Transcendent David Chapter 717: God

Compared with the previous battle, the intensity of the battle has been completely different since the sky knight and the black servant found that the black servant could not be resurrected.

In just a few minutes, sky knights and black servants continued to fall.

There is a reason why the knights swept across the world of the gods. Even if there is a huge gap in the number of people, even if they are of the same level, every time a sky knight falls, the black servants will fall five or more.

David is also very busy. He dared not expose himself, but he was busy collecting loot.

The corpse and equipment of the sky knight, the black spear of the black servant, will be taken away by the shadow servant as long as it is on the ground.

David is also very excited. The gain this time is too great. With so many fourth-level souls, it is estimated that he will not be able to obtain such a huge soul energy even if he starts a war in the divine world.

The battle outside the woods did not spread far due to the particularity of the environment here. At a distance of about five kilometers from the battlefield, five lords were standing in front of a black throne.

On the black throne sits a three-meter-high giant. The giant’s whole body is wrapped in golden armor. Every muscle on the body is extremely obvious, making the giant appear stronger.

The giant’s eyes closed tightly, as if sleeping.

The five lords did not relax because of the giant’s closed eyes. They maintained the charge of the knights and launched the strongest blow at any time.

However, the five lords are waiting, and the giants are also waiting. The purpose of their waiting is different.

The five lords are waiting for twenty-five sky knights to consume the power of this world continuously. They know very well that the servants who guard here cannot be killed in this world.

Although the **** servant cannot be killed, every resurrection of the **** servant consumes the energy of this world.

The original energy of this world is extremely strong, but after countless years of deep sleep, the most preserved here is highly poisonous.

When the five lords came in, they found that the energy of this world was extremely scarce, just as they had estimated before.

The battle between the twenty-five sky knights and the **** servants, needless to say, the **** servants must defeat the sky knights. The five lords hope that the sky knights can consume the energy of this world as much as possible before all sacrifices. The battle between the five lords and the giant contributed.

Unfortunately, the five lords did not know that David’s momentary kindness and greed made the situation on the battlefield beyond the expectations of the five lords.

Under the influence of the environment of this world, even at a distance of only five kilometers, the powerful five lords could not perceive the situation on the battlefield.

They did not know that the battle between the sky knights and the **** servants was in a state of anxiety. Although the sky knights killed a lot of black **** servants, they did not consume much world energy.

The giant is also waiting for the situation on the battlefield. Unlike the five lords, he knows his world well.

He can clearly perceive that a waiter of a powerful **** has entered his world. Of course, if the waiter of the powerful **** hadn’t taken the initiative to open the space to pick up items on the ground, he would not be able to find the waiter.

The giant didn’t know the meaning of this powerful god’s waiter, but he knew that the powerful **** was not something he could face.

Only from the breath of Shadow Servant, he can judge the strength of the **** that created Shadow Servant.

At least when the giant didn’t have the heyday strength before he fell asleep, he couldn’t create a waiter with such ability.

The power of Shadow Servant is not manifested in combat power, because it is a servant of the gods, not a guard of the gods, and its mission is to serve the gods.

The powerful performance of Shadow Servant is in its hiding ability. Even giants can’t find it before Shadow Servant does not take the initiative to open space items, so you can know how terrifying Shadow Servant’s ability is.

Only from this point, the giant would not dare to look down upon the gods behind Shadow Servant.

The giant also discovered David. He judged David as a divine envoy, and he did not belong to the same **** as the Shadow Servant, because the breath that David inadvertently leaked had a very special breath of life.

The level of this kind of life breath is so high that giants have a feeling of scalp numbness. The existence of this kind of life energy can be bestowed, and it is estimated that one hand can hang him.

When faced with five strong men like the fifth-level Templar, he didn’t want to provoke two powerful gods at the same time. Of course, the main reason for this was that David didn’t have any evil thoughts towards him.

In his world, the idea of’God Killer’ is as striking as a beacon. Those sky knights, and the five Templar knights in front of him, all have the idea of’God Killer’ in their hearts. In the giant’s perception, that kind of malice rises in their bodies.

The battle outside the woods is finally over. There are only four sky knights who can still stand. They are all lucky, but they are more or less missing arms and legs, but they are still alive.

Gilbert Sky Knight was one of the lucky ones. He still had his left arm missing, and he did not add new wounds in the subsequent battles.

“We are still alive!” Gilbert Sky Knight looked at the three sky knights beside him, and said with a sad smile.

Some of the three sky knights around me had two legs missing, some had one arm and one leg, and the most serious was that only one arm remained.

They are all relying on the power of blood to maintain a standing posture. The rules of this world are very special. Sky knights like them can’t fly here.

In other words, the world is very unfriendly to the power of the bloodline, and it has an obvious suppressive effect on the power of the bloodline. The power of the bloodline originates from the body of the knight, and this cannot be discovered during battle, but once you want to use the bloodline power Affect gravity, you will understand this.

“Yes, we are still alive!” another sky knight waved his only arm and repeated.

He doesn’t know if the family will consume precious medicine for regenerating limbs for him after he returns. With the body of the sky knight, all he needs to regenerate from his limbs are medicines of the heaven, material and earth treasures.

And he lost an arm and two legs, and the amount of natural treasures needed for such an injury is three times the amount.

“Leave here, the mission is complete!” The sky knight next to him didn’t want to stay any longer, he said hastily.

It’s too weird here. All the corpses of the companions disappeared. There were only a hundred black corpses left on the battlefield, and even the black spears of the black servants disappeared.

After a brutal battle of life and death, the blood calmed down, and the four sky knights were a little scared here.

Just as the four sky knights were about to leave, there was a voice from the woods.

Gilbert Sky Knight turned his head and looked over. He saw a black tree shaking its trunk and pulling out its roots from the ground, while more trees beside it were doing the same thing.

Without any words, the four living sky knights once again formed a knight battle formation in an instant. They stirred up the power of the few remaining bloodlines and prepared for the next battle.

Gilbert Sky Knight’s eyes flashed with regret, with regret and guilt in his heart. The regret was because of his own choice. He could have lived a comfortable life in the Bama Star law enforcement team for a bigger goal. , He paid everything.

The guilt in my heart is for Baron Arthur. He took advantage of Baron Arthur’s favor, but he couldn’t repay him.

On one side, dozens of trees turned into treants, and on the other side are four sky knights who were wounded and severely damaged.

But it was the sky knights who launched the charge. The knights run rampant in the world of the gods. They have a belief that they can defend and dodge on the battlefield, and they never retreat.

Gilbert Sky Knight was the least injured. He was at the forefront of the knight’s battlefield, and there was no other look in his eyes, only the fighting spirit.

At this moment, the four sky knights, including Gilbert Sky Knight, have no reservations. They are squeezing the power of blood in the heart sea space, and their whole bodies are covered by the power of rising blood.

Gilbert Sky Knight knows very well that this is the last charge in his life.

Since he became a knight, he learned to charge with the rest of the knights. All enemies would tremble under their charge. Now this last charge, he felt that the realm he wanted to pursue seemed to open a gap for him.

This is a perfect charge. The Treant at the forefront was five meters high, and was broken into two pieces by Gilbert Sky Knight’s fourth-grade epee.

This was also a decisive charge. The charge smashed countless poisonous branches that greeted them, and finally a steady stream of branches penetrated them.

The four sky knights maintained a charging posture, and did not fall down even after their deaths.

David wanted to help Gilbert Sky Knight, but he always felt a pair of eyes watching him.

David knew it was the gods here who found him, but he didn’t understand why the gods here didn’t deal with him.

He didn’t think that his ‘Thunder Body’ talent was really immune to attacks from the gods, so he decided to leave here.

The electric light flew towards the entrance of the world. Before leaving, David forgot to order the Shadow Servant. According to David’s previous order, the Shadow Servant collected the corpses of the four sky knights, including their space items and equipment.

Without the unscrupulous behavior of Shadow Servants, the giant might think that David and Shadow Servants ran away because of fear, and might really tentatively attack them.

But this behavior of the Shadow Servant shows the confidence of the Shadow Servant. It is a kind of meaning that you dare to move me to try.

It is the attitude of the Shadow Servant, so that the giant did not tempt, but watched David and Shadow Servant leave the world.

Lord Gould’s spirit exchanged with the other four lords. The five sky knights sent by the Main family were all killed in battle, and the other lords responded with the same news.

When these sky knights joined the family, they used blood to make life cards, and they would react as long as they died.

This is also the basis for Lord Gould and the other four lords to judge whether the other side of the battlefield is over, and there is not much sadness or apology in their hearts.

Although most of the sky knights didn’t know the content of the mission before coming, the family still gave these sky knights the right to choose, not by force.

As long as the five lords succeed in ‘killing the gods’, they will inevitably compensate these brave knights, and the families and relatives behind them will be generously compensated.

Of course, if the ‘killing of the gods’ fails, then nothing is said, the lives of the five lords cannot be guaranteed.

“From the white dragon bloodline Gould Templar…” Lord Gould raised the fifth-grade light sword in his hand and said in a deep voice.

“From the golden lion bloodline Ferdinand Templar…”

“Merlin Templar from Black Tiger Bloodline…”

“Emile Templar from the bloodline of the giant bear…”

“From the bloodline of the moon wolf Luke Templar…”

The four lords then raised their fifth-level light swords one by one and said.

“Fight against Gladstone, the great plague god!” The five lords said in unison.

For the five lords, this challenge is sacred, the most glorious in their lives, and a battle that can be recorded in the annals of history.

For this, they lost twenty-five sky knights. For this, they prepared for a long time and consumed a lot of manpower and material resources to find the world entrance of the plague **** Gladstone.

And all this is worthwhile. The five lords spoke out their blood in a loud voice in front of a god, and launched the ‘killing god’ in the name of blood.

“When you said my real name, your soul was permanently imprinted with a blasphemous mark, ridiculous knights, only five Templar knights dared to’kill the gods’, who gave you the courage !” Gladstone, the **** of plague, opened his eyes and stared at the five Templar knights with black eyes.

This is the first time Gladstone, the **** of plague, has spoken, and his voice has an indescribable power in his world.

Lord Gould felt the hairs all over his body stand up at the same time. It was a feeling when facing great terror. This feeling made his blood start to boil.

How long hasn’t this feeling been, since he became a Templar, he hasn’t had a hearty battle.

There is no feeling of fear that made him feel the feelings are only slowly disappearing, and every day he calms down and maintains human feelings.

It has been a long time since Lord Gould thought that the fear that was about to disappear in his body did not make him afraid, but made him have the urge to fight.

The four lords beside him felt the same way.

Five-level Templars, the most powerful existence in the world of Gods, even a stomping can cause shocks in an area, but who knows the difficulties of Templars.

Lord Gould can even forgive his second son’s assassination of his eldest son, just to preserve his feelings.

If David hadn’t come up with the “heart-warming lotus seed soup” that could lastingly affect the five Templars, he would not have made a decision to confine Ian in dealing with David.

This is only the case of Lord Gould. The remaining Templars also tried to maintain human feelings in various ways, and the way to completely eliminate this hidden danger is to go one step further.’Killing God’ is the most legendary The best means.

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