Transcendent David Chapter 639: Alchemy

   David personally sent the two land knights, Lord Cagle and Captain Marquis, to leave the castle. Neither of the two land knights stayed in the castle of Luce for a long time. They were seeing the Alchemy Master Ix using the mysterious technique. When inducing, he also understood that this was deceived by the Minister of Investigation of Dryden.

   Dryden Investigation Minister This is to deal with Baron Arthur, and then indirectly through Baron Arthur to make Gershwin Noble Affairs Minister at a loss, this kind of thing the Dryden Investigation Minister only needs to do, the long-term administration Kag How could the Lord of Seoul fail to see it.

   Therefore, when the Lord Cagle left the Castle of Luce, he only bid farewell to David, and ignored the pale-faced investigating minister of Dryden.

  ”Baron Arthur, I’m so sorry. I didn’t expect that Dryden Investigation Minister would do something like this. I have already reported to the Noble Affairs Office. There will be someone to deal with this matter soon. You’ll give me an account!” After ending the contact with the Noble Affairs Office, the Gershwen Minister of Noble Affairs apologized to David.

   The Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs did not expect that the Dryden Investigation Minister would be so crazy that he would invite Master Ikers Alchemist to take action, which caused such serious consequences.

   The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin is very self-blame. He is very clear that there is no enmity between the Minister of Investigation of Dryden and David. The only thing that can allow the Minister of Investigation of Dryden to do this is his side. The reason.

  The Minister of Investigation of Dryden has extremely rich experience in handling cases. He can be promoted from an ordinary investigator to the Minister of Investigation. I don’t know how many cases he has handled.

  His intuition is extremely accurate. His intuition always guides him every time he handles a case. This is a gift and the source of his confidence.

   When the Atkins family murdered the door, Dryden’s instinct for the investigating minister told him that David was the murderer.

   Dryden Investigation Minister wanted to use this opportunity to give his opponent a heavy blow.

   The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin understood Dryden’s thoughts of the Minister of Investigation after the Master Icks Alchemist used the subtle mystery technique to backlash.

   “Geshwen Minister of Noble Affairs, my friend, it’s none of your business, you have helped me a lot!” David said with a smile.

   His own family affairs knew that he was responsible for the murder of the Atkins family, and the investigation by the Noble Affairs Office was also expected.

   In David’s view, the methods of Master Ikers Alchemy are nothing, and there is no actual threat to him.

   On the contrary, David was very happy at this time. The Shadow Servant had absorbed the soul of Master Ikers Alchemy, which gave him the possibility of obtaining the master-level ‘alchemy’ light ball.

   Now David only hopes that this master Ix alchemist will not be able to surpass the master-level ‘alchemy’ in other aspects.

   “Baron Arthur, please arrange for someone to guard the investigating minister of Dryden and wait for the noble affairs office to come over!” Gershwin noble affairs minister asked softly.

   The Gershwin Minister of Noble Affairs will not let go of such a good opportunity. The Dryden Investigation Minister is over, not only the Dryden Investigation Minister himself, but also the Deputy Coram, the supervisor of the Dryden Investigation Minister. The general manager will also be in big trouble.

  Dreiden’s investigative minister asked the Alchemist Ix to attack the baron in a baron’s castle and caused the death of the Alchemist Ix.

  In the great world of the gods, the castles of the nobles are sacred and inviolable, and they are the last line of defense for the nobles to protect their lives.

   “Andrew Knight!” David called out loudly.

   “My Lord Baron!” Andrew Knight ran in quickly and bowed.

   “You go and arrange the Dryden Investigation Minister into the guest room, and then follow him without leaving the room!” David ordered.

   “Yes, my lord!” Andrew Knight responded loudly.

   He also heard about David’s experience, which made him extremely blame himself. As a family knight, it was his duty to protect David.

   Andrew Knight thought that it was he who did not stay with David that made David attacked.

   Therefore, the Andrew Knight hated the investigator of the incident, the Dryden Minister of Investigation, and after hearing David’s order, he acted immediately.

   Dryden’s investigative minister is still in a state of absent-mindedness, he is careful, but this mistake completely cuts off his future, and he still doesn’t know how he will deal with it.

   While he was still thinking about it, he felt his body being lifted.

   “What do you want to do? I am the Minister of Investigation of Noble Affairs, how dare you?” The Minister of Investigation of Dryden cried struggling.

   It’s just that Andrew Knight ignored him, carrying him to the worst guest room in the entire castle, and then walked in.

   Andrew Knight threw the Dryden Investigation Minister to the ground, and the Dryden Investigation Minister turned somersault on the ground, and the noble affairs uniform on his body no longer had the same demeanor as before.

   Dryden’s investigative minister reluctantly sat up, enduring the pain in his whole body, he glanced at Andrew Knight.

   Andrew’s knight’s information, he has seen, this can only be regarded as the weakest knight, and he is not in his eyes on weekdays.

   Dryden’s investigative minister felt a great insult, but in this way, he could only pray that his boss, Deputy Chief Colam, would be able to save him based on his many years of work for him. A rescue.

   “Butler Jason, arrange for the Secretary of Gershwin Noble Affairs to stay!” David watched the Secretary of Investigation of Dryden be taken away by the Andrew Knight, and then ordered Jason butler beside him.

   “Master Gershwin, please!” Jason Butler bowed.

   The Minister of Noble Affairs of Gershwin naturally arranged the room he lived in before, which was also the best room in the castle.

   David thought that Euphemia was still waiting, and walked quickly toward the practice room.

   “I’m sorry, Ms. Euphemia, something happened to the castle. Let’s end our study today!” David came to the practice room and said sorry after seeing Euphemia.

   “Master Baron, you need to practice what you learned today, and I will come back tomorrow morning!” Euphemia said with a smile.

   “I will!” David personally escorted Yufimia out of the castle, and arranged a carriage to take her away.

  After everything was done, David returned to his room. The reason why he was so busy sending Euphemia away was because he was thinking about the soul of Master Ix.

   As soon as he entered the room, he immediately summoned the Shadow Servant and put his hand on the Shadow Servant’s shoulder. He did not absorb the soul energy of Master Ix Alchemy for the first time. In his opinion, the soul energy is far less than Ix Alchemy The master’s knowledge is important.

   “Shadow Servant, list out the sphere of knowledge of Master Ix Alchemist separately!” David commanded in his heart.

   Soon his mind in Shadow Servant paid attention to a knowledge ball, and he couldn’t wait to learn the details of the knowledge ball through his mind.

   ‘Alchemy (89% Consummation)’ knowledge sphere, as expected by David, the strongest ability extracted from the soul of the master Ix alchemist is the ‘alchemy’ ability.

   David was a little short of breath at this time. He has always known about the ability of’alchemy’, which is the most mysterious ability in the great world of God.

  The preparations as small as a knight, as large as the ‘Starry Sky Flying Boat’, are all alchemists’ masterpieces. Through mysterious patterns, alchemists can do many things that even the technology of the Interstellar Federation cannot do.

   From the time when David first met an intelligence agent who belongs to the Great World, he has been exposed to various patterns, and he was extremely amazed by the ability of the alchemist.

   Especially David also possesses the master-level ‘research’ ability, which is the top technological ability of the Interstellar Federation. When he wants to come and get the ‘alchemy’ ability, he can compare and study each other.

   Now the light sphere of ‘alchemy’ knowledge is in front of him, how can this not make David excited.

   David forcibly stabilized his mind, and the door of’alchemy’ was about to open to him.

   “Shadow Servant, introduce the ‘Alchemy (89% Consummation)’ knowledge sphere into my body!” David issued an order through his mind.

   ‘Alchemy (89% Complete)’ The ball of knowledge flew into David’s body, and David fell into a vision.

  He is sitting at a table, holding a quill in his hand, dipped in ink with strange energy fluctuations, drawing on a stone.

   With the success of the drawing, David felt a piece of knowledge entered into his mind, and he knew the effect of this pattern, ‘transient light’.

   This is one of the simplest ‘alchemy patterns’. Its only purpose is to emit light that is not very strong, and the duration is only one second.

   is the simplest ‘alchemy pattern’, but the whole process is not simple at all.

   David’s knowledge includes the configuration of this special ink, how to choose materials, how to use a quill, and how to draw patterns through the use of spirit.

  The arrangement of special inks requires mental cooperation, which is not simpler than drawing patterns with spirits.

  , the simplest ‘alchemy pattern’, requires a strong spirit of the painter, otherwise even the most basic preparation materials will not be able to be carried out, let alone drawing the pattern.

After   , the patterns were drawn one by one, and the drawing tools in the hand were constantly changing, and the ink also changed accordingly. Even the feather pen in the back turned into a carving knife, and the drawing became an engraving.

   patterns are becoming more and more complicated. David discovered that’alchemy’ is a work of burning money. By processing various expensive materials into alchemical raw materials, and then through drawing, carving, etc., the alchemical raw materials are made into Patterns for specific functions.

  As long as there is one mistake during this period, “Alchemy” will fail.

   This phantom has passed for forty years. During this period, David has been constantly learning. If his spirit is strong enough, this kind of learning is enough to drive him crazy.

   Coming out of the phantom, David felt his head dizzy. This is the reason why a large amount of knowledge was input in a short time.

   Just when he wanted to take the “Holy Water of Immortality” to relieve the symptoms of dizziness, a warm energy came from his battle angel bones, which made his head feel comfortable.

   “It seems that this bone can save me too many resources!” David said to himself.

   The skeleton of the battle angel David doesn’t know how many abilities he has, but the abilities that he has revealed so far made him feel that life and death was worth it.

   Nowadays, David’s cultivation no longer requires cultivation resources. The battle angel bones provide him with enough energy, which is gentler than any cultivation resources and is easier to absorb by the body.

  He doesn’t need a healing potion either, because no matter how good the potion is, it is not as effective as the direct life energy.

   David sorted out the master-level ‘alchemy’ knowledge in his mind, and he suddenly discovered that there was a complicated pattern in his soul fortress.

  Of course he recognizes this complicated pattern, and it is the alchemy pattern of the ‘alchemist’.

  Different from the knight pattern of the knight in the body, the alchemist pattern of the alchemist is formed in the soul.

   If an apprentice alchemist wants to become an official alchemist, he needs to draw his own alchemy pattern in his soul. Although the alchemy system has grown for countless years and has a set of more mature promotion methods, The difficulty is that the probability of a trainee alchemist being promoted to an official alchemist is horribly low.

  If you want to become an alchemist, you need to have an alchemist talent, which is a spiritual talent.

   Having spiritual talent is only a requirement for getting started, and then there is a long period of trainee alchemist, this time the trainee alchemist will work for the alchemist, the alchemist will teach the trainee alchemist some basic spiritual cultivation methods and basic knowledge of alchemy This is a benefit for both parties. The trainee alchemist can obtain spiritual training methods and alchemy-related knowledge, and lay a solid foundation for the promotion of an official alchemist.

   And the alchemist also got qualified assistants. You must know that most of the assistant work of the alchemist needs to be done by people with spiritual talent. With the help of the trainee alchemist, it can save a lot of time for the alchemist.

   The process of apprentice alchemist generally takes ten years. After ten years, most apprentice alchemists who cannot be successfully promoted to official alchemists will switch careers, because one failure almost sever the hope of becoming an official alchemist.

  The alchemist grows to become a master alchemist. This requires not only stronger spiritual talent, but also sufficient resources and a lot of knowledge to perfect his alchemy pattern.

   An alchemy pattern of my own is the basis for the alchemist to draw the pattern. Without the support of the alchemy pattern, he has learned all the knowledge of’alchemy’, and with a wealth of experience, it is also impossible to draw any picture. Pattern.

   David couldn’t help sighing the magic of Shadow Servant. When Shadow Servant absorbed the soul of Master Iker Alchemist to form the “Alchemy” light orb, he also included the perfect “Alchemy Pattern” of Master Iker Alchemist throughout his life. Put it into the light ball of’alchemy’ knowledge.

   In order to perfect his alchemy pattern, Ix alchemist has done more than a thousand dangerous experiments in his alchemy room alone. The rest of the experiments are even more incalculable, and the resources spent are even more astronomical. digital.

   All of this was in vain for David, and the rich background of the Alchemist Master Ix directly created David, making David an ‘Master Alchemist’.


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