Transcendent David Chapter 65: Special aircraft

   David could not enter the garbage treatment plant. He used the simplest and most direct method. He broke the safety protection system of the garbage treatment plant with the K2 military electronic countermeasures instrument.

   Although the garbage disposal plant is a municipal enterprise, it may be because there is nothing to steal here, or the municipal government does not pay attention to it, and the security protection here is not strong.

   David delayed for two minutes to complete the security system of the waste treatment plant and enter its monitoring system.

  Through the monitoring system, he saw Jeremy trainer’s suspension vehicle parked in front of a warehouse at the rear of the garbage disposal plant.

   David was not in a hurry. He waited slowly until Jeremy trainer left the warehouse an hour later.

   This time David did not follow the Jeremy trainer again. He decided to enter the garbage disposal plant to find out why Jeremy trainer came here.

   David kept letting the public transport suspension vehicle go around the bend in the industrial area, and it was not until noon that he returned to the garbage disposal plant again.

  At this time, the people in the factory started to leave in twos and threes. The smell of the garbage treatment plant was a little bit off, so at noon these factories would not eat here, but went to the nearby restaurants.

   When David entered the factory from the side door, the people in the factory took a rest, went to eat, and no one noticed any outsiders entering.

  Of course, this is also David controlling the security system, so that he does not exist in the monitoring system, otherwise the loose security system will find him as a stranger.

   David has a shadow attendant observing in the air, carefully avoiding possible contact all the way, and smoothly entering the warehouse.

After    came here, David was surprised to find that the security system of the waste treatment plant was not the same as the security system of the warehouse.

   This made him even more guessing what kind of secrets it contained, which required two sets of security systems to protect it.

   David tried to use the’K2 Military Electronic Countermeasures’ to send out a bunch of signals, trying to connect to the warehouse’s security system.

  ’s ever-unfavorable electronic countermeasures capabilities, but at this time it was in trouble.

   The security system used in this warehouse is of very high level, almost equivalent to the military level.

   He can indeed break open, but the price of breaking open is that there is a great possibility that an alarm will be issued and someone will notice his actions.

   This is not his idea, but he is not a pure electronic countermeasures division, he has the helper of Shadow Servant.

  Shadow Attendant walked through the warehouse, and the same diaphragm blocked the Shadow Attendant, but the experienced David just let the Shadow Attendant pass through the diaphragm after several more attempts.

   The warehouse is large and empty, with nothing.

   Shadow Servant also has no ability to enter and check. It cannot leave David for ten meters. This restriction makes it only move near the door.

   Through the vision of Shadow Servant, David used his electronic countermeasures professional vision to judge the safe layout of the warehouse.

   Soon he moved outside, and the Shadow Servant also moved in the warehouse, and came to a protruding wall.

   Shadow Servant penetrates into it. Inside is the main optical brain of the security system, and it is a special military-level optical brain. No wonder the security level here is so high.

   Shadow Servant’s fingers are quickly operated on the main optical brain. Any security system, the main optical brain is controlled and becomes useless waste. Of course, this is for the electronic countermeasures division with extremely high level.

   For three minutes, with a light and crisp sound, the security system of the main light brain was completely compromised. This kind of completely closed main light brain is impossible except for people with permission to connect and view some data outside. From the direct inspection on the main light brain, it is almost impossible to discover the authority David obtained in the main light brain.

   This time David stood in front of the gate again, the gate opened automatically, and David stepped in.

   David controlled the door to close. It was only then that he let out a long sigh of relief. Although it looks simple, in fact today’s tracking has always made David extremely nervous.

  , he has never done anything like this before. He has always been worried about what went wrong and let the other party find out.

   He was also very satisfied with the results of today’s tracking, and found the home of Jeremy’s trainer and the strange basement in the house.

   discovered the organization’s secret base in the garbage disposal plant and obtained the secret base.

   David is very careful. Although he can see everything around here at a glance, he knows that it is not easy because he tried to scan this warehouse with a’mini scanner’ before, but found that the warehouse was scanning In the scan of the instrument, nothing is displayed.

   There is nothing mentioned here, including the security system’s main optical brain that was found by Shadow Servant to be scanned.

   This shows that the strange pattern on the wall is not only a certain obstruction to the entry of Shadow Servant, but also a secret that prevents the electronic scanning system from scanning it.

   As David gets in touch with the more secrets of this organization, things become more bizarre.

   does not use the identity bracelet, but uses the inexplicable altar to communicate, and the strange patterns that can be isolated and scanned, and the strange etiquette, all makes David feel as if he has been exposed to some incredible secrets.

   wanted to find out the secret of this warehouse, he didn’t need David to do it himself. He controlled the shadow servant to fly around the warehouse, confirming that there was nothing in the warehouse, when the shadow servant tried to fly At that time, there was a big discovery.

   David used the’K2 military electronic countermeasures instrument’ to turn on the main safety optical brain, found a control system, and activated it.

   Then the floor in the middle of the warehouse separated on both sides, exposing the underground part.

   An aircraft full of weird patterns appeared in front of David’s eyes. The patterns on the surface of the aircraft were similar to those on the warehouse walls, but more detailed.

   Like the previous basement and the current warehouse, the patterns on the walls are painted with paint, but the patterns on the surface of the aircraft are inlaid with special metal-like materials, which are far more complex than the patterns on the walls. Craftsmanship.

   David tried to use the K2 military electronic countermeasures instrument to connect to the electronic control system of the aircraft, but there was no response after the signal was sent.

   Even he felt that the aircraft in front of him had no electronic control system at all.

   This is almost impossible. According to Edna, the electronic countermeasures division of the Sirius Mercenary Corps, even large warships should have electronic control systems, but the electronic control systems are bigger and smarter. .

   Like this small aircraft with a width of ten meters and a length of fifteen meters, if there is no electronic control system, without the help of auxiliary intelligence, its manipulation is a great Is it the surface pattern that affects? K2 military electronic countermeasures’ signal? “David whispered.

   He controlled the Shadow Servant to fly to the aircraft, and wanted Shadow Servant to enter it, but this time Shadow Servant received huge resistance. This resistance was so great that Shadow Servant failed many attempts.

   Looking at the aircraft in front of him, David felt helpless.

   If the second-level long sword is in his hand, he has the idea of ​​splitting its shell.

  He has a feeling that the flying machine in front of him is more precious than Galen’s black ghost, because he can understand the black ghost, but he can’t understand the flying machine in front of him.

   David felt like standing beside Baoshan but unable to enter it.

  In the Interstellar Federation, flying vehicles are extremely valuable vehicles. Although there are permission requirements, drivers must have certain social permissions, but it is the dream of almost everyone.

  The black ghost like Galen can fly inside the rock star sphere at super high speed. Even if it encounters a second-level Zerg, its speed can be freed, not to mention the black ghost has the ability to fly into space.

   “Hey!” David sighed. After many experiments, he finally gave up the idea of ​​taking the aircraft in front of him as his own.

   He checked the time, the noon break was about to pass, and he must leave.

   At this time, he also understood why Jeremy trainer was coming over. It was preparing for the night action to check the status of the aircraft in advance.

   It’s just that David doesn’t know where the so-called transportation point is, and he needs such an aircraft to send it there.

   He reluctantly closed the ground, carefully cleaned up the traces, and then left the warehouse, again using the shadow attendant’s ability to avoid the workers entering the side door and leave the garbage disposal factory.

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