Transcendent David Chapter 610: Observe

Latest website: David was sitting on the sofa in the lobby of the villa. He looked at the door. Outside the door, a bunch of people were waiting for him to go out. These were not the people who monitored him, but the reporters.

Arthur became famous, because the research of biomaterial alloys entered the qualification of the Flagg Award, so that the biomaterial alloys that had just produced results were immediately concerned by many forces.

In just a few days, the stocks of many engine raw material companies plummeted, on the contrary, the stocks of some biomaterials companies rose sharply.

Because of the importance of David’s biomaterial alloy research results to the Commonwealth, it will inevitably be promoted on a large scale. Biomaterial companies will replace traditional raw material companies. Many people have seen this.

This is only a few days’ impact. If the time is longer, a greater impact will appear.

These books have nothing to do with David. He is just a researcher. After the results come out, the benefits he reaps are a solid percentage.

As for who to cooperate with, how to develop and so on, it has nothing to do with him.

What David actually gets is 1% of the profit of the entire development project. If it is an ordinary research project, this 1% will only allow the researcher to get a fairly generous payment.

But the influence of biomaterial alloys is too great. Once fully applied, it will be a huge almost astronomical wealth.

This is also a way for Dean Constable to leave for himself, but Dean Constable is a research genius, but not an economic genius. If he knew that this biomaterial alloy could bring so much The interests of biomaterial alloys have long been published.

That way, at least Dean Constable’s research on immortality will not lose money. Of course, the benefits of biomaterial alloys are not immediately available. The annual dividends will not be too much at first.

In fact, David did not expect that the final impact of the biomaterial alloy would be so great. This is the reason why he did not think about it. After learning about what happened in the past few days, he used his “financial master ‘The ability is calculated.

The final result made him discover that the benefits of this research result in a hundred years will far exceed the total value of the Alto Fund.

It is precisely because of the great influence that so many reporters block the door outside his door.

Fortunately, the research has yielded results. Associate Dean Balfour allowed David to rest for a period of time, which saved David from having to face these reporters.

David is now proud of his career, but his practice is not smooth.

It has been more than ten days since he reached the full state. He clearly felt that he could break through with his hand, but he couldn’t break through.

Before, David was still worried about whether the metamorphosis period after the breakthrough would be more intense due to the abnormality of his body, and whether his **** bones could provide him with enough metamorphosis energy.

If it is not enough, whether the large amount of Level 3 enhanced meat stored in his space ring and the remaining training resources are sufficient.

It’s just that David doesn’t need to worry now, because what he needs to worry about is how to break through.

David got up from the sofa and decided to use this period of rest to retreat once.

Since he was forced to change his bones by Dean Constable and injected the power of blood, he has been busy, and he has been practicing madly at ordinary times, without taking a good look at his body.

David came to the training room, and he set up an automatic response for ten days of closed-door research in the villa security system, so that as long as he contacted his villa’s smart housekeeper, he would automatically reply.

Sitting in the training room, he blocked the sound of the training room.

Immediately the whole world was completely silent, and David could clearly hear the sound of his blood flow and the sound of his heart beating.

His mind felt every part of his body, and he suddenly discovered that since he changed the bones of the gods, his skin had never appeared dead skin.

The shedding of dead skin from the skin is a natural metabolic process. The general cycle is 28 days. This cycle is the time from the differentiation of basal cells to the stratum corneum until the aging keratin is detached.

Although more than ten days is not enough for the skin to complete a metabolism, the necessary process will still happen.

But David’s skin looks like a newborn baby from the inside out, and he has no metabolism at all.

It’s just his skin, and so is his hair. For so many days, his hair has remained static, without a trace of growth.

Before, he was fully focused on cultivation and research, and he didn’t care about this aspect. Now he calmed down and found more and more.

David doesn’t know how to describe his body, his body is like being wrapped in a container, so that there will be no cell loss in his body, and he has no new cell generation.

Of course, it is very simple to generate new cells. As long as he is injured, his own new cells can repair the damage of the body.

David thought of the word ‘no leakage’. His body is in this state. The cells of the body are locked in the body and will not be lost over time.

He remembered that Dean Constable mentioned the’immortal body’, but at that time he only thought Dean Constable took it for granted, even if the god’s bones showed terrifying resilience afterwards, he also Never thought of’immortality’.

David has seen Zergs with terrifying recovery capabilities. For example, the “Stoneskin Worm” king who is the ruler has super recovery capabilities, but the “Stoneskin Worm” king will never have “immortality”. ‘ability.

Recovery ability is just a kind of extraordinary talent ability, which has nothing to do with “immortality” and Ben.

However, the ‘no-leakage’ displayed by David’s body gave him the feeling of ‘immortality’. As long as his body has been like this, ‘immortality’ is very likely to be realized.

At least his body is in a relatively static state. There is no change in the cell level between the current body and the body more than ten days ago.

David slowly sensed inside his body. When he sensed the spine, he was surprised to find that Arthur’s blood power extract was injected by Dean Constable, the dark red substance. Nowadays, it is not only in that vertebrae, but in all vertebrae that there is a dark red substance.

The power of blood flowing from the inside and outside of the spine has the same influence on the body as before, and it has no more influence due to the increase of dark red matter in the spine.

David’s mind was plunged into a vertebrae, and the dark red substance was slightly enlarged.

He discovered that on the surface of the dark red substance, a pattern that seemed to appear and disappeared appeared and disappeared. This flashing process was very fast, and it would be impossible to discover it without paying special attention.

David doesn’t understand what this pattern is, but he can probably guess its effect. This pattern is to restrict the dark red substance from transforming his body.

This should be included in Arthur’s bloodline before, which can explain why Arthur has the power of bloodline, but his body is not as good as a soldier.

Know that people who have the power of blood, even if they don’t practice, rely on the power of blood alone to keep the body receiving strengthening.

David believes that the people who use this pattern do not mean harm to Arthur, because this pattern leaves a trace of the strengthening effect of the blood force, which can at least ensure that Arthur’s body is strong, stronger than ordinary people. .

“The power of blood! It seems that I really need to go to the battle star as soon as possible!” David said to himself with a wry smile.

The secret of the power of blood can only be known by asking the Knight Miller or Baron Dubois, he has no way of studying it himself.

Perhaps Dean Constable thought that he knew the power of bloodlines. Dean Constable did what many people did not. He put a **** in the body of the owner of the bloodline power of the great world. The power of blood was extracted.

Once such a matter is known by the divine world, it will definitely be a major diplomatic affair. No matter how powerful Dean Constable was at the time, he could not stop the divine world’s revenge.

However, Dean Constable is reporting his plan to change his body, so he has less scruples in doing things.

Dean Constable was also wrong. Arthur’s bloodline power was pure, but it was sealed by his father using a special method, even if Dean Constable extracted the bleeding power. This seal cannot be lifted either.

Arthur’s bloodline power entered David’s spine. Although the seal could not be lifted, the bloodline power continued to increase under the promotion of the god’s bones.

This is one of the few changes in David’s body. This change is more like an evolution.

If there is no seal, David’s body at this time is afraid that there will be a huge transformation immediately.

The only thing in David’s body that he can’t observe is his **** skeleton.

The composition of the spirit bones is something David cannot understand. He cannot observe its composition, and even his mind cannot penetrate. If it is not for the vertebrae to be observed, he cannot see the internal conditions of the vertebrae.

In David’s perception, the **** skeleton is more like a whole, an invisible whole.

After observing the inside of his body, David really felt troubled by his body.

Originally, he thought that after a whole body observation, he could find out the reason why he could not break through.

But now David is even more uncertain. There are too many mysteries in his body. He doesn’t know what caused the inability to break through.

He has no way of knowing whether it has the power of blood, or the bones of the gods, or the combination of the two.

The internal situation of his body, even he who possesses the ability of ‘Research Master’ can’t start.

David withdrew his mind, his first feeling was that his belly was empty, and a pang of hunger swept through his body.

He opened the identity bracelet and found that eight days had passed.

David’s observation of the whole body may be because many observations of the microcosm made him forget the concept of time. He did not practice for the first eight days.

But his observation is actually a kind of cultivation, at least he feels that his spirit seems to have improved a little.

This mental improvement is less than 0.01, but it makes David extremely excited because he has found a way to improve his spirit.

At the level of David’s spirit, it is extremely difficult to improve even a little bit, and the Origin Star cannot absorb enough souls.

It’s just that this way of exercising your spirits is too time-consuming. Eight days’ time increases by less than 0.01 point of spirit. This kind of speed and time consumption is really uneconomical.

Maybe you can try it after you enter the metamorphosis period. If you enter the metamorphosis period, you need a long period of retreat. Under the premise that you can’t do other things, this kind of mental exercise is a good choice.

David stood up, and there was a series of explosions from the bones of his whole body. This was the sound of his bones crashing after sitting for a long time. Then he felt the whole body refreshed. The body problems caused by the long sitting posture were in this series After the explosion, it recovered.

He walked out of the training room and used the identity bracelet to turn off the automatic response in the security system. Only then did he realize that he had received five communication applications from Deputy Dean Balfour during the eight days. With two messages.

The first news is to tell David that the biomaterial alloy project has entered the review of the Flagg Award.

The second message was sent two days after the first message, telling David that the biomaterial alloy project has entered the final evaluation stage.

Just as David checked, Deputy Dean Balfour sent the third message.

“Congratulations to Arthur’s’Research on the Effect of Biomaterial Alloys on Krypton Engines’ passed the final review!”

“Thank you for your concern!” David replied casually.

“Arthur, I finally contacted you. Why are you retreating at this time? Recently, your research results need to have a report meeting to increase the influence of the research results. There are three research results involved in the final review, although Your research result is the best, but the influence will need to be improved to more stably defeat the other two research results!” Associate Dean Balfour seemed to be afraid of David’s disappearance and went straight to the subject.

David felt research results entered the final review, and he was very close to his plan.

As long as he can win the Flagg Award, he can approach President Louis.

“Associate Dean, when will the report begin?” So even if David didn’t want to attend the report anymore, he still agreed.

“It’s been prepared long ago, just waiting for you, if you have time, then tomorrow!” Associate Dean Balfour heard David’s answer and set the time.

In fact, a normal report will take at least one month in advance from inviting experts to preparing.

But the Flagg Award is about to begin, and many experts are invited, so it is easy to invite enough experts to participate in a presentation at Origin Star.

In addition, the influence of bio-material alloys has been increasing in recent days. As long as the wind is released, even if not invited, many professionals will come over.

“Okay, I need to prepare!” David responded.

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