Transcendent David Chapter 669: Impact

“Send someone to Villa 35 immediately to see if Baron Arthur is there?” Lydgate Sky Knight said in a deep voice.

He suddenly thought of what he saw when searching for information about the destruction of the Atkins family. The Atkins family also had a conflict with the Luce family, and then the family was destroyed.

As I said before, a family has a family style.

If the Atkins family annihilation case was related to the Luce family before, then this niche family annihilation case should also be related to the Luce family.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the two noble families had enemies with the Luce family, and they were all destroyed.

“Would you like to wait for the people below to investigate the situation in the niche family villa?” Gilbert Sky Knight had a good impression of David, and he said softly.

“Can’t wait, it’s good for Baron Arthur to go now. As long as you find that Baron Arthur is at home, it means that this matter has no direct relationship with Baron Arthur at least!” Lidgate Sky Knight said in a deep voice .

“Okay, I’ll tell people to go!” Gilbert Sky Knight nodded in agreement.

Many law enforcement team members have arrived at the scene below. Because the niche family villa occupies a large area, the law enforcement team members have arranged five sets of magic circles to protect the scene.

The investigators who followed came in. Most of the inside of the villa was damaged by the explosion. It is difficult to find useful clues.

“Master, there is a law enforcement knight asking to see you!” Jason’s butler’s voice came from outside David’s bedroom.

The butler Jason was actually very worried. There was a violent explosion from a distance, and then a law enforcement knight came, which made him have to think.

“What will the law enforcement knights come over so late, you arrange to the reception room, I will come right away!” David’s voice reached the ears of Butler Jason.

“Yes, master!” Jason butler heard David’s voice and was obviously relieved. As long as David is in the villa, no matter how big things are in the distance will not be related to David.

David is standing in the bedroom. There are many space items hung on him. You must know that whether it is the space items of the Baron Cyril or the space items of the Niche Viscount, the level is not lower than his space ring, so it cannot be collected. In the same space ring, it can only be hung on the body.

There are also two space rings and four summoning rings, which can only be hung on him.

He untied all the space items and threw them to the Shadow Servant, who was temporarily held by the Shadow Servant. As long as the Shadow Servant held these space objects in his arms, they could be hidden in the void.

David looked at the clothes on his body. Due to his previous injuries, his clothes were covered with blood scabs, which made him look bad.

He came to the washroom, which was renovated by the Maine family. There was no idea that the niche family could not accept new things. There was an alchemy bathing system in the washroom.

David took a shower and changed his clothes again. Then he walked out of the bedroom and came to the reception room.

“I have seen Baron Arthur!” The law enforcement knight, a middle-aged knight, bowed in salute.

The law enforcement knight also saw that David had just taken a bath. This is not surprising. He should have fallen asleep at this time. After being woken up to show respect for the visitor, he needs to wash himself before he comes out.

In fact, when the law enforcement knight saw David, he thought that David would not be related to the case of the Niche Family Villa.

Be aware that when the explosion occurred, the entire main city was under the surveillance of the law enforcement team. It was impossible to return silently from the east side of the central square to the west side.

“Stop the gift, what can I do if you come to see me so late?” David waved.

“You should have heard the explosion just now, Lord Gilbert is worried about your safety, so let me come over to remind you!” The law enforcement knight had already said something and bowed.

“I didn’t expect the main city to be so insecure. I still went to Qinya Manor recently!” David said, shaking his head.

“Baron Arthur, the main city is absolutely safe. The law enforcement team will investigate this matter quickly and will definitely give everyone a result!” The law enforcement knight said quickly.

The law enforcement knight didn’t stay long either. After getting the answer he wanted, he only spoke a few words with David and left.

David looked at the law enforcement knight leaving with a smile on his face.

He moved at full speed underground at the fastest speed, and he returned to the villa just before the arrival of the law enforcement knight.

“Butler Jason, tomorrow you and Andrew Knight will go to hire some servants and take care of the villa. I will go to Qinya Manor to continue knight training in the two days!” David turned his head to the Jason butler beside him. .

“Master, what should I do if I get into trouble?” Jason Butler asked uneasy.

“Don’t worry, there will never be any more trouble!” David replied in a very positive tone.

Jason’s butler’s eyes flashed inexplicably, he didn’t understand where David’s faith came from.

But he knew that David could not deceive him, nor could he lie on this matter.

Because he has not yet been able to gain a foothold in the main city of Bama, butler Jason can’t do it even if he wants to inquire about the news, so he can only leave with questions.

David didn’t go to see today’s harvest, nor was he ready to check it immediately. The reason why he gave all the space items to the Shadow Servant was because he was worried about whether there would be some items that could be tracked in the spoils.

As for the soul energy, he didn’t want to absorb it, because he had other plans.

The whole main city of Bama was very lively this night, and all the nobles were asking what happened.

Of course, such a big thing cannot be concealed. First, some top nobles knew about it, and then more and more nobles knew about it.

The niche family possessed a sky knight, and the noble family of three earth knights was destroyed. The panic caused by this incident made many nobles uneasy.

Various pressures were transmitted to the law enforcement team and the noble affairs office. In the night sky of the main city of Bama, three sky knights from the law enforcement team and two sky knights from the noble office continued to patrol the air, showing The powerful strength of the main city of Bama, to the heart of the nobles.

At the same time, all intelligence personnel in the main city were dispatched to dig out all useful or useless intelligence.

These intelligence personnel are from the law enforcement team, from the noble affairs office, and from the noble family. The main city of Bama was chaotic overnight.

In the morning of the next day, Butler Jason and Andrew Knight left the villa. They were still very worried when they just walked out of the villa. What should be done if there are more knights to intercept them?

“Butler Jason, why do these people look at us so weird?” Andrew Knight didn’t have a horse, so he walked with Butler Jason, he asked curiously.

Butler Jason also discovered this situation. There are a lot of people in the central square, especially in the West Side, where most of them are nobles or people related to nobles.

These people looked at them with curiosity and awe. Butler Jason understood this curiosity. They lived in such a good location as Villa 35 when they first came to the main city, and they had paid for it a month before. Targeted by many nobles, it should be curiosity about them.

What is awesome? Butler Jason knows how much strength the Luce family has, how can it be feared!

The two came to the labor market. Jason butler came before, but the labor market staff refused to handle the business.

This time, Jason Butler entered the labor market, and two staff members immediately came over. One of the Jason Butlers also knew the staff who refused to handle the business last time.

Today, when the staff member saw Jason Butler, the expression on his face changed continuously, and Jason Butler couldn’t help but admire the staff’s rich expression.

“It’s Jason butler, you are here. What kind of servants you want to hire today, we have everything here, you can choose whatever you want!” The staff member bowed enthusiastically and introduced.

Even if the real aristocracy is here, at most this is the standard of hospitality.

Jason Butler is not used to the sudden enthusiasm, but he has seen the face of the staff before.

“I need five servants with work experience, three men and two women are enough, and two chefs!” Jason Butler thought of what David said, and said in his heart.

“No problem, please wait a moment, I will find it for you!” the staff member said humbly.

The staff member turned and came to the office, and the staff who accompanied him also entered the office.

“What’s the matter with you, that’s just a housekeeper, why are you so low-pitched, isn’t this like you?” the companion asked with a smile.

“What do you know, that was the housekeeper of the Luce family. I offended him the last time he came over. If the attitude is not good this time, I’m afraid I won’t survive tonight!” The staff looked around. Whispered.

“Is that the Luce family?” The companion asked with a smile on his face, a hint of horror on his face.

“Which other Luce family is there besides that Luce family?” the staff asked rhetorically.

The companion did not make any more voices, but stepped forward to help the staff to speed up the search for the servant information requested by the butler Jason.

The two staff members are the best servants found in the information, and they dare not take it lightly.

The supervisor of the labor market also saw Jason Butler. Last time it was his order. He received an order from the niche family, asking him not to handle the recruitment of servants for the Luce family.

At that time, the supervisor agreed without thinking about it, not only for a sum of money, but also because of the strength of the niche family, and the Luce family is too weak to bully at will.

Unexpectedly, the news that came out last night that the Niche family was destroyed. In the daytime, the public hostility between Baron Cyril and Baron Arthur in the central square has long been spread, and it doesn’t take much to combine the two. Investigation, everyone has doubts in their hearts.

Furthermore, if this kind of news is sent a few times, the fake will become true, not to mention this kind of plausible news.

The movement last night was really too great. Not to mention the nobles, even the civilians who served the nobles also knew what happened in the niche family and many rumors related to this.

This is also the reason why everyone looked at them with weird eyes after Jason Butler and Andrew Knight left the villa.

“Butler Jason, and this knight. I am the supervisor here. The Luce family is an ancient family. In order to show my respect for the Luce family, I will exempt you from all intermediary fees!” The supervisor personally came In front of Jason Butler, he bowed and said.

“Thank you for your generosity!” Jason Butler said with a smile.

The two staff members also found relevant information, took a few documents and walked over.

“Please take good care of you, don’t neglect Jason butler, and the intermediary fee is also waived this time!” The supervisor saw the information in the hands of the two staff members and said in a deep voice.

Until Jason Butler left with seven servants, his mind was confused.

Jason butler has read all the information of these seven servants, and the conditions are far beyond his expectations. All these servants have just left from the home of the declining nobleman, and there is nothing to say in terms of experience or ability.

The three male servants, Kong Wu, are powerful, and the two maids are also young and beautiful. The craftsmanship of the two chefs is unknown, but the information is also excellent.

The seven servants did not dare to say much. They all came from the noble family. They knew that they could be treated with such care by the supervisor here, so that the staff was almost the steward of the ancestors, and the noble family behind them. How powerful.

So the servants have signed a service contract with Jason Butler, which is not an ordinary service contract.

Servants enter the noble family. As long as the noble family does not take the initiative to drive the servant to leave, the servant has no reason to leave the noble family. The service contract can be terminated unless the manpower market endorses it.

This is what the servants who left from the Luce family villa did before. The labor market has played a big role in it. That’s why it’s only now that they flatter Jason butler so as to get the Luce family’s forgiveness.

The main reason is that the Luce family is too scary. An aristocratic family with sky knights has been wiped out, and no one dares to offend a family with this way of doing things.

Afterwards, Andrew Knight went to buy the infant war and encountered the same thing. As soon as he reported the name of the Luce family, he received an unimaginable service and a near-loss price.

When the two returned to the villa with seven servants and a young war horse, the two of them were still puzzled.

Seven more servants were added to the villa, which immediately filled the villa with life, and the servants performed their duties, tidying up, and cleaning.

David also used the first lunch made by the villa chef in the restaurant of the villa at noon. The lunch was very good. In David’s opinion, it was almost at the level of a’cooking master’. Such a chef is extremely rare. Up.

Andrew Knight didn’t eat lunch. He stayed in the training room all the time, using the power of blood to comb the body of the infant war horse.

He has no intention to do other things now. A knight without a horse cannot be regarded as a complete knight. He is now an incomplete knight. He does not want to delay even a little time.

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