energy being consumed. He has fighting angel bones, and life energy is almost inexhaustible.

If Bishop Bolin sees the way he consumes his life force, he will probably be frightened.

Know that even the **** of the earth, the immortal vitality possessed by it is transformed through the divine power, and the conversion ratio is extremely moving, so that the **** of the earth needs to use the immortal vitality with caution.

Perhaps for the Temple of Earth, using this extremely precious indestructible life force on the fourth-level sky knight is a great waste.

David didn’t expect the life energy generated by the battle angel’s bones to have such a good effect, this kind of at least five levels of poison would be resolved instantly.

As expected, the poison was detoxified, the injured heart recovered, and the heart was slightly stimulated to restore its beating.

All the injuries on the sky knight’s body disappeared. Apart from having no soul, this sky knight was like a normal sky knight.

David summoned the Shadow Servant and put a hand on the shoulder of the Shadow Servant. As the soul energy poured into the body, he began to draw a ‘bewitching pattern’ and introduced the soul energy into it.

After he painted the ‘bewitching pattern’, the soul energy pouring into the Shadow Servant continued to enter the ‘bewitching pattern’.

This is an extremely luxurious behavior. For any life, soul energy is unique.

Only the bald-headed **** was in despair. He was successfully connected by the reckless sacrifice of David’s predecessor. David became the only hope of the bald-headed **** in despair. In order to be able to recover quickly, The shadow servant retained this ability to absorb soul energy when he was bestowed it.

The ability to absorb soul energy was originally a special ability of bald-headed brawny gods, and it is also an extremely rare ability among gods.

And this ability falls into the hands of ordinary people like David, and it is reasonable to be able to do some unexpected things.

Don’t underestimate the process of resurrecting the sky knight. In this process, David used the Zerg’s ‘bewitching pattern’, the immortal vitality of battle angels, and the soul energy of the bald-headed gods.

These abilities include different races, different planes, and abilities exclusive to gods.

Using these abilities to resurrect the fourth-level sky knights is really not a surprise.

David’s sixth sky knight stood up from the ground and immediately connected with the souls of the other five sky knights, and some knowledge was transmitted in this soul connection.

This reduces the adaptation time of the newly resurrected sky knight, and there is no need to follow David to slowly learn how to be a normal sky knight, because the sky knight has already learned this process.

This knowledge will be accepted by the newly resurrected Sky Knight in the soul connection.

David took out the sky knight’s summoning ring again. In order to prevent confusion, he asked the Shadow Servant to place all the summoning rings and the sky knight’s body one by one.

Still without any accident, the sky rider regained his own flying mount.

While David continued to resurrect the sky knight, the sky knight entered into the genetic repair cabin on the side. The genetic medicine that had been configured for a long time was combined with the advanced medical technology of the Interstellar Federation, and the sky knight’s face began to change into David’s preset face.

One day later, David’s resurrection of the Sky Knight had to stop.

He has not been able to resurrect all the sky knights. In a training room that is not too big, there are ten newly resurrected sky knights standing.

The reason why David stopped the resurrection work was not because the energy of the soul was exhausted, nor was it that the sky knight’s corpse could not be resurrected, but for a reason that he did not expect. The’bewitching pattern’ produced souls. Extreme.

At least his spirit has not been greatly improved, and the soul creation limit of this ‘bewitching pattern’ will not be improved.

David still uses serial numbers to name the ten newly resurrected sky knights, from the fourth to the thirteenth. Although the serial number for the fourth-level sky knights is somewhat disrespectful, they are all for David. It is his subordinate, and such a name makes him more convenient to command.

He spent some more time restructuring all the third-grade armors and fourth-grade epees of all the sky knights, which benefited his ‘master forging’ ability.

Of course, David didn’t want to rebuild these fifteen sets of third-grade armor and fourth-grade epee. It would take a long time, at least before his strength reached the bottleneck period. I will not waste my time.

His transformation of the third-level armor is to remove all the original imprints belonging to the original owner, and add the Shadow Leopard Emblem on it.

The fourth-level epee also removes the mark and replaces it with the mark of the Luce family.

After doing this, these sky knights have absolutely no connection with their previous identities.

Fifteen sky knights took up half of the training room. They sat on the ground, did not speak, but exchanged knowledge between each other through their souls.

This is not only the Mark Knight, Garland Knight, and Number One, Number Two, and Number Three imparting knowledge to the newly resurrected knights. Some of the instinctive fighting methods of these newly resurrected knights are also being taught to the rest of the sky knights.

When there were only five sky knights before, there was not much improvement in fighting skills, because the previous five sky knights only had two sky knights from the Barry family. The other sky knights had better fighting skills. Average power.

The newly resurrected ten sky knights are different. These ten sky knights are all sky knights belonging to the top noble family.

Some of the sky knights are newly recruited into the family, but they also require considerable strength to enter. After entering, after a month of learning, they have obtained part of the battle inheritance of the top noble family.

The fifteen sky knights transmitted each other’s fighting skills through their souls without any reservation. Although some of these fighting skills were lost after death, the exchanges of the fifteen sky knights still made every sky knight fight. The ability has been greatly improved.

Unfortunately, it seems that this kind of communication can only be carried out between the souls transformed by the’bewitching pattern’. David can also receive this knowledge through the’bewitching pattern’, but he cannot be directly transformed into himself like these sky knights. Combat effectiveness.

After experiencing the ‘bewitching pattern’ for some time, David discovered that this knowledge had no effect on him, so he no longer controlled the communication among the fifteen sky knights.

He pressed his hand on Shadow Servant’s shoulder again, and the remaining soul energy he shared equally with Shadow Servant.

When David felt the surge of soul energy, he felt that he seemed to underestimate the harvest of soul energy.

One hundred fourth-level black servants and twenty-five fourth-level sky knights. This is all his soul energy harvest this time~ those four fifth-level Templar knights, because David did not After checking the space ring for a while, the bodies of the fifth-level Templars were not found in time, and the souls of the four fifth-level Templars disappeared.

David didn’t know this, otherwise he would have been crying to death.

Of course, given the situation at that time, he wanted to rescue Lord Gould, and it was rare to be able to take away the four space rings.

It’s not anyone who has the courage to save people when he knows that there is an evil **** next to him, and he doesn’t forget the spoils while saving people.

David knows how much soul energy a four-level sky knight can provide. He also knows the soul energy needed to resurrect a sky knight. In his calculations, the remaining soul energy is quite a lot, but Not too much, it can only be regarded as helpful for the improvement of his soul.

But when the soul energy poured into his body, he found that his calculation was wrong. It seems that when he counted one hundred fourth-level black servants, there was a huge difference in the calculation of their soul energy.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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