Transcendent David Chapter 635: Cultivation

Sent away the Gershvin Minister of Noble Affairs and Forbes priest, David returned to the training room.

In the training room, all thirty-six formations were activated, motivating the energy of the kryptonite in the center of the thirty-six formations to gather to David sitting in the center.

The pattern formed by the power of blood in his body is constantly fusing the incoming energy.

When he was in the Interstellar Federation, David knew that the energy gathered by kryptonite could help transcendental cultivation. At that time, he also obtained a ‘source-gathering disk’ from the slain Transcendent.

The effect of the ‘source-gathering disk’ is roughly the same as the function of the spirit-gathering circle, but the effects of the two are too different.

Just look at the’source disc’ only a few grooves to place kryptonite, while the spirit gathering circle has thirty-six discs placed 36 kryptonite, you can see that The difference.

David feels that the time he spends as an apprentice knight will not be long. With the current progress, he can reach the peak of an apprentice knight in ten days at most.

David has a strong talent for bloodline power, which will make him a genius on the road of practicing knights. In addition, his physique has long surpassed that of a formal knight, which makes his bloodline in his body Force can absorb the energy of krypton crystal without scruples, without damaging the source.

Normal trainee knights must be careful about whether their body can withstand the training. Unlike the repairability of body damage, damage to the source can only slowly recover over time. Damage to the source may reduce the level of the bloodline power. , Even lose the power of blood to become an ordinary person.

The origin of the power of blood is the dark red blood substance in David’s spine. These origins are the basis for the power of blood.

A person who has the power of blood in the great world of the gods has almost never changed since he was born.

The reason why some knights have extremely high talents, they can easily break through the trainee knights and successfully reach the ground knights, sky knights, and even the Templar knights step by step. The reason is that the origin of these knights is strong.

More knights can only stay in the strength of apprentice knights. If you want to become an official knight, you need to use level three strengthening potions to become an official knight at the cost of consuming potential. These knights are rare in the body.

David is lucky. He doesn’t have any troubles in this regard. His origin has already reached its limit.

The bones left by the battle angel not only greatly increased his physique and strength, but also gave him a powerful source, making his bloodline extremely powerful.

Although the bones of battle angels will definitely not only have this ability, David is too weak today to activate the bones of battle angels at all. Now the benefits from the bones are only the passive influence of the bones.

After practicing the Leopard Breathing Method for an hour, David turned to practice the ability of Shadow Stealth, and then Swift Swordsmanship.

All day long, except for meals, he almost stayed in the training room.

The battle angel bones provide him with a steady stream of vitality, allowing him to maintain the most vigorous energy to practice.

Be aware that cultivation is a very expensive thing. In order to maintain the efficiency of cultivation, the knights will serve auxiliary cultivation items before each cultivation to meet the consumption in cultivation.

Since David had the bones of battle angels, he almost no longer consumes resources, because the life energy leaked from the bones of battle angels is enough to supplement the consumption of his cultivation, and this life energy is comparable to strengthening flesh It must be gentler and more easily absorbed by the body.

In the middle of his practice, David asked Shadow Servant to activate the attribute panel. Looking at the basic attributes on the attribute panel, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

His mind entered the body of the Shadow Servant, rummaging through the innumerable sphere of knowledge.

Death ray (talent requires extraordinary energy)

Mutated lightning (talent extraordinary lightning energy support)

Energy armor (secret skills require extraordinary power)

Fire control (talent needs fire energy support)

Savage collision (the talent physique is greater than five points can be used)

Fresh eating (talent needs special stomach acid support)

Incarnate into Thunder Light (talent needs lightning energy support)

Thunder Light Body (talent needs lightning energy support)

The power of Titans (the talent needs to have a physique greater than seven points to use)

These are all the talented knowledge **** that David collected before, and he listed them separately.

Now some of these can be merged and become their own abilities, some merged may cause physical abnormalities, and some are still unable to meet the conditions.

The talent ability like “Death Ray” was originally the talent ability of the Cyclops. Now if David wants to learn, he can learn it.

But the “Death Ray” will transform an energy channel in David’s body, and this energy channel will pass through his eyes. He doesn’t know if this transformation will have any bad consequences.

Even if there are no bad consequences, just making his eyes look weird will make him unacceptable.

Fortunately, due to the increase in David’s spirit, and the fact that the Shadow Servant is now completely under his control, without the interference of the bald-headed brawny gods, he can grasp more detailed information about the knowledge ball, so that he will not be rushed. I regretted the integration of the wrong knowledge ball.

David took a closer look at the spheres of knowledge of these special talents. If he didn’t practice the path of knights like ‘Energy Armor’, he could be integrated before the knight’s enlightenment.

Now the extraordinary power in his body can’t even be invoked, let alone learning the extraordinary secret technique of ‘Energy Armor’.

Actually, what David most wants to integrate is the “Incarnation of Thunder Light” and the “Thunder Light Body”. He saw with his own eyes that the “Electric Light Scorpio” almost fearless of any attack after the “Incarnation of Thunder Light”. ‘After that, he at least had the ability to save his life.

The ‘Thunder Light’ is an evolved version of the ‘Incarnation Thunder Light’, and it is an ability possessed by the King of Lightning Scorpio.

Unfortunately, the premise of these two talents is the support of lightning energy. There is no lightning energy in David.

Among so many talents and abilities, he can learn only two kinds of ‘savage collision’ and ‘power of Titan’.

His physique has already exceeded 10 points. “Savage Crash” only needs 5 points of physique, and ‘Power of Titans’ is higher, but only 7 points.

‘Savage Crash’ is the natural ability of the third-level Zerg’s Armor-Breaking Beetle. This kind of terrifying ability that relies on strong defensive ability to give the enemy in front of a strong impact can exert a powerful force when holding a shield.

The’Power of Titan’ is a special talent ability of the fourth-level Zerg’Titan Black Beetle’. This talent ability can directly enhance one’s physique and strength.

David first asked the Shadow Servant to introduce the ‘savage collision’ knowledge light ball into his body. As the knowledge light ball entered his body, his eyes flashed, and then he was already on the brown rocky ground.

He is possessed in the body of a ‘Armor-breaking Beetle’, which is constantly hitting a rock in front of it with its body.

David was able to feel that before the impact of the “Sunder Armor Beetle”, a strange pattern appeared in the body. This strange pattern was drawn by the “Sunder Armor Beetle”.

Said that the drawing may not be accurate, because the “Sunder Armored Beetle” inspires this strange pattern like an instinct, without using the spirit to draw, it is like the strange pattern appears automatically when a thought is moved. .

Although when I checked the detailed information of the “Savage Crash” knowledge ball, I knew that the “Barbaric Crash” was terrible, but after passing through the “Sunder Armor Beetle” collisions, David became more clear about the “Barbaric” The strength of’Crash’.

After the ‘Savage Charge’ is activated, during a charge, as long as the target hit by him will bear the impact of double his strength, accompanied by the effect of bone fragmentation.

David’s current base strength is 10 points, and his strength has reached 100,000 kilograms. After the increase in the special power booster, coupled with the increase in the’savage collision’ talent ability, one impact can cause 2 million kilograms The impact.

Of course, on this premise, David needs to allow his body to withstand such a huge burst of force. This is also his biggest problem at the moment.

His strength has reached an astonishing level, and even his bones can easily withstand the impact of this huge force, but his muscles, skin and other body tissues cannot withstand the explosion of this huge force.

So even if he wants to use ‘savage collision’, he has to suppress the power of his body and cannot stimulate it with all his strength.

Coming out of the illusion, David was still a little disappointed in his heart. For the knight,’savage collision’ is a kind of magical skill. When riding a war horse wearing armor and holding a shield, he uses the impact of the war horse and The defense of the armor shield can make the’savage collision’ exert the greatest power.

It’s just that he can’t exert the true power of ‘savage collision’, which makes him feel like a hero is useless.

Of course, this is not without a solution. As long as he can become an official knight and the power of the bloodline achieves the initial transformation of his body, he can explode with all his strength without physical damage.

David again ordered the Shadow Servant to introduce the’Power of Titans’ knowledge light ball into his body. This time he did not enter the illusion, but passed a strange pattern, which appeared in his soul fortress. in.

He focused his mind on this pattern, and felt that the name of this pattern was called ‘Titan Pattern’. The function of ‘Titan Pattern’ was to consume energy to improve his strength and physique.

According to David’s current situation, he can increase his strength and physique by up to two times, but he burns a lot of spirit. The spirit of David is only enough to burn for one hundred seconds. After one hundred seconds, he will be Fatigue fell into a coma.

It’s not that ‘Titan Pattern’ is weak, on the contrary, ‘Titan Pattern’ is very powerful, just because David himself is too weak.

The owner of the talent of’Power of Titans’ is the fourth-level Zerg “Titan Black Beetle”, which is a fourth-level Zerg without any other special abilities. Its only strength is its strong physique and power. .

The main reason why’Titan Black Beetle’ has no other talents is also this’Power of Titan’.’Titan Pattern’ has absorbed all the spirit of’Titan Black Beetle’, causing the’Titan Black Beetle’ to continue to lose At the same time of spirit, you can keep the’Power of Titan’ running at any time.

‘Titan Black Beetle’ is a fourth-level Zerg, and the spirit of it is not comparable to that of David.

Fortunately, the talent of ‘Power of Titan’, when fused with David, allows him to turn off the effect of ‘Titatan Pattern’, otherwise he would not even have the strength to cry now.

Of course, if there is a real danger, David’s spirit will also remind him that he will never let him rashly integrate the ‘Power of Titan’ knowledge sphere into his body.

David tried to activate the’Power of Titans’, and he only activated it for two seconds, and he felt the effect of the’Power of Titans’.

He didn’t activate the special power booster, so his power was only increased to 200,000 kilograms in two seconds.

This is the same as the increase of “Savage Crash”, but the application of the two is completely different.

‘Savage Crash’ can only be hit with armor or a large shield, and only at the moment of hitting the target will it explode with twice the power.

But the’Power of Titans’ is different. As long as David has turned on the’Power of Titans’ and has enough spiritual support, then his every move will have double power, and his physique has also doubled.

The function of ‘Power of Titan’ is to enhance David’s strongest master abilities, ‘Heavy Axe Master’ and ‘Eep Sword Space Cutting’, and greatly enhance his combat power.

The most important thing is that the physique of “Power of Titans” has doubled, so that his body can withstand the burst of power in a short time. With his double physique, his body can withstand within ten seconds. The use of two million kilograms of force.

David finally smiled. At least he doesn’t need to carefully calculate his power output before every battle. He can show his full strength in at least ten seconds.

Although the battle angel bone has almost endless vitality, it takes time to get his body injured in battle, from injury to healing, and he is the most vulnerable during this period.

It’s just that’Savage Clash’ and’Power of Titans’ cannot be used at the same This is not because there is a conflict between the two talents, but once used at the same time, David’s power can reach 4 million kilograms To such an extent, his body would collapse instantly, and it was possible that even the vitality of the fighting angel would not have time to save him.

It is estimated that David would be the first knight to die by his own power. Because of his strength, his whole body collapsed, but his bones could be kept intact.

David was obsessed with cultivation, and the destruction of the Atkins family in the outside world caused an uproar.

The demise of a baron’s family made Darson’s nobles uneasy, and the investigations of Darson’s families also began. Intelligence dealers became the busiest people, all kinds of real and false information were everywhere. spread.

Thank you “Chunhuaqiuyue Backgammon” for rewarding 300 starting coins! ! Thank you “Book Friends 20180706213936486” for rewarding 100 starting coins! ! Thank you “White Hot” for rewarding 100 starting coins! !

(End of this chapter)

List of chapters of high-speed text hand-writing extraordinary David

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