Transcendent David Chapter 700: Ability

The’Master Forge’ ability allows David’Master Alchemist’ to draw a’sharp pattern’ that enhances the sharpness effect by 100%, and fully integrate it into the epee, while the’Master Forge’ can only blend up to 100% Of the sixty, the rest of the forgers will only be fewer, ranging from 10% to 30%.

In the process of integration, there is a huge gap in the number of daily use due to the level of ability.

So every piece of “Master Forging” works is pursued by knights.

Of course, this effect also brings higher requirements for materials. The materials needed by the “Master Forge” are more expensive and scarce.

David opened his eyes, his eyes were full of curiosity and impulsiveness. He even wanted to forge a weapon now, using the ability of the’Master Alchemist’ to match the ability of the’Master Forging’ to forge a Bring the weapon that satisfied him.

But he just thinks about it, he has no time to waste now.

David looked at the light ball of knowledge in the shadow servant again. Among them, there were a lot of knowledge light **** at the perfect level of’Knights’ battle formation’,’Royal Equestrian’, and’Throwing’. There are eight spheres of knowledge, five spheres of knowledge of perfection, and seven spheres of knowledge for perfection.

David calculated in his mind that there are only more than 30 knights in the Barry family, plus their patron, Earl Ernest, and the two sky knights are close to forty.

But among them, there are so many abilities to reach the master level, which does not include the four perfect knight’s epee skills.

When David fought with the Barry family, he didn’t feel how powerful these knights were. In fact, David didn’t really rely on his own strength to fight these knights during the entire battle.

He either assassinated, or used superior combat power to crush, or used special abilities to assist. After seeing these spheres of knowledge, he understood the background of the Barry family.

The five-level knights are led by the land knights. Each group has six official knights. Each knight is an elite. If you don’t meet David, perhaps there will be several sky knights among these knights.

David spent some more time, absorbing these light **** of knowledge, and upgraded his “Knights’ Battlefield”, “Royal Horsemanship” and “Throwing Technique” to the master level, and he was still a high-level master.

He is very energetic now, and the sphere of absorbing knowledge no longer has the same limitations as before.

After ‘Knights’ battle formation’, ‘Royal Equestrian’ and ‘Throwing Skills’ reached the master level, some of David’s shortcomings were made up for.

Be aware that the time that David received knight training was too short. The knight level he had contacted before was too low, and the knowledge level in the light sphere generated by the absorbed soul energy was also relatively low. This is similar to David The strength of rapid improvement is disproportionate.

The completion of this time made David not much different from the knights trained by the great nobles in the basic abilities of the knights.

In the rest of the knowledge ball, David found the white knowledge ball of the blade master.

‘Lightning (talent)’, he saw the ability extracted from the soul of the blade master, as he expected, the talent of the blade master was extracted.

This talent is not the same as David imagined. According to the ‘ice control (talent)’ he obtained before, this time he thought it was a kind of ‘electricity control (talent)’ ability.

But only showing ‘Lightning (talent)’ makes him somewhat incomprehensible.

Without much thought, as long as there is no unusable explanation later, David can integrate it into his own natural ability.

He ordered the Shadow Servant to move the Lightning (Talent) Light Ball into his body. This time there was no phantom before, and he felt the Lightning (Talent) Light Ball flying into his soul space. .

Then the ‘lightning (talent)’ sphere of knowledge shines brightly, and the sphere of knowledge condenses a lightning pattern above the soul fortress, and this lightning pattern floats above the soul space.

“This is over!” David couldn’t believe that the fusion of the knowledge light ball would be so fast. The ‘lightning (talent)’ knowledge light ball ended instantly after entering the soul space.

He approached the ‘lightning pattern’ with his spirit. This ‘lightning pattern’ was densely covered with electric lights, and the entire ‘lightning pattern’ was composed of countless electric lights.

David’s spirit is attached to the ‘lightning pattern’ and he wants to perceive the situation of the ‘lightning pattern’.

Just after the spirit came into contact with the ‘lightning pattern’, David felt his spirit being continuously inhaled by the ‘lightning pattern’. The ‘lightning pattern’ was like a black hole, devouring his spirit.

He wanted to get out of his spirit, but the suction of the “lightning pattern” was too great for him to get rid of for a while.

Fortunately, David just broke through to 9 o’clock before. It was when he was full of energy that he was not immediately absorbed by the “Lightning Pattern”.

The ‘lightning pattern’ stopped absorbing half of David’s spirit, but it also made David’s head dizzy. He could only sit on the ground and close his eyes to rest.

While David was resting on the ground, traces of electric light appeared on the surface of his body. These electric lights squirmed like a snake.

Xiao Bai, who was originally stopped on David’s wrist, flew out at the moment of the electric light and body, avoiding the electric light.

Then the clothes on David’s body, after the electric light appeared, were swept by the electric light and turned into fly ash.

Even his skin and muscles were dry due to electric light, just like the blade master that day.

Several hours passed, and David’s spirit slowly recovered. When he opened his eyes again, he still had lingering fears.

If his spirit hadn’t been raised to 9 o’clock before, the spirit in the previous half would have drained his spirit.

Be aware that the improvement from 8.99 to 9 is only a 0.01 improvement, but the improvement in spirit is a qualitative difference.

In fact, if the blade master had not enshrined the ancient gods and received the gift of the ancient gods, he would not be able to control the’lightning (talent)’. This talent can use the name’lightning’, which means that this is not ordinary The control ability, but its own “lightning” origin.

David’s ‘ice control’ talent is to use his spirit to create frost. This kind of manufacturing has nothing to do with him and the body itself, but an application of spiritual talent.

But ‘lightning (talent)’ is different, ‘lightning (talent)’ is to generate ‘lightning’ by itself.

David got the’lightning (talent)’ of the blade master. This’lightning (talent)’ is the fourth-level spiritual talent. You must have the fourth-level spirit to control perfectly, otherwise you will be like the blade master. Perfect control can only be achieved by obtaining the gift of evil **** and dedicating one’s faith.

Of course, if David’s spirit does not reach level 4, then a corresponding restriction prompt will appear on the ‘lightning (talent)’ knowledge sphere, which will not directly allow him to absorb and merge.

David stood up, and as he stood up, a piece of fly ash floated on him.

He looked at his body and found that his body had become thin and charred, like a piece of charcoal.

Even if David is already an official knight and is close to the realm of a land knight, his body still cannot withstand the backlash brought by the fourth-level spiritual talent, which makes his body the same as the blade master that day.

Fortunately, there are no other people around at this time, otherwise the body of David alone could scare others.

David himself was taken aback, but he also discovered that the inside of the battle angel’s bones was constantly repairing his body, but it was repaired here, and the electric light generated by the’lightning (talent)’ continued to destroy. Makes him maintain this look.

“Damn it, how could this happen!” David regretted his previous decision now.

No matter what, this situation must be resolved. He has to participate in a mission the next day, and he cannot be absent from the mission.

David’s heart moved, and the energy feather wings behind his back appeared, making his body suspended in the air involuntarily.

He flapped the energy feather wings, and the life energy continuously poured into his body. This was the only way he could control the life energy in the bones of the fighting angel.

With the influx of a large amount of life energy, David’s skin turned from black to white, and it was also thin and full. His body quickly recovered under the repair of life energy.

After using the energy feather wings, the life energy exceeds the damage of the ‘lightning (talent)’ to the body, but he cannot keep the energy feather wings appearing.

David once again put his mind into the soul space, and his spirit approached the ‘lightning pattern’ carefully, and he planned to sleep for a few more hours.

Anyway, there is no life-threatening danger. There are as many as five sky knights guarding here. It is safe enough for safety.

This time the’Lightning Pattern’ did not absorb his spirit again, as if the previous spirit temporarily satisfied the needs of the’Lightning Pattern’, which successfully connected his spirit with the’Lightning Pattern’ .

David’s spirit enters the interior of the “lightning pattern”. This is a separate space. The space is completely ubiquitous. Lightning appears in the space constantly, piercing the space and generating more Electric light.

Just after his spirit entered the interior of the “Lightning Pattern”, he had a feeling that he and the “Lightning Pattern” were only truly integrated until now, and the “Lightning Pattern” was truly Take control.

The electric light that was still hurting David stopped hurting him. He felt that as long as he thought in his mind, the electric light could circumvent the objects and creatures he approved at will, those that were not approved by him, Will be attacked by him.

What David didn’t know was that this ‘lightning pattern’ was drawn directly from the blade master’s soul. This ‘lightning pattern’ has been cultivated by the blade master for many years before it has its current strength.

In order to achieve this power, the blade master not only believes in the ancient gods, but also obtains massive wealth through the dark blade killer organization in exchange for resources. These are all invested in restoring and replenishing the spirit to enhance the lightning pattern. ‘.

The spirit of the blade master is not as strong as that of David. Every time he introduces his spirit into the “lightning pattern” and absorbs it, his own spirit will be damaged. These recovery require a lot of precious medicine.

Even if you are praying for the ancient gods, you need sacrifices that satisfy the ancient gods.

The blade master has gone through a hundred years of accumulation and has now become David’s possession, but David also found a little helpless.

David discovered that there is a huge gap between his use of ‘Lightning (talent)’ and Blade Master’s use of ‘Lightning (talent)’.

He has seen the battle process of the blade master, whether it is the’lightning trap’, or the’electric light whip’, or the most powerful electric light, it is the blade master’s combat application of the’lightning pattern’.

But David only got the most basic ‘lightning pattern’, and did not get the relevant application ability.

Don’t look at the electric light that caused serious damage to David’s own body. David’s body is only the standard of an official knight. I am afraid that this electric light can only hurt the earth knight at most, and the sky knight will not And got it.

This “lightning pattern” is like David’s sniper rifle. The sniper rifle can exert a terrifying power in the hands of the “master sniper”, but in the hands of ordinary people, let alone hurt people, use Later, it will hurt yourself seriously.

David’s “Lightning Pattern” solves the problem of severely hurting himself, but if he wants to make him play his due power, he needs to learn how to use lightning attacks.

Thinking of His heart suddenly moved, and he thought that among the light spheres of knowledge he had obtained before, it seemed that there was a sphere of knowledge that needed lightning energy to fuse.

“Shadow Servant, call out all the light **** of knowledge that require lightning energy!” David ordered the Shadow Servant.

He doesn’t look for it slowly. Today’s knowledge sphere is like a star. It takes too much time for him to find the knowledge sphere he needs, and Shadow Servant can operate the knowledge sphere in his body much faster. As long as the conditions are given, you can find out immediately.

One second later, three **** of knowledge appeared in front of David’s eyes.

‘Mutated Lightning’,’Incarnation of Lightning Light’,’Thunder Light Body’,’Mutated Lightning’ is the talented ability of the extraordinary creature’Storm Great Ape’, David has a deep memory of this ability.

Because ‘mutated lightning’ is a mutated talent ability, which is extremely rare among talent abilities.

The ‘mutated lightning’ talent of ‘Storm Great Ape’ can directly break through the barrier of ‘Exoskeleton Armor’ and affect the operation of ‘Exoskeleton Armor’.

This ability can make their’exoskeleton armor’ and’superior armor’ stop working when dealing with armored soldiers or extraordinary armors, and lose the armor and extraordinaryness of the’exoskeleton armor’ and’extraordinary armor’. The strength has dropped many times.

It’s just that David looked at the ‘Mutated Lightning’ knowledge ball and shook his head with a wry smile. If this ability were used when he was still in the Star Federation, he would have been madly surprised.

But now the unusable instructions after the ‘mutated lightning’ knowledge light ball have disappeared, but he cannot be a little surprised, because his current level is different from before.

This ‘mutated lightning’ has at most only a second-level destructive power. Perhaps due to the mutation, it has greater destructive power for the electronic equipment of the Interstellar Federation, but it can’t change the fact that it is only second-level.

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